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I've used the phone. The only thing he said for the Note 8 was "better camera and stylus if you want it buy it its a good phone if you don't need those things buy the S8".
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I literally had a customer die hard iPhone user get a Blackberry Priv probably the same phone you got against my suggestions of a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy, but he insisted. IIRC, Nougat has some hard restrictions on that kind of stuff. Log in or sign up in seconds. One plus one mobile price in india and features Also, regarding fingerprint scanner on back vs front, the merits of that have already been debated to death. This how reviewers compared faceID on the X and facial recognition on the one plus 5T. So a lot of what you're blaming only Apple for is being done by other companies just as much.
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Sure enough his S8 review has no such thing. There are other phones mentioned in my comment. I was not trying to hide that fact.
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Having Snapchat features built into phone animoji?? God knows why they went with a dedicated low light camera as the secondary instead of a telephoto though. How on earth would I know? Seriously, why do you have to jump to what is effectively conspiracies when there is a perfectly valid reason? Check out this user-maintained wiki for helpful tips! Those are the contexts in which they will be used, and so are the contexts in which they are or should be reviewed.
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26.03.2018 - With twins, masks, lighting conditions, anything you can think of. Thats what reviewers are supposed to do. Because while it does matter, it's also something that's been talked about so much that it doesn't need to be repeated every time it might matter. You are dodging the question again. Mobile review of the One Plus 5T I watched even mentioned the lack of security of it. So he didn't complain that he can't unlock the S8 without picking it up. If you're showing off you better deliver the goods.
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22.02.2018 - But reviewers to give the viewers an idea about the tradeoff between security and convenience that one plus is able to achieve. Make no mistake, If their other biometrics were as secure and fast, every android phone manufacturer would love to save BOM and manufacturing costs by removing the finger print scanner. It's Apple's benefit to design it's own core for just it's own devices. Haha this is funny about as funny as assuming the majority of people owning mobile devices are more than willing to jump online to purchase Sd cards. Those companies demand specific charasteristics and in the wide range between the different demands of the different companies, Qualcomm tries to make the best possible product. You can disable Face ID and use a passcode if you want more secure too. The rest prefers phones with more freedom including freedom to add SD storage.
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09.03.2018 - With the iPhone X selling well, it's likely that some companies will try a phone with a notch too in their line up. Other phones have done just that. These are two different approaches to the facial recognition technology which will make reviewers review them differently. So no it is not biometric security if it can't be used in banking apps or for Android Pay. His career relies on iPhones but he trashes them whenever he can get a chance. Maybe look up the definition of the word arguably cool? Try not to be stupid next time, they can make sound like a lot, there is no need for them to lie about 30,
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Moving your body takes more energy than moving your hand: Journalists get paid for clicks, people click on controversy, so short of blatantly lying, journalists will publish Apple in the darkest light to piss off the fans, who rage read the piece, and satisfy the trolls, who read and repost with glee.
Ya this is utter bull. No one knocked apple for not having water resistance before the 7. As soon as they introduced it, every phone that didn't have water resistance was penalized for it.
Android phones are graded on the apple curve, and that's a fact. I get your point, but I did see a lot of complaints about iPhone 6s not having water resistance, and also complaints about the lack of wireless charging until iPhone 8 came out.
Certain publications are more critical of apple, others more critical of Android. So ya I say it balances out. There were plenty of Android fanboys making dumb images like this about iPhones not being water resistant.
In the photo they didn't say Android phones had water resistance. They just implied Android phones would most likely get it earlier than Apple. And the other points mentioned in the photo aren't wrong.
This is just my thought. There's nothing ironic about it. Fans of a particular brand aren't expected to be as impartial as reviewers should be. The irony with Unbox Therapy is that Lou is biased against iPhone but half of his videos are about accessories to augment the iPhone.
His career relies on iPhones but he trashes them whenever he can get a chance. It actually kinda cracks me up. These people behave like Apple personally assaulted them at some point in their lives.
To them Apple is evil and has never made a good product. I swear I saw a guy with hundreds of likes on his comment say that he would rather BUY an exploding Note 8 than get a free iPhone 7.
These people are so stupid Yup he found a audience with the bend video and decided to go with it to grow his channel. The only thing he said for the Note 8 was "better camera and stylus if you want it buy it its a good phone if you don't need those things buy the S8".
He shits on things Apple does but is silent when companies like Samsung, Google and LG do the same or even supports it on those devices. Everyone here is missing the reason behind the testing.
OnePlus has said their facial recognition is only to be used as a convenient way to get into the phone and it's not a replacement for biometric security. They say if you want to secure your phone then you also have the option for the back fingerprint scanner.
Sometimes this sub reached at things just to have that, "Us against the world attitude. True when it comes to reliability, convenience and speed. But I dont think privacy and security should be considered that way.
Sure, no complaints there. Test faceID as much as you want. With twins, masks, lighting conditions, anything you can think of. That should be done. Thats what reviewers are supposed to do.
But also when they do a head on comparison of two features they should address most of the concerns and not just speed. Except the apple faceid needs to be under more scrutiny since it removed the touchid.
Y u so confused. He's trying to get upvotes here by appealing to blind fanboyism. It's clear that Android, in general, offers different levels of security apart from inputting a password, which is usually the most secure.
The consumer is then free to choose leaving the device completely unsecured or secured with a password or some level in between. Had OnePlus gotten rid of the fingerprint scanner and replaced it with their faceID type thing, then OP's outrage would have been warranted.
Why isn't he similarly outraged by locking the device with a pattern? It's because faceID is supposed to be the number one selling point on the iPhone X and OnePlus offering something similar grates on his nerves even though OnePlus specifically warns users that they should use the already available fingerprint scanner for a higher security level.
Stop it right now. This level of rational thinking is dangerous and unwarranted here on this sub. Feelings only matter here Theres one thing no one is talking about They have not published any white papers or made statements about securing your face data with a secure chip.
That in my book, makes it invalid already. Don't they use the same TrustZone-derived design as most Android phones? IIRC, Nougat has some hard restrictions on that kind of stuff.
Android never published security white papers nor has phone makers. As far as i can tell, Android requires fingerprints to be stored in their TEE. Because face recorg is new, we don't know if they bypassed it or hacked in support for it.
The answer is simple. It's because they didn't get rid of their fingerprint sensor, it's just an additional option, one that they admit is less secure than their fingerprint sensor.
Some of your quote choices answer your own question. Why do people not care about the FaceID not being completely secure? Because it has a perfectly secure and fast fingerprint scanner for if you want that.
When FaceID is the only biometric that Apple offers, of course it'll be tested more rigorously, because it has to make up for the lack of fingerprint scanner. OP only offers the facial unlock for convenience, so that's what it's judged on.
Also, regarding fingerprint scanner on back vs front, the merits of that have already been debated to death. Ever see reviews of a budget phone? Then simply don't enable facial recognition if that's your concern.
Those are the contexts in which they will be used, and so are the contexts in which they are or should be reviewed. Surely that should be a big feature of the review.
You can disable Face ID and use a passcode if you want more secure too. The reviews do mention that it isn't as secure as the fingerprint scanner. OP just chose to leave out those parts.
Why should it be? First, "massive security hole" seems like more than a bit of an exaggeration. Android has had an even worse facial ID system for years, after all. Most importantly, however, it is completely optional.
The only thing that the OP5T's facial id will do is unlock the device. It can't be used for payment or apps like TouchID or 5T's fingerprint scanner. Therefore, you'll find that all decent reviews will say something like, "use this feature if you're willing to accept the security penalty for the added convenience, don't if otherwise".
Because it isn't nearly as deeply integrated as TouchID is, it isn't worth spending a huge chunk of the review on. Personally, I have no problem with the device manufacturer allowing me to choose my level of security.
I do so for everything else in life, so why not this? I don't get what you don't understand about "convenience" feature? When setting up faceID, OnePlus mentions this isn't the most secure solution.
You keep using that term, I don't think you know what it means. People who enable face ID are doing so purely for convenience, if they're worrying about people getting into their phone then they have the fingerprint sensor.
It's not the only option, you have a choice. A security hole is anything that weakens the security of the device and enabling face ID on these phones lowers their security.
As for the root issue, that is unforgivable sloppiness but not really too big of a security risk unless your device is encrypted. Again, unforgivable, but not really relevant to this discussion? I think this is where we might disagree.
I dont think the reviewers conveyed that message. Granted they either had one sentence or a piece of text that said "Oh its not as secure as the fingerprint sensor". Then the next sentence is "but it doesnt work with a photo".
So which is it? Every biometric system is a tradeoff between security and convenience, so understanding that level of tradeoff is important. Personally I feel that reviewers did not convey that point.
That is what my post is about. From a normal consumers perspective those two sentences in no way gives you an idea about the level of security offered by OP5T. I think most covered it well enough.
I mean, OP was very clear that it isn't a particularly secure mode, despite making some efforts, but you also have to keep in mind who is most likely to read a OP5T review.
It's still a relatively niche brand, and so the people most likely to be reading reviews are probably enthusiasts who've already seen OP's statements on the matter, but despite that, at least all of the reviews I've read mention it to one degree or another.
In context to FaceID yeah it's baseless. Apple's whole shtick this year is FaceID and what it does. And they call huge attention to it. Meanwhile Android's done it for years as an alternative login, complete with fair warning it's not as secure as an alphanumeric.
People are harder on Apple because Apple made such a huge deal about it. If you're showing off you better deliver the goods. I simply don't think normal consumers can fully understand the trade off.
Security isn't something that people think about that often, but still absolutely vital. They probably heard about some vague warning about Face ID being "hacked" but it's only obscure case, so don't worry about the security and just use this feature for convenience.
There are such things as bad options if they are poorly thought out. Not all options exposed to the user is good. Hi, i have tried to address the issue of fingerprint scanner as a backup option in this comment: Please realize that my problem is not with one plus offering an additional convenience feature.
I personally feel that one plus just upped the game when it comes to facial scanners, telling that some level of security can be achieved without expensive components, paving way for this tech to become well adopted in cheaper phones.
Also the price issue. My issue is when you compare two things you can say "Feature A is not as good as B. But its only half the price and we dont think that feature A is worth that much money.
But what did the reviewers do, they compared it against faceID and said its super fast totally agree without addressing any drawbacks. Think from a consumers perspective, what kind of signal does that send to a normal user who does not have the technical know how to figure out the differences based on comments like "one plus uses RGB camera", "one plus uses data points"?
How does one unlock, to check stuff quickly, the OP5T or the Note 8 or the Pixel 2 when it is lying flat on the desk without picking it up? Video of him awkwardly sitting on a couch with a laptop in hand.
I didn't see that in any of his Android phone reviews with scanners on the back. Here you can see him complain about the finger print scanner on the S So he didn't complain that he can't unlock the S8 without picking it up..
No video of him sitting on a chair with the phone on a coffee table here. The S7 and Note 5 could be unlocked in the same way. It really does help to actual read the comments you reply to.
There are other phones mentioned in my comment. Even though the finger print scanner placement on the back was a use case regression. You added those in after I wrote my comment.
Though the answer to your question is very simple, they did. Seriously, the back vs front fingerprint scanner thing has been beaten to death in the Android media.
They didn't complain that it was moved to the back and could no longer unlock the phone sitting on the desk. Once again, they've talked about the merits of back vs front finger print scanner for quite some time and in quite some depth.
Sounds like all you read are headlines if that's the conclusion you are drawing, but I can't make you read what you refuse to. Because while it does matter, it's also something that's been talked about so much that it doesn't need to be repeated every time it might matter.
Link to reviews that complained about it being moved to the back and specifically mentioned that you can't unlock the phone sitting on the desk without picking it up. Apple came out at their keynote and touted how secure Face ID is.
OnePlus announced their facial recognition technology and told us how fast it can unlock the phone. They also mentioned a finger print reader. If I'm not mistaken, they even said that it is less secure than using their finger print reader.
These are two different approaches to the facial recognition technology which will make reviewers review them differently. Apple put all its eggs in one basket with Face ID, while OnePlus has a secondary biometric security option to fall back on.
The finger print scanner is their only secure biometric tech.. The Face unlock is for marketing and nothing more. Biometric security is biometric security, whether it's a terrible implementation of it or not.
Face unlock can't be used on the phone every where the finger print scanner can.. It is only for unlocking the phone So no it is not biometric security if it can't be used in banking apps or for Android Pay.
It has nothing to do with implementation.. Just because it is not used in those apps doesn't mean that it isn't a form of biometric security. The reason for this is because iPhone X is a thousand dollar phone.
Have you noticed that people also go hard on the pixel 2 as well? I see your point then should the reviewers say. Instead of saying "Feature B is faster than A" and be done with it? I am sorry about that.
I was not trying to hide that fact. I honestly thought I had that in my looong post. I have no arguments against that. I think from reviews its 4x-5x faster than faceID. The fact that the option to open when resting the finger is there for Touch ID but nonexistent for faceid is very annoying.
The most annoying thing is that you cant just swipe up from anywhere on the screen. That would show you your notifications. You have to swipe from the bottom of an all screen device.
X, 8, one plus. I come here for Apple news. Okay bro, you need to calm down. OnePlus announced that the facial scanner is not meant to secure the device. It's nearly a convince feature. Seriously, look it up if you don't believe me.
You can't use it with android pay, because its not secure enough. If this bothers you, you have the option of not using it, which is lacking in the iPhone X. And that's why the OnePlus 5T's facial recognition doesn't get as much in-depth reviewed.
It's a second choice that the consumer isn't forced to use, its merely an add on. Please have a look at this comment: I try to explain that if fingerprint sensor is the backup its totally fine, I get that.
But reviewers to give the viewers an idea about the tradeoff between security and convenience that one plus is able to achieve. I have never questioned the speed of one plus implementation.
Never in my post. I know its fast. I forgot to explicitly mention that in my post and I apologize for that. Eh, don't apologise mate, its not like you or I actually have a dog in this race.
Tbh, I have a feeling that the type of people that will buy a OnePlus device are the one's who critically think about the flaws, like you. So what the reviews say don't really matter. Yes it's very misleading You can't use it log into your banking application, check your email, etc.
Most people see Apple at the forefront of smartphone innovation and quality. Because of this everything they do comes under intense scrutiny. I think I might get a oneplus 5t, I have an iPhone 6 right now and just want to upgrade for Christmas no point in upgrading to a ip7 or ip8 if I get a new iPhone I want an X or something new and different.
Being that I'm only in high school, my parents hate the idea of paying dollars for a phone. Any advice before I jump ship? The difference is the OP5T is half the price and no one is arguing it's better, not even one plus.
They literally just said it's another unlock feature, the main more secure biometric feature for them is still the fingerprint sensor. It is all about the price. People try to justify that I have an equal product than yours at such a low price, so I win and you are a jackass.
Many reviews I've seen have said "OnePlus note that their FaceID is not meant to be a secure option and mainly a convenience option, hence no android pay etc.
That's why reviewers might say it's "secure enough" for most users. Obviously that's a major security point as it's used for everything on your phone such as Apple pay etc.
Especially since it's one of the first of its kind excluding the iris scanner, which also had concerns but also had a fingerprint sensor anyway. I really don't have to win anything, after all I've only made 2 comments.
Not much of a debate. Things like people wearing your mask and doing soemthing bad, getting you involved in some of the criminal activities, how is that not important? Or less important than letting the hacker have access to your snapchat and Instagram account?
Why can't face Id unlock the phone and swipe up on the screen. It's useless if it's still an extra step. They start with their crap that OP is way more safer because it's Android lol and bla bla bla You know up until 2 years ago I was on the Android side, but I quit due to the Roms switch and bloated software, Apple can have problems too but at least the phones work without changing ROMs and begging for updates on social media every hour.
I love Face ID. I still have my 6s and using the home button on that feels odd. I do wish apple would have included a finger print sensor on the back like One Plus did, but oh well.
Happy with my iPhone for now. Seriously try harder your smarter than that. That's gotta sting but I'm sure you'll get over it Just as you assume the general consumer is going to buy a Sd card online..
Can you imagine the mums and dads jumping online to purchase Sd cards.. Your clutching at straws I get that, that's fine Your initial comment which basically reiterated exactly what gsmas review said, by the way thanks for that..
No one else would bother unless they 1. Have way too much time on their hands and or clearly don't like apple and or their devices That is fact plain and simple and undeniable I'm done with you, and you keep lying to yourself I'm off to get my hands on the iPhone x Peace buddy.
Anonymous, 16 Nov Don't worry I've read the whole review I just don't pick and choose It would also be unwise And i certainly don't base opinions on just 1 review site, i just said they quoted my main point in brief manner And on top of that, wait for it I've used the phone..
Now I don't know where your buying for Sd cards from unless your talking e bay, but here I wouldn't be able to find a 64 for 40bucks let alone a Construeing things yet again. But Google has messed that up..
No other flagships this year have interested me.. Over the last years I've owned every single flagship swapping from ios to Android numerous times I think both are great and you just can't stomach that..
Your dislike for Apple is so apparent I can't even say arguably, it sets you off The proof is in the pudding, it's clear as day, everyone else can see that too And you've proven your dislike over and over again, and that's cool, that really is fine but don't you dare claim someone else is incapable of rational and or critical thinking yeah.
I mean no DAC. Can anyone add more details? Iskander, 16 Nov SD card memory is slower than onboard memory, I am fully aware of that. I'm also fully aware t Don't know what are you trying to insinuate here..
Verne, 16 Nov Well, that SD card storage is really slow. I'm also fully aware that SD card memory is more than fast enough to store photo's on you make, or most video's as well.
It certainly is plenty fast enough for playing stored music and video from it. Just because it's slower than onboard memory, does not mean it has no purpose.
A truck is slower than a sports car, but when you need to move your furniture, you likely are totally happy to be able to use that truck. That's tho whole point of my criticism in expressed in short by GSMA.
As for SD card stuff you are actually saying people will pay more for same?? I won't even argue this, speaks volumes of who's biased here, may be you mean different when you use word 'Avg consumer' Iskander, 16 Nov Please explain, how a company the biggest?
At best in the bloated stockmarket that holds rou Totalbiscuit, 16 Nov Dear oh dear What your trying to prove that people will pay less for essentially the same thing???
Even then yes I believe from my personal experience most not all do not want to go out buy a Sd card which for 32 and up are not cheap.. You know this with an adapter to use just to file transfer and even in this mystical scenario yes I think people would be prepared to pay a higher price..
How on earth would I know? Twisting things again just as me apparently saying no one uses Sd cards right? Why android is clear market majority? Android devices are more accessible and more affordable, period.
I mention 'arguably the best' and it prompts paragraphs of responses.. Maybe look up the definition of the word arguably cool? And critical while your at it Yes arguably, and if you can't even swallow that you are truly blind but yeah I'm sure you've at least used the phone in person right??
Class leading display, 'arguably the most powerful processer, some of the best stereo speakers and a top camera performer not be considered in such terms? Subjective, but then again basically ever top reviewer I've come across has stated people sitting on the fence about dropping on a phone won't be disappointed..
Your responses are constantly twisted to your advantage, your words used, even the ones left out.. Hard to be critical when you are bias from the beginning So much so it's what prompted you to leave a comment in the first place.
Take it easy buddy. Iskander, 16 Nov Disagreeing with someone that the iPhone X is the second coming isn't really the same as bashi Now the amount of mobile devices in current circulation as apposed to Sd card sales specifically bought for mobile devices would be interesting wouldn't it?
Anonymous, 16 Nov Seriously, everyone's clutching at straws to bash the iPhone x.. No it doesn't bring anything Telling that the phone isn't really bringing anything new to the table seemingly is unwanted, only praise is welcome There is plenty of people that don't mind the notch, there is plenty who find is just ugly.
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Apple iPhone 6 review. Comments () but there's also the classic 4-digit passcode. OnePlus 5T review. Nov 06, · Oneplus 5T vs iPhone X - Duration: Mrwhosetheboss, views. How To Set 4 Digit Passcode On Iphone X - oneplusonemobilepriceinindiafeatures. blogspot. com - .
21.02.2018 - It would also be unwise And on top of that, wait for it Ccleaner for windows 8 download free - Clean rap s... Especially people like Lou, who are just insane android buttboys. If the thumbnails and video titles won't give that away already, I don't know what will. No other brand has put together a phone that sits so highly on pretty much every single component.
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17.02.2018 - Personally, I have no problem with the device manufacturer allowing me to choose my level of security. OP just chose to leave out those parts. Ccleaner free download per xp gratis - Houses toda... Anybody that thinks any electronic that's twice the price of another must be twice as good, or rather, twice the value No ones forcing you to buy the iPhone x are they?
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22.01.2018 - This is becoming industry standard on newer phones now, you can't attribute it to just Apple. Sometimes this sub reached at things just to have that, "Us against the world attitude. Ccleaner free download for xp latest version with... This is becoming industry standard on newer phones now, you can't attribute it to just Apple. It's clear that Android, in general, offers different levels of security apart from inputting a password, which is usually the most secure.
Dec 08, · If you want to keep your private data as safe as possible it's well worth putting a passcode a passcode lock to your HTC Radar. OnePlus 5T Review. It's not like if an iPhone is only 50% better than the OnePlus 5T Not all options exposed to the user is good. E. g. on iphone you can pick 2-digit passcode for. Face ID in iPhone X vs. 'Face Unlock' Facial to similar facial recognition options in devices like the OnePlus 5T. that a 2-digit passcode is.
These people are so stupid Yup he found a audience with the bend video and decided to go with it to grow his channel. The only thing he said for the Note 8 was "better camera and stylus if you want it buy it its a good phone if you don't need those things buy the S8".
He shits on things Apple does but is silent when companies like Samsung, Google and LG do the same or even supports it on those devices. Everyone here is missing the reason behind the testing.
OnePlus has said their facial recognition is only to be used as a convenient way to get into the phone and it's not a replacement for biometric security. They say if you want to secure your phone then you also have the option for the back fingerprint scanner.
Sometimes this sub reached at things just to have that, "Us against the world attitude. True when it comes to reliability, convenience and speed. But I dont think privacy and security should be considered that way.
Sure, no complaints there. Test faceID as much as you want. With twins, masks, lighting conditions, anything you can think of. That should be done. Thats what reviewers are supposed to do. But also when they do a head on comparison of two features they should address most of the concerns and not just speed.
Except the apple faceid needs to be under more scrutiny since it removed the touchid. Y u so confused. He's trying to get upvotes here by appealing to blind fanboyism.
It's clear that Android, in general, offers different levels of security apart from inputting a password, which is usually the most secure. The consumer is then free to choose leaving the device completely unsecured or secured with a password or some level in between.
Had OnePlus gotten rid of the fingerprint scanner and replaced it with their faceID type thing, then OP's outrage would have been warranted. Why isn't he similarly outraged by locking the device with a pattern?
It's because faceID is supposed to be the number one selling point on the iPhone X and OnePlus offering something similar grates on his nerves even though OnePlus specifically warns users that they should use the already available fingerprint scanner for a higher security level.
Stop it right now. This level of rational thinking is dangerous and unwarranted here on this sub. Feelings only matter here Theres one thing no one is talking about They have not published any white papers or made statements about securing your face data with a secure chip.
That in my book, makes it invalid already. Don't they use the same TrustZone-derived design as most Android phones? IIRC, Nougat has some hard restrictions on that kind of stuff. Android never published security white papers nor has phone makers.
As far as i can tell, Android requires fingerprints to be stored in their TEE. Because face recorg is new, we don't know if they bypassed it or hacked in support for it.
The answer is simple. It's because they didn't get rid of their fingerprint sensor, it's just an additional option, one that they admit is less secure than their fingerprint sensor.
Some of your quote choices answer your own question. Why do people not care about the FaceID not being completely secure? Because it has a perfectly secure and fast fingerprint scanner for if you want that.
When FaceID is the only biometric that Apple offers, of course it'll be tested more rigorously, because it has to make up for the lack of fingerprint scanner. OP only offers the facial unlock for convenience, so that's what it's judged on.
Also, regarding fingerprint scanner on back vs front, the merits of that have already been debated to death. Ever see reviews of a budget phone? Then simply don't enable facial recognition if that's your concern.
Those are the contexts in which they will be used, and so are the contexts in which they are or should be reviewed. Surely that should be a big feature of the review.
You can disable Face ID and use a passcode if you want more secure too. The reviews do mention that it isn't as secure as the fingerprint scanner. OP just chose to leave out those parts.
Why should it be? First, "massive security hole" seems like more than a bit of an exaggeration. Android has had an even worse facial ID system for years, after all.
Most importantly, however, it is completely optional. The only thing that the OP5T's facial id will do is unlock the device. It can't be used for payment or apps like TouchID or 5T's fingerprint scanner.
Therefore, you'll find that all decent reviews will say something like, "use this feature if you're willing to accept the security penalty for the added convenience, don't if otherwise". Because it isn't nearly as deeply integrated as TouchID is, it isn't worth spending a huge chunk of the review on.
Personally, I have no problem with the device manufacturer allowing me to choose my level of security. I do so for everything else in life, so why not this? I don't get what you don't understand about "convenience" feature?
When setting up faceID, OnePlus mentions this isn't the most secure solution. You keep using that term, I don't think you know what it means. People who enable face ID are doing so purely for convenience, if they're worrying about people getting into their phone then they have the fingerprint sensor.
It's not the only option, you have a choice. A security hole is anything that weakens the security of the device and enabling face ID on these phones lowers their security.
As for the root issue, that is unforgivable sloppiness but not really too big of a security risk unless your device is encrypted. Again, unforgivable, but not really relevant to this discussion?
I think this is where we might disagree. I dont think the reviewers conveyed that message. Granted they either had one sentence or a piece of text that said "Oh its not as secure as the fingerprint sensor".
Then the next sentence is "but it doesnt work with a photo". So which is it? Every biometric system is a tradeoff between security and convenience, so understanding that level of tradeoff is important.
Personally I feel that reviewers did not convey that point. That is what my post is about. From a normal consumers perspective those two sentences in no way gives you an idea about the level of security offered by OP5T.
I think most covered it well enough. I mean, OP was very clear that it isn't a particularly secure mode, despite making some efforts, but you also have to keep in mind who is most likely to read a OP5T review.
It's still a relatively niche brand, and so the people most likely to be reading reviews are probably enthusiasts who've already seen OP's statements on the matter, but despite that, at least all of the reviews I've read mention it to one degree or another.
In context to FaceID yeah it's baseless. Apple's whole shtick this year is FaceID and what it does. And they call huge attention to it. Meanwhile Android's done it for years as an alternative login, complete with fair warning it's not as secure as an alphanumeric.
People are harder on Apple because Apple made such a huge deal about it. If you're showing off you better deliver the goods. I simply don't think normal consumers can fully understand the trade off.
Security isn't something that people think about that often, but still absolutely vital. They probably heard about some vague warning about Face ID being "hacked" but it's only obscure case, so don't worry about the security and just use this feature for convenience.
There are such things as bad options if they are poorly thought out. Not all options exposed to the user is good. Hi, i have tried to address the issue of fingerprint scanner as a backup option in this comment: Please realize that my problem is not with one plus offering an additional convenience feature.
I personally feel that one plus just upped the game when it comes to facial scanners, telling that some level of security can be achieved without expensive components, paving way for this tech to become well adopted in cheaper phones.
Also the price issue. My issue is when you compare two things you can say "Feature A is not as good as B. But its only half the price and we dont think that feature A is worth that much money.
But what did the reviewers do, they compared it against faceID and said its super fast totally agree without addressing any drawbacks. Think from a consumers perspective, what kind of signal does that send to a normal user who does not have the technical know how to figure out the differences based on comments like "one plus uses RGB camera", "one plus uses data points"?
How does one unlock, to check stuff quickly, the OP5T or the Note 8 or the Pixel 2 when it is lying flat on the desk without picking it up? Video of him awkwardly sitting on a couch with a laptop in hand.
I didn't see that in any of his Android phone reviews with scanners on the back. Here you can see him complain about the finger print scanner on the S So he didn't complain that he can't unlock the S8 without picking it up..
No video of him sitting on a chair with the phone on a coffee table here. The S7 and Note 5 could be unlocked in the same way. It really does help to actual read the comments you reply to.
There are other phones mentioned in my comment. Even though the finger print scanner placement on the back was a use case regression. You added those in after I wrote my comment. Though the answer to your question is very simple, they did.
Seriously, the back vs front fingerprint scanner thing has been beaten to death in the Android media. They didn't complain that it was moved to the back and could no longer unlock the phone sitting on the desk.
Once again, they've talked about the merits of back vs front finger print scanner for quite some time and in quite some depth. Sounds like all you read are headlines if that's the conclusion you are drawing, but I can't make you read what you refuse to.
Because while it does matter, it's also something that's been talked about so much that it doesn't need to be repeated every time it might matter. Link to reviews that complained about it being moved to the back and specifically mentioned that you can't unlock the phone sitting on the desk without picking it up.
Apple came out at their keynote and touted how secure Face ID is. OnePlus announced their facial recognition technology and told us how fast it can unlock the phone.
They also mentioned a finger print reader. If I'm not mistaken, they even said that it is less secure than using their finger print reader. These are two different approaches to the facial recognition technology which will make reviewers review them differently.
Apple put all its eggs in one basket with Face ID, while OnePlus has a secondary biometric security option to fall back on. The finger print scanner is their only secure biometric tech..
The Face unlock is for marketing and nothing more. Biometric security is biometric security, whether it's a terrible implementation of it or not. Face unlock can't be used on the phone every where the finger print scanner can..
It is only for unlocking the phone So no it is not biometric security if it can't be used in banking apps or for Android Pay. It has nothing to do with implementation.. Just because it is not used in those apps doesn't mean that it isn't a form of biometric security.
The reason for this is because iPhone X is a thousand dollar phone. Have you noticed that people also go hard on the pixel 2 as well? I see your point then should the reviewers say.
Instead of saying "Feature B is faster than A" and be done with it? I am sorry about that. I was not trying to hide that fact. I honestly thought I had that in my looong post. I have no arguments against that.
I think from reviews its 4x-5x faster than faceID. The fact that the option to open when resting the finger is there for Touch ID but nonexistent for faceid is very annoying.
The most annoying thing is that you cant just swipe up from anywhere on the screen. That would show you your notifications. You have to swipe from the bottom of an all screen device.
X, 8, one plus. I come here for Apple news. Okay bro, you need to calm down. OnePlus announced that the facial scanner is not meant to secure the device. It's nearly a convince feature.
Seriously, look it up if you don't believe me. You can't use it with android pay, because its not secure enough. If this bothers you, you have the option of not using it, which is lacking in the iPhone X.
And that's why the OnePlus 5T's facial recognition doesn't get as much in-depth reviewed. It's a second choice that the consumer isn't forced to use, its merely an add on.
Please have a look at this comment: I try to explain that if fingerprint sensor is the backup its totally fine, I get that. But reviewers to give the viewers an idea about the tradeoff between security and convenience that one plus is able to achieve.
I have never questioned the speed of one plus implementation. Never in my post. I know its fast. I forgot to explicitly mention that in my post and I apologize for that. Eh, don't apologise mate, its not like you or I actually have a dog in this race.
Tbh, I have a feeling that the type of people that will buy a OnePlus device are the one's who critically think about the flaws, like you. So what the reviews say don't really matter.
Yes it's very misleading You can't use it log into your banking application, check your email, etc. Most people see Apple at the forefront of smartphone innovation and quality. Because of this everything they do comes under intense scrutiny.
I think I might get a oneplus 5t, I have an iPhone 6 right now and just want to upgrade for Christmas no point in upgrading to a ip7 or ip8 if I get a new iPhone I want an X or something new and different.
Being that I'm only in high school, my parents hate the idea of paying dollars for a phone. Any advice before I jump ship? The difference is the OP5T is half the price and no one is arguing it's better, not even one plus.
They literally just said it's another unlock feature, the main more secure biometric feature for them is still the fingerprint sensor. It is all about the price. People try to justify that I have an equal product than yours at such a low price, so I win and you are a jackass.
Many reviews I've seen have said "OnePlus note that their FaceID is not meant to be a secure option and mainly a convenience option, hence no android pay etc. That's why reviewers might say it's "secure enough" for most users.
Obviously that's a major security point as it's used for everything on your phone such as Apple pay etc. Especially since it's one of the first of its kind excluding the iris scanner, which also had concerns but also had a fingerprint sensor anyway.
I really don't have to win anything, after all I've only made 2 comments. Not much of a debate. Things like people wearing your mask and doing soemthing bad, getting you involved in some of the criminal activities, how is that not important?
Or less important than letting the hacker have access to your snapchat and Instagram account? Why can't face Id unlock the phone and swipe up on the screen. It's useless if it's still an extra step.
They start with their crap that OP is way more safer because it's Android lol and bla bla bla You know up until 2 years ago I was on the Android side, but I quit due to the Roms switch and bloated software, Apple can have problems too but at least the phones work without changing ROMs and begging for updates on social media every hour.
I love Face ID. I still have my 6s and using the home button on that feels odd. I do wish apple would have included a finger print sensor on the back like One Plus did, but oh well.
Happy with my iPhone for now. This is the problem with Apple. Apple forces it's users to change removal of 3. Apple forces, other companies give you choice. That's the biggest difference.
So a lot of what you're blaming only Apple for is being done by other companies just as much. This is becoming industry standard on newer phones now, you can't attribute it to just Apple.
Other phones have done just that. Most recently, the Galaxy S8 removed the capacitive and physical home button in favor of touchscreen controls. Samsung messed with buttons in the past, too, for the longest time having the recent and back buttons swapped from the rest of Android phones with no way to change them back because they're hardcoded capacitive buttons.
All companies force their beliefs onto you. Basically every phone with a personal assistant has a hardwired "assistant" button Bixby button, Google's pinch gesture, etc that you can't switch, and that's just scratching the surface.
It's called the "Side Button" and activating Siri with it is no different than how it was with the Home Button. Sales of which combined don't equal the S8's alone. I'd suggest throwing in Xiaomi.
My point was that others in the industry are also getting rid of the headphone jack on their newer models. That has nothing to do with sales figures. Face unlock is a marketing bullet point feature on android phones and needs to be there to compete.
Make no mistake, If their other biometrics were as secure and fast, every android phone manufacturer would love to save BOM and manufacturing costs by removing the finger print scanner.
They are mostly all bleeding money making these phones. My favorite is when they mention the 5T has secure points of facial recognition and then compare it against Face ID After what apple said about the back glass being the strongest glass ever in a phone can we really believe it has 30, secure points not saying its not secure but seems overexaggerated.
Also, Apple can not lie about the 30, data points or they would get in trouble for false advertising. Just because it's slower than onboard memory, does not mean it has no purpose.
A truck is slower than a sports car, but when you need to move your furniture, you likely are totally happy to be able to use that truck. That's tho whole point of my criticism in expressed in short by GSMA.
As for SD card stuff you are actually saying people will pay more for same?? I won't even argue this, speaks volumes of who's biased here, may be you mean different when you use word 'Avg consumer' Iskander, 16 Nov Please explain, how a company the biggest?
At best in the bloated stockmarket that holds rou Totalbiscuit, 16 Nov Dear oh dear What your trying to prove that people will pay less for essentially the same thing??? Even then yes I believe from my personal experience most not all do not want to go out buy a Sd card which for 32 and up are not cheap..
You know this with an adapter to use just to file transfer and even in this mystical scenario yes I think people would be prepared to pay a higher price.. How on earth would I know?
Twisting things again just as me apparently saying no one uses Sd cards right? Why android is clear market majority? Android devices are more accessible and more affordable, period.
I mention 'arguably the best' and it prompts paragraphs of responses.. Maybe look up the definition of the word arguably cool? And critical while your at it Yes arguably, and if you can't even swallow that you are truly blind but yeah I'm sure you've at least used the phone in person right??
Class leading display, 'arguably the most powerful processer, some of the best stereo speakers and a top camera performer not be considered in such terms? Subjective, but then again basically ever top reviewer I've come across has stated people sitting on the fence about dropping on a phone won't be disappointed..
Your responses are constantly twisted to your advantage, your words used, even the ones left out.. Hard to be critical when you are bias from the beginning So much so it's what prompted you to leave a comment in the first place.
Take it easy buddy. Iskander, 16 Nov Disagreeing with someone that the iPhone X is the second coming isn't really the same as bashi Now the amount of mobile devices in current circulation as apposed to Sd card sales specifically bought for mobile devices would be interesting wouldn't it?
Anonymous, 16 Nov Seriously, everyone's clutching at straws to bash the iPhone x.. No it doesn't bring anything Telling that the phone isn't really bringing anything new to the table seemingly is unwanted, only praise is welcome There is plenty of people that don't mind the notch, there is plenty who find is just ugly.
Why push aside the opinion of those that disagree with you as non-valid argument? In any case, other companies could not do it? The notch is made by Samsung tools, Essential phone had a notch earlier than Apple and LG had, in the end, a more elegant solution with a second mini-display above the main display.
Just because other companies do not do a certain thing, does not mean they can not do it. With the iPhone X selling well, it's likely that some companies will try a phone with a notch too in their line up.
Time will tell how popular these devices will be comparative to 'normal' phones. For the rest, if you want to call playing catch-up with the market a great step forward, be my guest.
Yes, in raw numbers, the processor is the strongest on the market for phones. It's Apple's benefit to design it's own core for just it's own devices. A company like Qualcomm can't take risks that way, since they depend on selling their SoCs to many different companies.
Those companies demand specific charasteristics and in the wide range between the different demands of the different companies, Qualcomm tries to make the best possible product. It's easy to make a more wide processor, that takes more space on the die and uses more power when fully utilized, but if it does not sell, or does not sell at the correct price, it's of no use.
Other than that, while A11 has some benefits in specific situations, most of the common phone use cases, it does not outshine other high end SoCs too much at all.
Generally, it may not be a bad phone at all, but it isn't the second coming either. It's just a good phone with a price tag that does not allow for anything less good than that.
In the end, there will be people who buy it and there will be people that like SD-card slots in their phone. Anonymous, 16 Nov Don't be so literal. But Read into it any way you want, the argument as in your clearly bias The rest prefers phones with more freedom including freedom to add SD storage.
Just because a single model of an iPhone is very popular not strange when only 1 or 2 new models are released every year most commonly, does not mean everybody and their mom want one. It's just popular in a relative way.
Now, I'd love to see some real arguments too why no one would want to use SD storage. It's your opinion that people should not talk about the devices that they are not buying, but i am interested in tech and even if i don't buy a certain product there could be some discussion about it which i can add my point to And now this "Apple has arguably released the best flagship in recent years" Having the proprietary connector over USB C??
Having Snapchat features built into phone animoji?? The only thing it at all has is 4K 60 FPS over other flagships, and sorry if i missed Face ID because that's the amount of attention it deserves, just an unlock method blown out of proportions and not even convenient to boot with and now we see 10 year old son unlocking mother's device with face id
No sir...