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I have never seen a whitewash job like this case. The US ambassador in Jakarta at the time will later remark, "There were lots of people from Arkansas who came through Indonesia.

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They're gonna try and run this. He calls this group the Trilateral Commission TC. Unlike Mineta, a former congressman who then became a Vice President fo the aerospace defense giant Lockheed Martin, Peters comes out of the surface transportation industry. One plus one mobile price in india and features Is a superhighway shaping the economic and political future of Canada? When opposition MPs on the committee vote down his ruling, Benoit blurts out that he is adjourning the meeting, and proceeds to storm out with two other Conservative MPs. The document's frequent references to "security" are just a cover for the real objectives.

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Governor Clinton appoints Jim McDougal an economic development advisor. He told me to forget what I'd seen.

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That means that Mexican and Canadian air traffic controllers will be able to direct airplanes into our air space and land them in our airports as if they are landing them in their own countries. After the crash, NSA reportedly changes the encoded algorithms used by US satellites because of the apparent release of highly classified information. Intelligence sources later report that the firm is really a front for Chinese military intelligence. A decision by the Virginia Department of Transportation to lease the Pocahontas Parkway to an Australian investment consortium is drawing sharp criticism from opponents of public-private partnerships promoted by the Federal Highway Administration.

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15.02.2018 - The New York Times, among others, does not cover the story even though Lasater is close to Clinton and paid off Roger Clinton's debt to the drug cartel. He would win bronze medal in the Nordic combined in He had also been separated from his heart medication when placed in an isolation cell before his death. There may even be the Office of Independent Counsel, which will still be there after all of this is finished.

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23.03.2018 - Helmut Recknagel became the first German to win the event. Patterson said the governor 'had very little comment to make; he was just listening to what was being said. I don't want to speculate as to why these individuals would repeat unfounded charges, or why this news site would continue to repeat them. Gennifer Flowers reports that after her revelations she had received death threats and that her house was ransacked.

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Yet once Rudy got a taste of living large. So it all runs together. A half dozen writers point out a common theme: And once more I ask you as I did in Ground Zero illnesses come back to haunt Giuliani, is this really the man you want to be the Republican presidential candidate, let alone your president?

Especially, as Australian journalist Mark Coultan points out that Cintra is a financial partner with an Australian company, Macquarie, on a toll-road project in Indiana.

I sincerely hope the latter, as well as for a clean election for once. This will lay the basis for merging the U. On a related matter the VTA said: Code Title 50, Chapter 34, Subchapter II, Section, nowhere referred to in the directive but the White House press officer made no comment whatever when asked about it.

Sessions of the secretive group are usually not reported by U. Tucker and Daniel Estulin, continues to be an international United Nations carbon tax, imposed without any approval by national legislative bodies, to finance a UN military force, This will get heightened attention in the coming year, yet most Americans and members of Congress are totally unaware of these dangerous plans.

Public understanding of the present U. Fires started by aviation fuel, which is a form of kerosene, could never have achieved explosive force that finally collapsed the towers in a matter of seconds.

Regardless of which name your prefer, the end goal of all of these plans is to create a new political and economic entity that would supercede the existing countries.

Theoretically, it would be similar to and competetive with the European Union EU. We also believe that unlike the EU, the countries joining the NAU are not roughly equal in size and power and that this means the U.

Considering the unpopularity of the Bush administration and its policies in the U. We hope that raising awareness about the plan to create a North American Union NAU will create opposition and encourage debate in all three countries, but especially in Canada.

This timeline is a work in progress and will be updated as events progress. If you notice a correction that needs to be made or an event that should be included, please email susan.

Please allow time for updates to be made as they will be made less frequently than updates to the main page of the site. Sources aside from articles provided within the timeline: Wikipedia, various entries, Wikipedia.

Also, wherever possible links to the full text of various agreements have been provided. We also recommend the Council of Canadians' deep integration timeline: These issues are going to be given a great deal more prominence in the news in the next few weeks.

For example, there will be a press conference next week at the National Press Club. Attending will be such people as Howard Phillips, Jerome Corsi, Phyllis Schlafly, as well as members of the House of Representatives who have introduced a resolution H.

The sponsors of the bill are Virgil Goode, Jr. Some people in the press reported it, but no one thought much of it until people began to read the details of the agreement. Essentially, the Security and Prosperity Partnership or SPP as most people call it created a new administrative infrastructure that could transfer these three countries into a North American Union similar to the European Union.

And this was done without a treaty and without a vote in Congress. The Department of Commerce has developed a website: These new trilateral agreements essentially rewrite our administrative law so that it can be harmonized and integrated with these two other countries.

What does this mean to the United States? Here are two examples that Jerome Corsi uses to explain what this would mean to our country. The first is the issue of open skies. That means that Mexican and Canadian air traffic controllers will be able to direct airplanes into our air space and land them in our airports as if they are landing them in their own countries.

Now in order to do that safely, they also need to know how to identify U. So you can see, we will be giving away quite a bit of technology and information. Remember the goal here is to erase the borders between Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

The North American Union will supposedly protect the perimeter of North America but will essentially remove the borders between these three countries. If you think about this, it will change the nature of the immigration debate.

These working groups provide for the designation of a trusted trader. There is talk about putting a Sentri electronic devices in their trucks so that it would only take a few seconds to cross the US-Mexican border in Laredo, Texas.

In a sense, it would be like using an EasyPass on one of our toll roads in America. That brings us to the other issue: The Texas segment known as the Trans-Texas Corridor will begin construction next year.

You can read about this at a Texas Department of Transportation website: It will parallel Interstate 35, and be five lanes north and five lanes south 3 cars, 2 trucks. In the middle will be pipelines and rail lines.

It will also have a foot wide utility corridor. Cintra is an investment consortium owned by the Juan Carlos family in Spain that will collect the tolls. From the Mexican ports, Mexican truck drivers and railroad workers will transport the goods across the Mexican border with Texas.

Once in the U. Currently the cost of shipping and ground transportation can nearly double the cost of cheap labor and slave labor from China and the Far East. China will be able to unload these huge cargo ships in these deep water ports in Mexico and bypass much of those costs.

Mexican truck drivers undercut the Teamsters. By the way, these Mexican ports will be controlled by the Chinese communists through a company known as Hutchison-Whampoa. This name should sound familiar.

The Chinese are also working to deepen and widen the Panama Canal so they can sail their enormous container ships to Florida and travel north through another corridor. Ultimately, the plan is to have seven of these corridors in the United States.

And if that name sounds familiar it should. So how will the North American Union be put in place? There is good evidence to show that this plan will implemented the same way it was done in Europe: There will be various bureaucratic regulations to eventually transform the United States, Canada, and Mexico the way Europe was transformed into the European Union from the Common Market.

In fact, Robert Pastor has proposed that we get rid of the U. Instead we will have what he calls the amero just like Europeans have the euro. Just recently September, there was a secret meeting in Banff, Alberta.

Apparently its goal was to bring representatives from the three countries to advance the cause of the North American Union. You can read about these proceedings in a recent article that provides both the agenda and the attendee list.

Those who have been investigating this have also been filing Freedom of Information Act requests. Much of this information is posted on www. They show memos of governmental officials discussing how our laws can be changed or how the laws of Canada or Mexico can be changed so that we would have North American laws.

So what should we do? First, we need to educate ourselves and pass this information on to others who would also be concerned about the loss of American sovereignty. The success in defeating the Dubai Ports issue as well as other initiatives demonstrates that once the American people know what is going on, they call and write their legislators.

Get a copy of this commentary from our website and distribute it. Go to the references and endnotes that I provide to get additional information. Second, find out where your elected representatives stand.

Do they support a North American Union or do they support American sovereignty? It is better to find out before the elections. Those in Texas should also ask the candidates for governor and other elected officials where they stand on the NAFTA superhighway.

Eventually there will be 4, miles of highway. The state will use eminent domain to take this land. Under the Supreme Court Kelo decision, they can take that land even though the superhighway will be built for private benefit.

Some have estimated that up to one million people in Texas may lose their land or their business under this eminent domain action. Where do these Texas candidates stand on this issue?

Third, express your support for the resolution H. Dan is the Producer of two television productions, "Who Owns the Land? I highly recommend you listen to the show online if you missed it on the air.

Very few are talking about this, except Jim Corsi and Phyllis Schlafly Here are some links to check out as well. Her weekly column appears in many recognized news sites, most recently FrontPageMag. She writes analysis for Newsbusters.

United States, Mexico, and Canadian exports to one another and the world are at an all time high. We are literally facing a trade tsunami and U. Pessimists view this as an impending crisis.

NASCO views these challenges as a valuable opportunity for economic development, job creation, and to improve the overall trade competitiveness of the United States, Mexico and Canada in the global marketplace.

Critics are attempting to exploit this misunderstanding to disrupt federal, state, and local projects aimed at propelling our communities and countries forward. We have updated our website to clearly articulate the purpose and objectives that have defined, and always will define, our organization.

New Transportation Secretary Mary Peters to ensure Bush crime family super-highway projects proceed unimpeded. Bush's pick for Transportation Secretary represents a major conflict-of-interest designed to spur the construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor -- a project in which Bush and his cronies are heavily invested.

Unlike Mineta, a former congressman who then became a Vice President fo the aerospace defense giant Lockheed Martin, Peters comes out of the surface transportation industry.

From to, Peters was the head of the Federal Highway Administration. Peters is also a former head of the Arizona Department of Transportation. Peters worked in the administration of disgraced GOP Governor Fife Symington, who was convicted of bank fraud and resigned from office.

Symington was later pardoned by his college friend, President Bill Clinton. Peters' commitment to major "infrastructure development" of the nation's highways centers on the development of the North American SuperCorridor NASCO highway, of which the Tran-Texas Corridor will be a major component.

Already, Bush crime syndicate cronies, including interests tied to Texas Governor Rick Perry, are purchasing property along the proposed Texas highway route at cut-rate prices, using "eminent domain" statutes to pay less than what private and commercial property is worth.

The money for the massive land grab is coming from Saudi and Chinese sources, according to knowledgeable sources in Texas. The Mexican ports will be receiving points for manufactured products from China.

The theft of the Mexican presidency by conservative Felipe Calderon at the expense of populist leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was engineered to protect the sizeable investments the Bush crime cartel, including The Carlyle Group, and their Saudi and Chinese financiers have already sunk into the project.

The expensive tolls charged throughout the lane super-highway system will be used to line the pockets of the Bush family well into the middle of the 21st century.

It is estimated that as many as 1 million Texans alone, many in rural and poor urban areas, could be displaced by the Trans-Texas Corridor. Allow me to illuminate. Under this new command, Cheyenne mountain is being mothballed and operations of what used to be NORAD have been transferred to what is refered to as N2C2.

Sam Houston where low and behold Is a superhighway shaping the economic and political future of Canada? Vogel argues in the cover story of the current issue of Canadian Dimension. You can open your eyes now and see where the highway goes.

It's a little like a tree with its roots in Mexico, two major roots running north and northeast to Laredo. Once past Laredo and into south Texas, it charges straight north, yards wide, to Kansas City.

There it splits, one branch running through Chicago and Detroit to Toronto and Montreal, the other branch running northwest through Omaha and Fargo to Winnipeg and then to the west coast of Canada.

You think I'm kidding? The project has been on the hotplate here in Texas for a couple of years with protesters trying to stop it. You haven't heard about it? Maybe that's because the plan includes a lot of politically very unpopular features.

For starters, it will have a huge and very negative environmental impact, starting with the farm and ranchland seized in order to have yards of asphalt and pollution, not even taking into account the service industries growing up along the length of it.

Oh, and the open border it requires at both ends -- that should send some Minute Men into convulsions. And no "robust debate. All this may be for calculated political reasons on the part of the Bush Administration.

A good reason Bush does not want to secure the border with Mexico may be that the administration is trying to create express lanes for Mexican trucks to bring containers with cheap Far East goods into the heart of the U.

For more on this quiet blockbuster of a project yet to hit the mainstream media, you'll need to check out the article at Human Events, a conservative journal. Posted on June 17, It isn't possible to have a Mother of All Highways unless there is an equivalent organization to back it up.

In the past it was our American companies going international overseas, the UN, IMF International Monetary Fund and the World Bank that were frittering away our money for use in the far reaches of the globe.

We are internationalizing ourselves! According to their own pubic relation's release, NASCO is a multi-state, international non-profit corporation. Did Mexico and Canada also lobby their governments for money to build this colossal rite of passage for imports?

Many of our national highways will start charging tolls and we will have to pay to travel on our own roads. These additional fees will be added to the International Highway coffers along with federal, state, and "private" Chinese?

The manufacturing of many high line products have left US shores and transplanted themselves in slave labor China. We now import goods from the Chinese that were originally made in the USA.

Importing to us is the most important way to fund their military and this NAFTA trade Corridor will increase their access exponentially. Why shouldn't the Chinese donate to a cause that increases their income, allots some control of the project, and furthers the US economic downslide?

The membership of this trade organization is a conglomeration of US cities, counties, and states, Canadian cities and provinces, many Chamber's of Commerce, and private sector businesses such as the Ambassador Bridge at the international border crossing of Detroit and Windsor.

Leftwich hopes to add new funding for trade corridors, and increased research for technology in dealing with increased traffic demands. Links to local, state, and provincial economies along the corridor will be encouraged.

The three NAFTA nations mid-continent corridor will be intermodal trade, and the goal is to facilitate movement of people illegal aliens? NASCO will increase the "public private partnerships" this means international control of everything They will "explore strategic alliances with other corridor coalitions.

This veiled language doesn't fool anyone who knows the government's trade agenda of incorporating all of this hemisphere and Africa into NAFTA. These added areas would become the "strategic partners mentioned for other coalitions.

Buried among all the hype about The International Trade Corridor ITC is language that indicates this system will function is a variety of regulatory ways. Getting local people and officials in the Corridor areas all involved is key to implementing the program.

Locals have all sorts of traffic problems they want solved by using federal funds. A good example of this is Austin Texas and the surrounding territory. This of course, is the explanation for the traffic overflow.

A Texas delegation wants Congress to create "an international trade corridor" and make Texas eligible for hundreds of millions of dollars. This internationalizing transportation is a new money source!

Texas gets the money and the internationalists working in conjunction with Washington have a hook in another state's transportation structure. Public meetings will be held in major Texas cities this March.

His coalition employs three Washington lobbyists to pressure Congress on behalf of the Corridor cause. The arrogance of officials involved in spending of taxpayer's money is nowhere more evident than in the statements of Jim Francis, the coalition's strategic advisor.

Officials in all these areas are looking forward to globalization increasing their income in the marketplace. Our industries are disappearing so there is less and less to export.

How short sighted these Americans in their push to establish US subsidized markets for foreign countries. They are so easily led by false crusaders of globalism. July 29, 5: The vice president's letter quotes an Aug.

Department of Transportation that, "The concept of a super highway has been around since the early s, usually in the form of a claim that the U. Department of Transportation is going to designate such a highway.

President George Bush states that he will help get the bridge rebuilt quickly. However, these efforts are the routine activities of a Department that cooperates with all the state transportation departments to improve the Nation's intermodal transportation network.

Department of Transportation got into a spirited exchange in January with congressmen after he asserted to a House subcommittee that NAFTA Superhighways were an "urban legend.

The current NASCO homepage displays a photo montage of intermodal highway scenes, presumably taken along I, but without any map displaying a continental I super corridor linking Mexico and Canada.

On July 24, Hunter's amendment passed to 63, with strong bipartisan support. Later, the House of Representatives passed H. The bill has been sent to the Senate with Hunter's amendment included.

Corsi is a staff reporter for WND. He received a Ph. Smith, and "Atomic Iran. New security logo on the reverse of North Carolina's driver's licenses Security and Prosperity Partnership logo Posted: September 6, By Jerome R.

The first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the continent on the reverse, has been created in North Carolina. Gheen provided WND with a photo of an actual North Carolina license which clearly shows the hologram of the North American continent embedded on the reverse.

I don't see how a Division of Motor Vehicles authorized in a Department of Transportation of a state of the United States can force me to have a license place that is designed with a North American Union insignia printed on the backside.

Gheen told WND he does not have a U. The Tar Heel State's requirements to obtain a license are weaker than those of many surrounding states. Howell explained the hologram of the continent was the creation of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that, according to the group's website, "develops model programs in motor vehicle administration, law enforcement and highway safety.

The government of Mexico is also a member, though the individual Mexican states have yet to join. According to the group's website, AAMVA's programs are designed "to encourage uniformity and reciprocity among the states and provinces.

He explained the goal is to create a continental security device that could be used by state and provincial motor vehicles agencies throughout North America, including the U.

As the AAMVA guidelines document explains, each North American hologram OVD foil is embedded with a unique set of control numbers that permit law enforcement electronic scanners to identify the exact jurisdiction and precise individual authorized to hold a driver's license or ID card.

Guest asked participants to take out their driver's license and see what was on it," Palmer explained, "one gentleman was a state employee and on his license there was this hologram with the North American continent on the back.

We were all surprised to see that on a North Carolina driver's license. Right there, that stopped the show. In addition, the Task Group surveyed and met with industry experts in the area of card production and security to gather their advice, especially about the physical security of the card.

In, WND reported Pastor Rios Sanchez, 55, an illegal alien, was accused of killing three people, including two North Carolina State University students and a year-old, while driving drunk.

A page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter. The three adopted the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" and assigned "working groups" to fill in the details.

It was at this same meeting, grandly called the North American summit, that President Bush pinned the epithet "vigilantes" on the volunteers guarding our border in Arizona. A follow-up meeting was held in Ottawa on June 27, where the U.

The CFR document calls for creating a "North American preference" so that employers can recruit low-paid workers from anywhere in North America. No longer will illegal aliens have to be smuggled across the border; employers can openly recruit foreigners willing to work for a fraction of U.

Just to make sure that bringing cheap labor from Mexico is an essential part of the plan, the CFR document calls for "a seamless North American market" and for "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico.

The document's frequent references to "security" are just a cover for the real objectives. The document's "security cooperation" includes the registration of ballistics and explosives, while Canada specifically refused to cooperate with our Strategic Defense Initiative SDI.

To no one's surprise, the CFR plan calls for massive U. The burden on the U. The experience of the European Union and the World Trade Organization makes it clear that a common market requires a court system, so the CFR document calls for "a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution.

The CFR document calls for allowing Mexican trucks "unlimited access" to the United States, including the hauling of local loads between U. The CFR document calls for adopting a "tested once" principle for pharmaceuticals, by which a product tested in Mexico will automatically be considered to have met U.

Social Security system, which is bound to bankrupt the system. Here's another handout included in the plan. To ensure that the U. Ask your Senators and Representatives which side they are on: Army block public forum on the Security and Prosperity Partnership The Council of Canadians has been told it will not be allowed to rent a municipal community centre for a public forum it had planned to coincide with the next Security and Prosperity Partnership SPP summit in Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and Demands grow for shelving April 1 implementation [Mar] First civil society gathering on Security and Prosperity Partnership to be held in Ottawa [Feb] Trade agreement could terminate B.

Superhighway about North American Union Paul says goal is common currency, borderless travel, bigger bureaucracy Posted: October 30, American confab panel N.

June 22, 1: A decision by the Virginia Department of Transportation to lease the Pocahontas Parkway to an Australian investment consortium is drawing sharp criticism from opponents of public-private partnerships promoted by the Federal Highway Administration.

Barbara Reese is recognized nationally as an expert in public-private transportation financing as well as other innovative financing methods. Reese served on a panel at the September EuroMoney's North American PPP conference on infrastructure, along with other government experts from around the country.

Reese did not pay any conference registration fee. Virginia citizens were not told that the Pocahontas Parkway — which last June was leased to Transurban of Australia for 99 years — would be an opening wedge for a wholesale foreign consortium takeover of major U.

According to a July 14, commentary by Teamsters president Jim Hoffa, most Mexican drivers interviewed by an independent investigative reporter said they had used illegal drugs to stay conscious while driving, and many said they were involved in fatal crashes.

Hoffa also said that Mexican trucks are uninsured. American sovereignty should not be for sale. Our border security is being sacrificed on the altar of the NAFTA Superhighway to gain a perceived economic advantage which may prove elusive.

Corsi notes that President Bush has been silent on the issue, and that Congress has not drafted any legislation authorizing construction of the Superhighway. In other words, American leaders are out to lunch on the biggest proposed revamping of the U.

Corsi strongly suggests that the NAFTA Superhighway is a backdoor plan to create a North American Union similar to the European Union, but without the open debate that occurred prior to the formation of the latter entity.

The agreement is intended to facilitate commerce between Lazaro Cardenas and Kansas City. The agreement calls for prescreening cargo in Southeast Asia and repeatedly scanning it with X-rays and gamma rays upon arrival in Mexico before it is sent to the U.

Sounds good on paper, except when you consider that there are already massive holes in current security systems employing similar technology for items arriving in the U.

Another major problem is expense. If you believe some right-wing websites in the United States, it's all but a fait accompli. They insist a gargantuan project is in the works that will carve a metre-wide swath through the continent's heart, with 10 traffic lanes, rail lines for freight and passenger trains, fibre-optic cable lines and pipelines carrying oil, gas and water.

A press release on the Texas DOT website confirms the agency is looking for a public-private-partnership to help finance the construction of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor. Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer living in New York City.

Reach him at gvmaz verizon. David Rockefeller asks Zbigniew Brzezinski and a few others, including from the Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, to put together an organization of the top political, and business leaders from around the world.

He calls this group the Trilateral Commission TC. The first meeting of the group is held in Tokyo in October. Trilateral Commission FAQ In the article he wrote: It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

While officially declaring his candidacy for U. President Ronald Reagan proposes a North American common market. Conservative Brian Mulroney is elected Prime Minister of Canada after opposing free trade during the campaign.

The US Congress adopts the Trade and Tariff Act, an omnibus trade act that notably extends the powers of the president to concede trade benefits and enter into bilateral free trade agreements.

The Act would be passed on October 30, Macdonald issues a report to the Government of Canada recommending free trade with the United States. Commentator Eric Kierans observed that "The general impression you get, is that our prime minister invited his boss home for dinner.

President Reagan officially informs Congress about his intention to negotiate a free trade agreement with Canada under the authority of trade promotion. Referred to as fast track, trade promotion authority is an accelerated legislative procedure which obliges the House of Representatives and the Senate to decide within 90 days whether or not to establish a trade trade unit.

No amendments are permitted. Canadian and American negotiators begin to work out a free trade deal. Murphy, the former deputy United States trade representative in Geneva. The Canadians don't understand what they've signed.

In twenty years, they will be sucked into the U. Signing of a framework agreement between the US and Mexico. Negotiations between the US and Mexico aimed at liberalizing trade between the two countries officially become trilateral at the request of the Canadian government under Brian Mulroney.

April 7 to 10, Cooperation agreements are signed between Mexico and Canada covering taxation, cultural production and exports. The American Senate endorses the extension of fast track authority in order to facilitate the negotiation of free trade with Mexico.

Start of trade negotiations between Canada, the US and Mexico. April 4, Signing in Mexico by Canada and Mexico of a protocol agreement on cooperation projects regarding labour. Creation of a trilateral commission responsible for examining cooperation in the area of the environment.

March 17 and 18, Official signing of parallel agreements covering labor and the environment in the capitals of the three countries. Canada and Mexico sign a cooperation agreement regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The Summit of the Americas is held in Miami. They agreed to complete negotiations towards this agreement by the year and to achieve substantial progress toward building the FTAA by FTAA December 22, Mexican monetary authorities decide to let the Peso float.

Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo presents an emergency plan. President Clinton announces an aid plan for Mexico. Clinton and Worthen escape a major scandal. Mochtar and James Riady engineer the takeover of the First National Bank of Mena in a town of 5, with few major assets beyond a Contra supply base, drug running and money-laundering operations.

Terry Reed is asked to take part in Operation Donation, under which planes and boats needed by the Contras "disappear," allowing owners to claim insurance. Reed later claims he refused, but that his plane was removed while he was away.

Park on Meter, a parking meter manufacturer in Russellville, Arkansas, receives the first industrial development loan from the Arkansas Development Finance Authority in Some suspect that POM is doing a lot more than making parking meters -- specifically that it has secret federal contracts to make components of chemical and biological weapons and devices to carry them on Cs for the Contras.

The company later denies the Contra connection although it will admit having secret military contracts. Web Hubbell is the company's lawyer. Right next to POM, on land previously owned by it, is an Army reserve chemical warfare company.

When informed of this in, the then-student, Ken Peacock, will deny having made any such donation. Whitewater fails to file corporate tax returns for this year. According to police sources, Hutchinson had been aware of what was happening at Mena and the investigation into it, but did nothing.

Hutchinson is replaced by Mike Fitzhugh who is reluctant to let investigators Russell Welch of the state police and William Duncan of the IRS present evidence of money-laundering to a grand jury.

Jim McDougal sets up a late controversial land deal called Castle Grande. According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, on June 4, , the diary of Arkansas State police lieutenant Russell Welch says that an agent from the DEA "informed me in strictest confidence that it was believed, within his department, that [major drug transporter] Barry Seal is flying weapons to Central and South America.

In return he is allowed to smuggle what he wanted back into the United States". Journalist Evans-Pritchard will describe the Arkansas of this period as a "major point for the transshipment of drugs" and "perilously close to becoming a 'narco-republic' -- a sort of mini-Columbia within the borders of the United States.

He would fly his own plane to Colombia and take delivery of cocaine. He would then make an emergency landing in Nicaragua and make it appear that Sandinista officials were aiding him in drug trafficking.

Seal made it clear that he would expect help with his legal problems. The Reagan White House jumps at the offer. Seal's plane is flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where it was fitted with secret cameras to enable Seal to photograph Nicaraguan officials in the act of assisting him with the boxes of cocaine.

On January 17, the U. Attorney for the Western District drops a money laundering and narcotics-conspiracy charges against associates of drug smuggler Barry Seal over the protests of investigators Russell Welch of the state police and Bill Duncan of the Internal Revenue.

In a letter to U. The operation goes as planned. The photos are delivered to the White House, and a triumphant Ronald Reagan goes on national TV to show that the Sandinistas are not only Communists but also criminals intent on addicting America s youth.

A Federal Home Loan Bank Board audit describes Madison as financially reckless, rife with conflicts and on the brink of collapse. In August federal regulators will remove McDougal from the board of Madison.

Capital Management Services Inc. The loan will never be repaid. Hale will later claim that Clinton and Jim McDougall pressured him into making the loan. Dan Lasater, Arkansas bond don who is close to Clinton, pleads guilty to cocaine distribution charges.

The case also involves Clinton step brother Roger, who testifies against Lasater in a plea agreement. Both Lasater and Roger Clinton will serve brief prison terms. While Lasater is in prison his affairs will be run by Patsy Thomasson, who later becomes a White House aide.

Seal is scheduled to testify at the trial of Jorge Ochoa Vasques. But on February 19, shortly before the trial is to begin, Seal is murdered in Baton Rouge gangland style by three Colombian hitmen armed with machine guns who attack while he seated behind the wheel of his white Cadillac in Baton Rouge, La.

The Colombians, connected with the Medellin drug cartel, are tried and convicted. Upon hearing of Seal's murder, one DEA agent says, "There was a contract out on him, and everyone knew it. He was to have been a crucial witness in the biggest case in DEA history.

Between and his assassination in, his team of pilots smuggled in 36 metric tons of cocaine, tons of marijuana and three tons of heroin, according to a close associate of Seal.

The sums of money involved were staggering. At his death, Seal left a number of operational bank accounts. According to personal and business records, he had extensive associations at Mena and in Little Rock, and was in nearly constant telephone contact with Mena when he was not there himself.

Phone records indicate Seal made repeated calls to Mena the day before his murder. Eight months after the murder, Seal's cargo plane is shot down over Nicaragua. It is carrying ammunition and other supplies for the Contras from Mena.

One crew member, Eugene Hasenfus, survives. According to the McDougals, the Whitewater files are transferred to the Clintons. In the campaign, the Clintons will say they can not find the records.

The Sunday Telegraph has a copy of the telex. In late, Welch writes in his diary,. A government has gotten out of control. Men find themselves in positions of power and suddenly crimes become legal.

Two boys, Kevin Ives and Don Henry, are killed in Saline County and left on a railroad track to be run over by a train The medical examiner will initially rule the deaths accidental, saying that the boys were unconscious and in a deep sleep due to marijuana.

The finding will be punctured by dogged investigators whose efforts are repeatedly blocked by law enforcement officials. Ultimately, the bodies will be exhumed and another autopsy will be performed, which finds that Henry had been stabbed in the back and Ives beaten with a rifle butt.

Although no one will ever be charged, the trail will lead into the penumbra of the Dixie Mafia and the Arkansas political machine. Some believe the boys died because they accidentally intercepted a drug drop, but other information obtained by the Progressive Review suggests the drop may have dispensed not drugs but cash, gold and platinum -- part of a series of sorties through which those working with US intelligence were being reimbursed.

According to one version, the boys were blamed in order to cover up the theft of the drop by persons within the Dixie Mafia and Arkansas political machine. Ives mother will later charge that high state and federal officials participated in a coverup: Prosecutor Jean Duffey will later tell talk show host in answer to whether law enforcement people were involved in the train death murders: I think they are protected to avoid exposing the connection There have been several murders of potential witnesses.

Anyone who could have solved this murder many years ago has been systematically eliminated. Nine persons reportedly having information on the Ives-Henry murders will end up dead themselves. Keith McKaskle will express fear for his life because of the "railroad track thing" and tell his parents good-bye before his murder.

A suspect in the Ives-Henry murders will die in what initially is thought to have been a robbery but turns out to have been a set-up. Boonie Bearden vanishes without a trace. It is rumored he knows exactly what had happened at the tracks.

James Milam is found decapitated; nonetheless, the state medical examiner, Fahmy Malak - who also called the Ives-Henry deaths accidental -- will declare the death to be of natural causes.

Jeff Rhodes will be shot, burned, and have his hands and feet partially sawed off. Terry Reed's plane is returned but, according to his account, he is asked not to report it because it might have to be "borrowed" again.

Reed later says that he had become aware that the Contra operation also involved drug running and had gotten cold feet. He also believed that large sums of drug money were being laundered by leading Arkansas financiers.

He went to Felix Rodriguez and told him he was quitting. Reed was subsequently charged with mail fraud for having allegedly claimed insurance on a plane that was in fact hidden in a hanger in Little Rock.

The head of Clinton's Swiss Guard, Capt. Buddy Young, will claim to have been walking around the North Little Rock Airport when "by an act of God" a gust of wind blew open the hangar door and revealed the Piper Turbo Arrow.

The deal was also pushed along by another Clinton friend, David Edwards. Conservative Democrats begin a series of nearly meetings held at the home of Pam Harriman to plot strategy for the takeover of the Democratic Party.

The right-wing Dems will eventually settle on Bill Clinton as their presidential choice. Charles Black, a prosecutor for Polk County, which includes Mena, meets with Governor Clinton and asks for assistance in a probe of illegal activities.

Black will tell CBS News later, "was that he would get a man on it and get back to me. I never heard back. Following pressure from then-Arkansas Rep.

Several congressional subcommittee inquiries sputter and stop. That report says, "Law enforcement officials were furious that their undercover operation was revealed and agents' lives jeopardized because one individual in the U.

Oliver North - decided to play politics with the issue. Associates of Seal, who operated aircraft service businesses at the Mena, Arkansas airport, were also targets of grand jury probes into narcotics trafficking.

Despite the availability of evidence sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges and over the strong protests of state and federal law enforcement officials, the cases were dropped.

According to journalist Philip Weiss, "In, Bill Clinton chose not to run for the presidency, in part out of fear of personal disclosure about his sex life. She compiled a divorce file with her friend, lawyer Vince Foster, involving a number of women in Arkansas.

Ultimately she dropped the plan. Jim McDougal is indicted for bank fraud. What will later be known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy begins on the left as a group of progressive students at the University of Arkansas form the Arkansas Committee to look into Mena, drugs, money laundering, and Arkansas politics.

Dan Short, a bank president, is abducted from his home in Benton Co. Three days before his abduction, he had told friends that he had been laundering drug money and was in trouble. Intelligence sources later report that the firm is really a front for Chinese military intelligence.

Sharlene Wilson tells a US grand jury investigating drugs in Arkansas that she provided cocaine to Clinton during his first term and that once the governor was so high he fell into a garbage can. The federal drug investigation is shut down within days of her testimony.

Wilson flees, terrified of the state prosecuting attorney -- her former lover, and Clinton ally, Dan Harmon. She will be eventually arrested by Harmon himself and sent up for 31 years on a minor drug charge.

The case against Terry Reed goes to court. Terry Reed had been asked to take part in Operation Donation, under which planes and boats needed by the Contras "disappear," allowing owners to claim insurance.

Reed later claimed he refused, but that his plane was removed while he was away. Terry Reed's plane was returned but, according to his account, he is asked not to report it because it might have to be "borrowed" again.

The case against Terry Reed is thrown out of court by the federal judge who said, "It's my opinion no jury could find by reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty. There are too many holes in the chain of proof for the government to prove mail fraud.

Reed will file a civil action against Buddy Young. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard will report that one witness, Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson, testified that there were "large quantities of drugs being flown into Mena airport, large quantities of money, large quantities of guns.

Patterson said the governor had "very little comment to make; he was just listening to what was being said. Drug distributor Dan Lasater is pardoned by Governor Clinton after serving just six months in jail and four in a halfway house on minor charges.

One law enforcement official will describe the investigation into Lasater's operations as "either a high dive or extremely unprofessional. Lasater returns to his 7, acre ranch in Saline County.

Jean Duffey, the head of a newly created drug task force, starts investigating between the train deaths and drugs. She is told by her prosecuting attorney boss, "You are not to use the drug task force to investigate public officials.

Jim McDougal is acquitted of bank fraud. Clinton is elected to a second four-year term. He promises to serve the full term and not run for president.

Clinton talks to Gennifers on the phone. The call is recorded. I want to but I don't want to be blown out of the water with this. I don't see how they can hurt me so far.

If they don't have pictures of me and. Or even if someone says something, they don't have much. The US ambassador in Jakarta at the time will later remark, "There were lots of people from Arkansas who came through Indonesia.

The Washington Weekly later described the incident: Returning to Mena on Sunday, Welch told his wife that he didn't feel too well. He thought he had gotten the flu. In Fort Smith a team of doctors were waiting.

Calleton had called them twice while Welch was in transport and they had been in contact with the CDC. Later the doctor would tell Welch's wife that he was on the edge of death.

He would not have made it through the night had he not been in the hospital. He was having fever seizures by now. A couple of days after Welch had been admitted to St.

Edwards Mercy Hospital, his doctor was wheeling him to one of the labs for testing when she asked him if he was doing anything at work that was particularly dangerous.

He told her that he had been a cop for about 15 years and that danger was probably inherent with the job description. She told Welch that they believed he had anthrax. She said the anthrax was the military kind that is used as an agent of biological warfare and that it was induced.

Somebody had deliberately infected him. She added that they had many more tests to run but they had already started treating him for anthrax. While in Washington, D.

After the incident he is taken off of the Mena investigation. Later, when he was asked to falsify testimony for a federal grand jury, he refuses and is fired on the spot. Bill Alexander send two boxes of Mena files to special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.

Bryant says the boxes contain "credible evidence of gunrunning, illegal drug smuggling, money laundering and the governmental coverup and possibly a criminal conspiracy in connection with the Mena Airport.

Says Alexander later, "The feds dropped the ball and covered it up. I have never seen a whitewash job like this case. Dan Harmon becomes the new prosecuting attorney in the district responsible for the train deaths investigation.

Harmon's drug investigator Jean Duffey is discredited, threatened and ultimately has to flee Arkansas. A Washington, DC, political fundraiser will later claim presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invites her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital, pins her against the wall and sticks his hand up her dress.

She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas state trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton releasesher and she flees the room.

When she reports the incident to her boss, he advises her to keep her mouth shut if she wants to keep working. Not a statesman is he, but a common, run-of-the-mill, dime-a-dozen politician. A man whose word is fallow ground not because it is unwanted but because it is barren, bereft of the clean-smelling goodness that nurtures wholesome things.

Those of us who cling to the precepts of another age, a time in which a man's word was his bond, and, morally, bailing out was not an option, cannot join the madding crowd in celebrating what is for some Bill Clinton's finest hour.

We cannot rejoice in treachery. The bleaters who care more for celebrity than veracity are basking in a false and empty light. They trumpet the basest form of political expediency, for they revel amid the debris of a broken promise.

Clinton will never accept that assessment of his actions or his following. He subscribes to the credo that the anointed must rule the empire, and he has anointed himself. In his ambition-blinded eyes, one released from a promise has not broken any promise.

He ignores the fact that he granted his own pardon. A few months later BCCI itself is shut down in what would be revealed as the world's biggest bank scandal ever. Bill Clinton announces for president.

Another call between Clinton and Flowers is recorded: With Clinton running for president, the Flowers rumors are heating up again]: If they ever hit you with it, just say no and go on.

There's nothing they can do I just think if everyone's on record denying it, you got no problems. Why would they waste their money and time coming down here?

They're gonna try and run this. They can't run a story like that unless somebody says, 'Yeah, I did it. Clinton promises to help. Arief Wiriadinata came to the US from Indonesia allegedly to study landscape architecture -- although some accounts describe him simply as a gardener.

At last reports Wiriadinata is now back home, working for Sea World Indonesia. Clinton aide David Watkins boasts to a travel magazine, "Were it not for World Wide Travel here, the Arkansas governor may never have been in contention for the highest office in the land.

A massive "bimbo" patrol is established to threaten, buy, or otherwise disarm scores of women who have had sexual encounters with Clinton. The campaign uses private investigators in an extensive operation that will be joked about at the time but later will be seen as a form of blackmail as well as psychological and physical intimidation.

His specialty is a lengthy disingenuousness. According to Brooks Jackson of CNN, the commission that regulates Arkansas's only greyhound track meets several times a year at the track's exclusive Kennel Club, with the Southland Greyhound Park paying for the commissioners' food and booze.

Gennifer Flowers records her last conversation with Bill Clinton. On the tape Clinton says, "If they ever ask if you've talked to me about it, you can say no. Of the press, Clinton advises, "If they ever hit you with it, just say no and go on.

There's nothing they can do. I expected them to look into it and come interview you. But if everybody is on record denying it, no problem" Many papers, including the Washington Post and the New York Times, fail to let their readers know what is on the tapes.

In Gennifer Flowers, interviewed by Penny Crone and Curtis Sliwa on New York's WABC, will claim that she had received threats -- including death threats -- around the time of her tape recorded conversations with Bill Clinton and that this was why she had made the recordings.

Asked whether she thought Clinton was behind the threats, Flowers replies, "What I thought, after my home was ransacked, was that he was behind that -- simply because I had called to tell him about it and it was his reaction it.

I mean, he acted, he was aloof. Her didn't act that concerned. He said, 'Well, why do you think they came in there? He told me, 'If we stick together and we continue to deny it, everything will be OK.

Major media censor a second alleged sex scandal involving Bill Clinton that breaks in a supermarket tabloid just days before the New Hampshire primary. The story, in the Globe, charges that Clinton had a relationship with a woman who claimed that Clinton was the father of her child.

The woman also claims she attended group sex sessions with Clinton. The woman is now reportedly in Australia. The Pine Bluff Commercial notes: She will later tell the London Sunday Telegraph that state troopers often dropped Clinton off at her place in his jogging gear: When I see him now, president of the United States, meeting world leaders, I can't believe it.

I still have this picture of him wearing my black nightgown, playing the sax badly. How do you expect me to take him seriously? After the TV show, Perdue says she was visited by a man who described himself as a Democratic Party operative and who warned her not to reveal specifics of the affair.

If I was a good little girl, and didn't kill the messenger; I'd be set for life: I'd never have to worry again. But if I didn't take the offer, then they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my 'pretty little legs.

Perdue says she later found a shotgun cartridge on the driver's seat of her Jeep and had her back window shattered. Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf, Paula Grober, is killed in a high-speed, no-witness one-car crash.

Had traveled extensively with Clinton since The prisoner was so brain damaged that he saved his pie to eat later. Rector was accustomed to placing his dessert in a corner of the cell to be eaten just before he went to sleep.

It was then announced by Clinton's people that "the staff and facilities" at the club were "integrated" - a pretty way of stating that the toilets were cleaned by black Arkansans.

A week later, a grand jury in Washington and the Federal Reserve issue separate actions against Clifford and Altman. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Banks forwards the referral to Washington.

Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker comes to Washington to see his old boss sworn in, leaving his state under the control of the president pro tem of the senate, Little Rock dentist Jerry Jewell.

Jewell uses his power as acting governor to issue a number of pardons, one of them for a convicted drug dealer, Tommy McIntosh. According to the Washington Times, many in the state "say it was a political payoff, offered in exchange for dirty tricks Mr.

McIntosh played on Clinton political opponents during the presidential campaign, or as a payoff for stopping his attacks on Mr. Webster Hubbell's name surfaces as a potential nominee for deputy attorney general but he tells friends he does not want that job or, reports Time, "to take any other position that involves Senate confirmation -- perhaps to avoid fishing expeditions into the law firm's confidential business.

Two Arkansas state troopers describe arguments between the Clintons, including in the words of Washington Times reporter Jerry Seper "foul-mouthed shouting matches and furniture-breaking sessions.

The White House fires seven long-term employees for alleged mismanagement and kickbacks. The director, Billy Dale, charged with embezzlement, will be acquitted in less than two hours by the jury.

Lying, withholding evidence, and considering - even expecting - underlings to be expendable so the Clintons could avoid accountability for their actions would become the norm. According to a later report in Insight Magazine, the Clinton administration eavesdrops on over locations during the Seattle Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference.

FBI videotapes of diplomatic suites "show underage boys engaging in sexcapades with men in several rooms over a period of days. Bugged are hotel rooms, telephones, conference centers, cars, and even a charter boat.

Some of the information obtained is apparently passed on to individuals with financial interests in Asia. Washington attorney Paul Wilcher is found dead on a toilet in his apartment. He is said to be investigating various scandals including the October Surprise, the election campaign, drug and gun-running through Mena and the Waco assault.

He was also planning a TV documentary on his findings. He delivered an extensive affidavit to Janet Reno three weeks before his death. Vince Foster, the Clintons' attorney, finally files missing Whitewater tax returns.

The FBI obtains a warrant to search Hale's office. Clinton personally orders him by phone to turn in his FBI property and leave headquarters. That evening, Clinton security aide Jerry Parks' wife Jane says she overhears a heated telephone conversation with Vince Foster in which her husband says, "You can't give Hillary those files, they've got my name all over them.

Just hours after the search warrant authorizing the raid is signed by a federal magistrate in Little Rock, Vince Foster apparently drives to Ft. Marcy Park without any car keys in a vehicle that changes color over the next few hours, walks across feet of park without accruing any dirt or grass stains, and then shoots himself with a vanishing bullet that leaves only a small amount of blood.

Or at least that is what would have to had occurred if official accounts are to be reconciled with the available evidence. There are numerous other anomalies in this quickly-declared suicide.

Despite two badly misleading independent counsel reports, Foster's death will remain an unsolved mystery. Less than three hours after Foster's body is found, his office is secretly searched by Clinton operatives, including Mrs.

Clinton's chief of staff. Another search occurs two days later. Foster's suicide note is withheld from investigators for some 30 hours. The note is in 27 pieces with one other piece missing.

Foster's personal diary will be withheld from the special prosecutor for a year despite being covered by a subpoena. Patrick Knowlton, who stops in the park seventy minutes before Foster's body is found, reports seeing things that do not fit the official version.

Declining under pressure to change his story, he is eventually subpoenaed by the Whitewater prosecutor. On that day, he becomes the target of extensive overt harassment and surveillance of a sort used by intelligence agencies to intimidate witnesses.

Jerry Parks, the Clinton security aide in Arkansas, known to have been keeping a dossier on Clinton, is gunned down two months after Foster's death in his car outside of Little Rock.

Parks is shot through the rear window of his car and shot three more times, thru the side window, with a 9mm pistol. Parks ran American Contract Services, the business which supplied bodyguards for Clinton during his presidential campaign and the following transition.

Parks had collected detailed data on Clinton's sexual escapades, including pictures and dates. Wife claims federal agents subsequently removed files and computer. She also says that upon learning of Vincent Foster's death, he told her, "I'm a dead man.

Writing of the purported Hillary Clinton divorce draft papers of, journalist Philip Weisss will report: Remember--and this is fact--that on the night of Foster's death in July 93, his office was rifled of files.

And the phone records unearthed by Michael Chertoff suggested strongly that Hillary was in on that activity, talking to Maggie Williams and Bernie Nussbaum and as I recall Susan Thomases too, in a series of frenetic calls that night.

Two months after Foster died, a former Clinton aide named Luther "Jerry" Parks was murdered gangland style as he drove through Little Rock. Parks's son told me that his father had worked with Foster to put together the divorce file, and that he kept a copy of that file, and the Clinton people wanted it.

There have been suggestions that Parks was shaking people down with what he knew; and he came to a bad end. Four years after Foster's death, the Progressive Review will summarize some of the remaining questions: Was it true, as some have alleged, that he was blocked from aggressively pursuing the case?

Why was he denied the opportunity to bring in experts outside the FBI to deal with inconsistencies? Why did Starr, in reopening the Foster case, permit FBI agents to review their own work in the previous investigation?

There have been conflicting statements as to whether any x-rays were taken of Foster after his death. Were there or weren't there? If there were, where have they gone?

If there weren't, why not? It is standard police procedure to investigate suicides is though they were murders? Why wasn't this done in the case of Vince Foster?

Why did Bernard Nussbaum ask for the combination of Foster's safe immediately after his death? Why were manila envelopes in the safe addressed "Eyes Only" to Janet Reno and William Kennedy never delivered to them?

Where are these envelopes and what was in them? Whose blood-stained car was towed to the FBI garage from Ft. Marcey Park the same night as Foster's death?

How did Foster walk feet through a park without gathering any physical evidence of the hike on his shoes? How did his glasses end up 19 feet from his body? What were the origins of numerous carpet fibers found all over Foster's clothing and underwear?

How did it happen that all 35 mm film of the scene was either overexposed or missing? How did it happen that most of the Polaroid shots have vanished? How did Foster manage to shoot himself yet die laid out in the careful manner of someone placed in a coffin?

Why were there no fingerprints on the gun? Why did no one hear the shot? Where is Foster's appointment book? How did car keys, not found during the investigation in the park, turn up with Foster at the morgue?

How was Foster's car opened at the park since officials claimed it was locked? Where is the bullet that killed Foster? Why did witnesses have their testimony changed and why was one witness subsequently harassed in a manner used by intelligence agents for intimidation?

What did Foster do in the hours between lunch time and when he supposedly killed? What did Marsha Scott of the White House staff and Vince Foster talk about during the two hour meeting they had the day before he died?

Why can't Marsha Scott remember? What did Foster do on secret trips to Switzerland and other locations about which his wife knew nothing? Why have police and rescue workers been forbidden to discuss the case?

John Clarke, the lawyer for Patrick Knowlton, raises some other issues: Foster's hand; 2 the cartridge casing of the bullets found in the gun; 3 Mr. Foster's eyeglasses; 4 Mr.

Foster's car; 5 any of the contents in his car; and 6 the torn "suicide" note? Foster's head caused by a. Please explain why out of all the witnesses at the scene, not one reported or documented having seen this wound, or brain matter, or bone fragments or blood splatter on or around the body, head or vegetation, as would be expected.

Foster's car was later found. Foster's Honda was silver and much newer than the brown Honda described by the witnesses, and inasmuch as Mr. Foster was dead by 4: Foster's car arrived in the park after he was already dead?

Foster's body was found at Fort Marcy Park with his car but without any car keys. There are conflicting reports in the record about when Kennedy and Livingstone and the U. Park Police arrived at the morgue.

Can you explain where William Kennedy and Craig Livingstone were during the five-hour period when Vincent Foster was last seen and his body was discovered? The Washington Times will report later that Whitewater files were removed from Vince Foster's office after his death.

She turns down a proposed plea agreement with David Hale in which he promises to reveal information concerning the "banking and borrowing practices of some individuals in the elite political circles of the State of Arkansas.

Nine new criminal referrals on Madison Guaranty are forwarded to U. Casey will reject an earlier one and recuse herself from the latest cases. Would eventually become number two in the agency. A package for Bill Clinton arrives from Arkansas containing a vial of something labeled as an allergy medicine.

White House physician Burton Lee is instructed to inject the president with the serum. He refuses to do so without knowing more about the serum and seeing Clinton's medical history.

Lee calls Clinton's Arkansas doctor, she says she has to check with Hilllary before releasing the records. Just one hour later, Dr. In Richard Reeves will state that Clinton "tries to avoid heavy lifting or meetings after he has taken his allergy shots because he is so punchy; he has trouble thinking coherently.

Questions will be raised as to the nature and source of their wounds. Four Clinton bodyguards are killed in a helicopter crash in woods near Quantico VA. Reporters are barred from site, but fire department chief reports security tight with "lots of Marines with guns.

Huang arranges private meeting between Mochtar Riady and Clinton at which Riady presses for renewal of China's 'most favored nation" status and a relaxation of economic sanctions. China's 'most favored nation' status is renewed.

Price being paid by China Resources Company Ltd. Tyson will later be found to have given illegal gifts to Agriculture Secretary Michael Espy during the time these regulations were under consideration.

Value of government contracts Tyson Food will still have: Espy will get off because there is insufficient evidence that he did any favors in return for the bribes. The government sees ATT's new tap-proof phone as a threat.

Webster Hubbell is assigned by Janet Reno to deal with the secure phone issue. Assistant Attorney General Colgate writes Hubbell: They are difficult to decipher and are a deterrent to wiretaps. Part of the plan is to refit the phones with a new chip called Clipper that has been developed by NSA.

This chip allows the government to tap the phone using a special key. A supply of these refitted phones is given to the Drug Enforcement Agency. Now other government agencies can tap the DEA.

The plan also mandates Clipper chips for all American telephones. White House agrees to sell a Cray supercomputer to China in what was described as a good will gesture. Up to that point the fastest computer in China could do no more than 70 million calculations per second; the Cray has a speed of million calculations per second.

At least some of them will be used by the Chinese military. President Clinton will also sign national security waivers to allow four US commercial satellites to be launched in China, despite evidence that China was exporting nuclear and missile technology to Pakistan and Iran, among other nations.

One of these satellites belongs to Loral. A subsequent law suit charges that the circuit board from the highly classified encryption device in the satellite was found to be missing when the Chinese returned debris from the explosion to US authorities, even though a control box containing the circuit board was recovered intact.

After the crash, NSA reportedly changes the encoded algorithms used by US satellites because of the apparent release of highly classified information. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown okays the sale of new American engines for China to put in its cruise missiles.

The engines were built as military equipment but Brown reclassifies them as civilian. The Saudis want some American planes; Brown tells them: Cost of the planes and hardware: Cost of the phone contract: Hundreds of FBI background files on officials in previous Republican presidential administrations were improperly given in and to Craig Livingstone, the director of White House security who was a Hillary Clinton favorite.

No illegal activity was ever proven, and Livingstone ultimately resigned. Entergy will also get contracts to build power plants in Indonesia. James Riady tells the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Gandy Baugh, an attorney who had represented Clinton buddy and drug distributor Dan Lasater, allegedly jumps to his death.

Baugh's law partner commits suicide one month later. Five days after her ex-husband, Danny Ferguson, is named a co-defendant in the Jones law suit, Kathy Ferguson is found dead.

She leaves a suicide note but the body is found in her living room next to packed bags as though she was planning to take a trip. Leaves note saying "I can't stand it any more. Aldrich is surprised to find a small clay ornament of lords-aleaping.

Among the things that were aleaping on the 12 lords are their erections. Also provided by Hillary Clinton and her staff for the tree: Hundreds of White House employees still do not have security clearances.

White House staffers get a memo designed to help them keep track of the two score scandal issues that have arisen under Clinton. Bill Clinton speaks to a group of Southeast Washington high school students about sex: After quitting the Justice Department and before going to jail, Hubbell is a busy man.

Hubbell had breakfast and lunch with Riady on June Huang, incidentally, formerly worked for the Hong Kong Chinese Bank. Some believe the move is instigated by Hillary Clinton.

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown orders a top secret clearance for Huang. While at Commerce, Huang visits the White House about 70 times, is briefed 37 times by the CIA, views about intelligence reports, and makes calls to Lippo banks.

He also makes extraordinary use of the fax machine at a Stephens Inc office across the street from Commerce. House Banking Committee chair James Leach finds a known Clinton private investigator scoping out his house.

The PI quickly leaves. Leach doesn't go public with the story but tells colleagues that the intended message was clear: Macao businessman Ng Lap Seng, closely linked to a couple of major Chinese-owned enterprises, is regularly bringing in large sums of money to the US, according to customs records.

Middleton, incidentally, has a hour pass that allowed him to visit Trie's apartment at the Watergate at any time. The apartment is paid for by Ng. A top RTC attorney meets with agency investigator Jean Lewis and is secretly taped saying that top RTC officials "would like to be able to say that Whitewater did not cause a loss to Madison.

Operating with an interim top secret clearance but without FBI investigation or foreign security check new Commerce official Huang requests several top secret files on China just before a meeting with the Chinese ambassador.

Huang and the Riadys hold a meeting with Clinton. About a third of that is returned as having come from illegal sources. Among the problem contributions: Webster Hubbell, a former Rose law firm partner -- although not known for skill in Asian trade matters -- goes to work for a Lippo Group affiliate after being forced out of the Clinton administration and before going to jail.

Is asked at a Senate hearing by the majority counsel: Hubbell had represented both Worthen and James Riady during the s. The White House hosts a major drug dealer at its Christmas party.

Cabrera was indicted in by a federal grand jury -- on racketing and drug charges -- and again in, when he was accused of managing a continuing narcotics operation. He pleaded guilty to lesser charges and served 54 months on prison.

After his visit to the White House he will be sentenced to 19 years on prison for transporting 6, pounds of cocaine into the US. The Secret Service says letting him come to the WH was okay because he posed no threat to the president.

The Washington Times reports that Clinton has pardoned without fanfare a gambling pal of his mother. Jack Pakis was convicted under the Organized Crime Control Act, sentenced to two years in prison, but the sentence was suspended.

He was fined and put on probation. According to the Washington Times, "his trial judge described Mr. Pakis as a professional gambler, part owner of an illegal casino and an illegal bookmaker for football and horse-racing bets.

Pakis, incidentally, once owned a piece of the Southern Club -- Al Capone's favorite -- in Hot Springs where, as Clinton's mom put it in her autobiography, "gangsters were cool and the rules were meant to be bent.

Roger Morris and Sally Denton write a well-documented account of drug and Contra operations in Arkansas during the '80s. The Washington Post's Outlook section wants to run it, offers their highest price ever for a story, but is overruled by higher-ups.

It had the enthusiastic backing of the editors and staff of the Sunday Outlook section, where it was to appear after eleven weeks of soul-searching and debate. Lawyers had gone through the text line by line.

Supporting documents had been examined with meticulous care. The artwork and illustrations had been completed. The contract with the authors had been signed.

Leonard Downie, the executive editor of the newspaper, had given his final assent. But on Thursday morning the piece was cancelled. It had been delayed before - so often, in fact, that its non-appearance was becoming the talk of Washington - but this time the authors were convinced that the story was doomed and would never make it into the pages of what is arguably the world"s most powerful political newspaper.

A burglar breaks into the car of White House lawyer Cheryl Mills as she was preparing to testify before a Senate committee on the Whitewater affair. Taken, according to a friend, were her notes on handling Vince Foster's papers after his death.

IRS investigator Bill Duncan has his computer broken into and his 7, page file on Mena is tampered with. The American Spectator magazine publishes an article by L. Brown, a former member of Clinton's Arkansas State Police security detail, in which he describes participating in two secret flights from Mena in, during which M rifles were traded to Nicaraguan Contra rebels in exchange for cocaine.

Brown also claims that Clinton knew of the activity. Writes Mara Leveritt in the Arkansas Times: Hutchinson was the U. In an argument disputed by police investigators, Hutchinson claims he left office before the evidence was well established.

Since he harbors political ambitions, he has an interest in clearing his name. Johnny Chung testifies before a house committee, describing himself as a somewhat befuddled but well-meaning pawn of macro-politics.

His testimony describes how a fax broadcast service owner became sought after by the White House, the DNC, various Chinese generals and officials, not to mention being called to a karaoke bar in the middle of the night to advise a Chinese-American on the lam from the US.

Things seldom worked out quite right for Chung - witness this tale: I set up their attendance at a Presidential fundraiser - the "Back to the Future" event - at a California movie studio on October 17, I took my driver and secretary as well as the General's wife and Alex to meet the President.

There was a mix-up with the DNC and my driver and secretary were given a private audience with the President while me and the General's wife and son were not included.

While my driver and secretary were very appreciative, I was very upset. State trooper Russell Welch, who investigated Mena, is forced into early retirement. Monica Lewinsky begins an internship at the White House.

In November she starts having an affair with Bill Clinton. RTC investigator Jean Lewis testifies to the House Banking Committee that there is a "concerted effort to obstruct, hamper and manipulate" the Madison investigation.

In yet another precipitous resignation by a White House counsel, Abner Mivka leaves the post and is replaced by Jack Quinn who is Al Gore's chief of staff. It is unheard of for a president to put someone that close to the vice president in such a key position, suggesting that Gore may have strong-armed Clinton into it as a condition of remaining loyal to him.

Quinn is Clinton's fourth White House counsel in one term. Quinn will resign shortly after Clinton's reelection the following year. AFP - Michael Scheuer, a year veteran of the CIA who resigned from the agency in, has told Die Zeit that the US administration had been looking in the mids for a way to combat the terrorist threat and circumvent the cumbersome US legal system.

Clinton said 'That's up to you'. He says the program includes moving prisoners without due legal process to countries without strict human rights protections. Clinton gives a speech to a group of Little Rock supporters in which he calls those pressing the Whitewater and other investigations "a cancer" that he will "cut out of American politics.

Barbara Wise, a Commerce Department International Trade Administration secretary and associate of John Huang, is found bruised and partially nude in a locked office at Commerce. Cause of death remains unknown.

Janet Reno names Daniel Pearson to head the probe. She says he can investigate anything. Brown reportedly urges Clinton to get Reno off his back, but evidence of his crookedness has reached Capitol Hill and the Attorney General apparently feels there is no turning back.

It will be later alleged by some close to Brown that the Commerce Secretary has told the president that if he is going down, he is not going down alone. Four days after the grand jury subpoenas are issued, Ron Brown is dead -- killed when the plane in which he was flying along with nearly three dozen other Americans crashes into a mountain in Croatia.

From the start, there are a number of anomalies including inconsistencies over the purported state of the weather, where the plane is reported to have crashed, what happened to the plane's black boxes, and the subsequent suicide of an airport official in charge of navigational aids.

Further, even though the crash site is a little over a mile from the runway, the first rescuers do not officially arrive on the scene for more than four hours. At the time of Mrs. Clinton's birth, Hillary was an unknown beekeeper.

Convicted cocaine distributor Dan Lasater testifies before Congress. The New York Times, among others, does not cover the story even though Lasater is close to Clinton and paid off Roger Clinton's debt to the drug cartel.

Lasater also raised race horses and was a track buddy of Virginia Kelly, through whom he met her son Bill. When Lasater started a bonding company, Bill Clinton recommended to him highway commissioner Patsy Thomasson, who would become vice president of the Lasater firm and have power of attorney while he was in jail.

Thomasson would eventually become director of White House Management and Administration, responsible for drug testing among other things. While with Lasater, Thomasson hired Clinton's half-brother as a limo driver.

Roger was also employed as a stable hand at Lasater's Florida farm. In his trial, and in testimony before the Senate Whitewater committee, Lasater admits to being free with coke, including ashtrays full of it on his corporate jet.

He also admits to having given coke to employees and to minors. But he takes umbrage at being called a drug dealer since he didn't charge for the stuff. According to some witnesses, Lasater also had a back door pass to the governor's mansion.

One state trooper reported taking Clinton to Lasater's office regularly and waiting forty-five minutes or an hour for him to come out. For example, Colby left his home unlocked, his computer on, and a partly eaten dinner on the table.

Colby had recently become an editor of Strategic Investment a newsletter which was doing investigative reporting on the Vince Foster death. Jim McDougal tells a reporter that he doesn't expect to leave prison alive.

Grand Cayman has a population of 18,, commercial banks, one bank regulator and a bank secrecy law. It is a favorite destination spot for laundered drug money. The Associated Press reports: The testing program was created as a compromise so the new administration's workers could keep their jobs, according to Arnold Cole, who supervised the Secret Service's White House operations.

Another agent's deposition revealed the background checks turned up use of hard drugs. I have seen hallucinogenic usages, crack usages," said Jeffrey Undercoffer, when asked to describe the types of drugs used by employees who were placed in the special programs.

The Associated Press reported Monday that 21 Clinton White House workers had been placed in the special testing after their background checks indicated recent drug abuse. The son of the man Vince Foster's widow married is killed in a single car crash against a brick wall.

There are reports that he had been talking to reporters and that Neil Moody had discovered something unsettling among his stepmother's private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention.

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Hillary Clinton had been notified by phone and had instructed the hospital staff that Clinton's personal physician would be arriving soon. Clinton arrived, she told both of the resident physicians on duty that night that they would never practice medicine in the United States if word leaked out about Clinton's drug problem.

Reportedly, she pinned one of the doctors up against the wall, both hands pressed against his shoulders, as she gave her dire warning. The contractor put the figure on his invoice as a cost for gravel or culvert work.

After I paid the full amount I turned the money over to Henry to give to Clinton. Once, after I handed Henry his latest consignment of 20 hundred-dollar bills to relay to the governor's office, he turned the bills over and over in one hand, like a magician.

Clinton could profit from these examples if he crosses us. Hillary Clinton writes Jim McDougal: Major drug trafficker Barry Seal, under pressure from the Louisiana cops, relocates his operations to Mena, Arkansas.

Seal is importing as much as 1, pounds of cociane a month from Colombia according to Arkansas law enforcement officials. As an informant, Seal testified that in, before moving his operation to Arkansas, he made approximately 60 trips to Central America and brought back 18, kilograms.

In the Progressive Review will report: According to the Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "Larry Patterson, an Arkansas state trooper, testified under oath that there were 'large quantities of drugs being flown into the Mena airport, large quantities of money, large quantities of guns.

Patterson said the governor 'had very little comment to make; he was just listening to what was being said. The documents confirm that from to his brutal death in, Barry Seal carried on one of the most lucrative, extensive, and brazen operations in the history of the international drug trade, and that he did it with the evident complicity, if not collusion, of elements of the United States government, apparently with the acquiescence of Ronald Reagan's administration, impunity from any subsequent exposure by George Bush's administration, and under the usually acute political nose of then Arkansas governor Bill Clinton.

Mena state police investigator Russell Welch will later describe the airport, pointing to one hanger he says is owned by a man who "doesn't exist in history back past a safe house in Baltimore in So what's he do?

Flies to Europe for more money. The London Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Prichard writes, "Basil Abbott, a convicted drug pilot, says that he flew a Cessna full of cocaine into Marianna, in eastern Arkansas, in the spring of The aircraft was welcomed by an Arkansas State Trooper in a marked police car.

They ask for 20 witnesses to be subpoenaed before the grand jury. Hutchinson chooses only three. According to reporter Mara Leveritt, "The three appeared before the grand jury, but afterwards, two of them also expressed surprise at how their questioning was handled.

One, a secretary at Rich Mountain Aviation, had given Duncan sworn statements about money laundering at the company, transcripts of which Duncan had provided to Hutchinson. But when the woman left the jury room, she complained that Hutchinson had asked her nothing about the crime or the sworn statements she'd given to Duncan.

As Duncan later testified, 'She basically said that she was allowed to give her name, address, position, and not much else. BCCI fronts begin acquiring controlling interest in banks and other American financial institutions.

Weaver uses Governor Clinton as a character reference to help get the loan guarantee. In, reported the Washington Post, Trie, who had become a controversial fund-raiser for President Clinton, "entered into a plea agreement with the Justice Department yesterday, winning leniency in exchange for telling all in an investigation of improper campaign contributions originating in China.

Clinton is also warned of the problem but takes no action. According to a later account in the Tampa Tribune, planes flying drugs into Mena in coolers marked "medical supplies.

Although he is under investigation for drug activities, Dan Lasater's firm is given a piece of 14 state bond issues. He pled guilty and went to jail for conspiring to defraud the Small Business Administration in looting the funds from a dummy business he established.

As part of his guilty plea in looting money from an insurance company, he provided the allegations for the Whitewater scandal, and testimony for its investigators.

Hale testified in U. District Court that Gov. Clinton backers Jack Stevens and Mochtar Riady buy a banking firm and change its name to Worthern Bank with Riady's year-old son James as president.

The Federal Home Loan Bank Board issues a negative report on Madison Guaranty, questioning both its lending practices and its financial stability. The Arkansas Securities Department begins to take steps to close it down.

On April 14, , Jim McDougal was convicted of 18 felony counts of fraud conspiracy charges. Clinton worked as a defense attorney. How much work she actually did on Madison and Castle Grande was the subject of the missing billing records.

The Washington Times will later quote an unnamed Clinton business associate who claims the governor used to "jog over to McDougal's office about once a month to pick up the [retainer] check for his wife.

Also on the list: But Bill Clinton's funders include not only some of the biggest corporate names ever to show an interest in the tiny state of Arkansas but some of the most questionable. It wasn't just Bill Clinton and it went beyond our old Dixie Mafia.

This was eastern and west coast crime money that noticed the possibilities just like the legitimate corporations did. Later, a US Customs investigative report will note that the resort is being used for drug operations and money laundering.

Lasater also flies to Belize with his aide Patsy Thomasson to buy a 24, acre ranch. Among those present at the negotiations is the US Ambassador. The deal falls through because of the opposition of the Belize government.

A private contractor for Arkansas' prison system stops selling prisoners' blood to a Canadian broker and elsewhere overseas after admitting the blood might be contaminated with the AIDS virus or hepatitis.

Sales of prisoners' blood in US are already forbidden. Contaminated blood will later become a big scandal in Canada. Tens of thousands of dollars in mysterious checks begin moving through Whitewater's account at Madison Guaranty.

Hot Springs police record Roger Clinton during a cocaine transaction. Roger says, "Got to get some for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner. Following the meeting, Seal rolls over for the DEA, becoming an informant.

He collects information on leaders of the Medellin cartel while still dealing in drugs himself. The deal will be kept secret from investigators working in Louisiana and Arkansas. According to reporter Mara Leveritt, "By Seal's own account, his gross income in the year and a half after he became an informant - while he was based at Mena and while Asa Hutchinson was the federal prosecutor in Fort Smith, 82 miles away - was three-quarters of a million dollars.

Pressed further, he testified that, since going to work for the DEA, he had imported 1, pounds of cocaine into the U. Supposed informant Seal will fly repeatedly to Colombia, Guatemala, and Panama, where he meets with Jorge Ochoa, Fabio Ochoa, Pablo Escobar, and Carlos Lehder - leaders of the cartel that at the time controlled an estimated 80 percent of the cocaine entering the United States.

Ronald Reagan wants to send the National Guard to Honduras to help in the war against the Sandanistas. Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis goes to the Supreme Court in a futile effort to stop it but Clinton is happy to oblige, even sending his own security chief, Buddy Young, along to keep an eye on things.

Winding up its tour, the Arkansas Guard declares large quantities of its weapons "excess" and leaves them behind for the Contras. Clinton gives him help on his application essay including making it more Reaganesque on the topic of the Nicaragua.

On the recruiter's instruction, he meets with notorious drug dealer Barry Seal in a Little Rock restaurant. Joins Seal in flight to Honduras with a purported shipment of M16s and a return load of duffel bags.

Brown, concerned about the mission, consults with Clinton who says, "Oh, you can handle it, don't sweat it. Clinton says to the conservative Brown, "Your buddy, Bush, knows about it" and, of the cocaine, "that's Lasater's deal.

Roger Clinton pleads guilty to cocaine distribution but cops a plea on more serious charges with a promise to cooperate. He will serve a short prison term. Jim McDougal will later write in his book that the payments were in lieu of his earlier system of passing money to Bill Clinton.

Clinton will later claim not to have received any retainer nor to have been deeply involved with Madison. Subsequent records show, however, that she represented Madison before the state securities department.

After the revelation, she says, "For goodness sakes, you can't be a lawyer if you don't represent banks. Bill Clinton establishes the Arkansas Development Finance Authority that will be used, in the words of one well-connected Arkansan as "his own political piggy bank.

AFDA brags to prospective out-of-state corporations of Arkansas' anti-union climate. Clinton and Worthen escape a major scandal. Mochtar and James Riady engineer the takeover of the First National Bank of Mena in a town of 5, with few major assets beyond a Contra supply base, drug running and money-laundering operations.

Terry Reed is asked to take part in Operation Donation, under which planes and boats needed by the Contras "disappear," allowing owners to claim insurance. Reed later claims he refused, but that his plane was removed while he was away.

Park on Meter, a parking meter manufacturer in Russellville, Arkansas, receives the first industrial development loan from the Arkansas Development Finance Authority in Some suspect that POM is doing a lot more than making parking meters -- specifically that it has secret federal contracts to make components of chemical and biological weapons and devices to carry them on Cs for the Contras.

The company later denies the Contra connection although it will admit having secret military contracts. Web Hubbell is the company's lawyer. Right next to POM, on land previously owned by it, is an Army reserve chemical warfare company.

When informed of this in, the then-student, Ken Peacock, will deny having made any such donation. Whitewater fails to file corporate tax returns for this year. According to police sources, Hutchinson had been aware of what was happening at Mena and the investigation into it, but did nothing.

Hutchinson is replaced by Mike Fitzhugh who is reluctant to let investigators Russell Welch of the state police and William Duncan of the IRS present evidence of money-laundering to a grand jury.

Jim McDougal sets up a late controversial land deal called Castle Grande. According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, on June 4, , the diary of Arkansas State police lieutenant Russell Welch says that an agent from the DEA "informed me in strictest confidence that it was believed, within his department, that [major drug transporter] Barry Seal is flying weapons to Central and South America.

In return he is allowed to smuggle what he wanted back into the United States". Journalist Evans-Pritchard will describe the Arkansas of this period as a "major point for the transshipment of drugs" and "perilously close to becoming a 'narco-republic' -- a sort of mini-Columbia within the borders of the United States.

He would fly his own plane to Colombia and take delivery of cocaine. He would then make an emergency landing in Nicaragua and make it appear that Sandinista officials were aiding him in drug trafficking.

Seal made it clear that he would expect help with his legal problems. The Reagan White House jumps at the offer. Seal's plane is flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where it was fitted with secret cameras to enable Seal to photograph Nicaraguan officials in the act of assisting him with the boxes of cocaine.

On January 17, the U. Attorney for the Western District drops a money laundering and narcotics-conspiracy charges against associates of drug smuggler Barry Seal over the protests of investigators Russell Welch of the state police and Bill Duncan of the Internal Revenue.

In a letter to U. The operation goes as planned. The photos are delivered to the White House, and a triumphant Ronald Reagan goes on national TV to show that the Sandinistas are not only Communists but also criminals intent on addicting America s youth.

A Federal Home Loan Bank Board audit describes Madison as financially reckless, rife with conflicts and on the brink of collapse. In August federal regulators will remove McDougal from the board of Madison.

Capital Management Services Inc. The loan will never be repaid. Hale will later claim that Clinton and Jim McDougall pressured him into making the loan. Dan Lasater, Arkansas bond don who is close to Clinton, pleads guilty to cocaine distribution charges.

The case also involves Clinton step brother Roger, who testifies against Lasater in a plea agreement. Both Lasater and Roger Clinton will serve brief prison terms. While Lasater is in prison his affairs will be run by Patsy Thomasson, who later becomes a White House aide.

Seal is scheduled to testify at the trial of Jorge Ochoa Vasques. But on February 19, shortly before the trial is to begin, Seal is murdered in Baton Rouge gangland style by three Colombian hitmen armed with machine guns who attack while he seated behind the wheel of his white Cadillac in Baton Rouge, La.

The Colombians, connected with the Medellin drug cartel, are tried and convicted. Upon hearing of Seal's murder, one DEA agent says, "There was a contract out on him, and everyone knew it.

He was to have been a crucial witness in the biggest case in DEA history. Between and his assassination in, his team of pilots smuggled in 36 metric tons of cocaine, tons of marijuana and three tons of heroin, according to a close associate of Seal.

The sums of money involved were staggering. At his death, Seal left a number of operational bank accounts. According to personal and business records, he had extensive associations at Mena and in Little Rock, and was in nearly constant telephone contact with Mena when he was not there himself.

Phone records indicate Seal made repeated calls to Mena the day before his murder. Eight months after the murder, Seal's cargo plane is shot down over Nicaragua.

It is carrying ammunition and other supplies for the Contras from Mena. One crew member, Eugene Hasenfus, survives. According to the McDougals, the Whitewater files are transferred to the Clintons.

In the campaign, the Clintons will say they can not find the records. The Sunday Telegraph has a copy of the telex. In late, Welch writes in his diary,. A government has gotten out of control.

Men find themselves in positions of power and suddenly crimes become legal. Two boys, Kevin Ives and Don Henry, are killed in Saline County and left on a railroad track to be run over by a train The medical examiner will initially rule the deaths accidental, saying that the boys were unconscious and in a deep sleep due to marijuana.

The finding will be punctured by dogged investigators whose efforts are repeatedly blocked by law enforcement officials. Ultimately, the bodies will be exhumed and another autopsy will be performed, which finds that Henry had been stabbed in the back and Ives beaten with a rifle butt.

Although no one will ever be charged, the trail will lead into the penumbra of the Dixie Mafia and the Arkansas political machine. Some believe the boys died because they accidentally intercepted a drug drop, but other information obtained by the Progressive Review suggests the drop may have dispensed not drugs but cash, gold and platinum -- part of a series of sorties through which those working with US intelligence were being reimbursed.

According to one version, the boys were blamed in order to cover up the theft of the drop by persons within the Dixie Mafia and Arkansas political machine. Ives mother will later charge that high state and federal officials participated in a coverup: Prosecutor Jean Duffey will later tell talk show host in answer to whether law enforcement people were involved in the train death murders: I think they are protected to avoid exposing the connection There have been several murders of potential witnesses.

Anyone who could have solved this murder many years ago has been systematically eliminated. Nine persons reportedly having information on the Ives-Henry murders will end up dead themselves. Keith McKaskle will express fear for his life because of the "railroad track thing" and tell his parents good-bye before his murder.

A suspect in the Ives-Henry murders will die in what initially is thought to have been a robbery but turns out to have been a set-up. Boonie Bearden vanishes without a trace. It is rumored he knows exactly what had happened at the tracks.

James Milam is found decapitated; nonetheless, the state medical examiner, Fahmy Malak - who also called the Ives-Henry deaths accidental -- will declare the death to be of natural causes. Jeff Rhodes will be shot, burned, and have his hands and feet partially sawed off.

Terry Reed's plane is returned but, according to his account, he is asked not to report it because it might have to be "borrowed" again. Reed later says that he had become aware that the Contra operation also involved drug running and had gotten cold feet.

He also believed that large sums of drug money were being laundered by leading Arkansas financiers. He went to Felix Rodriguez and told him he was quitting.

Reed was subsequently charged with mail fraud for having allegedly claimed insurance on a plane that was in fact hidden in a hanger in Little Rock. The head of Clinton's Swiss Guard, Capt.

Buddy Young, will claim to have been walking around the North Little Rock Airport when "by an act of God" a gust of wind blew open the hangar door and revealed the Piper Turbo Arrow.

The deal was also pushed along by another Clinton friend, David Edwards. Conservative Democrats begin a series of nearly meetings held at the home of Pam Harriman to plot strategy for the takeover of the Democratic Party.

The right-wing Dems will eventually settle on Bill Clinton as their presidential choice. Charles Black, a prosecutor for Polk County, which includes Mena, meets with Governor Clinton and asks for assistance in a probe of illegal activities.

Black will tell CBS News later, "was that he would get a man on it and get back to me. I never heard back. Following pressure from then-Arkansas Rep. Several congressional subcommittee inquiries sputter and stop.

That report says, "Law enforcement officials were furious that their undercover operation was revealed and agents' lives jeopardized because one individual in the U. Oliver North - decided to play politics with the issue.

Associates of Seal, who operated aircraft service businesses at the Mena, Arkansas airport, were also targets of grand jury probes into narcotics trafficking. Despite the availability of evidence sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges and over the strong protests of state and federal law enforcement officials, the cases were dropped.

According to journalist Philip Weiss, "In, Bill Clinton chose not to run for the presidency, in part out of fear of personal disclosure about his sex life. She compiled a divorce file with her friend, lawyer Vince Foster, involving a number of women in Arkansas.

Ultimately she dropped the plan. Jim McDougal is indicted for bank fraud. What will later be known as the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy begins on the left as a group of progressive students at the University of Arkansas form the Arkansas Committee to look into Mena, drugs, money laundering, and Arkansas politics.

Dan Short, a bank president, is abducted from his home in Benton Co. Three days before his abduction, he had told friends that he had been laundering drug money and was in trouble. Intelligence sources later report that the firm is really a front for Chinese military intelligence.

Sharlene Wilson tells a US grand jury investigating drugs in Arkansas that she provided cocaine to Clinton during his first term and that once the governor was so high he fell into a garbage can.

The federal drug investigation is shut down within days of her testimony. Wilson flees, terrified of the state prosecuting attorney -- her former lover, and Clinton ally, Dan Harmon.

She will be eventually arrested by Harmon himself and sent up for 31 years on a minor drug charge. The case against Terry Reed goes to court. Terry Reed had been asked to take part in Operation Donation, under which planes and boats needed by the Contras "disappear," allowing owners to claim insurance.

Reed later claimed he refused, but that his plane was removed while he was away. Terry Reed's plane was returned but, according to his account, he is asked not to report it because it might have to be "borrowed" again.

The case against Terry Reed is thrown out of court by the federal judge who said, "It's my opinion no jury could find by reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty.

There are too many holes in the chain of proof for the government to prove mail fraud. Reed will file a civil action against Buddy Young. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard will report that one witness, Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson, testified that there were "large quantities of drugs being flown into Mena airport, large quantities of money, large quantities of guns.

Patterson said the governor had "very little comment to make; he was just listening to what was being said. Drug distributor Dan Lasater is pardoned by Governor Clinton after serving just six months in jail and four in a halfway house on minor charges.

One law enforcement official will describe the investigation into Lasater's operations as "either a high dive or extremely unprofessional. Lasater returns to his 7, acre ranch in Saline County.

Jean Duffey, the head of a newly created drug task force, starts investigating between the train deaths and drugs. She is told by her prosecuting attorney boss, "You are not to use the drug task force to investigate public officials.

Jim McDougal is acquitted of bank fraud. Clinton is elected to a second four-year term. He promises to serve the full term and not run for president. Clinton talks to Gennifers on the phone.

The call is recorded. I want to but I don't want to be blown out of the water with this. I don't see how they can hurt me so far. If they don't have pictures of me and.

Or even if someone says something, they don't have much. The US ambassador in Jakarta at the time will later remark, "There were lots of people from Arkansas who came through Indonesia. The Washington Weekly later described the incident: Returning to Mena on Sunday, Welch told his wife that he didn't feel too well.

He thought he had gotten the flu. In Fort Smith a team of doctors were waiting. Calleton had called them twice while Welch was in transport and they had been in contact with the CDC.

Later the doctor would tell Welch's wife that he was on the edge of death. He would not have made it through the night had he not been in the hospital. He was having fever seizures by now.

A couple of days after Welch had been admitted to St. Edwards Mercy Hospital, his doctor was wheeling him to one of the labs for testing when she asked him if he was doing anything at work that was particularly dangerous.

He told her that he had been a cop for about 15 years and that danger was probably inherent with the job description. She told Welch that they believed he had anthrax.

She said the anthrax was the military kind that is used as an agent of biological warfare and that it was induced. Somebody had deliberately infected him. She added that they had many more tests to run but they had already started treating him for anthrax.

While in Washington, D. After the incident he is taken off of the Mena investigation. Later, when he was asked to falsify testimony for a federal grand jury, he refuses and is fired on the spot.

Bill Alexander send two boxes of Mena files to special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. Bryant says the boxes contain "credible evidence of gunrunning, illegal drug smuggling, money laundering and the governmental coverup and possibly a criminal conspiracy in connection with the Mena Airport.

Says Alexander later, "The feds dropped the ball and covered it up. I have never seen a whitewash job like this case. Dan Harmon becomes the new prosecuting attorney in the district responsible for the train deaths investigation.

Harmon's drug investigator Jean Duffey is discredited, threatened and ultimately has to flee Arkansas. A Washington, DC, political fundraiser will later claim presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invites her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital, pins her against the wall and sticks his hand up her dress.

She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas state trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton releasesher and she flees the room.

When she reports the incident to her boss, he advises her to keep her mouth shut if she wants to keep working. Not a statesman is he, but a common, run-of-the-mill, dime-a-dozen politician.

A man whose word is fallow ground not because it is unwanted but because it is barren, bereft of the clean-smelling goodness that nurtures wholesome things. Those of us who cling to the precepts of another age, a time in which a man's word was his bond, and, morally, bailing out was not an option, cannot join the madding crowd in celebrating what is for some Bill Clinton's finest hour.

We cannot rejoice in treachery. The bleaters who care more for celebrity than veracity are basking in a false and empty light. They trumpet the basest form of political expediency, for they revel amid the debris of a broken promise.

Clinton will never accept that assessment of his actions or his following. He subscribes to the credo that the anointed must rule the empire, and he has anointed himself. In his ambition-blinded eyes, one released from a promise has not broken any promise.

He ignores the fact that he granted his own pardon. A few months later BCCI itself is shut down in what would be revealed as the world's biggest bank scandal ever. Bill Clinton announces for president.

Another call between Clinton and Flowers is recorded: With Clinton running for president, the Flowers rumors are heating up again]: If they ever hit you with it, just say no and go on.

There's nothing they can do I just think if everyone's on record denying it, you got no problems. Why would they waste their money and time coming down here?

They're gonna try and run this. They can't run a story like that unless somebody says, 'Yeah, I did it. Clinton promises to help. Arief Wiriadinata came to the US from Indonesia allegedly to study landscape architecture -- although some accounts describe him simply as a gardener.

At last reports Wiriadinata is now back home, working for Sea World Indonesia. Clinton aide David Watkins boasts to a travel magazine, "Were it not for World Wide Travel here, the Arkansas governor may never have been in contention for the highest office in the land.

A massive "bimbo" patrol is established to threaten, buy, or otherwise disarm scores of women who have had sexual encounters with Clinton. The campaign uses private investigators in an extensive operation that will be joked about at the time but later will be seen as a form of blackmail as well as psychological and physical intimidation.

His specialty is a lengthy disingenuousness. According to Brooks Jackson of CNN, the commission that regulates Arkansas's only greyhound track meets several times a year at the track's exclusive Kennel Club, with the Southland Greyhound Park paying for the commissioners' food and booze.

Gennifer Flowers records her last conversation with Bill Clinton. On the tape Clinton says, "If they ever ask if you've talked to me about it, you can say no. Of the press, Clinton advises, "If they ever hit you with it, just say no and go on.

There's nothing they can do. I expected them to look into it and come interview you. But if everybody is on record denying it, no problem" Many papers, including the Washington Post and the New York Times, fail to let their readers know what is on the tapes.

In Gennifer Flowers, interviewed by Penny Crone and Curtis Sliwa on New York's WABC, will claim that she had received threats -- including death threats -- around the time of her tape recorded conversations with Bill Clinton and that this was why she had made the recordings.

Asked whether she thought Clinton was behind the threats, Flowers replies, "What I thought, after my home was ransacked, was that he was behind that -- simply because I had called to tell him about it and it was his reaction it.

I mean, he acted, he was aloof. Her didn't act that concerned. He said, 'Well, why do you think they came in there? He told me, 'If we stick together and we continue to deny it, everything will be OK.

Major media censor a second alleged sex scandal involving Bill Clinton that breaks in a supermarket tabloid just days before the New Hampshire primary. The story, in the Globe, charges that Clinton had a relationship with a woman who claimed that Clinton was the father of her child.

The woman also claims she attended group sex sessions with Clinton. The woman is now reportedly in Australia. The Pine Bluff Commercial notes: She will later tell the London Sunday Telegraph that state troopers often dropped Clinton off at her place in his jogging gear: When I see him now, president of the United States, meeting world leaders, I can't believe it.

I still have this picture of him wearing my black nightgown, playing the sax badly. How do you expect me to take him seriously? After the TV show, Perdue says she was visited by a man who described himself as a Democratic Party operative and who warned her not to reveal specifics of the affair.

If I was a good little girl, and didn't kill the messenger; I'd be set for life: I'd never have to worry again. But if I didn't take the offer, then they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my 'pretty little legs.

Perdue says she later found a shotgun cartridge on the driver's seat of her Jeep and had her back window shattered. Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf, Paula Grober, is killed in a high-speed, no-witness one-car crash.

Had traveled extensively with Clinton since The prisoner was so brain damaged that he saved his pie to eat later. Rector was accustomed to placing his dessert in a corner of the cell to be eaten just before he went to sleep.

It was then announced by Clinton's people that "the staff and facilities" at the club were "integrated" - a pretty way of stating that the toilets were cleaned by black Arkansans. A week later, a grand jury in Washington and the Federal Reserve issue separate actions against Clifford and Altman.

Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Banks forwards the referral to Washington. Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker comes to Washington to see his old boss sworn in, leaving his state under the control of the president pro tem of the senate, Little Rock dentist Jerry Jewell.

Jewell uses his power as acting governor to issue a number of pardons, one of them for a convicted drug dealer, Tommy McIntosh. According to the Washington Times, many in the state "say it was a political payoff, offered in exchange for dirty tricks Mr.

McIntosh played on Clinton political opponents during the presidential campaign, or as a payoff for stopping his attacks on Mr. Webster Hubbell's name surfaces as a potential nominee for deputy attorney general but he tells friends he does not want that job or, reports Time, "to take any other position that involves Senate confirmation -- perhaps to avoid fishing expeditions into the law firm's confidential business.

Two Arkansas state troopers describe arguments between the Clintons, including in the words of Washington Times reporter Jerry Seper "foul-mouthed shouting matches and furniture-breaking sessions.

The White House fires seven long-term employees for alleged mismanagement and kickbacks. The director, Billy Dale, charged with embezzlement, will be acquitted in less than two hours by the jury.

Lying, withholding evidence, and considering - even expecting - underlings to be expendable so the Clintons could avoid accountability for their actions would become the norm. According to a later report in Insight Magazine, the Clinton administration eavesdrops on over locations during the Seattle Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference.

FBI videotapes of diplomatic suites "show underage boys engaging in sexcapades with men in several rooms over a period of days. Bugged are hotel rooms, telephones, conference centers, cars, and even a charter boat.

Some of the information obtained is apparently passed on to individuals with financial interests in Asia. Washington attorney Paul Wilcher is found dead on a toilet in his apartment. He is said to be investigating various scandals including the October Surprise, the election campaign, drug and gun-running through Mena and the Waco assault.

He was also planning a TV documentary on his findings. He delivered an extensive affidavit to Janet Reno three weeks before his death. Vince Foster, the Clintons' attorney, finally files missing Whitewater tax returns.

The FBI obtains a warrant to search Hale's office. Clinton personally orders him by phone to turn in his FBI property and leave headquarters. That evening, Clinton security aide Jerry Parks' wife Jane says she overhears a heated telephone conversation with Vince Foster in which her husband says, "You can't give Hillary those files, they've got my name all over them.

Just hours after the search warrant authorizing the raid is signed by a federal magistrate in Little Rock, Vince Foster apparently drives to Ft. Marcy Park without any car keys in a vehicle that changes color over the next few hours, walks across feet of park without accruing any dirt or grass stains, and then shoots himself with a vanishing bullet that leaves only a small amount of blood.

Or at least that is what would have to had occurred if official accounts are to be reconciled with the available evidence. There are numerous other anomalies in this quickly-declared suicide.

Despite two badly misleading independent counsel reports, Foster's death will remain an unsolved mystery. Less than three hours after Foster's body is found, his office is secretly searched by Clinton operatives, including Mrs.

Clinton's chief of staff. Another search occurs two days later. Foster's suicide note is withheld from investigators for some 30 hours. The note is in 27 pieces with one other piece missing.

Foster's personal diary will be withheld from the special prosecutor for a year despite being covered by a subpoena. Patrick Knowlton, who stops in the park seventy minutes before Foster's body is found, reports seeing things that do not fit the official version.

Declining under pressure to change his story, he is eventually subpoenaed by the Whitewater prosecutor. On that day, he becomes the target of extensive overt harassment and surveillance of a sort used by intelligence agencies to intimidate witnesses.

Jerry Parks, the Clinton security aide in Arkansas, known to have been keeping a dossier on Clinton, is gunned down two months after Foster's death in his car outside of Little Rock.

Parks is shot through the rear window of his car and shot three more times, thru the side window, with a 9mm pistol. Parks ran American Contract Services, the business which supplied bodyguards for Clinton during his presidential campaign and the following transition.

Parks had collected detailed data on Clinton's sexual escapades, including pictures and dates. Wife claims federal agents subsequently removed files and computer.

She also says that upon learning of Vincent Foster's death, he told her, "I'm a dead man. Writing of the purported Hillary Clinton divorce draft papers of, journalist Philip Weisss will report: Remember--and this is fact--that on the night of Foster's death in July 93, his office was rifled of files.

And the phone records unearthed by Michael Chertoff suggested strongly that Hillary was in on that activity, talking to Maggie Williams and Bernie Nussbaum and as I recall Susan Thomases too, in a series of frenetic calls that night.

Two months after Foster died, a former Clinton aide named Luther "Jerry" Parks was murdered gangland style as he drove through Little Rock. Parks's son told me that his father had worked with Foster to put together the divorce file, and that he kept a copy of that file, and the Clinton people wanted it.

There have been suggestions that Parks was shaking people down with what he knew; and he came to a bad end. Four years after Foster's death, the Progressive Review will summarize some of the remaining questions: Was it true, as some have alleged, that he was blocked from aggressively pursuing the case?

Why was he denied the opportunity to bring in experts outside the FBI to deal with inconsistencies? Why did Starr, in reopening the Foster case, permit FBI agents to review their own work in the previous investigation?

There have been conflicting statements as to whether any x-rays were taken of Foster after his death. Were there or weren't there? If there were, where have they gone? If there weren't, why not?

It is standard police procedure to investigate suicides is though they were murders? Why wasn't this done in the case of Vince Foster? Why did Bernard Nussbaum ask for the combination of Foster's safe immediately after his death?

Why were manila envelopes in the safe addressed "Eyes Only" to Janet Reno and William Kennedy never delivered to them? Where are these envelopes and what was in them? Whose blood-stained car was towed to the FBI garage from Ft.

Marcey Park the same night as Foster's death? How did Foster walk feet through a park without gathering any physical evidence of the hike on his shoes? How did his glasses end up 19 feet from his body?

What were the origins of numerous carpet fibers found all over Foster's clothing and underwear? How did it happen that all 35 mm film of the scene was either overexposed or missing? How did it happen that most of the Polaroid shots have vanished?

How did Foster manage to shoot himself yet die laid out in the careful manner of someone placed in a coffin? Why were there no fingerprints on the gun? Why did no one hear the shot?

Where is Foster's appointment book? How did car keys, not found during the investigation in the park, turn up with Foster at the morgue? How was Foster's car opened at the park since officials claimed it was locked?

Where is the bullet that killed Foster? Why did witnesses have their testimony changed and why was one witness subsequently harassed in a manner used by intelligence agents for intimidation?

What did Foster do in the hours between lunch time and when he supposedly killed? What did Marsha Scott of the White House staff and Vince Foster talk about during the two hour meeting they had the day before he died?

Why can't Marsha Scott remember? What did Foster do on secret trips to Switzerland and other locations about which his wife knew nothing? Why have police and rescue workers been forbidden to discuss the case?

John Clarke, the lawyer for Patrick Knowlton, raises some other issues: Foster's hand; 2 the cartridge casing of the bullets found in the gun; 3 Mr. Foster's eyeglasses; 4 Mr. Foster's car; 5 any of the contents in his car; and 6 the torn "suicide" note?

Foster's head caused by a. Please explain why out of all the witnesses at the scene, not one reported or documented having seen this wound, or brain matter, or bone fragments or blood splatter on or around the body, head or vegetation, as would be expected.

Foster's car was later found. Foster's Honda was silver and much newer than the brown Honda described by the witnesses, and inasmuch as Mr. Foster was dead by 4: Foster's car arrived in the park after he was already dead?

Foster's body was found at Fort Marcy Park with his car but without any car keys. There are conflicting reports in the record about when Kennedy and Livingstone and the U.

Park Police arrived at the morgue. Can you explain where William Kennedy and Craig Livingstone were during the five-hour period when Vincent Foster was last seen and his body was discovered?

The Washington Times will report later that Whitewater files were removed from Vince Foster's office after his death. She turns down a proposed plea agreement with David Hale in which he promises to reveal information concerning the "banking and borrowing practices of some individuals in the elite political circles of the State of Arkansas.

Nine new criminal referrals on Madison Guaranty are forwarded to U. Casey will reject an earlier one and recuse herself from the latest cases. Would eventually become number two in the agency.

A package for Bill Clinton arrives from Arkansas containing a vial of something labeled as an allergy medicine. White House physician Burton Lee is instructed to inject the president with the serum.

He refuses to do so without knowing more about the serum and seeing Clinton's medical history. Lee calls Clinton's Arkansas doctor, she says she has to check with Hilllary before releasing the records.

Just one hour later, Dr. In Richard Reeves will state that Clinton "tries to avoid heavy lifting or meetings after he has taken his allergy shots because he is so punchy; he has trouble thinking coherently.

Questions will be raised as to the nature and source of their wounds. Four Clinton bodyguards are killed in a helicopter crash in woods near Quantico VA.

Reporters are barred from site, but fire department chief reports security tight with "lots of Marines with guns. Huang arranges private meeting between Mochtar Riady and Clinton at which Riady presses for renewal of China's 'most favored nation" status and a relaxation of economic sanctions.

China's 'most favored nation' status is renewed. Price being paid by China Resources Company Ltd. Tyson will later be found to have given illegal gifts to Agriculture Secretary Michael Espy during the time these regulations were under consideration.

Value of government contracts Tyson Food will still have: Espy will get off because there is insufficient evidence that he did any favors in return for the bribes. The government sees ATT's new tap-proof phone as a threat.

Webster Hubbell is assigned by Janet Reno to deal with the secure phone issue. Assistant Attorney General Colgate writes Hubbell: They are difficult to decipher and are a deterrent to wiretaps.

Part of the plan is to refit the phones with a new chip called Clipper that has been developed by NSA. This chip allows the government to tap the phone using a special key.

A supply of these refitted phones is given to the Drug Enforcement Agency. Now other government agencies can tap the DEA. The plan also mandates Clipper chips for all American telephones.

White House agrees to sell a Cray supercomputer to China in what was described as a good will gesture. Up to that point the fastest computer in China could do no more than 70 million calculations per second; the Cray has a speed of million calculations per second.

At least some of them will be used by the Chinese military. President Clinton will also sign national security waivers to allow four US commercial satellites to be launched in China, despite evidence that China was exporting nuclear and missile technology to Pakistan and Iran, among other nations.

One of these satellites belongs to Loral. A subsequent law suit charges that the circuit board from the highly classified encryption device in the satellite was found to be missing when the Chinese returned debris from the explosion to US authorities, even though a control box containing the circuit board was recovered intact.

After the crash, NSA reportedly changes the encoded algorithms used by US satellites because of the apparent release of highly classified information. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown okays the sale of new American engines for China to put in its cruise missiles.

The engines were built as military equipment but Brown reclassifies them as civilian. The Saudis want some American planes; Brown tells them: Cost of the planes and hardware: Cost of the phone contract: Hundreds of FBI background files on officials in previous Republican presidential administrations were improperly given in and to Craig Livingstone, the director of White House security who was a Hillary Clinton favorite.

No illegal activity was ever proven, and Livingstone ultimately resigned. Entergy will also get contracts to build power plants in Indonesia. James Riady tells the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Gandy Baugh, an attorney who had represented Clinton buddy and drug distributor Dan Lasater, allegedly jumps to his death.

Baugh's law partner commits suicide one month later. Five days after her ex-husband, Danny Ferguson, is named a co-defendant in the Jones law suit, Kathy Ferguson is found dead. She leaves a suicide note but the body is found in her living room next to packed bags as though she was planning to take a trip.

Leaves note saying "I can't stand it any more. Aldrich is surprised to find a small clay ornament of lords-aleaping. Among the things that were aleaping on the 12 lords are their erections.

Also provided by Hillary Clinton and her staff for the tree: Hundreds of White House employees still do not have security clearances. White House staffers get a memo designed to help them keep track of the two score scandal issues that have arisen under Clinton.

Bill Clinton speaks to a group of Southeast Washington high school students about sex: After quitting the Justice Department and before going to jail, Hubbell is a busy man.

Hubbell had breakfast and lunch with Riady on June Huang, incidentally, formerly worked for the Hong Kong Chinese Bank. Some believe the move is instigated by Hillary Clinton.

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown orders a top secret clearance for Huang. While at Commerce, Huang visits the White House about 70 times, is briefed 37 times by the CIA, views about intelligence reports, and makes calls to Lippo banks.

He also makes extraordinary use of the fax machine at a Stephens Inc office across the street from Commerce. House Banking Committee chair James Leach finds a known Clinton private investigator scoping out his house.

The PI quickly leaves. Leach doesn't go public with the story but tells colleagues that the intended message was clear: Macao businessman Ng Lap Seng, closely linked to a couple of major Chinese-owned enterprises, is regularly bringing in large sums of money to the US, according to customs records.

Middleton, incidentally, has a hour pass that allowed him to visit Trie's apartment at the Watergate at any time. The apartment is paid for by Ng. A top RTC attorney meets with agency investigator Jean Lewis and is secretly taped saying that top RTC officials "would like to be able to say that Whitewater did not cause a loss to Madison.

Operating with an interim top secret clearance but without FBI investigation or foreign security check new Commerce official Huang requests several top secret files on China just before a meeting with the Chinese ambassador.

Huang and the Riadys hold a meeting with Clinton. About a third of that is returned as having come from illegal sources. Among the problem contributions: Webster Hubbell, a former Rose law firm partner -- although not known for skill in Asian trade matters -- goes to work for a Lippo Group affiliate after being forced out of the Clinton administration and before going to jail.

Is asked at a Senate hearing by the majority counsel: Hubbell had represented both Worthen and James Riady during the s. The White House hosts a major drug dealer at its Christmas party.

Cabrera was indicted in by a federal grand jury -- on racketing and drug charges -- and again in, when he was accused of managing a continuing narcotics operation. He pleaded guilty to lesser charges and served 54 months on prison.

After his visit to the White House he will be sentenced to 19 years on prison for transporting 6, pounds of cocaine into the US. A unified team compromise was proposed but rejected, which meant only athletes from South Korea participated due to their prior recognition.

One of the conditions for a unified German team was that the athletes be represented by a neutral flag. Initially West German officials refused to agree to this stipulation citing the fact that the West German flag had been used at both the Winter and Summer Games.

Eventually the neutral flag was adopted and a unified German team participated. The Games were held from February 18 to After a poll was taken indicating that only nine countries would send a bobsled team, the organizers determined that bobsled would be removed from the Olympic program.

Despite petitions from the International Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Federation to reconsider, the organizers felt they could not justify the costs of constructing a bobsled run for nine competing nations.

It would be the only time in Winter Olympic history that the bobsled events were not held. The chairman of the Pageantry Committee was Walt Disney, who was responsible for producing both the opening and closing ceremonies.

The heavy snow fall caused traffic problems that delayed the ceremony by an hour. The festivities began with a sustained drum roll as the flags of each participating nation were raised on specially designed flag poles.

The Olympic oath was taken by Carol Heiss on behalf of all the athletes. As the national delegations left the stadium fireworks concluded the ceremonies. Canadian Olympic officials objected to the use of "professional amateurs" by Eastern Bloc countries, and especially the Soviet Union.

There were six cross-country skiing races at the Olympics, four for men and two for women, all held at the McKinney Creek Cross-Country Complex. Swedish lumberjack Sixten Jernberg added a gold and silver to the four medals he won in He would add two golds and a bronze in to finish his Olympic career with nine medals, which made him the most decorated Winter Olympian.

Biathlon made its Olympic debut in The precursor to biathlon, military patrol, was on the Olympic program for the first Olympic Games in It was a demonstration sport at the, , and Winter Olympics, though the competition was only open to members of the armed forces.

Military patrol fell out of favor in due to anti-military sentiments in the post World War II era. He would win bronze medal in the Nordic combined in Gusakov's wife, Maria Gusakova, competed in the cross-country events, winning a gold and silver.

There was one ski jumping event at the Games, the men's normal hill, which was held on February In the competition would be expanded to include a men's large hill event. Helmut Recknagel became the first German to win the event.

Held at Blyth Memorial Arena, the figure skating competition took place between February 19 and Though this was not the first time figure skating had been held indoors, it would never be contested outdoors again.

The Soviet Union made its Olympic figure skating debut by sending two couples to compete in the pairs competition; the result belied the fact that Soviet skaters would soon come to dominate this event.

Women were allowed to compete in the Olympic speed skating competition for the first time in The Soviet Union had requested the inclusion of women's speed skating events in the program for the Games, but the request was rejected by the IOC.

They were just the second and third Poles ever to win Winter Olympic medals. Despite the lack of facilities at Squaw Valley, the resort did have steep mountain slopes in close proximity, resulting in some of the most difficult alpine skiing courses in Olympic history.

Penny Pitou of the United States was the only multiple medal winner with two silvers in the downhill and giant slalom. Flags of the participating nations were followed by the athletes who marched as a group with no national distinctions, a tradition carried over from the Summer Olympics.

The flag bearers made a semi-circle around the rostrum and the national anthems of Greece even though the nation didn't compete, United States, and Austria were played as their respective flags were raised.

The Games concluded with the release of several thousand balloons. The opening ceremony was held on February 18, along with the first games of the Ice hockey tournament. From February 19 to 28, at least one event final was held each day.

The lack of facilities prior to the Olympics gave organizers freedom to tailor the layout of the venues to fit the needs of the athletes. Since no such facilities existed in Squaw Valley, the organizers decided to build the first Olympic Village at the Winter Games.

The complex was located centrally, with access to all the sporting facilities. The peaks surrounding Squaw Valley were used for the alpine skiing events. The ladies' downhill and men's slalom and giant slalom were on KT mountain, while the ladies' slalom and giant slalom were contested on Little Papoose Peak.

Squaw Peak was the site of the men's downhill competition. Prior to the Games, concerns persisted that the courses would not meet international standards. To address these concerns, a test event was held in and the attending delegates from the International Ski Federation FIS left assured that the events would comply with FIS rules and specifications.

Bleachers were constructed for officials, coaches and spectators, along with broadcast booths for radio and television. Designed by Heini Klopfer, the hill was innovative in that it had, , and 80—meter jumps.

Tall trees on both sides protected athletes from the wind, and it was situated so that the sun would be at the jumper's back during the competition. McKinney Creek Stadium was built to host all of the cross-country races, which included the biathlon and a portion of the Nordic combined competition.

It consisted of a timing building, two Quonset huts for competitors and course workers, a scoreboard, and bleachers to accommodate 1, people. Shooting ranges were interspersed throughout the biathlon course, and were supervised by non-commissioned officers of the United States military.

Blyth Memorial Arena was the centerpiece of the Games. It hosted the opening and closing ceremonies jointly with Squaw Valley Olympic Skating Rink, and also hosted the figure skating competition, a few of the speed skating events, as well as most of the games in the hockey tournament.

During the ceremonies it was open to allow for the entrance of the athletes; during the competitions it was closed to accommodate more spectators. A special machine was created to resurface the ice for all three competitions.

In addition to resurfacing the ice, the machine created the snow dividers that delineated the racing lanes. Given the amount of annual snowfall designers planned on using heat generated by the refrigeration plant to melt the snow.

As of, only three buildings from the Winter Olympics remain in Squaw Valley. Athletes from 30 nations competed at the Games. South Africa competed at the Winter Games for the first time; it would be the last for many years, as apartheid policies prevented South African participation until The number at the end of each country denotes the number of athletes each country sent.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ice hockey at the Winter Olympics. Cross-country skiing at the Winter Olympics. Biathlon at the Winter Olympics. Nordic combined at the Winter Olympics.


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