понедельник, 26 марта 2018 г.

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woman in black tea for three plus one

woman in black tea for three plus one

woman in black tea for three plus one

Then the G4S guard, God bless his soul, appeared and in a place where he would have given her money or food he chose to give her so much more and gave humanity in a story that none was left. I have pain constantly especially when I exercise. A must have fragrance for rubber and leather fetish fans, they will be spraying this like air freshener in their kinky sex dens.

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Primally Inspired January 24, at 7: Ive seen it happen so many times where someone has no idea they are smelling a niche and say its a designer and vice versa. And we are planning a trip there later this afternoon! One plus one mobile price in india and features I kept reading and taking breaks to gather strength and Grace to take me to the next paragraph. If human beings have such capacity in them to do evil, absolutely horrifying evil, what if we for once just decided to do good?? That's how I currently feel with Black.


The guards remained suspicious. They ate real food for the first time in many months and the baby was given First Aid.

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If you have achy joints or the beginning of arthritis, drink only distilled water and take boron tablets. It's an interesting contrast because you smell this most beautiful woody vanilla but at the same time it feels so vulgar and perverse due to the rubber, I love it! I am going to hang onto my bottle and test drive it again in the future as some of my greatest perfume loves I had to grown into somewhat slowly. Hi Juianna, there is something you can do. Sad story heart wrenching. I love this fragrance.

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23.02.2018 - A great place to begin a fragrance collection - and the prices this one goes for online make it very approachable, too! It is not unpleasant. Primally Inspired February 16, at 2: This story has taught me that there are good people in this world…. Thanks for the recipe. Are there links on how we can trace the G4s.

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17.02.2018 - Something that is incredible attractive to me. It's not worth it in my eyes. And then there are discussions about elections init seems that Joseph Kabila very much like other African strongmen wants to hold onto power. Let me speak for self. I like it a lot.

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22.02.2018 - The Lyme Diet nostalgiCup Pingback: A definite mood changer. I kept reading and taking breaks to gather strength and Grace to take me to the next paragraph. In a sea of Axe-imitators with over the top vetiver and musk, Bvlgari Black manages to be a daring and masculine without relying on tropes.

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Thanks for sharing this Biko. Its now official i fear humans more than i fear any other animal on this earth! Human can do this to other humans!! This is super heartbreaking. I hope that ember turns into fire someday.

So painful and emotional read. May God give her strength to overcome the pain. Thanks Biko for such stories for they make me appreciate life and peace in Kenya. So sad this story.

My assistant thinks im having problems with my eye. You think you have been through shit till you read such stories and realize that your life is actually a bed of roses.

To think this really happened to a human being and not one of those things we see in movies or read in novels. May this family find peace in their souls. Problem is his timing is not our own.

He is still manifesting. If anyone can be through all that and still manage, in one piece. That takes only God. I pray that time will heal the wounds for her and her children.

I… lack enough words to truly describe how devastatingly heartbreaking each word kept getting. I take too much for granted. Those were not men. But stay resilient, woman, queen, warrior.

Blessings, love, healing and light. I am one of those who comes here to read and then i go away. Today however I will comment. I work with refugees and the stories I have heard from Congo are some of the worst.

The Congolese refugees have been to hell and back. At some point, I had to undergo counselling to deal with what I heard. For those may have doubts about the authenticity of this story, I urge you to take time and speak to refugees.

Maybe the media needs to air stories about refugees and maybe we Kenyans will think twice about war and be grateful for the peace we enjoy as a nation. Thank you Biko for reaching out and telling stories of refugees.

We need to hear more of them. They are human after all and did not choose the life they now live. We kenyans are taking the peace we have for granted! May God heal Kenya.

This story is heartbreaking. My heart bleeds for the children. May God see them through. He should be questioned because He is the answer. See, how else can you explain this phenomen. My heart mourns for her..

They should be hanged, to that lady i hope you find peace, i hope the darkness inside you reduces if disappearing is too much. Am in tears after reading this…. This one is for tears…. May God in His wisdom give them peace, and healing…and fill them with hope.

This is just sad, so so sad. Biko, thank you for sharing this story with us. Are we sure there is nothing we can do? Hi Juianna, there is something you can do. This article has literally given me a hard task this morning… I have battled with my tears through it all…I thank God for the little I have and I thank Him more for giving her a chance to see one more day…May He continue working on her, to give her and her children a reason to smile just one more time!!

I wanted it to be folkore. Then the G4S guard, God bless his soul, appeared and in a place where he would have given her money or food he chose to give her so much more and gave humanity in a story that none was left.

Biko please share this ladys number and lets show her some love. Bawling my eyes out. Here I am thinking is it okay to ask God why?? Why do all this stuff happen and more so to one lady? Oh Good Lord, May the light of Christ shine bright in her life and maybe someday she will understand the why of her ordeal.

Biko, I want to help her and her children. Please, please tell me how. I just had a baby and this story has torn at my heart. Please show me how to help! Hi Joan, you can donate here http: My eyes are teary!

Such realness, such depth.. Why would someone go through all that? The crisis there has produced evil monsters. For rubber, for copper, gold, diamonds, cobalt, uranium, coltan, oil…for mineral resources.

I pray for this lady. God knows and He sees, and I pray He heals every dimmed corner of her body, soul and spirit. Watched this account, more recent of the curse of the coltan mines and felt even more gutted.

The mine workers are still being shafted pun unintended … in their own country!!!! Coltan out of Kivu in Eastern Congo mines is used in all the electronic gadgets, the latest phones, laptops, airplanes!

DRC should be given space to grow, instead of regional powers and the West turning a blind eye to the conflicts between militant groups in eastern DRC, doing little to stop the rapes and the killings which have surpassed those of the holocaust!

And then there are discussions about elections in, it seems that Joseph Kabila very much like other African strongmen wants to hold onto power. When will the people of the DRC have what is rightfully theirs?

When will the plunder of their resources end? When will the rapes of women and children stop? When will the neo-colonialism in the country end? When will they be given space to make their own choices?

When will they be allowed to ride into their glorious destiny? All these are questions begging for answers. But, alas, the history! The happenings, even before the Kabilas were born, are uncomfortably similar to the current events over there.

This is a truly heart wrenching account of what happened to that lady, her kids and the Pastor. It must have been extremely hard to even master the courage to ask questions Biko. I cant believe that they are human beings going through such gruesome experiences in this world we live in.

I have taken away from this story that I should be very grateful for my life and complain less, way less. I am angry that we have such beasts on earth and sad that she was so abused for so long and like her questions of a higher nature came to me for which I have no answers.

Biko, how can we help? Hi Fyby, you can donate here http: I have never read a story that Made me feel helplessly sad as this one. The evilness of human beings. You think you have seen it all then this.

Even animals are not this cruel. My heart goes out to her. A strong woman she is.: Oh dear Lord…I cannot even imagine the pain she felt watching her child boil. I have tears in my eyes but I cannot break down because this woman actually lived it.

I am only reading it but she lived it. I do not deserve to have my pain flow down my cheeks. God, please intervene for this woman and her children. I blinked… And am still blinking. This is not a story, not a masterpiece…..

The bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked. Help me God to always guard my heart. I realised with relief that there was something that still lived in her, a small ember that if fanned would turn into a fire again, and that thing, that little flicker needed music to get it alive again.

Let the fire burn until life and dignity are restored. Hi Moreen, thank you for reaching out to us. Had to do a double take. I wish all Kenyans can have this story for breakfast every morning for the next two months, maybe we might get our sanity back and stop all this negative - ethnicity crap running amock in our beautiful land.

Many a time we see foreigners we assume to be refugees and shun them or judge them, mostly in our heads. To walk in their shoes for a minute. And this piece made me think of that. Of the fact that, as Biko has written, none of them chose to be refugees.

They are living the consequences of some few probably tribal hatemongers who probably never faced the same end. Worse, no one chose to be born as they were: They seem quite life-changing to me, tbh.

Relativity, one would say. She not only survived it, she is overcoming it one step at a time. Saddened that Innocents had to go through all this. This is what happens when we sit silent on our timelines whilst people we call friends spew hateful posts with each hateful utterance from a politician!

Our innocent children who have nothing to do with these shenanigans end up paying the price. I resent the thought of God putting people through nasty experiences just so they can help us learn something.

Their level of savagery is just as great as their capacity for good. Hell, maybe even greater. As Martin Luther once said, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.

Be the conscience on your timeline and risk being blocked and let history give you a clean conscience rather than lose our beloved country. Thanks for sharing what i had in mind…this country is a gem, and we will only know the value once its lost to the dogs!

Biko, this story i regret calling it so has given me more reasons to celebrate my life as it is. And it happens to be my 40th year too. May God grant peace, love and light to the mum and her kids.

Hi Bxhal, what we can do is donate here http: Oh my goodness and some Kenyans really desire for us to go to war? May God forgive us for our foolishness! Hi Ann, you can donate here http: What is life anymore..

Hello Diva, you can donate here http: Within every human being, there lies an inherent capacity for either good or evil that is beyond measure. One only needs to find oneself in an environment that allows you to fully exploit this capacity.

Everything happens for a reason to those that believe….. Hi Mueni, thank you for reaching out. I read it quarter-way in some boring meeting with pie-charts and graphs, paused, gawked at the ACs in the ceiling to hold my tears from trickling.

I have been through nothing. Biko you should assist her write a book. The worst story I have read in my life. Could be the worst I could ever read. I cant think of anything worse than this.

This story made me to be extremely grateful for my life. Maybe God created her for such a time like this. To slap us out of our ignorance and constant murmuring about trivial things.

For sure I will never look at life the same. Her life is not over yet so hoping the rest of the time she and her children have on earth will be more pleasant.

This is heart wrenching. This story has taught me that there are good people in this world…. This is the most heartbreaking story you have written so far and reading it reminded me of the evil things man can do to a fellow man!

She lived for her children. How thoughtful, she even forgot her own miseries. Hi Andia, thank you for reaching out, you can donate here http: Wait till you see what a man can do to another man - that pretty much sums it up.

I work with refugees and their stories are beyond shocking. Thank you bikozulu for telling her story.. How can I help? How can we reach out to her, her children, anything we can do, please.

Hi Mercy, thank you for reaching out, you can donate here http: How she survived all that trauma is simply beyond me. Very sad…and to think we keep complaining…. This story gives a new perspective to life.

Biko should direct us….. Hi Watakila, you can donate here http: Hi Nelly, you can help by donating here http: Nyayo Estate Embakasi child story, at least that one I bawled my eyes out. It has tagged a place where there are no tears, just some deep deep despair.

May God visit her and redeem her….. May she find peace from the ghosts she battles with at night……. She has gone through so much for one lifetime ……and her children…,ehe!!

This is so messed up. I am not sure what to say after such a heart breaking story that this particular woman and her children have gone through. May God bless her beyond measure for being there for her vulnerable children even when she felt lost as a human being.

It really baffles me how much hate and evil people carry around in their hearts. How else can you describe such heinous behavior? There are fewer bad people than there are good. Why does evil win so many times?

I wish so much sorrow on those men, I wish their fate will be worse than what I wish for them. I pray the lady and her kids will be fine, at peace and learn to trust again. I wish them so much joy from life and in life.

I wish the birds would just sing already. I wish her turn for misfortune is over. I am seated at the waiting bay of a hospital and I am scared. I want to scream. I want to wail. I want to cry. I pray for her that God would somehow minister to her and her children.

Only God who is love can heal her soul. How we take for granted all what God has provided for us. All that happened to one person. What disgusts me is that we are killing one another emotionally with tribalism here in Kenya.

Lord grant hope on the woman and help us appreciate all you have given us. Really, people go through a lot more horrendous because the word difficult cannot fully describe this experiences than some of us could ever imagine..

May God help us to brighten the corner where He has placed us. To think that we have gone through life……oooh my, she is a very strong woman!!! Am glad she still has some fire in her.

May God hold her hands. This is the saddest most horrific tale I have ever read. I have cried in the office. My heart aches for her and her children. Thanks Biko for this post… I have had a rough 2 years that got me thinking why I was alive if everything I tried to do was not successful and now I am grateful just for an opportunity to try and try again… the blessing of my heart beating, me breathing every single day and good health.

What she went through no human alive should go through. I admire her resilience and that she always wanted the best for her children despite all she underwent. I pray that God may grant her peace and grace in her heart and mind and that her children may be able to fade those bad memories and live in the present despite the challenges.

Thanks Biko for telling her story, as hard as it was for you to listen and pen it down. She survived all that!!!!! Bless her and her family. This is the saddest story I have read and it being true, breaks my heart even more.

She lives for her children and never contemplated suicide. We need to stop whining and be thankful for our lives. If human beings have such capacity in them to do evil, absolutely horrifying evil, what if we for once just decided to do good??

God bless the rangers and the G4S guard and the pastor. I hope that someday before she leaves this side of the sun she will find peace and a reason to smile again. I pray for her children……. God knew…that she could handle it?

Story of Job with different cast. God is unseen, and his ways are inscrutable and beyond human understanding. I pray that the music will heal her, transport her to a happy place, and that one day she will sing and dance from the depths of her heart.

How did you manage to sit through this interview? Its so unfortunate that her story is similar to so many. I have used up my emotions quota left for the year reading this one.

I truly feel sad. So much to thank God for. May God grant that lady and her children strength. May God remember that woman. This is arguably the saddest story I have ever read.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I read through. This world we live in is sometimes so cruel. I pray for that lady and her children. I pray for that G4S Samaritan and his family too.

That part about Choice is deep. And the things we complain about or take for granted? Oooh Lord God of heavens! God knows……sad story indeed…But when she mentioned in that shop that she wanted to listen to music, I realised with relief that there was something that still lived in her, a small ember that if fanned would turn into a fire again, and that thing, that little flicker needed music to get it alive again.

At first i thought they all died or maybe a child lived to tell the story. That she did not die is something she should thank God for. Truly there are humans and then some.!! As a journalist, I have done sad stories before but.

The value of human life can be corrupted by evil. Evil has found its way into our lives and humans and is having a cup of tea with our dignity. May God keep alive the hope of these dear ones and help us to do more than just feel sad for them.

Am one tearful person but on this one, my spring s could not yield…. Oh Biko share a mail with helpline for this family …we can support her financially and medically…I cannot imagine STIs and other reproductive health issues she concealed with that cry….

Hi Vina you can donate here http: I would have said hello: Maybe one day it will count for something. Thank you for telling her story! Biko, this is one story you do not leave hanging on us! We your readers, cannot just read this and move on as if it was a tale.

You bought a sim card for that phone with a radio, right? She went through so much for them. Let her live to see them write a different narrative. Hi Wambui, thank you for reaching out. This is such a heart-wrenching story.

I could not read beyond a point; to think she actually lived it. Listening to it retold much have been gutting. She is so brave. There are whys that can only be answered by God. As sad as her story is, it lights our dark world in a big way…her little candle is brighter than most of our neon lights!

Biko, u should have put a warning before this story started! I pray she one day gets emotional healing. I strongly supported the idea given the threat that kenya has faced over the shabaabs. But now am thinking, where will the woman and her children and many more like her go?

I am glad they were not closed and we can be of help to many. I also supported it at first out of ignorance and foolishness before a friend who works with UNHCR cautioned me about the uncertainties of life.

This is one article that makes one wonder what human beings are capable of doing to a fellow human. Forgive me Lord, for many a times i take all your blessings for granted…this is unfathomable!

Humans roasting fellow humans…. She is definitely a one very strong woman! When I see people not believing in God, I stopped questioning them because like in this case, how do you even encourage someone e.

WHERE do u even begin…. This sounded like one of those tails we read about the ogres only that it happened to real people. And to sit here, in my warm Nairobi office and bitch about trivial matter.

Are those babies going to school? How can I reach out? Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us. Spread the word too. Dear God, you have all the answers to the many questions that are in her heart.

Biko may God also give you peace and grace.. We mock everything that comes our way, from life to peace, health to wealth, we have graffiti of bullet holes on our matatus, we operate pseudo accounts with scary names and we take pride in hate massages we write.

Forgive us Lord because we know nothing. And thank you for your Mercy. Hi Susan, you can donate here http: Hardest read in a while. We take things for granted. One person experiencing so much pain until she feels no more pain.

May God continue blessing her and her children and bless them abundantly. Who really knows how bad it is? I have read this holding my one year old and all I could do was pray that the children survived too!

I had thought of not reading it all but I pressed on hoping for a better ending. Praying for her total restoration! Oh that the Lords grace and mercy may be upon us. May none of us ever have to go through this or anything close to this.

Let us keep praying for Kenya… we do not want to end up in such a state. Please let us know how we can help. Hi JB, you can donate here http: May she find peace and the courage to forgive.

Totally lost for words. God has blessed us so much that we forget what other people go through. Let us help this lady Biko. She has gone through hell and can still raise her head.

Hi Tubei, you can donate here http: This is a life changing story. This post just got me thinking deep…why would a fellow human do such inhumane things to a fellow human. Sometimes all your soul needs is music.

May God bless her and her children. Lets keep her in our prayers. You beautiful strong woman. I pray for healing for you and your beautiful children. How can human am i even allowed to call them that those devils..

I have cried and cried and asked God for forgiveness for whining at my little problems…May they get comfort. May God shield her from any more pain…. Thanks for the kind reminder. All that pain and sadness.

The thought of seeing your own child scream in a pot of boiling water, being raped. My heart is in knots. Because of the credibility that is Biko, i would otherwise think its some fictitious horror film from Hollywood.

Its at such moments that one questions everything godly about God. If really He exists and listens in our times of despair but He Knows, right?. She lived on as a testimony and as a lesson to us all, how little can be so much.

I say a prayer for her. They need deep counseling…. This story brought tears to my eyes……. The demons are surreal but she fights them. Am glad she has moved on and has hope. Thanks Biko for telling the story of the refugees who many at times we judge, blame and hate on them.

Indeed her desire to listen to music is one of hope. Biko we need to changia this woman, she needs to earn a living and educate her children without further strain if possible.

There isn't much evolution to the scent, and its performance is not strong. However, that is also true of the scent it most inspired Midnight in Paris, and Annick Menardo's next masculine hit the anisic gourmand scent Lolita Lempicka Au Masculin, released two years later.

While grappling with Black, one must also stop and consider Menardo's pedigree here; in the same year, she composed Dior Hypnotic Poison and Boucheron Jaipur Homme. That's a pretty good track record.

Black is by no means a perfect scent, but it is a vital taste of what was to come. It's a must for fans of abstract realism, or even gourmands. A definite must sniff.

Damn I'm conflicted on this. First blast is hot rubber and sour wood. But give it ten minutes and the leather and vanilla really shine through as the rubber fades away. But give it another ten minites after that and it's just plain gone.

I can barely smell it on myself point blank, nose to skin. What a shocking disapointment after that powerhouse opening. What the hell happened? I want the initial drydown to last and to project, it would be a smash.

I can't ever see a reason to use this bottle I bought. When I wear this, I don't detect any citrus or floral notes. I get a little tea, sandalwood, and amber, but mostly This blend of notes is very nice.

While it manages to be smooth and refined, it is still provocative, but you wouldn't feel out of place wearing this anywhere. Have your safe word ready when you put this on. Perfect for a date.

Initial blast may be a lil offputting for some, but after that a smooth leather-vanilla ride. Plus the gorgeous bottle. Oggi non ho aspettato neanche di tornare a casa e in macchina ho scartato e spruzzato Diciamo sensuale se non sentito da troppo vicino, altrimenti rischia di sembrare che mi sia strofinata un arbre magic Solo se amate la vaniglia.

This is a very enigmatic scent.. Tea, smoky rubber, vanilla. I smell all of this and what is most mystifying of all These notes blended very well together there are no rough edges or awkwardness here.

My only complaint would be the bottle is really awkward to spray, and I think there is something wrong with my sprayer as liquid leaks out around it when I go to spray: I was on the fence for awhile with this one cause I was afraid the notes wouldn't work together but I'm so glad I took the plunge this is a unique and wonderful gem.

I have mixed feelings about Bvlgari Black. I love the bottle, packaging and overall concept. Scent is weak to me. The first spray reminded me of a Tire Repair Shop waiting room with the dominant scent of tires mixed with a tree shaped fake rose scented car deodorizer, and an old wooden table holding well read newspapers and magazines.

The dry down is sweeter. So, I'm glad I stuck with it resisting my urge to immediately wash of the waiting room scent. My long time love. Purchased it in Sephora with my live-in at the time who loved it.

I have a soft-spot for unisex, masculine type sexy scents. This was my third experience into that genre after Kiehl's Homme scented shower gel and Donna Karan's Chaos. It was early 's and I fell in love with Black.

It's still in the front row of my collection. Although, I do think I enjoy it more in the Fall and Winter months. I really like this one. Different on paper, more of the rubber comes out. Sadly lacks longevity, or sillage.

However try it out, hopefully it works for you! Breaks my heart as the combination of rubber and vanilla makes me weak at the knees. If only I didn't have to bury my nose in my wrist to smell it after 3 hours.

Love this one, it's favorite from the Bvlgari house so far. I know it says unisex, but I have a hard time imagining a woman pulling this off, it smells pretty masculine to me.

I have no clue how burnt rubber, vanilla, and leather and work together to make this amazing smell, but it certainly does! I love this one!!! Urban and sexy scent. I dont understand this one.

I love annicke Manardo's compositions. But this one is a pass for me. But good for my collection. I've stayed away from this fragrance for a long, long time because smelling like "rubber" didn't really appeal to me.

I've been missing out though - this is terrific stuff! It comes on strong at first but then settles down a bit, although it is present throughout the life of the fragrance.

I can understand the associations some people make of this to MIP. On my skin, sillage is a bit soft after a while but the longevity is very good. This is one hip, sophisticated, yet exotically romantic fragrance - I'm really glad I own this now!

Well I just finished my old bottle of bvlgari black from around This is a hard one to talk about because scent wise I think it is a master piece. Its a vanilla fragrance with something different to give it some depth.

A combo of rubber and vanilla that enhances it with a smokey quality and darkness, yet still remains sweet and appealing. Sure this might jump out at you on the initial spray but overall this is a very moderate performing fragrance.

It just never worked that well for me. It wasn't a type of fragrance to get noticed or projected.. For that reason I probably won't repurchase it again.. Its a shame cause I do have a fondness for it.

Like sitting in the leather back seat of a luxury sedan as the tires squeal down a Hollywood drive at sunset. Hot rubber, a man's cologne and woman's perfume mingling in the overheated car interior.

The woman's tea splashes and spills as the driver veers down boulevard after boulevard. I dislike lapsang tea so heavily that I had to stop wearing Black a few years ago after having the misfortune of drinking the actual tea and vomiting afterwards..

Well, now that I'm over the trauma I've found again why I bought a bottle in the first place. There's pretty much two ways to perceive this - either it's a harmless tire store or straight up darkroom latex fantasy.

Well, you might guess which one I prefer but let's just say that I wouldn't wear this to work. While there's the clear tire accord Black actually also has sensitive side too - a fleeting jasmine with a slight rosy almost jammy vanilla backround.

It's an interesting contrast because you smell this most beautiful woody vanilla but at the same time it feels so vulgar and perverse due to the rubber, I love it! A strong Chinese black tea poured over pine wood, bergamot, sandalwood, a mild jasmine and subtle rose accord, and a delicious smoky, ambery vanilla.

Every single time I wear this and think to myself after a few hours that it's completely faded, I end up getting a compliment from someone. Recently, a coworker walked in the room where I was and said "mmmm vanilla".

This was after 7 hours of wear. I'm a woman who tends to play it safe with my scents I gravitate towards skin scents and fragrances that smell like expensive soaps. I feel edgy and confident when I wear it, and yet it's not an aggressive scent by any means.

It's powdery and sensual with a delightfully strange edge. To my surprise Black is pleasantly cozy with vanilla and smoky lapsang souchong tea. Yes, the lapsang has a delightfully leather like facet and there is a fleeting burst of rubber in the first few moments of application.

However, it's not dominantly leather or rubber scent by any means. On me Black settles into a seductive scent with quiet jasmine, balmy vanilla, and mysterious lapsang.

It has a surprisingly soft and even restful impression. While the composition is daring and smart, Black is easy to wear. It is not a difficult perfume at all to my nose.

This is not a bad fragrance but it doesn't do much for me either. It's a soft, smooth vanilla with that weird tire note. If I was just smelling this without reading anything about it first I wouldn't have said tire shop scent but I guess that's the closest association I can think of.

Like other Bvlgaris, it lasts a long time for me and I wish it had 2 or 3 times the strength it has. I can't really think of an occasion where I'd reach for this, maybe just relaxing around the house reading a book or something.

If I'm in the mood for a vanilla scent I'd prefer it to be something richer for nighttime out wear. As another commenter mentioned this isn't a greasy, dirty rubber, like an auto repair shop, but a pure, clean, tobacco-like rubber.

To me this smells like a man's study; luxurious leather chairs and the residual smell of pipe smoke. I'm looking at the notes and I'm amazed - I don't smell any rose at all and I'm guessing the "green tea" note is the lapsang souchong.

Maybe a touch of bergamot if I really smell or it may be my imagination. I could detect the vanilla, and maybe the amber, from the very beginning, though. It has a dry saltiness that reminds me a bit of Eau des Merveilles.

The vanilla and woods develop as it dries down and the soapy leather becomes less dominant. Surprisingly light sillage - I thought this would be "beastlier" - but pretty good longevity. This fragrance is unusual, almost anarchic, and not for the faint of heart but you should try it at least once if you're interested in pushing your scent boundaries.

Polarizing but I, for one, absolutely love it. I have made several serious attempts to try this but, as yet, have not even got to spray it on my skin!! As soon as I smell it, I recoil.

Formula 1 on a hot day personified. Brilliant concept but definitely not my cup of tea. Oh, how do tastes change! I remember testing this a few years ago and thinking it was awful. Reading Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez's review on this although I heartily disagree with most of their reviews made me want to test it again.

And what a good idea that was! The reviewer right below me hit the nail directly on the head: That perfectly describes the top notes. Nothing else can be said to describe it as well. Then, as the scent develops, I get a bit of leather, and a beautiful vanilla, sweet but dark, because of the rubber that still lingers.

This is a quiet scent, close to the skin unless you overspray, which I wouldn't do with this. I find it office appropriate, because it does not project much. The beautiful thing is, although office appropriate, it's far from boring and generic.

A love for me, immensely enjoyable. Holy smokes, this thing is an absolute master piece! Annick, you outdid yourself with this one young lady. Magnificent, almost royalty worthy scent.

You will not offend anyone while wearing this. I picture myself in a nice pinstripe suit, a classy pinstripe not those loud and obnoxious ones from the 20s, something from say Saint Laurent or Tom Ford.

Truly a fragrance worthy of respect, something only to wear on special occasions. The rubber note is not the kind you would smell from automobile tires, Hot, dirty and oily, but rather, it is the aroma of rubber fabric, clean yet musky, like worn rubber pants with the hint of sweat and smoke.

The leather note compliments the rubbery note cleverly well, the two were meant for each other. Brilliant pairing of these two notes. The rubbery note stands out strongly on the top as you first apply the fragrance and fades into the leather note where they co-mingle in a seductive dance with the amber and woody notes for the remainder of their longevity.

Sadly, this fragrance did not maintain a prominent sillage. It remained close to my skin fading exceedingly until extinguishing entirely after four hours. A pocket spray vial will be necessary for events lasting longer than two hours.

A spritz every two hours will refresh this fragrance well. Overall, it is a very pleasant fragrance in that it is quite different from the norm of citrus, clean and flowery.

It is what I call a Dark Scent. Old, musty, seedy, smokey Bars. Smoggy, Big city red-light districts. A must have fragrance for rubber and leather fetish fans, they will be spraying this like air freshener in their kinky sex dens.

Like this one very much Stepping a little out of my comfort zone, that usually comprises heady florals, I have found Bvlgari Black. The magic lies in its versatile minimalism.

This perfume can be mysterious and inviting when you don't want to reveal too much at first, but it also creates an aura of respect if what you need is an elegant yet unobtrusive fragrance in the office.

Also recommended on those days when you just want to stay home, because all you need is a good book, a cup of tea and a comfort scent. Rubber is such a foul odor to me. It's really hard to tell if you smell a faint rubber It doesn't have that "new car" odor.

But imagine showering, car shopping and spending the day in showrooms, driving your new car home, and as you walk in the door, this is what you smell like. It's more of a real-life scent than anything you'd spray from a bottle.

I don't think it's feminine at all, but certainly an acceptable scent for a woman. I have no got any rubber scent from it. Massive leather with vanilla with a hint of citrus in the first few minutes.

It would be perfect with more bergamot and real rubber. All I can say is its an initially pleasant, linear thing that on my skin manages to last around 15 seconds before it dissipates around me never to be smelled of again.

Has neither the longevity or the strangeness of LB. Yes, I get tea and and amber and the hint of rubber and its pleasant enough but its longevity is now non existent - have no idea what older samples are like but mine was new from the box.

Doesn't last on my husband either - very watery and a waste of money. Lacks the richness I genuinely expected it would have given such amazing reviews - if you like scents that sit so close as to be imperceptible, then fill your boots with Black - its going nowhere fast except into the atmosphere leaving nothing to suggest it was ever there to begin with.

More like the fleeting smell of freshly laundered clothes than a proper scent - shame, I wanted to love it. Daresay this is a legend by now. CK One gets the crown for making unisex our freedom from perfume gender bondage.

However, Black Bvlgari is what those who know more than what is mainstream are still wearing and loving. This, to me, is another delightful vanilla. It's leather but SOFT. It isn't a harsh Cuir or some kind of Farenheit.

No, not quite as burnt rubber as that. I get warm, soft leather. This is the kind of leather you drive in a car, not ride a motorcycle. Hopefully, those who try perfume don't make up their minds and write their reviews based on what comes immediately following a spray of any perfume.

Let Black Bvlgari settle. Let the notes develop and take form do that for all fumes. This is something I save for winter. Just like the warm, soft, comforting vanilla leather against the bitter cold.

Added bonus Is the unisex aspect. Keeps this one from being too harsh. How genius is That bottle? With its black rubber bottle and burnt-rubber smell, Black certainly stands out from the rest of the Bvlgari line.

I get vanilla and the rubbery-leather accord that I assume comes primarily from the smoky black tea note. I make it sound so good! In its day this was the best one with these notes.

Now, in there are others that can compete with it. But my memories and associations with this fragrance will keep me loving it for a long time. And to the person that said it doesn't last, I completely disagree.

Unless they have changed the formula. The bottle I have is from and it last and lasts forever. I use to get so many compliments wearing this. That was my last bottle which I still have.

The fragrance is good, not out of this world or anything just good, but this has the worst performance of ANY fragrance i have tried to date, good smell but not worth the money for the performance alone.

UPDATE since the guy above me claims that this is a very long lasting i assume it has been reformulated hes seems to be vintage, i own the current bottle. In classic Bvlgari style, Black is an unobtrusive tea inspired scent.

The particular tea of focus for Black is lapsang suochong, a fascinatingly smoky type of black tea. In addition to tea, Bvlgari Black smells like rubbery burnt leather.

I think of car tires skidding on hot asphalt. That note is strong at first but gently over time gives way to creamy vanilla and woods. While Black is certainly a modern classic in its own right, it also reminds me abstractly of the older classic Shalimar which also features rubbery leather and vanilla.

Bvlgari Black is unisex: I highly recommend it. Ok, so I just got this as a blind buy This is very faint, almost as if I put it on last night and just woke up after a long nights rest but it hasn't even been 30 minutes!

So far I am not impressed with the strength of this juice. The actual scent I find intriguing. That's not my concern. My concern is the longevity and sillage as it doesn't seem to excel in either area I will see what it does over the evening The surprisingly smooth scent of "burning tires" smoky and tarry Lapsang Souchong tea accompanied by lovely vanilla.

Lasts quite well with a soft-moderate sillage. I don't want to wear it too often because it's such a special fragrance. I spritz on some Black when I want to dominate my surroundings both mentally and with my physical presence.

Out of all fragrances Angalina Jolie if thats how its spelled could own, she choose this to be her signature scent. It just goes to show that price is not all that matters when it comes to this hobby.

I have a couple hundred samples from luckyscent in one big bag, sometimes i pull them out one by one without looking at what im smelling and this is the best way to jusge a fragrance. I say this because i really feel that by knowing what we are smelling can put a condition on the fragrance due to hype and the politics of this stuff.

Ive seen it happen so many times where someone has no idea they are smelling a niche and say its a designer and vice versa. This is a great scent. It has that clean rubber nuanced in with the soft vanilla.

The leather here mixed with vanilla and animalic tones just really set this thing off. The bottle really fits the scent. Great artistic touch in my opinion. Annick Menardo is a very talented perfumer.

I can smell the idea here, the thoughts, the big picture and all that goes along with what i am trying to say are all tied in together to create a soft and lovely aroma. I am on this new thing where i am sampling my favorite perfumers creations instead of whats "hyped " or popular and its a great idea because some of these perfumers, i really have a lot in common with in terms of what we enjoy fragrance wise.

Give ot a try and see what I'm talking about. To sum it up here guys, this is a beautiful creation thats easy on the nose and will last a long time. You wont be let down.

I do have midnight in paris, it does share a similar vibe and a couple notes, but its NOT the same fragrance. Thanks and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Where I have been transported is anyone's guess.

The smoked black tea provides a trompe l'oeil of rubber and Kmart auto center bolstered by vanilla and florals. Not for the faint of heart. My first impression is that it is overwhelmingly beautiful and masculine.

However, it will serve the purpose that I had intended it for. This was a blind buy, which I chose the take a chance on due to the high ratings. My husband is not into colognes whatsoever, but I saw how many good ratings this had, and that it could be worn by women also.

So I thought, if he doesn't like it, at least I can wear it. While I do enjoy its prominent leather notes, the smell is much softer than I thought it would be. Also, there is a very noticeable smell of rubber in the concoction that I'm not very fond of, making me feel that as a woman, I won't be able to use this.

However, because of its light smell, I know my husband will be more willing to wear it when I ask him to for dinner parties and family events. The sillage stays close to the body, and the longevity lasts about hours.

For the price, I am happy with the purchase, but am still slightly disappointed in the overall scent. It is said that that rarest of flowers grow in the strangest of places.

Black is an oriental perfume that proves the fact that all great smells are both genderless and timeless. It possesses a sweet vanillic face, a resinous ambery allure, a bold dry woods backbone, a floral green aura and finally a special, avant-garde rubber accord.

In short Black has depth but moreover smells unquestionably beautiful and is a generous, warm and imaginative perfume. If smelled in close ups it reveals a perfection to tiny details, if smelled from distance it provides comfort in the league of the few such as Caron PUH and Yohji Homme.

Created by Annick Menardo for Bvlgari, Black is perhaps her best perfume so far and one of the best designer scents of the last 20 years. Unluckily even to this day Black is being treated more as a cult fragrance and appeals to people that seek the peculiar and weird rather than people who want to smell great.

Too bad since this should be treated like Shalimar. A road to go into. Bvlgari Black is one of the most orignal creations of modern parfumery. You will be seduced or be the seducer with this love potion.

There is such a yin yang dynamic with this one too. Like other reviewers said, it can be so lovingly soft, but that rubber note is so intriguing! Bvlgari Black develops over time, it is not linear and requires you to pay attention, sniff your wrist throughout the day, you will enjoy all the notes in this impressive work of art.

Will live this scent forever on my boyfriend and myself. We bought this for the leather. Mostly rubbery, oakmoss, musky notes. Where these others are supposed to exist must be buried in these dominant notes.

I've had motorcycles for years, and this evokes none of those smells. My partner loves this, I find it ok, but not enough for me to wear. I think she's picking up something I'm not. It's nice, but you might want to find a place to sample it.

Since we don't feel like turning our home into a mailorder showroom and we hate malls, we frequently blind buy. I wouldn't say we've been disappointed yet. What one of us isn't crazy about, the other will be!

I honestly prepared myself for something more sharp and masculine It's quite mellow, sweet and just a little on the edge. It's like wearing a silk dress with leather jacket - tender and aggressive at the same time: And, yes, it is a very sexy smell on men too!

I am not sure if they reformulated this or not, but I own a bottle from around I think its a fantastic smelling fragrance. For me is a very alluring vanilla and rubber smell. Its sweet vanilla but with the leather combo it almost smells like sweet tires.

Maybe that doesn't sound good, but I like it. The performance on it isn't that great for me. Wish It lasted and projected longer, but as far as the smell it is definitely a classic.

I wear this usually in the fall. I'm a complete newbie, whose gateway 'fume was Cashmere Mist a month or so ago. So here I am, trying to sharpen my nose, to make up for so much lost time You know you like it.

Melted pavement turns to incense, heat rises from smoked black tea Rain moves in from the mountains, and brings in a stationary front - vanilla. The rubber note can still be smelled close to the skin, but in the air, it's a ribbon of smoke within and without the vanilla.

Not a place I will go every day, but good to have on hand. Man, some days, it's really hard to smell like a brand new tire. Honestly, all I can smell is alcohol and vanilla, even on fabric.

And I let a co-worker smell it, and she said the same thing: I'm giving this perfume a test ride these last few days and I keep thinking how unusual it is. It is everything for everyone.

It is masculine enough for a man, feminine enough for a woman and at the end, with the dry down, it is great for a child in everyone with it's vanilla ice cream smell I get on my skin.

It is also light enough for daily wear and beautiful for an evening wear as well. It is also kind of alternative, not niche but not designer. It is not expensive, but certainly not cheap. The sillage is not heavy, but it can be detected.

The notes are simple, yet interesting every time I wear it. I don't know how this relationship will work, but I'm certainly intrigued. To sum it up, it is an exquisite peace of art-work.

I wear Bvlgary Black very often. It's a comfort scent for me, serene and introverted. I generally find floral fragrances stimulating and even disturbing, while stern compositions with insence and leather never feel distracting or out of place.

Perfect for work, and other people's compliments come as a nice complement to this very intimate delight. There is nothing unpleasant about this scent, it is mostly vanilla and woods at the drydown.

This is one of those frags you can't just smell at the counter and make a decision. One really needs at least ml to sample and WEAR on their skin to see how this works with them. Believe me, if all scents would smell the way they do on a test strip, my collection would be twice as big.

I also, I am one of the very few left who has not tried either version of MIP so I can't compare them, though from the reviews and notes they look like they are in the same vein.

I try not to read to many reviews because I start looking for the bad and not the good in something. A good example would be Dior Fahrenheit, I liked that scent until ppl said it smells like gas, then all I could smell is gas and stopped liking it as much.

I like this house. They are putting out quality frags at a great price. This one is unique I always tell people about this being a hidden secret of a scent. To sum it up I would say it is a combination of rubber and vanilla.

I love the tea notes. I believe there is a smokey Lapsong Suchong note to this. The smell is unusual but is worth trying. I can understand how some people may dislike this as it is a smell that may take some getting used to.

Many could be put off by the burnt rubber smell. In my mind though this is a great slightly mysetious smell. I do agree it smells ' weird ' or even ' bad ' for an average person who's just looking for a good smelling fragrance but one can see it from a different angle and say it's the most ' Avante garde 'fragrance ever made besides Fahrenheit which shares the same vibe.

Opens very harsh with that oily rubber smell then it settles down to a sweet smoky vanilla. Usually people call this leather but for me it's pure rubber more than leather.

This one goes beyond smelling nice or bad, it's just a character by it's own. Thanks so much for your comment!! Cinnamon is another food I make a point to eat everyday. Luckily we have a really excellent Indian grocery store in our neighborhood!

And we are planning a trip there later this afternoon! Let me know what you think about this! Have you ever heard of anyone being allergic to turmeric? The smell made it very hard for me to breathe I had to go outside!

So, incorporating ghee in the recipe could take the place of the pepper, I believe. Will be trying this recipe, thanks! I brew all kinds of things in my kitchen. I have only used ground turmeric.

I must try it with cinnamon now. I just found your website this weekend and I am addicted! I just made this tea tonight, though I only had ground turmeric. I agree the taste was a bit strong, but still delicious!

I can definitely sign on to making this once a day! Thanks and keep the good advice coming! Fresh turmeric makes ALL the difference! I grate the ginger and tumeric straight into a piece of cheese clothe rather than straining it out after.

Drink up — the health benefits of tumeric are too great to ignore! Thanks for the recipe! Silly question, but what is your method for peeling and grating the root without turning yourself and everything around you yellow?

Jennifer, I hear you! I put in in my vitamix and it grates it perfectly! Then I portion it out in little ice cube trays to freeze. Then transfer the little cubes to a freezer safe container.

I hope that helps and if anyone else can figure out how to not get everything yellow, I would give you a virtual fist bump!!! I pound tumeric root with the flat side of a meat pounder under two sheets of wax paper, then slide it into my tea strainer.

For those who wish to avoid getting petroleum product in their tea from the parafin in waxed paper, you could use an unbleached parchment paper available in natural food stores 1 such brand is If You Care.

Has lots of other uses as well. I used rubber gloves for peeling and grating, but the most amazing thing happened during clean-up: It was like a fun chemistry experiment!

Nicole — thanks for that tip about using the oxiclean! I came back especially to see if anyone had tips to get rid of the stain on my grater, and you have not disappointed!

Gloves for everything food, cleaning and taking out the garbage. I used my NutriBullet to make the tea. Peeled the turmeric and ginger and placed it in the smaller of the cups. Poured boiling water on top.

Attached the NutriBullet milling blade. Ran the machine for a minute. It pulverized the ginger and turmeric. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Then add the additional ingredients and run it again.

I am looking forward to drinking this tea every day. Keep up the great work! Can you comment on the effects of turmeric if you are on medication for high blood pressure or diabetes.

I use to drink turmeric juice every morning mixed with radish and cauliflower and a small piece of garlic. I am going to try and also share with my clients. And I facilitate a support group for Lupus patients, they could really benefit from this.

I am really enjoying following you. Why do you need to peel Turmeric? Can I put a small piece into a Vitamix mixer along with other igredients. I juice a fresh turmeric and mix it with lemon and honey, it taste so good but the stain is so hard to get rid…..

The tea taste so good. Can I drink this tea while breastfeeding feeding I have premature baby in intensive care and I think drinking this tea would be beneficial for her but us it or is it dangerous because of detoxification of it thank u.

Please sign me up for your newsletter. I am new to your site…. Hello I was recently told I have inflammation and a fatty liver. Can you share any information on the benefits after a diagnosis.

Does the tea possibly removes the fat during the detoxification? Can I include this tea in my daily diet or is there a time period I should not drink? Sorry for so many question, want to have the full benefit.

I might have missed it, but how does the pure vanilla play into the benefits of this tea or is it more for taste? You can definitely leave it out. Thanks for the recipe. I just recently decided to add turmeric to my diet on a regular basis to help with fat burning as well as other health benefits.

I used coconut oil in place of coconut milk. Tnx for ur article.. I would only use about 1 tablespoon coconut oil, though. Just found out about turmeric and ginger benefits. Have you tried with cayenne pepper, I heard it has some other health benefits also that increase metabolism, etc.

I have never used turmeric although I do put it in my dogs crockpot diet but it was suggested to me during a Reiki session. Will definitely be a go-to tea for me; especially as the weather turns cold.

Crazy question — is it possible to have too much? My 8 year old daughter tried it and loved it! No, you are fine with drinking it a couple times a day. That is actually really awesome! Let me know if you guys notice any good benefits from it after a few weeks less joint pain, less headaches, etc.

I usually go to pain management 4 times a year to receive epidural steroid injections, and would like to eliminate them! I purchased all the ingredients your recipe required and made a batch that lasts me perfectly for 3 days.

I was just telling my husband tonight that I am going to hold off on getting my next shot. I am definitely feeling less pain since I have been drinking this tea.

Right now I just know this tea is helping with my pain. I love your site, thank you! Joyce, I am so excited to hear this and am so happy for you!!! I am passionate about getting the message out that food can be one of the most powerful forms of medicine and your message is like music to my ears — thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment and helping to make my day.

I wish you the best, Joyce and am hopeful for you! My husband and I drink a version of this every night. I absolutely love turmeric.. We add a little lemon and use some coconut oil. I never thought to use coconut milk..

I bet it makes it creamy. Definitely going to try this tonight. Thanks for all of your wonderful info! Hope you like this version, Stephanie! I especially love this version in the cooler months of Fall and Winter — so good!

I finally found fresh turmeric at Wegmans and tried this as an after dinner drink. I really love the taste and it is very warming, which is great as the weather is really starting to change.

Will have to buy larger quantities of tumeric and try that. Thanks for the great recipe! Also, just another update since I love this tea so much and drink it every day and am always trying to find ways to make it easier to make: After, the turmeric and ginger are shredded, I dump in a bunch of cinnamon, black pepper and vanilla beans.

I just get a new baggie out of the freezer each week and keep it in the fridge to last me the whole week. The last time I made it, I used about a pound and a half of turmeric and it made enough to last me about 4 months!

Thanks for the update! Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for sharing that tip! In the deep South, where a lot of wisdom has not survived the test of time, we were told to drink a Red Rock carbonated beverage for our periods, which was a ginger ale.

Unfortunately, probably very little actual ginger content! Just made my first cuppa. Method was very different, so not sure if I achieved the right health benefits, but here goes.

Ditto 1 thin slice of turmeric. Put these in my little Chinese teapot and pour in boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, then pour into a glass coffee cup. No residues, just a clear liquid.

I definitely tasted all the ingredients, awesome. Doug, that is perfect! And SO much easier! I am going to do your method from now on — I appreciate you taking the time to share it. I think I love you, Kelly.

Just a heads up about turmeric. Turmeric in large doses taken with other medications can lead to liver failure. My mom is a diabetic and it cross reacted with her glucose managing meds.

She ended up in the ICU and nearly died. If it oil helps absorption of the curcumin, would it be a good option to mix the powder with 2 tbs of virgin coconut oil? I think this sounds delicious!

It will be difficult for me to find fresh turmeric locally, and taxing to make at times if I am having a bad day healthwise — with these very issues turmeric is good for.

I am just learning about it. I wonder if the dried powder in capsule form is more concentrated. Along with ginger and cinnamon. What do you think, and do you have any favorites? I needed this right now.

I was getting discouraged. I wish you the best in your health! Really excited about the potential benefits of drinking some version of Turmeric tea.

Libras woman in black tea for three plus one

Is Black Tea-Party Activist By John the year-old Hampton and her three sisters were raised by a single mom who Kentucky’s largest city and home to one. Types of Teas and Their Health Benefits. From green tea to Black tea: Made with fermented One study showed that white tea has the most potent anticancer.

15.02.2018 - It's still in the front row of my collection. I notice lots of people think this is hard to wear or find it odd. Black is undoubtedly one of the best leather notes on the market, very well made, simple, clean, powerful, with a very convincing mixture, basically appreciates a very aromatic tea, astringent, dry, giving the cadence, a Central note of leather with nuances of rubber rubber and vanilla drying to sweeten everything in the right measure and without touching the gourmand. Ccleaner free download software windows 7 - Alabam... But now I have put on some weight. I too am a refugee in South Africa but my journey has been far better, nothing of this likeness. You will either love or hate it.

File woman in black tea for three plus one.

24.03.2018 - Usually people call this leather but for me it's pure rubber more than leather. Mokolo was an animal, not a man. I look at her. Ccleaner free download for google chrome - Free cc... Those early bottles would all leak. When they eventually told them the truth, they were shocked and scared because if the Mai-Mai caught up with them they would all be killed.

Setup exe woman in black tea for three plus one kodi.

08.02.2018 - Too bad since this should be treated like Shalimar. I found a new prayer item. May her spirit watch over the other tormented children. Ccleaner free download for windows 7 crack - Offic... I wish all Kenyans can have this story for breakfast every morning for the next two months, maybe we might get our sanity back and stop all this negative - ethnicity crap running amock in our beautiful land. I dislike lapsang tea so heavily that I had to stop wearing Black a few years ago after having the misfortune of drinking the actual tea and vomiting afterwards. I get 4 or 5 hours at most from this.

This tea has three herbs that have long been One of the best lactation teas you can get is the Plus, it has fenugreek, which is one of the best herbs. Finishing off Afternoon Tea Week with a good old cuppa Dilmah Premium Black Tea and a big Twenty three year old of tea than to team up with one of the. Watch video · Three quarters of us drink tea every day but many of us are too impatient to let it steep For standard black tea, plus or minus 3mm.

That's may be hits or miss. Revolutionary fragrance in Highly recomended try the vintage batch. Its rock everythings, if.. Fresh, sexy and also muskuline. Black is undoubtedly one of the best leather notes on the market, very well made, simple, clean, powerful, with a very convincing mixture, basically appreciates a very aromatic tea, astringent, dry, giving the cadence, a Central note of leather with nuances of rubber rubber and vanilla drying to sweeten everything in the right measure and without touching the gourmand.

At times it makes me feel like I'm inside a luxury sports car, brand new, with leather seats. I find it suitable for the most demanding public who wants a good note of leather available and without stridencies.

Black is all a basics that I use very often, is much better than many niches out there and also at a price of laughter. A masterpiece of classic perfumery!! I still have original bottles of this from way way back along with a miniature shower gel and soap.

Truly unisex; a woman I know tried it and it smelled soft and a touch floral on her, but on me this is pretty much pure industrial rubber with a hint of the smoky tea. That might be offputting to some, but for me this unique urban fragrance, although not for everyday, is one I choose when I really want to make an impression.

For me these old bottles also have great longevity. If anyone sees the soap or other 'bath and body' products of this fragrance let me know! This is pure sex in a bottle. The first time I smelled this I wasn't ready to wear it, it was ALL man--specifically a man in his 20's.

Maybe a guy who works with his hands, drives a motorcycle, and wears a leather jacket. Yeah, that type of guy that women notice. This is often a signature scent for men, but on women it takes on a bad girl whose into leather if you get my meaning and a little darkness.

A definite mood changer. However, it's a phantom of what it once was. Bvlgari perfumes don't last on my skin anyway, but this has definitely been reformulated. I have a bottle from May, and I remember smelling an entirely different scent in April of I remember the date because we visited a perfume shop while on vacation, and it had more rubber.

Now it has more tea and vanilla. Reformulated ten years ago. That's why the're so many negative reviews. It WAS rubbery, sexy, strong and very unisex. Angelina Jolie was wearing this stuff.

The initial blasts were vanilla-heavy and a "metropolitan bakery run by the yakuza"-accord was doing my head in. A bit more strength and power would be appreciated though. I'm having a really hard time with this one.

The alcohol scent is so strong that I miss any initial scents and once its faded it smells like baby powder. If I really concentrate I can pick out the rubber and leather, but it's buried under a powdery smell that is similar to baby oil.

I tried it a couple times on myself and it's all powder. Than I had the idea to try it on my boyfriend. Mmmmm a bit of cedar and than super-vanilla. Imagine if you were to polish a nice oak cabinet with vanilla.

Sadly no delicious smokey tea. Just rich woody vanilla. It's not his taste, but I think it's yummy. Well, Yesterday I bought this fragrance from bvlgari store at amazon. You smell the perfume at the first spray then it disappears.

No one can notice it on you so that you don't receive any compliment. The ones who said they get compliments, I think they mean the compliments were from someone get them hugged because this is the only way you can notice it.

In fact it smells like a TIRE. I give an overall of 3 of I love this unisex fragrance. The leather and rubber notes are subtle but unusual, particularly When worn by a woman.

I've just finished my second bottle of this and will be buying another as soon as I can. This has become a winter signature for me. I had a craving for this warm brooding scent for so long and didn't realize it until I bought myself a bottle.

You ever have that happen? Like you crave some scent but you cant figure out what you need and then you get a hold of some juice and it's like YES! That's how I currently feel with Black.

Its a grounding and comforting scent. Its smooth and luscious and round. The smokiness warms me up here in the winter months. I notice lots of people think this is hard to wear or find it odd.

I don't get that at all. It is unique for sure, but its very assessable imo. It has a niche feel to it, but it's not over the top in what it has to say. In a nutshell Black is a dark, brooding, somewhat serious perfume.

It demands confidence and surety, but at the same time it's disarming in its powdery innocence. It's a smoky, leathery, vanilla, with just the perfect amount of amber. The green tea adds just a bit of freshness to it, making it easy to wear even in the summer.

It's weird I used to wear this scent a few years ago and got away from it and now I cant figure out why. This is so me. This perfume has shot to the top of my want list! Thank you no-fi for the generous sample!

On first application, there's a wall of amber and vanilla mixed with cedar on my skin. Jasmine pops up, musk settles it all in a background kind of way and there's some greenery coming through too, combining amazingly with the jasmine and leather, just when I was thinking this was totally oriental!

A juxtaposition of notes that work so well together and ever changing. How does Annick Menardo work this kind of magic?! Nothing vies for dominance on my skin and just when I think ok, bummer, the rubbery vanilla leather has gone, I get a whiff of it again.

The notes come and go in a changing harmony. Beautiful, stunning and a heap of other adjectives in that vein. Longevity and sillage so far are a little subtle but will give it more time, I could eat my words.

Off to look for a bottle now. This fragrance is one of my favorite night time cheapies. The performance seems hit and miss. There are times where I can't smell anything but it still gets noticed.

There are times where I get nothing. I usually have best luck when I spray on my clothing. It's too sweet for my taste, but it fades after hours of spraying it seems to be a common trend among Bvlgari fragrances, with the exception of Bvlgari Men in Black, which you can feel after hours.

Unfortunately i dislike this one. All I smell is rubber. Not something elegant perfumey rubber, but realistic rubber and only that, nothing else. I thought it will be similar to Midnight in Paris, it kind of is, but only for that rubber note.

Midnight in Paris has also vanilla and sweetness to it, Bvlgari Black has only rubber. The scent itself is fascinating, somehow they managed to create a smell of a car tires, rubber tubes, gasoline, plastic canisters with gasoline, rubber tubes with gasoline and car tires.

It is fascinating yes, but I would never want to smell like that myself. I was hoping to get a smell of leather car seats with a hint of flowers and musk, all I got was the smell of car-service workshop.

Anyway, happy to test it, otherwise I would be thinking about it for ages. Try if you like realistic rubber scents with no vanilla, flowers or musk. The bottle is gorgeous in reality though, lucky those who like the scent as well.

Opens up with a very original, rubbery leather that blends with a warm, nice vanilla note. The name fits perfectly, it conveys the idea of a sexy black leather jacket with rugged boots worn by someone that shows great confidence and drives a fast sport-car.

Due to the tea-note, can be worn all year round, it's quite versatile in my opinion as it's a refined, nice leather. Bvlgari Black is now discontinued but it will remain in my mind as a unique and refined leather scent with an untamed, sexy vibe.

The Days Challenge - Day Rubbery and aromatic, with a heavy cloud that is hesitant between synthetic and natural smelling. Not appropriate for "Fifty Shades of Grey" readers, but certainly appealing for Marquis de Sade wannabes.

A fashionable statement for Halloween. Great sweet leather scent. Different enough to be noticed but not so far out there wearing it is a challenge. It is light, sweet, rather feminine powdery-flowery powder room and somewhat modern.

Mom at a restaurant. When I first smelled this, was taken aback by the initial black tire rubber blast. This totally grew on me and now I absolutely love it. That black rubber phase is short lived on my skin and the drydown is just so good.

At first, I would only use it for layering, but now I usually like to rock Bvlgari Black on its own. Mostly wear it to get that understated edgy-modern feel and also when I go out drinking with friends.

Also like to pair it with super feminine outfits, for a different kind of subtly sexy-cozy vibe. This scent evokes everything it set out to because it makes me want to go on a joy ride in gas guzzler with supple leather seats, with good friends and good music while sharing a flask of peaty scotch.

Review for bottle with the twist atomizer "cap". Best of the bests unisex fragrances, alike Cobachard and Shalimar style Dark Green Leather without any sweetness in it Scary, I know For first 3 hours or so I got good quality black tea, sweetened a bit maybe, with rubber and beautiful leather.

There were some oakmoss accords too, as well as musk and amber. It felt stron and clean in a strange way. Didn't felt much extravagant after all. It cooled down finally to nice vanilla note.

It smells so amazing I seriously don't get anything that smells like rubber. I smell leather and vanilla mainly along with tea and amber. Vanilla usually really turns me off because I hate anything too sweet and vanilla based fragrances are kinda feminine in my opinion, but this is so balanced to where the vanilla never annoys me.

This is not feminine at all to my nose it smells masculine if anything. I could see a woman wearing it tho hot!!! I was expecting it to be very off the wall but it smells a lot more agreeable than I had envisioned which is not a bad thing.

It's still a ground breaking fragrance nonetheless, not one that followed the crowd by any means. It's such a shame that it projects quite well but not very far.

The longevity is decent tho, above 6 hours. I will update this when I do more testing. Yes it is basically a little bit more than a skin scent It's more than worth the money and you don't need every fragrance to be on that beast mode level.

I will forever own a bottle of this it smells amazing! I enjoy 'Black' on other people, but unfortunately my skin amps up the rubber until it drowns out everything else. Occasionally I get very faint whispers of vanilla and amber, but then they are drowned out by the overpowering and nauseating smell of rubber again.

While I do appreciate the artistry and the concept, I can't wear it to save my life. If you're planning on buying it and have never tried it, test it first. Did not like it when I tried it in a store, but when I wore the same shirt the next day, I couldn't stop sniffing my sleeve!

It's addictive and beautiful, very soft, a bit sweet and sexy. I bought this based on its reputation and have worn it only a couple of times. I didn't hate it, but it was not love at first sniff either.

I am going to hang onto my bottle and test drive it again in the future as some of my greatest perfume loves I had to grown into somewhat slowly. It's interesting how Bvlgari Black can play somehow the concepts of the 90s and still be a perfume more dark that many aquatic and fresh creations of that time, being thus among the most challenging and artistic.

I have already reviewed it in the past but this is a composition worth going back to study. If you stop to think, structurally speaking there is not much of a difference from Black tp CK One, you realize that its monolithic aroma is an effect of a construction made of musks that oscillate between the softer and slightly animalic.

However, the way it works vanilla and an abstract mineral and slightly smoky accord of Lapsang Souchong tea gives such musks a rubberized and sweet aroma that is urban and modern until today. It is a perfume that illustrates very well the contemporary trend in which we live where creation must quickly show its facets - on the skin or on blotter - and keep them throughout the evolution.

Black was done by a perfumer I admire - the wonderful Annick Menardo, the creator of Hypnotic Poison. Bvlgari Black was the first of the abstract realist fragrances, which gained prominence the following decade.

Its followers explored accords such as ink Encre Noir and pencil shavings Carbone, with results as workmanlike as they were nostalgic. Black, however, was not merely abstruse and conceptual - it was sensual, too.

Much of that has to do with the choice of source material; Black explored the darkly sweet nuances of rubber, a note that is as mundane as it is fetishistic. In Black, the rubber is sweet, leathery and vanillic; it is also warm and sensual, but somewhat aloof.

There isn't much evolution to the scent, and its performance is not strong. However, that is also true of the scent it most inspired Midnight in Paris, and Annick Menardo's next masculine hit the anisic gourmand scent Lolita Lempicka Au Masculin, released two years later.

While grappling with Black, one must also stop and consider Menardo's pedigree here; in the same year, she composed Dior Hypnotic Poison and Boucheron Jaipur Homme. That's a pretty good track record.

Black is by no means a perfect scent, but it is a vital taste of what was to come. It's a must for fans of abstract realism, or even gourmands. A definite must sniff. Damn I'm conflicted on this.

First blast is hot rubber and sour wood. But give it ten minutes and the leather and vanilla really shine through as the rubber fades away. But give it another ten minites after that and it's just plain gone.

I can barely smell it on myself point blank, nose to skin. What a shocking disapointment after that powerhouse opening. What the hell happened? I want the initial drydown to last and to project, it would be a smash.

I can't ever see a reason to use this bottle I bought. When I wear this, I don't detect any citrus or floral notes. I get a little tea, sandalwood, and amber, but mostly This blend of notes is very nice.

While it manages to be smooth and refined, it is still provocative, but you wouldn't feel out of place wearing this anywhere. Have your safe word ready when you put this on. Perfect for a date.

Initial blast may be a lil offputting for some, but after that a smooth leather-vanilla ride. Plus the gorgeous bottle. Oggi non ho aspettato neanche di tornare a casa e in macchina ho scartato e spruzzato Diciamo sensuale se non sentito da troppo vicino, altrimenti rischia di sembrare che mi sia strofinata un arbre magic Solo se amate la vaniglia.

This is a very enigmatic scent.. Tea, smoky rubber, vanilla. I smell all of this and what is most mystifying of all These notes blended very well together there are no rough edges or awkwardness here.

My only complaint would be the bottle is really awkward to spray, and I think there is something wrong with my sprayer as liquid leaks out around it when I go to spray: I was on the fence for awhile with this one cause I was afraid the notes wouldn't work together but I'm so glad I took the plunge this is a unique and wonderful gem.

I have mixed feelings about Bvlgari Black. I love the bottle, packaging and overall concept. Scent is weak to me. The first spray reminded me of a Tire Repair Shop waiting room with the dominant scent of tires mixed with a tree shaped fake rose scented car deodorizer, and an old wooden table holding well read newspapers and magazines.

The dry down is sweeter. So, I'm glad I stuck with it resisting my urge to immediately wash of the waiting room scent. My long time love. Purchased it in Sephora with my live-in at the time who loved it.

I have a soft-spot for unisex, masculine type sexy scents. This was my third experience into that genre after Kiehl's Homme scented shower gel and Donna Karan's Chaos. It was early 's and I fell in love with Black.

It's still in the front row of my collection. Although, I do think I enjoy it more in the Fall and Winter months. I really like this one. Different on paper, more of the rubber comes out.

Sadly lacks longevity, or sillage. However try it out, hopefully it works for you! Breaks my heart as the combination of rubber and vanilla makes me weak at the knees.

If only I didn't have to bury my nose in my wrist to smell it after 3 hours. Love this one, it's favorite from the Bvlgari house so far. I know it says unisex, but I have a hard time imagining a woman pulling this off, it smells pretty masculine to me.

I have no clue how burnt rubber, vanilla, and leather and work together to make this amazing smell, but it certainly does! I love this one!!! Urban and sexy scent. I dont understand this one.

I love annicke Manardo's compositions. But this one is a pass for me. But good for my collection. I've stayed away from this fragrance for a long, long time because smelling like "rubber" didn't really appeal to me.

I've been missing out though - this is terrific stuff! It comes on strong at first but then settles down a bit, although it is present throughout the life of the fragrance.

I can understand the associations some people make of this to MIP. On my skin, sillage is a bit soft after a while but the longevity is very good. This is one hip, sophisticated, yet exotically romantic fragrance - I'm really glad I own this now!

Well I just finished my old bottle of bvlgari black from around This is a hard one to talk about because scent wise I think it is a master piece. Its a vanilla fragrance with something different to give it some depth.

A combo of rubber and vanilla that enhances it with a smokey quality and darkness, yet still remains sweet and appealing. Sure this might jump out at you on the initial spray but overall this is a very moderate performing fragrance.

It just never worked that well for me. It wasn't a type of fragrance to get noticed or projected.. For that reason I probably won't repurchase it again.. Its a shame cause I do have a fondness for it.

Like sitting in the leather back seat of a luxury sedan as the tires squeal down a Hollywood drive at sunset. Hot rubber, a man's cologne and woman's perfume mingling in the overheated car interior.

The woman's tea splashes and spills as the driver veers down boulevard after boulevard. I dislike lapsang tea so heavily that I had to stop wearing Black a few years ago after having the misfortune of drinking the actual tea and vomiting afterwards..

Well, now that I'm over the trauma I've found again why I bought a bottle in the first place. There's pretty much two ways to perceive this - either it's a harmless tire store or straight up darkroom latex fantasy.

Well, you might guess which one I prefer but let's just say that I wouldn't wear this to work. While there's the clear tire accord Black actually also has sensitive side too - a fleeting jasmine with a slight rosy almost jammy vanilla backround.

It's an interesting contrast because you smell this most beautiful woody vanilla but at the same time it feels so vulgar and perverse due to the rubber, I love it! A strong Chinese black tea poured over pine wood, bergamot, sandalwood, a mild jasmine and subtle rose accord, and a delicious smoky, ambery vanilla.

Every single time I wear this and think to myself after a few hours that it's completely faded, I end up getting a compliment from someone. Recently, a coworker walked in the room where I was and said "mmmm vanilla".

This was after 7 hours of wear. I'm a woman who tends to play it safe with my scents I gravitate towards skin scents and fragrances that smell like expensive soaps.

I feel edgy and confident when I wear it, and yet it's not an aggressive scent by any means. It's powdery and sensual with a delightfully strange edge. To my surprise Black is pleasantly cozy with vanilla and smoky lapsang souchong tea.

Yes, the lapsang has a delightfully leather like facet and there is a fleeting burst of rubber in the first few moments of application. However, it's not dominantly leather or rubber scent by any means.

On me Black settles into a seductive scent with quiet jasmine, balmy vanilla, and mysterious lapsang. It has a surprisingly soft and even restful impression. While the composition is daring and smart, Black is easy to wear.

It is not a difficult perfume at all to my nose. This is not a bad fragrance but it doesn't do much for me either. It's a soft, smooth vanilla with that weird tire note. If I was just smelling this without reading anything about it first I wouldn't have said tire shop scent but I guess that's the closest association I can think of.

Like other Bvlgaris, it lasts a long time for me and I wish it had 2 or 3 times the strength it has. I can't really think of an occasion where I'd reach for this, maybe just relaxing around the house reading a book or something.

If I'm in the mood for a vanilla scent I'd prefer it to be something richer for nighttime out wear. As another commenter mentioned this isn't a greasy, dirty rubber, like an auto repair shop, but a pure, clean, tobacco-like rubber.

To me this smells like a man's study; luxurious leather chairs and the residual smell of pipe smoke. I'm looking at the notes and I'm amazed - I don't smell any rose at all and I'm guessing the "green tea" note is the lapsang souchong.

Maybe a touch of bergamot if I really smell or it may be my imagination. I could detect the vanilla, and maybe the amber, from the very beginning, though. It has a dry saltiness that reminds me a bit of Eau des Merveilles.

The vanilla and woods develop as it dries down and the soapy leather becomes less dominant. Surprisingly light sillage - I thought this would be "beastlier" - but pretty good longevity.

This fragrance is unusual, almost anarchic, and not for the faint of heart but you should try it at least once if you're interested in pushing your scent boundaries. Polarizing but I, for one, absolutely love it.

I have made several serious attempts to try this but, as yet, have not even got to spray it on my skin!! As soon as I smell it, I recoil. Formula 1 on a hot day personified. Brilliant concept but definitely not my cup of tea.

Oh, how do tastes change! I remember testing this a few years ago and thinking it was awful. Reading Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez's review on this although I heartily disagree with most of their reviews made me want to test it again.

And what a good idea that was! The reviewer right below me hit the nail directly on the head: That perfectly describes the top notes. Nothing else can be said to describe it as well.

Then, as the scent develops, I get a bit of leather, and a beautiful vanilla, sweet but dark, because of the rubber that still lingers. This is a quiet scent, close to the skin unless you overspray, which I wouldn't do with this.

I find it office appropriate, because it does not project much. The beautiful thing is, although office appropriate, it's far from boring and generic. A love for me, immensely enjoyable.

Holy smokes, this thing is an absolute master piece! Annick, you outdid yourself with this one young lady. Magnificent, almost royalty worthy scent. You will not offend anyone while wearing this.

I picture myself in a nice pinstripe suit, a classy pinstripe not those loud and obnoxious ones from the 20s, something from say Saint Laurent or Tom Ford. Truly a fragrance worthy of respect, something only to wear on special occasions.

The rubber note is not the kind you would smell from automobile tires, Hot, dirty and oily, but rather, it is the aroma of rubber fabric, clean yet musky, like worn rubber pants with the hint of sweat and smoke.

The leather note compliments the rubbery note cleverly well, the two were meant for each other. Brilliant pairing of these two notes. The rubbery note stands out strongly on the top as you first apply the fragrance and fades into the leather note where they co-mingle in a seductive dance with the amber and woody notes for the remainder of their longevity.

Sadly, this fragrance did not maintain a prominent sillage. It remained close to my skin fading exceedingly until extinguishing entirely after four hours. A pocket spray vial will be necessary for events lasting longer than two hours.

A spritz every two hours will refresh this fragrance well. Overall, it is a very pleasant fragrance in that it is quite different from the norm of citrus, clean and flowery.

It is what I call a Dark Scent. Old, musty, seedy, smokey Bars. Smoggy, Big city red-light districts. A must have fragrance for rubber and leather fetish fans, they will be spraying this like air freshener in their kinky sex dens.

Like this one very much Stepping a little out of my comfort zone, that usually comprises heady florals, I have found Bvlgari Black. The magic lies in its versatile minimalism.

This perfume can be mysterious and inviting when you don't want to reveal too much at first, but it also creates an aura of respect if what you need is an elegant yet unobtrusive fragrance in the office.

Also recommended on those days when you just want to stay home, because all you need is a good book, a cup of tea and a comfort scent. Rubber is such a foul odor to me. It's really hard to tell if you smell a faint rubber It doesn't have that "new car" odor.

But imagine showering, car shopping and spending the day in showrooms, driving your new car home, and as you walk in the door, this is what you smell like. It's more of a real-life scent than anything you'd spray from a bottle.

I don't think it's feminine at all, but certainly an acceptable scent for a woman. I have no got any rubber scent from it. Massive leather with vanilla with a hint of citrus in the first few minutes.

It would be perfect with more bergamot and real rubber. All I can say is its an initially pleasant, linear thing that on my skin manages to last around 15 seconds before it dissipates around me never to be smelled of again.

Has neither the longevity or the strangeness of LB. Yes, I get tea and and amber and the hint of rubber and its pleasant enough but its longevity is now non existent - have no idea what older samples are like but mine was new from the box.

Doesn't last on my husband either - very watery and a waste of money. Lacks the richness I genuinely expected it would have given such amazing reviews - if you like scents that sit so close as to be imperceptible, then fill your boots with Black - its going nowhere fast except into the atmosphere leaving nothing to suggest it was ever there to begin with.

More like the fleeting smell of freshly laundered clothes than a proper scent - shame, I wanted to love it. Daresay this is a legend by now. CK One gets the crown for making unisex our freedom from perfume gender bondage.

However, Black Bvlgari is what those who know more than what is mainstream are still wearing and loving. This, to me, is another delightful vanilla. It's leather but SOFT.

It isn't a harsh Cuir or some kind of Farenheit. No, not quite as burnt rubber as that. I get warm, soft leather. This is the kind of leather you drive in a car, not ride a motorcycle. Hopefully, those who try perfume don't make up their minds and write their reviews based on what comes immediately following a spray of any perfume.

Let Black Bvlgari settle. Let the notes develop and take form do that for all fumes. This is something I save for winter. Just like the warm, soft, comforting vanilla leather against the bitter cold.

Added bonus Is the unisex aspect. Keeps this one from being too harsh. How genius is That bottle? With its black rubber bottle and burnt-rubber smell, Black certainly stands out from the rest of the Bvlgari line.

I get vanilla and the rubbery-leather accord that I assume comes primarily from the smoky black tea note. I make it sound so good! In its day this was the best one with these notes. Now, in there are others that can compete with it.

But my memories and associations with this fragrance will keep me loving it for a long time. And to the person that said it doesn't last, I completely disagree.

Unless they have changed the formula. The bottle I have is from and it last and lasts forever. I use to get so many compliments wearing this. That was my last bottle which I still have.

The fragrance is good, not out of this world or anything just good, but this has the worst performance of ANY fragrance i have tried to date, good smell but not worth the money for the performance alone.

UPDATE since the guy above me claims that this is a very long lasting i assume it has been reformulated hes seems to be vintage, i own the current bottle. In classic Bvlgari style, Black is an unobtrusive tea inspired scent.

The particular tea of focus for Black is lapsang suochong, a fascinatingly smoky type of black tea. In addition to tea, Bvlgari Black smells like rubbery burnt leather. I think of car tires skidding on hot asphalt.

That note is strong at first but gently over time gives way to creamy vanilla and woods. While Black is certainly a modern classic in its own right, it also reminds me abstractly of the older classic Shalimar which also features rubbery leather and vanilla.

Bvlgari Black is unisex: I highly recommend it. Ok, so I just got this as a blind buy This is very faint, almost as if I put it on last night and just woke up after a long nights rest but it hasn't even been 30 minutes!

So far I am not impressed with the strength of this juice. The actual scent I find intriguing. That's not my concern. My concern is the longevity and sillage as it doesn't seem to excel in either area I will see what it does over the evening The surprisingly smooth scent of "burning tires" smoky and tarry Lapsang Souchong tea accompanied by lovely vanilla.

Lasts quite well with a soft-moderate sillage. I don't want to wear it too often because it's such a special fragrance. I spritz on some Black when I want to dominate my surroundings both mentally and with my physical presence.

Out of all fragrances Angalina Jolie if thats how its spelled could own, she choose this to be her signature scent. It just goes to show that price is not all that matters when it comes to this hobby.

I have a couple hundred samples from luckyscent in one big bag, sometimes i pull them out one by one without looking at what im smelling and this is the best way to jusge a fragrance. I say this because i really feel that by knowing what we are smelling can put a condition on the fragrance due to hype and the politics of this stuff.

Ive seen it happen so many times where someone has no idea they are smelling a niche and say its a designer and vice versa. This is a great scent. It has that clean rubber nuanced in with the soft vanilla.

The leather here mixed with vanilla and animalic tones just really set this thing off. The bottle really fits the scent. Great artistic touch in my opinion. Annick Menardo is a very talented perfumer.

I can smell the idea here, the thoughts, the big picture and all that goes along with what i am trying to say are all tied in together to create a soft and lovely aroma.

I am on this new thing where i am sampling my favorite perfumers creations instead of whats "hyped " or popular and its a great idea because some of these perfumers, i really have a lot in common with in terms of what we enjoy fragrance wise.

Give ot a try and see what I'm talking about. To sum it up here guys, this is a beautiful creation thats easy on the nose and will last a long time. You wont be let down. I do have midnight in paris, it does share a similar vibe and a couple notes, but its NOT the same fragrance.

Thanks and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Where I have been transported is anyone's guess. The smoked black tea provides a trompe l'oeil of rubber and Kmart auto center bolstered by vanilla and florals.

Not for the faint of heart. My first impression is that it is overwhelmingly beautiful and masculine. However, it will serve the purpose that I had intended it for.

This was a blind buy, which I chose the take a chance on due to the high ratings. My husband is not into colognes whatsoever, but I saw how many good ratings this had, and that it could be worn by women also.

So I thought, if he doesn't like it, at least I can wear it. While I do enjoy its prominent leather notes, the smell is much softer than I thought it would be.

Also, there is a very noticeable smell of rubber in the concoction that I'm not very fond of, making me feel that as a woman, I won't be able to use this. However, because of its light smell, I know my husband will be more willing to wear it when I ask him to for dinner parties and family events.

The sillage stays close to the body, and the longevity lasts about hours. For the price, I am happy with the purchase, but am still slightly disappointed in the overall scent.

It is said that that rarest of flowers grow in the strangest of places. Black is an oriental perfume that proves the fact that all great smells are both genderless and timeless.

It possesses a sweet vanillic face, a resinous ambery allure, a bold dry woods backbone, a floral green aura and finally a special, avant-garde rubber accord. In short Black has depth but moreover smells unquestionably beautiful and is a generous, warm and imaginative perfume.

If smelled in close ups it reveals a perfection to tiny details, if smelled from distance it provides comfort in the league of the few such as Caron PUH and Yohji Homme.

Created by Annick Menardo for Bvlgari, Black is perhaps her best perfume so far and one of the best designer scents of the last 20 years. Unluckily even to this day Black is being treated more as a cult fragrance and appeals to people that seek the peculiar and weird rather than people who want to smell great.

Too bad since this should be treated like Shalimar. A road to go into. Bvlgari Black is one of the most orignal creations of modern parfumery. You will be seduced or be the seducer with this love potion.

There is such a yin yang dynamic with this one too. Like other reviewers said, it can be so lovingly soft, but that rubber note is so intriguing! Bvlgari Black develops over time, it is not linear and requires you to pay attention, sniff your wrist throughout the day, you will enjoy all the notes in this impressive work of art.

Will live this scent forever on my boyfriend and myself. We bought this for the leather. Mostly rubbery, oakmoss, musky notes. Where these others are supposed to exist must be buried in these dominant notes.

I've had motorcycles for years, and this evokes none of those smells. My partner loves this, I find it ok, but not enough for me to wear. I think she's picking up something I'm not.

It's nice, but you might want to find a place to sample it. Since we don't feel like turning our home into a mailorder showroom and we hate malls, we frequently blind buy. I wouldn't say we've been disappointed yet.

What one of us isn't crazy about, the other will be! I honestly prepared myself for something more sharp and masculine It's quite mellow, sweet and just a little on the edge. It's like wearing a silk dress with leather jacket - tender and aggressive at the same time: And, yes, it is a very sexy smell on men too!

I am not sure if they reformulated this or not, but I own a bottle from around I think its a fantastic smelling fragrance. For me is a very alluring vanilla and rubber smell.

Its sweet vanilla but with the leather combo it almost smells like sweet tires. Maybe that doesn't sound good, but I like it. The performance on it isn't that great for me. Wish It lasted and projected longer, but as far as the smell it is definitely a classic.

I wear this usually in the fall. I'm a complete newbie, whose gateway 'fume was Cashmere Mist a month or so ago. So here I am, trying to sharpen my nose, to make up for so much lost time You know you like it.

Melted pavement turns to incense, heat rises from smoked black tea Rain moves in from the mountains, and brings in a stationary front - vanilla. The rubber note can still be smelled close to the skin, but in the air, it's a ribbon of smoke within and without the vanilla.

Not a place I will go every day, but good to have on hand. Man, some days, it's really hard to smell like a brand new tire. Honestly, all I can smell is alcohol and vanilla, even on fabric.

And I let a co-worker smell it, and she said the same thing: I'm giving this perfume a test ride these last few days and I keep thinking how unusual it is. It is everything for everyone. It is masculine enough for a man, feminine enough for a woman and at the end, with the dry down, it is great for a child in everyone with it's vanilla ice cream smell I get on my skin.

It is also light enough for daily wear and beautiful for an evening wear as well. It is also kind of alternative, not niche but not designer. It is not expensive, but certainly not cheap.

The sillage is not heavy, but it can be detected. The notes are simple, yet interesting every time I wear it. I don't know how this relationship will work, but I'm certainly intrigued.

To sum it up, it is an exquisite peace of art-work. I wear Bvlgary Black very often. It's a comfort scent for me, serene and introverted. I generally find floral fragrances stimulating and even disturbing, while stern compositions with insence and leather never feel distracting or out of place.

Perfect for work, and other people's compliments come as a nice complement to this very intimate delight. There is nothing unpleasant about this scent, it is mostly vanilla and woods at the drydown.

This is one of those frags you can't just smell at the counter and make a decision. One really needs at least ml to sample and WEAR on their skin to see how this works with them. Believe me, if all scents would smell the way they do on a test strip, my collection would be twice as big.

I also, I am one of the very few left who has not tried either version of MIP so I can't compare them, though from the reviews and notes they look like they are in the same vein. I try not to read to many reviews because I start looking for the bad and not the good in something.

A good example would be Dior Fahrenheit, I liked that scent until ppl said it smells like gas, then all I could smell is gas and stopped liking it as much. I like this house. They are putting out quality frags at a great price.

This one is unique I always tell people about this being a hidden secret of a scent. To sum it up I would say it is a combination of rubber and vanilla. I love the tea notes.

I believe there is a smokey Lapsong Suchong note to this. The smell is unusual but is worth trying. I can understand how some people may dislike this as it is a smell that may take some getting used to.

Many could be put off by the burnt rubber smell. In my mind though this is a great slightly mysetious smell. I do agree it smells ' weird ' or even ' bad ' for an average person who's just looking for a good smelling fragrance but one can see it from a different angle and say it's the most ' Avante garde 'fragrance ever made besides Fahrenheit which shares the same vibe.

Opens very harsh with that oily rubber smell then it settles down to a sweet smoky vanilla. Usually people call this leather but for me it's pure rubber more than leather. This one goes beyond smelling nice or bad, it's just a character by it's own.

For every fragrance I own, there is an image I usually relate to that specific fragrance, an image that is conveyed through the conception of the fragrance. Bvlgari black, as it appears from the bottle, is all about car or bike hot tires coming in contact with the race ring asphalt.

I do have a bottle and I use it only when i wear my black leather jacket, that's why I guess my bottle will last a long time being one of my all time top 10 fragrances for it's uniqueness and the very specific occasions I can use it.

First time i owned this masterpiece of a scent was when i was Going through macys whith my mother and the SA sprayed this on my hand and i loved it since then. But i find it very masculine and classy.

I don't really know on what occasion I would wear this, as it's very unique. It smells very leathery, like a wallet almost. Like, take an old wallet, put some vanilla in it, and there you go.

It feels 'formal' to a small degree, but it has that synthetic nose burning feel sometimes. Wasnt sure what to expect from this due to mixed reviews, but I am glad I took the chance and got it anyway.

I agree the taste was a bit strong, but still delicious! I can definitely sign on to making this once a day! Thanks and keep the good advice coming! Fresh turmeric makes ALL the difference!

I grate the ginger and tumeric straight into a piece of cheese clothe rather than straining it out after. Drink up — the health benefits of tumeric are too great to ignore! Thanks for the recipe!

Silly question, but what is your method for peeling and grating the root without turning yourself and everything around you yellow? Jennifer, I hear you! I put in in my vitamix and it grates it perfectly!

Then I portion it out in little ice cube trays to freeze. Then transfer the little cubes to a freezer safe container. I hope that helps and if anyone else can figure out how to not get everything yellow, I would give you a virtual fist bump!!!

I pound tumeric root with the flat side of a meat pounder under two sheets of wax paper, then slide it into my tea strainer. For those who wish to avoid getting petroleum product in their tea from the parafin in waxed paper, you could use an unbleached parchment paper available in natural food stores 1 such brand is If You Care.

Has lots of other uses as well. I used rubber gloves for peeling and grating, but the most amazing thing happened during clean-up: It was like a fun chemistry experiment! Nicole — thanks for that tip about using the oxiclean!

I came back especially to see if anyone had tips to get rid of the stain on my grater, and you have not disappointed! Gloves for everything food, cleaning and taking out the garbage.

I used my NutriBullet to make the tea. Peeled the turmeric and ginger and placed it in the smaller of the cups. Poured boiling water on top. Attached the NutriBullet milling blade.

Ran the machine for a minute. It pulverized the ginger and turmeric. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Then add the additional ingredients and run it again. I am looking forward to drinking this tea every day.

Keep up the great work! Can you comment on the effects of turmeric if you are on medication for high blood pressure or diabetes. I use to drink turmeric juice every morning mixed with radish and cauliflower and a small piece of garlic.

I am going to try and also share with my clients. And I facilitate a support group for Lupus patients, they could really benefit from this. I am really enjoying following you.

Why do you need to peel Turmeric? Can I put a small piece into a Vitamix mixer along with other igredients. I juice a fresh turmeric and mix it with lemon and honey, it taste so good but the stain is so hard to get rid…..

The tea taste so good. Can I drink this tea while breastfeeding feeding I have premature baby in intensive care and I think drinking this tea would be beneficial for her but us it or is it dangerous because of detoxification of it thank u.

Please sign me up for your newsletter. I am new to your site…. Hello I was recently told I have inflammation and a fatty liver. Can you share any information on the benefits after a diagnosis.

Does the tea possibly removes the fat during the detoxification? Can I include this tea in my daily diet or is there a time period I should not drink? Sorry for so many question, want to have the full benefit.

I might have missed it, but how does the pure vanilla play into the benefits of this tea or is it more for taste? You can definitely leave it out. Thanks for the recipe. I just recently decided to add turmeric to my diet on a regular basis to help with fat burning as well as other health benefits.

I used coconut oil in place of coconut milk. Tnx for ur article.. I would only use about 1 tablespoon coconut oil, though. Just found out about turmeric and ginger benefits. Have you tried with cayenne pepper, I heard it has some other health benefits also that increase metabolism, etc.

I have never used turmeric although I do put it in my dogs crockpot diet but it was suggested to me during a Reiki session. Will definitely be a go-to tea for me; especially as the weather turns cold.

Crazy question — is it possible to have too much? My 8 year old daughter tried it and loved it! No, you are fine with drinking it a couple times a day. That is actually really awesome! Let me know if you guys notice any good benefits from it after a few weeks less joint pain, less headaches, etc.

I usually go to pain management 4 times a year to receive epidural steroid injections, and would like to eliminate them! I purchased all the ingredients your recipe required and made a batch that lasts me perfectly for 3 days.

I was just telling my husband tonight that I am going to hold off on getting my next shot. I am definitely feeling less pain since I have been drinking this tea. Right now I just know this tea is helping with my pain.

I love your site, thank you! Joyce, I am so excited to hear this and am so happy for you!!! I am passionate about getting the message out that food can be one of the most powerful forms of medicine and your message is like music to my ears — thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment and helping to make my day.

I wish you the best, Joyce and am hopeful for you! My husband and I drink a version of this every night. I absolutely love turmeric.. We add a little lemon and use some coconut oil.

I never thought to use coconut milk.. I bet it makes it creamy. Definitely going to try this tonight. Thanks for all of your wonderful info! Hope you like this version, Stephanie!

I especially love this version in the cooler months of Fall and Winter — so good! I finally found fresh turmeric at Wegmans and tried this as an after dinner drink. I really love the taste and it is very warming, which is great as the weather is really starting to change.

Will have to buy larger quantities of tumeric and try that. Thanks for the great recipe! Also, just another update since I love this tea so much and drink it every day and am always trying to find ways to make it easier to make: After, the turmeric and ginger are shredded, I dump in a bunch of cinnamon, black pepper and vanilla beans.

I just get a new baggie out of the freezer each week and keep it in the fridge to last me the whole week. The last time I made it, I used about a pound and a half of turmeric and it made enough to last me about 4 months!

Thanks for the update! Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for sharing that tip! In the deep South, where a lot of wisdom has not survived the test of time, we were told to drink a Red Rock carbonated beverage for our periods, which was a ginger ale.

Unfortunately, probably very little actual ginger content! Just made my first cuppa. Method was very different, so not sure if I achieved the right health benefits, but here goes.

Ditto 1 thin slice of turmeric. Put these in my little Chinese teapot and pour in boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, then pour into a glass coffee cup. No residues, just a clear liquid.

I definitely tasted all the ingredients, awesome. Doug, that is perfect! And SO much easier! I am going to do your method from now on — I appreciate you taking the time to share it.

I think I love you, Kelly. Just a heads up about turmeric. Turmeric in large doses taken with other medications can lead to liver failure. My mom is a diabetic and it cross reacted with her glucose managing meds.

She ended up in the ICU and nearly died. If it oil helps absorption of the curcumin, would it be a good option to mix the powder with 2 tbs of virgin coconut oil?

I think this sounds delicious! It will be difficult for me to find fresh turmeric locally, and taxing to make at times if I am having a bad day healthwise — with these very issues turmeric is good for.

I am just learning about it. I wonder if the dried powder in capsule form is more concentrated. Along with ginger and cinnamon. What do you think, and do you have any favorites?

I needed this right now. I was getting discouraged. I wish you the best in your health! Really excited about the potential benefits of drinking some version of Turmeric tea.

I made a version from a recipe I found on YouTube that sounded palatable and it was made from all ground ingredients typical grocery store spices. No mention was made about anything being organic by the author.

Oh and some sort of soluble fat like coconut oil? Thanks for any additional info! I like purchasing organic for a wide variety of personal reasons, but you will still get all of the benefits even if not organic.

I can totally relate to you when you wrote that you may be able to replace your morning coffee with this — I find something about this turmeric tea so comforting and delicious. I love drinking it in the morning and in the evening.

Yes, the black pepper and some sort of soluble fat coconut oil would be great! Do you think adding matcha tea powder to your recipe would taste good? It would be a double whammy for health benefits.

Hmmm…that seems to be a brilliant idea! Thanks a lot for sharing this info.. Natalee, I am really hoping this works at relieving your arthritis pain. I wish you the best! Can I make this tea in the morning and take the rest to work?

Will be have same effect or will lose nutrients? Well Thank you for sharing Turmeric and im glad to know its good for the liver. I use alot of turmeric and Ginger as you know they are very good for you I must say I drink plenty of Turmeric Tea when im feeling run down or if I have a real bad chest it really does work once again Thank you for sharing regards from the UK.

Thanks for this tea it practically saved my life, the pure coconut milk makes it taste so Thanks again smooth and aids in absorption of the tumeric Thanks again im feeling much better!!

I totally forgot about this delicious tea until today. I need to make that tea! Thank you so much for sharing it. And I use dried tumeric and ginger because aint nobody got time to grind em fresh!

It makes it SO much easier and it makes enough to last a few months! Good luck on your candida healing, Katy! Try fresh grated Tumeric, Ginger, Lemon rind and dried licorice root to taste. Make it in your coffee plunger, my wife and I love it.

A truly refreshing and satisfying drink!! For years I have been suffering from fatty liver problem. Recently, about a week back I started drinking tea made from fresh turmeric, ginger, pepper and molasses.

Hopefully it will help to heal my skin condition. That is so great to hear, Ms. Natural remedies work so well — I wish more people knew about them! How bad is it to just use grounded turmeric?

Ground turmeric will still provide all the wonderful health benefits. My mugs are quite big and like I said, I usually use one small teaspoon and steep it twice.

Could that be too much? Friday Favorites 1 The Homestead Garden. A Natural Liver Detox. Top 5 Most Dangerous Medications - Paleocare. Creamy Tropical Turmeric Smoothie dairy free -.

The Lyme Diet nostalgiCup. Gurkmeja-te Charlotta Sofia springer och trimmar. A Liver Detox Permacooking. Learn how you can detox your liver by making a delicious and soothing turmeric tea using the powerful liver cleansing herb, turmeric.

The Yellow Tea devcomconvergence. A Liver Detox Tea Turmeric - Clean, Lean and Healthy. Link Love Becky's Kaleidoscope. Three Recipes to Cleanse the Liver.

Your email address will not be published. A Liver Detox Tea. Affiliate and Commission Disclosure Information. You may strain the pieces of turmeric and ginger out if you wish.

Kelly from Primally Inspired. Primally Inspired January 3, at 5: Dorothy February 23, at 7: Kelly from Primally Inspired February 24, at 9: Mona January 3, at 6: Primally Inspired January 3, at Primally Inspired January 4, at 9: Jill January 5, at 4: Tracey January 11, at Primally Inspired January 11, at Carolyn January 13, at Amy November 17, at Tara January 12, at Primally Inspired January 12, at Latricia Gianino March 31, at 5: Primally Inspired March 31, at 7: Yvette Atondo January 12, at 3: Primally Inspired January 12, at 4: Karen January 13, at 8: Bonnie January 14, at 4: Donna January 16, at 8: Primally Inspired January 16, at Leyna January 16, at 9: Amy October 6, at Primally Inspired October 6, at 5: Lynn Moody January 16, at Primally Inspired January 17, at 9: Trish January 20, at 1:


07.02.2018 Jumuro :

Posts about The Woman In Black – Opening Theme – Tea For Three Plus One written by White-faced ghost. Black is a perfume by Bvlgari brand known for their century jewelry. It appeared on the market in and is one of the most avant-garde perfumes ever. Although tea drinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, Search Harvard Health Publishing. the best thing to do is create a new one.


Types of Teas and Their Health Benefits. From green tea to Black tea: Made with fermented One study showed that white tea has the most potent anticancer.

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