воскресенье, 25 февраля 2018 г.

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Spot the Vested Interest: The $1.5 Trillion Climate Change Industry 10

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For technologies that are a burden on the electricity industry, increased the cost of power and do very little towards the futile objective of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The unloaded charcoal must be transported to the nearest road or to a reloading place by mules. Trojan Trojan et al.

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These companies had an interest in seeing China develop reliable missiles to loft their satellites into orbit. It will never turn acid until all the limestone and dolomite dissolves. Theoretically, since a large Missouri kiln has the volume of about 4 Brazilian type kilns, there should be additional savings in burning labour costs. One plus one mobile price in india and features Furthermore G7 members aim at accelerating access to renewable energy in Africa and developing countries in other regions with a view to reducing energy poverty through mobilizing substantial financial resources from private investors, development finance institutions and multilateral development banks… Questions for discussion 1. In the 20th century, the Green Plague arrived.


But because the cycle time is different, the utilization of labour is not as efficient as it could be unless there were more kilns to a battery. The foundation consists of a double row of bricks three courses high set in mud mortar.

And just incase you think your country will remain sovereign. Ice-minus bacteria Hepatitis B vaccine Oncolytic virus. Phytoplankton and then plants. CO2 dissolved in water is carbonic acid or in equilibrium as some stays as gaseous CO2.

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16.02.2018 - When a zone of approximately 20 cm height of colourless smoke appears on top of the stacks, the chimneys are closed. Interstellar travel Propellant depot. This makes for economical use of equipment and labour. It is also invisible in Government balance sheet as an industry imposition on consumers. Stringers over which the fuelwood will be placed must be prepared with small lengths of wood of a diameter of not more than 0.

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08.03.2018 - The two one metre-wide doors, the foundations for the door pillars, the six chimneys and the kiln foundations are marked and the excavation of the footing trench is made. Obviously earth mounds and pits are best since they use no steel at all and the index is infinite. August 1, at 2: Retrieved 21 February

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07.02.2018 - Limestone is a sedimentary rock whose chief mineral component is calcite calcium carbonate: July 31, …. Jan 9, …Northeast China coldest in 43 years, Average price of vegetables jumps 55 percent in ten weeks…. Report details how businesses could save huge sums of money by voluntarily reporting their carbon emissions Businesses will go to great lengths to convince the markets they are a safe investment.

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By Government and EU diktat, these costs have been extracted by extra charges imposed on utility bills throughout Europe. This is a very regressive form of taxation imposing more burdens on poorer people whilst leaving wealthier people who are able to pay less affected.

It is also invisible in Government balance sheet as an industry imposition on consumers. Increased energy costs are also impacting on European industries with many major corporations seeking more congenial manufacturing locations outside Europe to the detriment of the European economies.

The USA has made significant CO2 emissions reductions over the past few decades by replacing Coal Fired generation with Gas Fired electricity generation with the feedstock provided by the fracking revolution.

This effect in the USA alone has been assessed to have been more effective means of CO2 emissions reduction than all actions worldwide arising from the Kyoto protocol.

The Renewable Energy industry could not exist without the Government mandated subsidies and preferential tariffs on which it depends. It is not a viable business proposition. The next closest one was the Pet Rock.

Pretty much the same benefits. Some of you might have something to say about this: Seriously determined waffling, something about the oceans warming more than the land and apples and oranges and be very afraid.

If what you predicted is completely wrong, argue that you were talking about something else like, say, sea surface temperature. By blending the two with copious amounts of waffle, you can get the result you need.

More of the sea has stolen our increase stuff from Professor Flannery et al. Unfortunately, these variable atmospheric absorption lines [in the solar spectrum] seem to have been written out the official scientific script.

Standard atmosphere, 20 millimeters of perceptible water vapor, 3. In other words there are natural holes in the spectra we see, and with our naturally fluorescing atmosphere that is dependant on solar UV radiation what radiation at what frequencies arriving here on the earths surface, via the air, may not be quite as consensus science tells us.

NASA April 1, So what does effective changes in the height of the atmosphere do to the total TSI readings? Cook then very kindly provides a spread sheet.

The adjustments need to get the satellites to agree. This was the focus of Judithgate five years ago. Some of the adjustments are openly made to make TSI better correlate with the modeled theory requirements.

Oops sorry left out a closing HTML tag off. Note to self — preview again after an edit. Or maybe show a more accurate alteration. That includes everything from carbon [dioxide] markets to carbon [dioxide] consulting, carbon [dioxide] sequestration, [non-] renewables, [manmade] biofuels, green buildings and insipid cars.

I do feel that if we continuously use the warmist language some see these as correct English usage, and because of their mis-discriptional allusion tend to fall for the warmists illogical arguments.

I especially like the imagery of [manmade] biofuels. If they are not manmade, then you are cooking with animal dung. Would you like fries with that? Yes, I wondered about that one, however in the context of modern Western sense of manufactured bio-fuels methane gas, bio-diesel or bio-ethanol liquids, or wood chips, etc.

We like our scary movies. Climate the hidden boogy man among us is more scary than Jaws, acres more scarier than Nightmare on Elm Street. But we have a way out — we can put our hopes of being saved on the World Government click it for fun, according to a Professor of International Politics at University of Western Australia.

What is it about that place. Around things started moving, about 2 years later some guy called S Hussein was front and center of the frame. For why petroDollars float the US economy see http: Or is it the UN as the defacto power trying to keep the players in check by playing each of them against each other… ummm, who knows?

Could be wrong though. No you are referring only to one sector of the climate change industry. All my figures are accurate, it is annual, and my sources are cited in the post.

Well, now, we have a quantum leap with the climate change industry. Many times worse hype and fear-mongering than, say, Y2K, coupled with many ties higher risk and economic threats than the derivatives fiasco.

And widespread religious fervor to sell it! To say nothing of the pols involved. The modern world wants a non-religious apocalypse to puts Revelations to shame, to prove scientism dominates everything.

Y2K with its three zeros was a dud. But no matter, come back next century in when a vaguely estimated weather report predicts a bad hair day. G Thomas and N. Inflate the bubble, you and your buddies get out fast and then insert pin.

Move in afterwards and pick up assets at pennies on the dollar. The political goal is clearly stated by Pascal Lamy. He is a French Socialist trained as an economist. All had lived through the chaos of the s — when turning inwards led to economic depression, nationalism and war.

All, including the defeated powers, agreed that the road to peace lay with building a new international order — and an approach to international relations that questioned the Westphalian, sacrosanct principle of sovereignty ….

What can the world learn about global governance from the diplomatic model of the European Union? So a world government based on the EU is the goal stated. And just incase you think your country will remain sovereign.

Thanks to the primacy of EU law over national law. Thanks to the work of the European Court of Justice in ensuring enforcement and respect for the rule of law.

And thanks to a clear articulation between the Commission, the Parliament, and the European Court of Justice. It also scores highly from the point of view of redistribution policies ….

Europe has had a relatively good record in terms of leadership as long as the leadership of the Commission was accepted. But today, leadership is blurred by the competition between the Commission and the European Council….

Finally, legitimacy is the area in which, in my view, Europe scores less well. We are witnessing a growing distance between European public opinions and the European project. One could have expected that the European institutional set up, with growing powers entrusted to the European Parliament would have resulted in greater legitimacy.

But this is contradicted by the declining numbers participating in elections to the European Parliament. Europe continues to be seen as distant, far away from the everyday lives and concerns of citizens…..

What does Lamy see as the challenges that must be over come before a world government can be put in place and accepted? The first one is leadership, i. The second one is efficiency, i. The third one is coherence, for the international system is based on specialization.

Each international organization focuses on a limited number of issues…. It is a fact: By togetherness, I mean the shared feeling of belonging to a community. Is this better than no government? You alone are your only defense.

Learn to observe, shut up, threaten no one, do not telegraph thought, practice-practice-practice, until you can shoot fast, shoot straight. Then more practice, learning to not shoot if anything else is available!

I also have been thinking of late of the parallels of today with the Roaring Twenties and the economic and social situation of today. Just like today re the CAGW ideology, there grew up an entire industry centred around Prohibition in all the countries that introduced it from about onwards.

Just like today it created a whole army of scammers and parasites preying on and exploiting the public. And then some 70 to million lives destroyed by a global war that was created and brought on by the total failure of the utterly corrupt political and banking classes to both prevent the Great Depression and the human suffering that was the outcome of the Great Depression.

It was the political and racial extremism that arose from the suffering of the Great depression that was taken over and used in all its most evil hate filled ways by that handful of Dictators who were at the very source and heart of that terrible global war.

Economically due in part to the massive divergence of limited resources to the utter futility that is called Decarbonisation, there are increasing indicators of economic malaise beginning to be seen in many advanced nations of the world, an economic malaise that like the Roaring Twenties enormous and no longer payable debts are being built up by nations, corporations, groups and individuals.

There was the Spanish civil war which like all civil wars was little more than a deadly killing field of brother against brother, father against son and a war that the dictators practiced with and developed their war time killing machines.

Today there are civil wars in the Ukraine and right throughout the Middle East and parts of Africa and elsewhere with a strong chance of those wars expanding further. And the seeds for the worst type of war of the lot where there is no mercy and no quarter given, a religion based war might be too close for any complacency.

As each major war is very different to the last major war we might even be already in the preliminaries of the next major global conflict. I was born in mid As I got older I could see the harsh marks and deep hurts and the despair the Great Depression had marked those who had lived through those terrible times for the rest of their lives along with the horrors of the following WW2, including my parents.

In about before my parents were married my Father made tea for 18 swagmen one saturday morning. They came off the road to try and beg some food or some tea They were victims of the Depression who walked the roads looking for work and often just food.

Channel 4 weatherman Liam Dutton said: Edinburgh has had its coldest July day for 75 years… http: Still summer weather and migrants gives them something to complain about….

Mathematician Mile Jonas has all but proven that co2 has not been a major driver of temp increases over the last, years. The instrumental record showing the recovery from the LIA proves the point as well.

So why would you make a statement to stop fossil fuels? A few years ago I calculated the amount of money that has been squandered on building and researching wind and solar power.

For technologies that are a burden on the electricity industry, increased the cost of power and do very little towards the futile objective of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

There are also hidden subsidies in the form of transmission lines and expensive and inefficient backup generation. Many organisations are making a huge amounts of money out of the global warming hoax and one does have to wonder if they secretly fund the likes of Greenpeace.

University of East Anglia Publis Release: Research explores future energy security of China China needs to reduce its dependence on coal and improve the range of fuels it uses if it is to have long term energy security, according to new research from the University of East Anglia UEA … http: Electricity portfolio innovation for energy security: The case of carbon constrained China Elsevier: We examine the longitudinal trajectory of the Chinese electricity supply security and model the near future supply security based on the 12th 5 Year Plan.

Our approach combines the Shannon—Wiener, Herfindahl—Hirschman and electricity import dependence indices for supply security appraisal. We find that electricity portfolio innovation allows China to provide secure energy supply despite increasing import dependence.

However, reduced supply diversity in China during the s will not recover until after s due to the long-term coal lock-in that can threaten to hold China back from realising its full potential. His research focus is on technological transitions and futures in the energy sector and the role of innovation in systematic resilience.

He has seven years experience working with Fortune companies and SMEs on sustainability and corporate social responsibility CSR strategy design and implementation.

He teaches part-time on global sustainability business solutions at Hult International Business School and for the Shanghai Center for Sustainability. China is the actual Godzilla in the mist tip-toeing past the Bush and the Shrub and if US voters are brain-dead the Twig off the same old Bush.

What is David talking about? Chinese General Says U. He suggested that if China came to blows with any of its neighbors, the U. The consequence of a slowing U. US Treasuries are the safe haven.

For everyone, including China, it is the only option. Actually China does know what to do get out of US bonds and invest in gold and foreign farmland and homeland infrastructure.

A this point China is building her energy grid, manufacturing base and sucking up technology via hecking while keeping a relatively low profile. China is going on a global buying spree.

Another Chinese company then bought Smithfield Foods—a Virginia-based company that processes 32 million pigs a year. That purchase included enough farmland to bring the value of Chinese-owned U.

The country now owns 1 in 4 pigs raised in the U. Seems China has no intention of starving if the weather turns cold. I know it is off topic but the strength of China related to the USA is going to make a big difference in Paris.

The Chinese snubbed Obama and scuttled Copenhagen. In return for campaign contributions, the President [Clinton] shifted regulation of technology exports from the State Department to the free-wheeling Commerce department.

The administration also relaxed export controls and allowed corporations to decide if their technology transfers were legal or not. These companies had an interest in seeing China develop reliable missiles to loft their satellites into orbit.

Michael Armstrong was made head of the Export Advisory Council. Clinton even involved the Department of Energy, caretaker of our nuclear weapons, in his fundraising schemes.

Wen Ho Lee, an ethnic Chinese physicist assigned to Los Alamos, illegally transferred data on nuclear warheads to his private computer files. In June of, the CIA learned that China had stolen the crown jewels of our nuclear arsenal, including the neutron bomb and the W miniaturized warhead.

He is replaced on the Security Council by Sandy Berger, a former lobbyist for the Chinese government. China used the threat of force to intimidate the island nation into electing a pro-Beijing candidate.

Military maneuvers included bombing runs and launching ballistic missiles that impacted within twenty miles of Taiwan. In, news of the campaign finance scandal reached the press.

As the Justice Department began investigating, over one hundred suspects fled the country or refused to testify. Despite FBI recommendations and congressional protests, Janet Reno refused to appoint an independent counsel.

Then the press learned that China had stolen nuclear weapon designs from US research labs. The Clinton administration downplayed and even denied reports that any nuclear secrets were stolen, but this scandal was too big to ignore.

Congress began a formal investigation by forming the Cox committee. Sandy Berger even swore under oath that the President was not told about nuclear thefts until, three years after the fact….

When Andre Borschberg reached Hawaii earlier this month after piloting Solar Impulse 2 non-stop from Japan, it was to a mix of joy and despair. It was the furthest anyone had ever flown on solar power alone, and the longest solo flight in history, at five days and five nights, or hours and 52 minutes.

The University of Hawaii has agreed to house the aircraft in one of its hangars over the winter. But the team is facing the cost of turning what was planned as a one-year flight into a two-year mission… http: Amazing, so temperatures for a given year keep going up steadily long after the year is over!

Even the history is warming. We noticed this recently with announcements that the warmest year ever keeps going backwards in time. Some parts of the media have jumped on this to suggest climate models overestimate the amount of warming we can expect in future.

This affects the global temperature estimate because the Arctic is warming faster than the global average. The paper addresses this by reducing global coverage in the models to match where we have observations.

The University of York, where lead author Dr Kevin Cowtan is a researcher, has a handy briefing LINK explaining some other differences the team noticed to do with how observations and models deal with diminishing sea ice in the Arctic… So, which of the two approaches should we use to get the best picture of global temperature?

So, it would make sense to adjust the model temperatures to be consistent with the observations. He tells Carbon Brief: With an ambition to install 5 gigawatts of renewable capacity by, Iran would rank alongside France and the U.

The biggest turbine maker has installed 37 of its machines in the country, most recently in, according to its website… http: Saudi Aramco, as the company is known, already started injection and will put 40 million standard cubic feet per day of CO2 into the Uthmaniyah area south of the Ghawar field, it said Thursday in an Arabic statement on its website.

Oil-rich nations across the Persian Gulf are seeking ways to continue output from fields that are at least half a century old. The CO2 for the project will be captured at Hawiyah gas recovery plant and then piped kilometers to the site.

Nasser, acting president and chief executive officer… http: Anderson Cooper had an expert on talking about the plane debris that washed up near Africa. They were praising the university of W.

An obscene display of arrogant belief that we are all brain dead morons. Who then has a severely stunted intellectual capacity? You are entitled to ask, what climate change? Would someone please explain?

Why is it continually mentioned if no one knows what it is. Sure there has been an alleged and allegedly devastating 0. I would have thought on any given day, the difference was far smaller than the daily changes and monthly and with the seasons and even of decades with the well known 11 year solar cycle, know to the Egyptians since ancient times.

In fact this ridiculously small change in an average would not have even been detectable without modern instruments and satellites and even they now cannot detect a change. The usual rejoinder is that people do not know the difference between weather and climate.

I have to say warmists cannot tell the difference between climate and weather. Apart from the dire predictions of doomsayers who claim to be science experts, there has been no significant change in the temperature in years.

Such changes as we have seen are more due to water storage, agriculture, changes in plants, man made fires, land forming and not at all to temperature, sensitive to CO2 or not.

I suppose Paul Barry of Media Watch would say: Two years earlier, in, Japanese officials preparing for a summit with officials of the administration of then-President George W. Bush, debated how much to play up their goals for tackling climate change.

July 31, …. Charlie Hales invited to White House for clean power conference, will share Greenpeace story Charlie Hales is getting on a plane and headed east to talk climate change for the second time in the past two weeks.

Jeff Merkley, who wants to ban drilling in the Arctic. Hales just returned this week from a trip to Italy, where he participated in a special summit hosted by Pope Francis and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Hales, who was supposed to be on vacation, will be in Washington for about 24 hours. And here I thought all the opposition was imported from out of state. All the bridge trespassers were Greenpiece paid employees I thought.

Every one trotted out in front of the cameras as being organizers were not Portlanders. Dana what a stupid statement! With the huge amount of press Climate Change is getting less Global Warming, is anyone actually saying which climates are changing and how?

Or is it just random verbage like more storms, hotter summer days, more droughts more often, heavier rainfalls more often, less ice and more ice, stronger winds and less wind and hotter and more frequent bushfires.

In other words, nonsense. So is anyone who talks about Climate Change and Climate Change denial actually clear on what climate change is happening, in Australia for example.

How has the climate changed in a way it has never done before? Why should every decade be the same as the previous? As politicians debate what to do about Climate Change, what is it? Why should we close coal power generators and build more windmills and subsidize more solar and close power stations?

How does the climate change if the temperature is not changing and why should CO2 cause Climate Change when it cannot even change the temperature? So Mr and Ms politician, just ask the question.

You will be met by silence. Maybe then the lunacy will start to end. In actual fact in Melbourne in, Pachauri admitted the temperature had not changed. The IPCC even said a decade, not two.

So while the IPCC talks about a century from now, they admit nothing is actually changing and has not changed for a long time. While they debate which year is actually hotter by 0.

So is it time for our politicians and politicians world wide to take on this media created misery? Is it an amorphous, undefined worry peculiar to Western democracies?

On the face of it, there is no problem, no rapid runaway tipping point global warming, no unusual loss of sea ice, no species in danger, no reduction in crops and if CO2 is up slightly, great.

Why is there a massive UN conference in Paris on nothing run by an unelected and unqualified odd UN group who want to end the rule of the ballot box? Another world map; http: You can look at the Wisconsin Ice Age for comparison http: Controversial ship Fennica moves through protesters on St.

Johns Bridge live updates Just before 6 p. Johns Bridge and made its way toward the Pacific Ocean. After winning an early morning game of chicken with the ship, Greenpeace protesters suspended from the bridge and in kayaks and canoes on the river were left disappointed.

Thirteen of them had spent the better part of 40 hours in climbers slings and on portable platforms… 6: How much will the Greenpeace protest cost taxpayers? The amount varies by agency, by how many people were working and by any mutual-aid agreements already in place.

Nine agencies responded to the two-day Greenpeace USA protest. Since I am one of those skeptics who has been paid off by big oil, and am part of this trillion dollar industry, can somebody please explain where my cheques are?

So when the global cooling is in full swing will the AGW alarmists, governments and corporations refund the monies? At least they all should go to prison for life for participating in the biggest scam of all time.

There will be no refunds as non-elites will have no power niether electric nor political to change a darn thing. I vote for prison labor that hand works farms. I want them to be self sufficient and at least paid us back a little.

With intensive hand labor you can grow multiple crops on the same acreage. Today using tractors and such we mono-crop which is not nearly as productive per acre although it is much less labor intensive.

This will be critical if the climate turns cold and the grain producing areas shrink. At this point, the best option is to tax all anthropogenic emissions democratically.

It is, however, a little more complex than a mere translation from Greek. This was the opposite of a citizen. I guess what is being said here by me in a certain state that needs to be quantified by certain experts, amongst other things is that, all-molecules-are-not-created-equal.

It is happening every minute of every day as any caver knows. The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2. As far as the oceans go you have equilibriums, that are not slow because they are happening in solution sea water.

For those who are not chemists How Buffers Work. This is the basis of the Ocean Acidification malarkey. This gives a chart for the ion species in solution in various seas: The list is in descending order of amount.

Each liter of seawater contains, on average, about 13 billionths of a gram of gold according to NOAA. You find Thorium and uranium isotopes in sea water too. Many have lost track of the things that were uncovered years ago while George W.

Bush was in office. In Chicago there is a bank account already setup for this carbon tax scheme and some word of a stock exchange symbol they had in place and pulled it for now, as it was allowing a few people to follow the money as it were.

They ran off with it! They have near nothing to spend it on, but on rent for a very small office space. Many of the politicos from around the world that were coned and paid into this, will be waiting a very long time to be paid off, some will never see it.

In the spring of, the plague arrived in Constantinople, working its way from port city to port city and spreading around the Mediterranean Sea, later migrating inland eastward into Asia Minor and west into Greece and Italy.

In the Late Middle Ages — Europe experienced the most deadly disease outbreak in history when the Black Death, the infamous pandemic of bubonic plague, hit in, killing a third of the human population.

It is believed that society subsequently became more violent as the mass mortality rate cheapened life and thus increased warfare, crime, popular revolt, waves of flagellants, and persecution.

In the 20th century, the Green Plague arrived. The money wasted goes beyond even that amount as the waste has been pushed into the garbage business creating other related symptoms such as Recycling, Zero net Energy mandates for homes, Renewable Electricity Service Mandates and Goals and their inherent doubling of the cost of electricity, and the hidden guilt trips in essentially every nature documentary filmed in the last 15 years.

In fact the interest of big oil and the global warming industry are perfectly alined. The profits of the oil industry depend on the high price of oil. This is keeping prives artificially inflated.

My Facebook Experiment I posted the following on Facebook: It is just not feasible that there is someone watching every post, there are too many. In principle that is fair enough; the proprietors of Facebook need to weed out libellous and offensive material for which they may be legally held to account.

Here is the link http: Facebook users prefer warm and cuddly, and not raw and explicit. This site tells it as it is, and the moderators and the commentators keep people fairly honest.

JoNova continues its attempts to fool people into thinking that there is no climate change and it is all a conspiracy by 10, plus scientists What nonsense It is a good thing that we listened to the scientists, when they raised the alarm abut the Ozone layer, The ozone layer is slowly coming back now that the CFCs were managed under the Montreal protocol CO2 and methane are far.

Unless you have a Plan B to live off the grid in the northwest, you or your children are screwed. It will start with crop failures in California and mid-west already happening, shore line losses in all coastal cities already happening, diversion of water from farming to human consumption already happening, acidification of the Ocean and massive red tides already happening and climate change refuge migration in Europe already happening.

I suggest no conspiracy — just systematic problems. And crop failures, erosion, red tides and migration have all been happening forever, and are due to many factors. Natural daily variability in some parts is larger.

UAH shows no warming for 18 years. Wash that through your evidence. Dangerous bush fires would burn in the extreme heat that often reached as high as the mid 40 degrees C.

Brickmaking using hand methods and fired in a pile with flues using wood fuel. The Brazilian charcoal industry which forms the base of the charcoal iron industry of that country is one of the most successful charcoal industries based on brick kiln technology existing in the world today.

There is much to be learned from the Brazilian experience by any country wishing to expand its charcoal production on a sound basis. The description given below follows closely the report by H. Meyers on the Brazilian charcoal iron industry.

The important iron and steel companies operate several thousand of them. They are circular, with a domed roof and are built of ordinary bricks. The circular wall is totally in contact with the outside air.

This type of kiln is referred to as "Beehive Brick Kiln". Brazilian beehive kiln Kiln diameter 5 m Nominal kiln volume Design The Brazilian beehive kiln has the following advantages: The heat contained in the gases is partially used in the process of wood drying and carbonization.

Two men can build a kiln in 6 days. Up to 6 years on the same site. Can be dismantled without substantial loss of bricks and rebuilt at another site. This time could be shortened through forced cooling with fine water sprays.

Battery of brick kilns in various stages of burning cycle. Construction One 7-kiln battery requires a site with the following dimensions: This area is necessary for the seven kilns, storing and curing of charcoal for two days, access roads for the trucks bringing wood, storage space for a certain amount of wood, access roads for trucks removing the charcoal and a truck turn-around area.

To prepare the ground for the furnaces and the charcoal loading platform some earth moving by caterpillar tractors will always be required. The terrain must be slightly sloping to allow the drainage of rain water.

Two or more kiln batteries will frequently be grouped together in one line. This is the case when the surrounding forests are vast and large amounts of firewood are available at a short distance. All batteries should consist of seven kilns and the total area will be a multiple of the surface given for one battery.

The construction of a large number of batteries permits good centralized operations and supervision, resulting in good charcoal quality and yields. The total number of kilns at one centre must be limited to 35 or 42 due to the fumes from the chimneys as, although not harmful to health, these fumes irritate eyes and lungs.

Charcoal manufacturing centres should therefore be located at least two km away from villages. The prevailing wind direction should also be taken into consideration.

When laying out a battery the centre line is first marked on the ground. The kiln centres are eight metres apart. The centre of each kiln is marked with a two metre pipe driven vertically into the ground.

The inside circumference of the kiln is traced at a 5. The two one metre-wide doors, the foundations for the door pillars, the six chimneys and the kiln foundations are marked and the excavation of the footing trench is made.

The kiln foundations must extend four courses of bricks below the surface of the ground and one course of bricks above the ground. All courses must be laid carefully and on the level.

Section through beehive kiln showing construction techniques. When building the walls, openings for the doors should be left but pillars for them built. Mortar is made of ten parts of clay and one part charcoal fines, previously sieved.

When laying the first course of bricks, the necessary openings for the air ports should be left, three between each pair of chimneys, a total of 18, symmetrically distributed.

Sizes of air ports are: The chimneys are built simultaneously with the wall. The inside dimensions of the flues are: When building the kiln wall, care must be taken that the different courses of bricks are level.

A wooden guide should be used. After laying five courses of bricks, two emergency openings should be left vertically above the two air inlet ports located next to the stacks.

After a second layer of five courses, one central emergency opening should be left. After the next five layers, two emergency openings should be located vertically above the first ones.

The emergency openings are 0. Each pair of stacks should have five emergency ports. When the wall has reached 1. In this way the two door openings, 1,00 m wide and 1. After loading the kiln with firewood and closing the doors with bricks, the burner should leave one air inlet porthole at the same height as the others in each door wall.

Total height of the vertical wall will be 1. On top of it one more course of bricks should be laid using a mortar and, against this last course, four segments of steel band loosely bolted together should be laid.

The first course of bricks for the dome should be adjusted by cutting to the top course bricks of the wall laid on their edge. The central pipe should be removed and replaced by a picket or short stake driven into the ground flush with the last brick course of the foundation.

The beam compass of a guide length of about 3. The strength of the dome is ensured through the pressure of the bricks against each other. The ignition opening, triangle-shaped and 0. After the dome is completed the steel band should be tightened, the walls plastered with a fine clay mortar and the dome brushed with a clay slurry to close all cracks and openings.

Slope type beehive brick kiln Figure Fig. The construction of slope type kiln 7. Maintenance of the kiln. In figure 8 is shown a variation of the beehive brick kiln.

It is a circular, 4 metre diameter kiln, built into a slope or hill which forms its side and rear walls. This will be referred to as the Slope type kiln. It uses considerably fewer bricks.

Many thousands of these kilns are in operation in Minas Gerais and other states of Brazil. They are very popular among the small independent charcoal producers. Their operation is somewhat easier than that of the beehive brick kiln because they have only one air port to control, as compared to 18 for the beehive kiln.

The chemical and physical composition and yields of the charcoal produced in slope type kilns are very close to those of charcoal produced in beehive brick kilns. No significant differences between the qualities of the two charcoal types are reported.

The construction of slope type kiln A circular surface six metres in diameter should be cleared at the kiln site and a circle four metres in diameter marked. The kiln chamber 1.

The position of the door, 0. Openings for the door and the three stacks should be dug into the bank to a height of 1. A picket should be driven into the centre of the floor with the beam compass for building the arched dome attached to it.

The guide length will be the exact inside height of the dome, i. If the height of the bank or hill is insufficient it will be necessary to reach the 1. The mortar used is the same as for the dome.

A brick arch should be constructed over the door opening. The necessary sloped incision for the dome rest should be made around the dome base. The dome is built in half brick thickness, with little mortar, made of ten parts of clayish soil and one part of sieved charcoal fines.

Four symmetrically placed emergency holes, 0. At the top of the dome an ignition opening, 0. The arch over the door opening is built of bricks laid on their sides and bonded to the dome brick structure.

Near the kiln door an opening is made into the bank to facilitate the handling of the firewood. After the kiln has been loaded with wood and the door closed a porthole for the air inlet should be left at the level of the ball.

Dig necessary water drainage trenches round the kiln. Maintenance of the kiln Periodically the excess clay which has been formed by the successive brushes of clay slurry should be rasped.

This improves cooling of the charcoal. The structure of the kiln can be damaged by impact; for instance by trucks, carts, logs, etc. The door pillars should be protected by two corner poles.

Bricks which have fallen out of the walls or have become loose should be put back in place and rammed tight. The outlet and emergency portholes must be closed with wedge shaped bricks without mortar and brushed with clay slurry on the outside.

The stack flues must be carefully cleaned with a long, flexible wooden rod. The chimneys must terminate above the steel band of the dome to reduce corrosion by fumes. Corrosion of the band will, in any case, take place after a few years.

The steel band of the dome should be tightened regularly and any corroded parts replaced. The kiln floor should always be kept level. When necessary, some wet clayish soil should be put in and stamped down.

If the soil of the kiln platform cracks, it must be closed to avoid damage to the kiln foundations, for instance through water infiltration. The water drainage trenches should be kept unobstructed at all times.

Stray animals should be kept out of the charcoal manufacturing centre by fencing with barbed wire or other material. The Missouri type kiln in the developing world. The Missouri kiln was developed over many years in the deciduous hardwood forest zones of the State of Missouri in the U.

The design had become more or less standardised by about and recommended dimensions and construction details have been published by Pitts Jarvis in the "The Wood Charcoal Industry in the State of Missouri" English Series Bulletin No.

The Missouri kiln is adapted to a severe winter climate, high labour costs, mechanised loading and unloading, and uses construction methods and materials which may be costly and difficult to obtain in the developing world.

The Missouri kiln must stand up to severe freezing winter conditions which can be very destructive to lightly built brick kilns. The frost heaving of foundation soils and the freezing of water in masonry cracks are two of the major hazards.

Heavy reinforcement of foundations, walls and roof, and a monolithic reinforced concrete structure are essential to avoid rapid deterioration of the kiln. Low air temperatures also call for a well insulated structure to reduce heat loss and excessive production of unburned brands in the charge.

The Missouri kiln is designed to allow easy entry of mechanical equipment such as small tractors, trucks and front - end loaders to allow the kiln to be loaded and unloaded easily and rapidly.

This is one of its most attractive features where labour costs are high. The optimum median volume seems about m. Such a kiln is about three times as large as a half orange or a beehive type kiln.

The kiln is rectangular in plan Fig. The walls are about 2. The maximum height of the vaulted roof is about 4 m above the floor. The walls are about mm thick.

Photo 13 shows a typical group of Missouri kilns. The quantities of materials needed to build a Missouri kiln are impressive and must be carefully costed by potential builders. The greatest disadvantage of the Missouri kiln in developing countries is its high content of cement and steel, both usually imported and often costly and difficult to obtain.

Skill to work with them in a typical charcoal making area may be limited. The advantage - that the kiln is easily loaded and unloaded mechanically - must be carefully judged on a case by case basis.

The cost of steel can be critical in developing countries so it is important to compare the relative efficiency with which it is utilized by different types of kiln.

A useful index is to calculate the production of charcoal per kg. Obviously earth mounds and pits are best since they use no steel at all and the index is infinite. We can usefully compare the Missouri, the Brazilian, beehive and the steel portable kiln.

Using values for charcoal produced over the lifetime of the kiln, when used efficiently, taken from this manual, the indices are as follows: The beehive kiln thus uses steel 15 times more efficiently than the Missouri.

The Missouri uses steel about 1. The Missouri kiln is an engineered structure which must be constructed carefully to design specifications. Collapse of the structure will occur if inadequate reinforcement steel is used or it is not correctly located.

Collapse of such a costly kiln would be an economic disaster for most producers and, if skilled construction labour and the specified materials are not available, construction should not be undertaken.

Stoneware flue pipes 37 m of mm diameter nil 7. Construction The walls, floor and roof of the kiln are of poured reinforced concrete construction with doorway frames of steel cast in place.

The recommended aggregate is lightweight expanded shale to improve thermal insulation and resistance to heat spelling. Expanded shale aggregate is usually not available in most charcoal making areas of the developing world.

The double doors of the kiln are a critical and costly component. They must be easy to open, yet capable of being sealed tight to prevent air leaks during cooking. Rolled steel plate 10 cm thick is recommended to reduce warping which prevents proper sealing.

Archived from the original on 2 September Human Molecular Genetics 3rd ed. National Human Genome Research Institute. Association of Reproductive Health Officials. Archived from the original on 18 June Retrieved 22 March Retrieved 17 February New Scientist 31 October Retrieved 2 November Archived from the original on 28 November Retrieved 7 January Chemotherapy Research and Practice.

Italians first to use stem cells". Retrieved 10 November The Scientist — Magazine of the Life Sciences. Retrieved 17 August Jude Children's Research Hospital 4 December Retrieved 29 December Retrieved 19 November Retrieved 3 May Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

Testing of IGF-I biomarker in an ethical context. Adv Modern Onco Res, 2 4 ; , doi: Epistemiologic experience in elaboration of molecular biology technology for immunogene therapy in Spanish.

Rev Cien, 2 25 ; , doi: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. UniQure 2 November Retrieved 28 August Retrieved 30 March No improvement in outcomes with gene therapy for heart failure".

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Retrieved 13 February Retrieved 20 March A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification". Retrieved 6 November Retrieved 3 December Is era of designer humans getting closer?

Retrieved 31 December Retrieved 13 April Retrieved 16 November The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 6: Food and Drug Administration. Archived from the original on 21 November Retrieved 27 September The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.

University of Chicago Press. Archived 3 December at the Wayback Machine. Integrating From the Nanoscale". Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Archives of Family Medicine.

Archives of Medical Research. Retrieved 24 April Scientific, Medical, and Ethical Considerations. Science, Ethics, and Governance". Retrieved 21 February Statement on Gene Therapy Research.

Archived from the original PDF on 17 September Food and Drug Administration 14 October Department of Health and Human Services. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. Retrieved 14 December Staff 18 November Human Genome Project Information.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Retrieved 28 May Roundup ready soybean Vistive Gold. Ice-minus bacteria Hepatitis B vaccine Oncolytic virus. Gene therapy Genetic enhancement. Gene knockout Gene knockdown Gene targeting.

Transgene Detection of genetically modified organisms Genetic pollution Genetic engineering in fiction Human enhancement Reverse transfection Transhumanism. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

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Several millions of farmers are actually growing rice in lowlands that are not Sawah based, which is commonly observed throughout Asia. In order to overcome the problems of low farming productivity and to realize a more intensive and sustainable agriculture, the Sawah system was introduced through on-farm adaptive research in the two research sites of Gara and Gadza inland valleys, located in the Bida, Nigeria in Hirose and Wakatsuki Another hypothesis was for one hectare of Sawah to be equivalent to 10 to 15 hectares of upland, assuming that two years cultivation followed by eight years of cultivation for upland rice.

On-farm adaptive research and participatory trials on Sawah system research were conducted on the research sites for four years by Japanese researchers and IITA staff but there was generally poor adoption by farmers, however, improved varieties were readily adopted but other components of the system were marginally adopted and this led to the reassessment of the technology transfer methodology, which was incorporated in the new project that started in by Watershed Initiative in Nigeria WIN The real efforts for dissemination took of in The preparation is to provide the farmers or group with puddling and levelling operations.

WIN has four power tillers which were grants by the Japanese embassy under grass root grant project. Prior to receiving the service, farmers or groups have to prepare bund at 50 cm height and do other works like weeding and breaking of mounds.

The dissemination of the Sawah package took off in from villages previously identified in a diagnostic survey. Lowland rice farmers in different villages were contact from where individuals show interest.

The volunteer individual farmers were then contacted and encouraged to devote certain proportion of their land for the adoption of the Sawah package. A regular monthly meeting were held in individual villages in rotation.

The monthly meeting at the village consist of all interested adult from the hosting village plus some representative from other villages. Discussions were general to specific for example they were allowed to asked questions on any part of their farming problems, fertilizer procurement and use for their crop and more explanation on the Sawah technology.

Answers are provided by the farmers and or researchers. Participating farmers used any proportion of their lowland area for Sawah as they deem fit. The individual contact method was reinforced by the fact that some of the farmers had seen, employed and participated on the demonstration farm within the village vicinity.

The adoption by individual farmers that have observed the demonstration plots and those contacted with the technology coupled with the need for access to inputs such as fertilizers and power tillers, groups of rice farmers around the villages were organised and the technology was then introduced.

The adopters formed the core of the group with ten farmers per group. The groups keep increasing season after season and contacts are maintained with them by the WIN staff.

The attendant increase in the rice yield and the ability to use more of the lowland that had hitherto been abandoned due to their proneness to flood and drought initiated the farmer - to - farmer approach.

After two growing seasons adopting farmers were organised by WIN to inform other rice farmers about the benefit of adopting the Sawah package. This was based on the premise that farmers from neighbouring villages and areas had contacted fellow farmers in the core villages where the demonstration farm took off with a view to participate and adopt the technology.

These field days gave opportunities for wider interaction, discourse and an encouragement to the farmers. Sawah based rice production development started with three individual farmers in three villages with 0.

The establishment of a demonstration field 1. In the number of farmers increased in the Sawah Package program and by the farmers increased to fourteen and in to eighteen farmers from four villages.

Now WIN is operating the demonstration field for the multiplication of foundation seeds covering 1. From neighbouring villages rice farmers have applied for participation. All these farmers are from inland valleys.

However, there are some farmers who have applied for the participation in Sawah Package programs, who are not from inland valleys but from floodplains Fashola et al Next most productive was Sawah with less or equal to 30kg N fertilization SLFertz ; bunded field Bunded without proper levelling gave an average of 2.

This figure was for trial in which there were 18 farmers with Sawah. The 83 farmers are in for which the yield results are just been collated. Constraints identified in the Sawah System included the need for; more trainers on Sawah system development, more power tillers and power tiller operators and maintainers, technology on small scale farm mechanization and its operation and maintenance in Nigeria, and government policy on credit systems for the introduction of power tillers by farmer groups.

The effectiveness of the extension approaches namely individual, group and farmer - to-farmer can be rated in terms of the response of the adoption behaviour of the farmers.

At a later stage when the feasibility of the technology became evident then the groups were naturally initiated. The evidences of the technology stimulated the farmer-to farmer approach among rice farmers within and between other villages thus expanding the spread of the technology and then the invitation by farmers to WIN staff for coordination.

This approach has led to the awareness of the technology than the individual or the group method. The Sawah system through the leveling and bunding offers the best option for overcoming the limitations of soil and water management due to the utilization of the inland valleys which are reported to be high in fertility that sustains and enhances rice production through puddling, the inlet and outlet canals for irrigation and drainage.

The problems of poor soil and water management in rice production can be overcome through Sawah production. Farmers around the demonstration plots were able to learn the application of the Sawah package, which was adopted on their fields from where the technology spread to other farmers and then the neighboring villages.

Project Synergy Abuja, Nigeria. Ecological diversity and rice varietal improvement in West Africa. Crop variety improvement and its effect on productivity: J and Guei, R. G Productivity gains form rice genetic enhancements in West Africa; Countries and ecologies World Development 31 2 Paper presented at the 39 th conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria in Benin City 9 th th October Hirose S and Wakatsuki T.

I wonder were it was back then, before living creatures decided to use these chemicals — more CO2 in the atmosphere perhaps? You have to consider that CO2 was the only gas in the atmosphere plus Nitrogen.

Oxygen is very reactive. So the first life was based on CO2. Phytoplankton and then plants. Only when there was free oxygen, a byproduct of the consumption of CO2 did CO2 go down and the first animals appear, able to live like plants at night on the O2 alone.

Now the hungry plants have eaten the lot, or almost everything. In fact if CO2 went lower than 0. It seems Vitamin A was a very early agent of photosynthesis. The whole evolution of cells and DNA followed and the powerhouse was the energy stored in the O2 so you did not need the sun.

Paper finds lifetime of CO2 in atmosphere is only 5. Chemical laws for distribution of CO2 in nature starting on page three. However, the unique result fits an atmospheric CO2 lifetime of -5 5.

The mass of all past fossil-fuel and biogenic emissions remaining in the current atmosphere was in December calculated to be GT C or less, i. Yes, they are right except the half life is exactly 14 years.

We know this exactly from the atom bomb graph when mankind double C14 in the air in a pulse in The fit is exact. However the IPCC claim 80 years. The IPCC need to do this or the rapid exchange with the oceans means most fossil fuel CO2 just vanishes and there is no problem!

This cannot be admitted. The ignorance is that no one much understands equilibrium, as they need to study chemistry where it is the founding concept after stoichiometry adding atoms.

That is a popular fallacy aided by rogue faux scientists like our Tim Flannery and Al Gore who impress us with their compassion and sincerity and clear concern for humanity.

For them and millions of others, it is a very profitable dreamland. I understand that there is a rigidly and rigourously enforced standard that must be met by anyone wishing to publish in a Royal Society journal:.

They have to be able to spell their name, without putting their tongue into the corner of their mouth. They have to be sufficiently numerate to be able to count to ten, without missing or confusing any numbers in the sequence.

Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers Background paper — Session II Defining a Climate Finance Toolbox for Effective Climate Action July, Luxembourg In this respect, the sheer number of existing finance mechanisms over 50 multilateral funds, some 60 carbon markets and dozens of climate investment funds globally calls in itself for serious efforts in coordination, ownership and accountability.

The extent of the challenge becomes apparent in comparing recent global figures spent on climate finance — billion dollars in — to the estimated 5 trillion dollars additional investment needed we need, could include government grants to risk mitigating guarantees and insurance schemes, green bonds and climate investment funds to impact investment.

Financial flows from public sources could be used to provide enabling legal and regulatory environments and to leverage increased private sector funding. Public interventions must aim at crowding in private sector investment and not crowding it out.

It will take project financing as well as investments to seize the economic opportunities that lie in the transition from fossil fueled economies to low carbon and climate friendly modes of production and lifestyles.

Putting a credible price on carbon emissions — i. In developed countries committed to mobilize jointly billion dollars per year by to address the needs of developing countries for climate action.

This amount is to come from a wide variety of sources: With regard to the newly established GCF, so far out of a total of It is also their declared intention to increase by up to million the number of people in the most vulnerable developing countries who have access to direct or indirect insurance coverage against the negative impact of climate change related hazards by and support the development of early warning systems in the most vulnerable countries.

Furthermore G7 members aim at accelerating access to renewable energy in Africa and developing countries in other regions with a view to reducing energy poverty through mobilizing substantial financial resources from private investors, development finance institutions and multilateral development banks….

Questions for discussion 1. In order to draw a credible pathway to mobilize billion dollars on a yearly basis by for the support for adaptation and mitigation activities in developing countries, the following questions need to be answered: What type of incentives and financial instruments are needed to leverage indispensable private sector money with limited amounts of public funding?

What kind of methodology can be applied to credibly account for private sector funding that is genuinely targeted at effective climate change… action? There NO identifiable vestiges or any identifiable signs of any sort that can be described as indicators of a truly productive sector that is geared towards increasing the productivity of the global nations and contributing to the increase in the real wealth of those nations.

The entire climate change industry is entirely and completely based on highly dubious perceptions maintained by vast reams of lying propaganda generated to maintain the flow of funds to the climate change industry through the use of fear and totally corrupted, disassembling climate science with its unaccountable adjustments made by unverified algorithms which are kept secret, its homogenisation.

It nothing more than totally parasitical industry entirely reliant on all other productive industries for its income and its excuse to exist, a completely parasitical industry that is totally reliant on the continuation of a mirage, a chimera that can only exist in a scientific vacuum where there is no science and no scientific papers at any level that directly shows and proves that the planet is warming outside of the longer term natural variations and shows and proves that humanity is directly the cause of that so far unproven as human induced, warming.

It would be quoted and used in every situation and would be regarded as a classic reference paper to be used by all of mankind as the basis for all climate research far into the future.

For such an industry built entirely on the quicksands of unproven, highly dubious propaganda tailored climate science, the future to say the least, is likely to be a catastrophic collapse of the entire sector when a critical point is reached in the interlinking and rapidly increasing complexity of the climate change industry.

The options for the still unknown source of that critical point are expanding rapidly. We can see in this a scenario for major backlash against the dictates of the EU and against European politicians who have imposed on their peoples and who have created most of the climate change industry as the work force starts seeing jobs starting to dry up and industries closing down.

As western Europe and the EU is the very hub of the climate change faith, it will become obvious for politicians elsewhere that if they value their future in their nation they had better get rid of the lecherous, leech like, parasitical climate change industry and fast.

Thats only a scenario but an increasingly likely one that something similar starting with an apparently very minor trigger of some sort could precipitate the total and very rapid collapse of the entire shoddy construct of the global warming industry which is built on the quicksands of a complete lack of any productive and useful attributes to society and is basically entirely parasitical and leech like in its format, its economics and in its operations.

The Morgenthau Plan 70 years later but this time self inflicted by Germans. Instead the Marshall plan was introduced, kicked start Western Europe and provided strong West Germany against the scourge of communism.

Now I wonder if the removal of this constant fear from the east was not a mistake? Humanity just can, t be happy unless it is scared s…less. ROM, I believe you are correct. Capital will just find somewhere else to be, but those with their reputation on the line are trapped by the permanent record of the internet.

We live in interesting times. The widely accepted claim that adding radiative gases to our radiatively cooled atmosphere will reduce its ability to cool the solar heated surface of our planet is entirely false.

Not a little bit wrong, completely and utterly wrong. Ultimately for the warmulonians, this is un-winnable. While old media and and the professional left fight on, most now praying for a soft landing, their fight is pointless.

They are achieving nothing but adding to the crushing shame they hope to avoid. The majority of citizens are now sceptic and this is in spite of all of the efforts of activist NGOs, almost all of old media and governments pushing the propaganda.

The big lie can make it around the world even faster than before, but now the truth gets its boots on in moments. And they are hobnail boots with steel toecaps, because private citizens are not beholden to the rules of the incestuous relationship between old media, activists and politicians.

The game has changed. The point at which the fellow travellers lose all hope of sustaining the big lie or even transmuting it into a face saving new cause. I have spent my whole career trying to figure out what threats are real, and what threats are wind.

When you do that, for long enough, a number of interesting things happen apart from practitioners becoming a bit odd, one of which, is developing the ability to visualise threats as having a shape.

Or in the case of some of my colleagues, a smell, or a sound. If a threats is natural, the shape appears, to be irregular, and messy, at least to me. If it is not natural, it has a regular shape, because people creating a threat, cannot do messy.

From my perspective, Climate Change has the shape of a pyramid, — it is very organised — and what is more, it is a pyramid that is balanced on an apex. Effort is therefore constantly required by the organising forces, just to keep it reasonably stable.

The questions then, are not if it will fail; but how and when it will fail, and how messy it will become, when it does fail? After twenty years the fight is getting rather old but I see that you are correct.

They are getting increasingly desperate and thus making mistakes. With readership falling drastically. Floating excuse after excuse after excuse to explain the hiatus instead of coming up with one decent excuse and sticking with it.

Maintaining the illusion that humankind can control the weather and climate is peddled by ideologically motivated eco-marxist bureaucracies. The expenditure and social incarceration can increase infinitely because the objective is not only unstated but the means unknown and the outcome an impossibility.

This may well be an underestimate. The actual measured output by has been 38 Gigawatts or 3. However Renewable Energy production is dependent on the seasons, local weather conditions and the rotation of the earth, day and night.

So the Renewable Energy contribution to the electricity supply grid is inevitably erratic, intermittent and non-dispatchable. It is therefore much less useful than dispatchable sources of electricity, which can be engaged whenever necessary to match demand and maintain grid stability.

When the capacity percentages are taken into account, the capital costs can be 14 — 49 times greater than Gas Fired plant. And in spite of their being virtually no costs for fuel, Renewable Energy installations can still cost up to 1.

By Government and EU diktat, these costs have been extracted by extra charges imposed on utility bills throughout Europe. This is a very regressive form of taxation imposing more burdens on poorer people whilst leaving wealthier people who are able to pay less affected.

It is also invisible in Government balance sheet as an industry imposition on consumers. Increased energy costs are also impacting on European industries with many major corporations seeking more congenial manufacturing locations outside Europe to the detriment of the European economies.

The USA has made significant CO2 emissions reductions over the past few decades by replacing Coal Fired generation with Gas Fired electricity generation with the feedstock provided by the fracking revolution.

This effect in the USA alone has been assessed to have been more effective means of CO2 emissions reduction than all actions worldwide arising from the Kyoto protocol. The Renewable Energy industry could not exist without the Government mandated subsidies and preferential tariffs on which it depends.

It is not a viable business proposition. The next closest one was the Pet Rock. Pretty much the same benefits. Some of you might have something to say about this: Seriously determined waffling, something about the oceans warming more than the land and apples and oranges and be very afraid.

If what you predicted is completely wrong, argue that you were talking about something else like, say, sea surface temperature. By blending the two with copious amounts of waffle, you can get the result you need.

More of the sea has stolen our increase stuff from Professor Flannery et al. Unfortunately, these variable atmospheric absorption lines [in the solar spectrum] seem to have been written out the official scientific script.

Standard atmosphere, 20 millimeters of perceptible water vapor, 3. In other words there are natural holes in the spectra we see, and with our naturally fluorescing atmosphere that is dependant on solar UV radiation what radiation at what frequencies arriving here on the earths surface, via the air, may not be quite as consensus science tells us.

NASA April 1, So what does effective changes in the height of the atmosphere do to the total TSI readings? Cook then very kindly provides a spread sheet. The adjustments need to get the satellites to agree.

This was the focus of Judithgate five years ago. Some of the adjustments are openly made to make TSI better correlate with the modeled theory requirements. Oops sorry left out a closing HTML tag off.

Note to self — preview again after an edit. Or maybe show a more accurate alteration. That includes everything from carbon [dioxide] markets to carbon [dioxide] consulting, carbon [dioxide] sequestration, [non-] renewables, [manmade] biofuels, green buildings and insipid cars.

I do feel that if we continuously use the warmist language some see these as correct English usage, and because of their mis-discriptional allusion tend to fall for the warmists illogical arguments.

I especially like the imagery of [manmade] biofuels. If they are not manmade, then you are cooking with animal dung. Would you like fries with that? Yes, I wondered about that one, however in the context of modern Western sense of manufactured bio-fuels methane gas, bio-diesel or bio-ethanol liquids, or wood chips, etc.

We like our scary movies. Climate the hidden boogy man among us is more scary than Jaws, acres more scarier than Nightmare on Elm Street. But we have a way out — we can put our hopes of being saved on the World Government click it for fun, according to a Professor of International Politics at University of Western Australia.

What is it about that place. Around things started moving, about 2 years later some guy called S Hussein was front and center of the frame. For why petroDollars float the US economy see http: Or is it the UN as the defacto power trying to keep the players in check by playing each of them against each other… ummm, who knows?

Could be wrong though. No you are referring only to one sector of the climate change industry. All my figures are accurate, it is annual, and my sources are cited in the post. Well, now, we have a quantum leap with the climate change industry.

Many times worse hype and fear-mongering than, say, Y2K, coupled with many ties higher risk and economic threats than the derivatives fiasco. And widespread religious fervor to sell it! To say nothing of the pols involved.

The modern world wants a non-religious apocalypse to puts Revelations to shame, to prove scientism dominates everything. Y2K with its three zeros was a dud. But no matter, come back next century in when a vaguely estimated weather report predicts a bad hair day.

G Thomas and N. Inflate the bubble, you and your buddies get out fast and then insert pin. Move in afterwards and pick up assets at pennies on the dollar. The political goal is clearly stated by Pascal Lamy.

He is a French Socialist trained as an economist. All had lived through the chaos of the s — when turning inwards led to economic depression, nationalism and war. All, including the defeated powers, agreed that the road to peace lay with building a new international order — and an approach to international relations that questioned the Westphalian, sacrosanct principle of sovereignty ….

What can the world learn about global governance from the diplomatic model of the European Union? So a world government based on the EU is the goal stated. And just incase you think your country will remain sovereign.

Thanks to the primacy of EU law over national law. Thanks to the work of the European Court of Justice in ensuring enforcement and respect for the rule of law. And thanks to a clear articulation between the Commission, the Parliament, and the European Court of Justice.

It also scores highly from the point of view of redistribution policies …. Europe has had a relatively good record in terms of leadership as long as the leadership of the Commission was accepted.

But today, leadership is blurred by the competition between the Commission and the European Council…. Finally, legitimacy is the area in which, in my view, Europe scores less well.

We are witnessing a growing distance between European public opinions and the European project. One could have expected that the European institutional set up, with growing powers entrusted to the European Parliament would have resulted in greater legitimacy.

But this is contradicted by the declining numbers participating in elections to the European Parliament. Europe continues to be seen as distant, far away from the everyday lives and concerns of citizens…..

What does Lamy see as the challenges that must be over come before a world government can be put in place and accepted? The first one is leadership, i.

The second one is efficiency, i. The third one is coherence, for the international system is based on specialization. Each international organization focuses on a limited number of issues….

It is a fact: By togetherness, I mean the shared feeling of belonging to a community. Is this better than no government? You alone are your only defense. Learn to observe, shut up, threaten no one, do not telegraph thought, practice-practice-practice, until you can shoot fast, shoot straight.

Then more practice, learning to not shoot if anything else is available! I also have been thinking of late of the parallels of today with the Roaring Twenties and the economic and social situation of today.

Just like today re the CAGW ideology, there grew up an entire industry centred around Prohibition in all the countries that introduced it from about onwards. Just like today it created a whole army of scammers and parasites preying on and exploiting the public.

And then some 70 to million lives destroyed by a global war that was created and brought on by the total failure of the utterly corrupt political and banking classes to both prevent the Great Depression and the human suffering that was the outcome of the Great Depression.

It was the political and racial extremism that arose from the suffering of the Great depression that was taken over and used in all its most evil hate filled ways by that handful of Dictators who were at the very source and heart of that terrible global war.

Economically due in part to the massive divergence of limited resources to the utter futility that is called Decarbonisation, there are increasing indicators of economic malaise beginning to be seen in many advanced nations of the world, an economic malaise that like the Roaring Twenties enormous and no longer payable debts are being built up by nations, corporations, groups and individuals.

There was the Spanish civil war which like all civil wars was little more than a deadly killing field of brother against brother, father against son and a war that the dictators practiced with and developed their war time killing machines.

Today there are civil wars in the Ukraine and right throughout the Middle East and parts of Africa and elsewhere with a strong chance of those wars expanding further.

And the seeds for the worst type of war of the lot where there is no mercy and no quarter given, a religion based war might be too close for any complacency.

As each major war is very different to the last major war we might even be already in the preliminaries of the next major global conflict. I was born in mid As I got older I could see the harsh marks and deep hurts and the despair the Great Depression had marked those who had lived through those terrible times for the rest of their lives along with the horrors of the following WW2, including my parents.

In about before my parents were married my Father made tea for 18 swagmen one saturday morning. They came off the road to try and beg some food or some tea They were victims of the Depression who walked the roads looking for work and often just food.

Channel 4 weatherman Liam Dutton said: Edinburgh has had its coldest July day for 75 years… http: Still summer weather and migrants gives them something to complain about….

Mathematician Mile Jonas has all but proven that co2 has not been a major driver of temp increases over the last, years. The instrumental record showing the recovery from the LIA proves the point as well.

So why would you make a statement to stop fossil fuels? A few years ago I calculated the amount of money that has been squandered on building and researching wind and solar power.

For technologies that are a burden on the electricity industry, increased the cost of power and do very little towards the futile objective of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. There are also hidden subsidies in the form of transmission lines and expensive and inefficient backup generation.

Many organisations are making a huge amounts of money out of the global warming hoax and one does have to wonder if they secretly fund the likes of Greenpeace.

University of East Anglia Publis Release: Research explores future energy security of China China needs to reduce its dependence on coal and improve the range of fuels it uses if it is to have long term energy security, according to new research from the University of East Anglia UEA … http: Electricity portfolio innovation for energy security: The case of carbon constrained China Elsevier: We examine the longitudinal trajectory of the Chinese electricity supply security and model the near future supply security based on the 12th 5 Year Plan.

Our approach combines the Shannon—Wiener, Herfindahl—Hirschman and electricity import dependence indices for supply security appraisal. We find that electricity portfolio innovation allows China to provide secure energy supply despite increasing import dependence.

However, reduced supply diversity in China during the s will not recover until after s due to the long-term coal lock-in that can threaten to hold China back from realising its full potential.

His research focus is on technological transitions and futures in the energy sector and the role of innovation in systematic resilience. He has seven years experience working with Fortune companies and SMEs on sustainability and corporate social responsibility CSR strategy design and implementation.

He teaches part-time on global sustainability business solutions at Hult International Business School and for the Shanghai Center for Sustainability. China is the actual Godzilla in the mist tip-toeing past the Bush and the Shrub and if US voters are brain-dead the Twig off the same old Bush.

What is David talking about? Chinese General Says U. He suggested that if China came to blows with any of its neighbors, the U. The consequence of a slowing U. US Treasuries are the safe haven.

For everyone, including China, it is the only option. Actually China does know what to do get out of US bonds and invest in gold and foreign farmland and homeland infrastructure. A this point China is building her energy grid, manufacturing base and sucking up technology via hecking while keeping a relatively low profile.

China is going on a global buying spree. Another Chinese company then bought Smithfield Foods—a Virginia-based company that processes 32 million pigs a year. That purchase included enough farmland to bring the value of Chinese-owned U.

The country now owns 1 in 4 pigs raised in the U. Seems China has no intention of starving if the weather turns cold. I know it is off topic but the strength of China related to the USA is going to make a big difference in Paris.

The Chinese snubbed Obama and scuttled Copenhagen. In return for campaign contributions, the President [Clinton] shifted regulation of technology exports from the State Department to the free-wheeling Commerce department.

The administration also relaxed export controls and allowed corporations to decide if their technology transfers were legal or not. These companies had an interest in seeing China develop reliable missiles to loft their satellites into orbit.

Michael Armstrong was made head of the Export Advisory Council. Clinton even involved the Department of Energy, caretaker of our nuclear weapons, in his fundraising schemes. Wen Ho Lee, an ethnic Chinese physicist assigned to Los Alamos, illegally transferred data on nuclear warheads to his private computer files.

In June of, the CIA learned that China had stolen the crown jewels of our nuclear arsenal, including the neutron bomb and the W miniaturized warhead. He is replaced on the Security Council by Sandy Berger, a former lobbyist for the Chinese government.

China used the threat of force to intimidate the island nation into electing a pro-Beijing candidate. Military maneuvers included bombing runs and launching ballistic missiles that impacted within twenty miles of Taiwan.

In, news of the campaign finance scandal reached the press. As the Justice Department began investigating, over one hundred suspects fled the country or refused to testify.

Despite FBI recommendations and congressional protests, Janet Reno refused to appoint an independent counsel. Then the press learned that China had stolen nuclear weapon designs from US research labs.

The Clinton administration downplayed and even denied reports that any nuclear secrets were stolen, but this scandal was too big to ignore. Congress began a formal investigation by forming the Cox committee.

Sandy Berger even swore under oath that the President was not told about nuclear thefts until, three years after the fact…. When Andre Borschberg reached Hawaii earlier this month after piloting Solar Impulse 2 non-stop from Japan, it was to a mix of joy and despair.

It was the furthest anyone had ever flown on solar power alone, and the longest solo flight in history, at five days and five nights, or hours and 52 minutes. The University of Hawaii has agreed to house the aircraft in one of its hangars over the winter.

But the team is facing the cost of turning what was planned as a one-year flight into a two-year mission… http: Amazing, so temperatures for a given year keep going up steadily long after the year is over!

Even the history is warming. We noticed this recently with announcements that the warmest year ever keeps going backwards in time. Some parts of the media have jumped on this to suggest climate models overestimate the amount of warming we can expect in future.

This affects the global temperature estimate because the Arctic is warming faster than the global average. The paper addresses this by reducing global coverage in the models to match where we have observations.

The University of York, where lead author Dr Kevin Cowtan is a researcher, has a handy briefing LINK explaining some other differences the team noticed to do with how observations and models deal with diminishing sea ice in the Arctic… So, which of the two approaches should we use to get the best picture of global temperature?

So, it would make sense to adjust the model temperatures to be consistent with the observations. He tells Carbon Brief: With an ambition to install 5 gigawatts of renewable capacity by, Iran would rank alongside France and the U.

The biggest turbine maker has installed 37 of its machines in the country, most recently in, according to its website… http: Saudi Aramco, as the company is known, already started injection and will put 40 million standard cubic feet per day of CO2 into the Uthmaniyah area south of the Ghawar field, it said Thursday in an Arabic statement on its website.

Oil-rich nations across the Persian Gulf are seeking ways to continue output from fields that are at least half a century old. The CO2 for the project will be captured at Hawiyah gas recovery plant and then piped kilometers to the site.

Nasser, acting president and chief executive officer… http: Anderson Cooper had an expert on talking about the plane debris that washed up near Africa. They were praising the university of W.

An obscene display of arrogant belief that we are all brain dead morons. Who then has a severely stunted intellectual capacity? You are entitled to ask, what climate change?

Would someone please explain? Why is it continually mentioned if no one knows what it is. Sure there has been an alleged and allegedly devastating 0. I would have thought on any given day, the difference was far smaller than the daily changes and monthly and with the seasons and even of decades with the well known 11 year solar cycle, know to the Egyptians since ancient times.

In fact this ridiculously small change in an average would not have even been detectable without modern instruments and satellites and even they now cannot detect a change. The usual rejoinder is that people do not know the difference between weather and climate.

I have to say warmists cannot tell the difference between climate and weather. Apart from the dire predictions of doomsayers who claim to be science experts, there has been no significant change in the temperature in years.

Such changes as we have seen are more due to water storage, agriculture, changes in plants, man made fires, land forming and not at all to temperature, sensitive to CO2 or not. I suppose Paul Barry of Media Watch would say: Two years earlier, in, Japanese officials preparing for a summit with officials of the administration of then-President George W.

Bush, debated how much to play up their goals for tackling climate change. July 31, …. Charlie Hales invited to White House for clean power conference, will share Greenpeace story Charlie Hales is getting on a plane and headed east to talk climate change for the second time in the past two weeks.

Jeff Merkley, who wants to ban drilling in the Arctic. Hales just returned this week from a trip to Italy, where he participated in a special summit hosted by Pope Francis and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Hales, who was supposed to be on vacation, will be in Washington for about 24 hours. And here I thought all the opposition was imported from out of state. All the bridge trespassers were Greenpiece paid employees I thought.

Every one trotted out in front of the cameras as being organizers were not Portlanders. Dana what a stupid statement! With the huge amount of press Climate Change is getting less Global Warming, is anyone actually saying which climates are changing and how?

Or is it just random verbage like more storms, hotter summer days, more droughts more often, heavier rainfalls more often, less ice and more ice, stronger winds and less wind and hotter and more frequent bushfires.

In other words, nonsense. So is anyone who talks about Climate Change and Climate Change denial actually clear on what climate change is happening, in Australia for example.

How has the climate changed in a way it has never done before? Why should every decade be the same as the previous? As politicians debate what to do about Climate Change, what is it? Why should we close coal power generators and build more windmills and subsidize more solar and close power stations?

How does the climate change if the temperature is not changing and why should CO2 cause Climate Change when it cannot even change the temperature? So Mr and Ms politician, just ask the question.

You will be met by silence. Maybe then the lunacy will start to end. In actual fact in Melbourne in, Pachauri admitted the temperature had not changed. The IPCC even said a decade, not two.

So while the IPCC talks about a century from now, they admit nothing is actually changing and has not changed for a long time. While they debate which year is actually hotter by 0. So is it time for our politicians and politicians world wide to take on this media created misery?

Is it an amorphous, undefined worry peculiar to Western democracies? On the face of it, there is no problem, no rapid runaway tipping point global warming, no unusual loss of sea ice, no species in danger, no reduction in crops and if CO2 is up slightly, great.

Why is there a massive UN conference in Paris on nothing run by an unelected and unqualified odd UN group who want to end the rule of the ballot box? Another world map; http: You can look at the Wisconsin Ice Age for comparison http: Controversial ship Fennica moves through protesters on St.

Johns Bridge live updates Just before 6 p. Johns Bridge and made its way toward the Pacific Ocean. After winning an early morning game of chicken with the ship, Greenpeace protesters suspended from the bridge and in kayaks and canoes on the river were left disappointed.

Thirteen of them had spent the better part of 40 hours in climbers slings and on portable platforms… 6: How much will the Greenpeace protest cost taxpayers? The amount varies by agency, by how many people were working and by any mutual-aid agreements already in place.

Nine agencies responded to the two-day Greenpeace USA protest. Since I am one of those skeptics who has been paid off by big oil, and am part of this trillion dollar industry, can somebody please explain where my cheques are?

So when the global cooling is in full swing will the AGW alarmists, governments and corporations refund the monies? At least they all should go to prison for life for participating in the biggest scam of all time.

There will be no refunds as non-elites will have no power niether electric nor political to change a darn thing. I vote for prison labor that hand works farms. I want them to be self sufficient and at least paid us back a little.

With intensive hand labor you can grow multiple crops on the same acreage. Today using tractors and such we mono-crop which is not nearly as productive per acre although it is much less labor intensive.

This will be critical if the climate turns cold and the grain producing areas shrink. At this point, the best option is to tax all anthropogenic emissions democratically.

It is, however, a little more complex than a mere translation from Greek. This was the opposite of a citizen. I guess what is being said here by me in a certain state that needs to be quantified by certain experts, amongst other things is that, all-molecules-are-not-created-equal.

It is happening every minute of every day as any caver knows. The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2. As far as the oceans go you have equilibriums, that are not slow because they are happening in solution sea water.

For those who are not chemists How Buffers Work. This is the basis of the Ocean Acidification malarkey. This gives a chart for the ion species in solution in various seas: The list is in descending order of amount.

Each liter of seawater contains, on average, about 13 billionths of a gram of gold according to NOAA. You find Thorium and uranium isotopes in sea water too.

Many have lost track of the things that were uncovered years ago while George W. Bush was in office. In Chicago there is a bank account already setup for this carbon tax scheme and some word of a stock exchange symbol they had in place and pulled it for now, as it was allowing a few people to follow the money as it were.

They ran off with it! They have near nothing to spend it on, but on rent for a very small office space. Many of the politicos from around the world that were coned and paid into this, will be waiting a very long time to be paid off, some will never see it.

In the spring of, the plague arrived in Constantinople, working its way from port city to port city and spreading around the Mediterranean Sea, later migrating inland eastward into Asia Minor and west into Greece and Italy.

In the Late Middle Ages — Europe experienced the most deadly disease outbreak in history when the Black Death, the infamous pandemic of bubonic plague, hit in, killing a third of the human population.

It is believed that society subsequently became more violent as the mass mortality rate cheapened life and thus increased warfare, crime, popular revolt, waves of flagellants, and persecution.

In the 20th century, the Green Plague arrived. The money wasted goes beyond even that amount as the waste has been pushed into the garbage business creating other related symptoms such as Recycling, Zero net Energy mandates for homes, Renewable Electricity Service Mandates and Goals and their inherent doubling of the cost of electricity, and the hidden guilt trips in essentially every nature documentary filmed in the last 15 years.

In fact the interest of big oil and the global warming industry are perfectly alined. The profits of the oil industry depend on the high price of oil. This is keeping prives artificially inflated.

My Facebook Experiment I posted the following on Facebook: It is just not feasible that there is someone watching every post, there are too many. In principle that is fair enough; the proprietors of Facebook need to weed out libellous and offensive material for which they may be legally held to account.

Here is the link http: Facebook users prefer warm and cuddly, and not raw and explicit. This site tells it as it is, and the moderators and the commentators keep people fairly honest.

JoNova continues its attempts to fool people into thinking that there is no climate change and it is all a conspiracy by 10, plus scientists What nonsense It is a good thing that we listened to the scientists, when they raised the alarm abut the Ozone layer, The ozone layer is slowly coming back now that the CFCs were managed under the Montreal protocol CO2 and methane are far.

Unless you have a Plan B to live off the grid in the northwest, you or your children are screwed. It will start with crop failures in California and mid-west already happening, shore line losses in all coastal cities already happening, diversion of water from farming to human consumption already happening, acidification of the Ocean and massive red tides already happening and climate change refuge migration in Europe already happening.

I suggest no conspiracy — just systematic problems. And crop failures, erosion, red tides and migration have all been happening forever, and are due to many factors. Natural daily variability in some parts is larger.

UAH shows no warming for 18 years. Wash that through your evidence. Dangerous bush fires would burn in the extreme heat that often reached as high as the mid 40 degrees C.

Temperatures like this were common around Christmas time most years back then. We lived near a national park Lane Cove River Park in the inner north of Sydney and all the residents were issued with poles with a leather flap on their end to use to help fight bush fires at the ends of the suburban streets.

I also remember getting blisters on my feet by walking on the hot sand at the Sydney beaches in summer. Since those days I have walked many times on beaches in summer and never experienced really hot sand underfoot like was common back then.

I have also rarely experienced such hot temperatures as back then. And now fires are rare in the area even though the bush is still there! It was much, much hotter in NSW and Southern Queensland back then than it is now, you cannot compare it.

I get amazed when people try to claim it is meant to be getting hotter now. Southern Queensland is quite mild and temperate these days compared to the searing temperatures I used to experience there when I spent my summer holidays as a kid.

To report "lost" comments or defamatory and offensive remarks, email the moderators at: Thirty Years in the Making Edition 1. JoNova A perfectly good civilization is going to waste….

Advertising The nerds have the numbers on precious metals investments on the ASX. Spot the Vested Interest: To state the obvious: July 31st, Tags: July 31, at 6: The climate industry is an pound gorilla pretending to be Bambi.

Gorilla in the mist tip-toeing through the tulips? August 1, at 5: August 1, at 6: August 2, at 8: August 2, at 9: I think you have that spelt wrong. I thought the spelling was Godzilla.

August 1, at 8: August 1, at 7: August 1, at 9: August 1, at I read thru here and shake my head at the willingness to be deceived on display all around. August 2, at Shake you head at that.

August 2, at 2: August 2, at 3: August 1, at 2: July 31, at 7: The band wagon is in full swing. July 31, at 9: July 31, at August 1, at 1: I do not think they do not even see us as human.

August 2, at 7: Some of the news on livestock Feb 10, …Mongolian and international aid agencies estimate that more than 2 million domestic animals have perished so far Feb 26, …Tibetan nomadic communities have lost around goats and sheep till now, …we are most concerned over Kharnak, which remains cut off due to heavy snowfall and we have no information on how severe the condition is in that region.

Jan 15 …7, buffaloes and cows freeze to death in Vietnam Apr 9, … Carcasses of more than 8, sheep that died in snow blizzards last month have been collected from farms in Northern Ireland to date.

Jun 24, …At least 33, sheep and cattle stranded in deep snow — NZ Aug 28, …More than, alpacas die of cold and snow — Peru Sept 1, …Tens of thousands of animals have frozen to death over the past week — Peru Oct 15, …Up to, cattle dead from blizzard — South Dakota Jun 3, … Sixty-thousand head of cattle killed by the cold — Bolivia Apr 1, … sheep perish in snowstorm — Turkey Oct 26, … sheep killed, fell off a cliff in snow storm — Turkey Oct 26, …Sheep trapped in snow — Greece Jul 11, 5 … At least 75, head of cattle killed by the cold — Bolivia Jul 24 … Coldest winter in decades — , alpacas die — Peru ………….

Fruits and Veggies Feb 19, …Up to 70 percent of fruit from orchards may be lost in Astrakhan, north of the Caspian Sea. Finally at the end of the first page we see that there are other causes: Carbon sic will melt the antarctic?

August 2, at 1: Just refreshing my figures on aluminium vs petrol.


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