【Gearbest最新使えるクーポン情報まとめ★2018日3月26日更新】使える有効な人気クーポンまとめました。 10
My first ever Chinese phone. Ciao Claudio, sapresti darci indicazioni sul budget? Grazie x la risp.
Guida all’acquisto degli smartphone cinesi
Non manca la ricarica rapida Quick Charge 3. The Vivo X7 is looking interesting with a Snapdragon And I applaud your clever methods of overcoming the problems experienced. One plus one mobile price in india and features Just not sure about all these Chinese manufacturers pushing expensive flagships. Xiaomi Mi 5 fits the bill:
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This tiny Korean designed phone gets a Vodafone signal, even deep inside supermarkets or Malls Sydney. Ti linko la recensione completa:
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Umi does that with its phones and there are bugs that need to be fixed. I think this is a good forum, to forewarn prospective owners of Chinese phones, of what they might experience if they purchase certain Chines phones. Listening to music doesn't drain the battery nearly as much as my old iPod R. The THL's didn't have 4G at the time, nearly 12 months ago. I was a little surprise that the base model wasn't a 5" version In alternativa, puoi valutare LG G3S, che abbiamo recensito da poco e che si presenta come un ottimo dispositivo! If the phone had the original Chinese non global rom google will most likely go.
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05.03.2018 - Grazie mille per la risposta molto esauriente. Unlike with Xiaomi phones, you'll have no issue with unlocking the bootloader. In generale, le specifiche tecniche sono comparabili, ma, per esempio, dovendo scegliere tra i quattro, saremmo propensi a consigliarti un focus sui dispositivi con 3 GB di RAM. It's in a different league to OnePlus and Asus. Could I get some thoughts on the Blackview bv http:
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25.01.2018 - If their specs showed a good range of frequencies, that was good enough for me. Tra i due vi sentite di consigliarne uno o sono equivalenti? Grazie mille per il consiglio. I'm not about to give up now that android pay is imminent in Australia. A new comment was posted on Tecnologici. You may think your phone is dead when it arrives, — there are no instructions.
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Huawei Hisilicon Kirin Quad-core 2. Qualcomm Snapdragon Quad-core 2. Salve vorrei acquistare il nuovo Samsung Note 7 destinato al mercato cinese…. Se ha la lingua italiana? Insomma se lo posso usare qui da noi… Grazie..
O pure che mi consigliate con questa fascia di prezzo. A casa ho diversi umi a fare da fermacarte. Sono belli e sono ben fatti ma non li aggiornano mai!
Escono mille modelli nuovi ma mai un aggiornamento. Non te la consiglio. Vorrei sostituire un mate 7 vendendolo prendendo col ricavato un phablet cinese con ottima batteria, fotocamera, ricezione simile ad huawei o acer, wattsapp che prende tutti i contatti, mesaggistica istantanea al top, social e facebook che carica velocemente, da 5.
Vorrei prendere il P8 lite. Mi preoccupano le emissioni Sar non bassissime. Voi cosa mi consigliate? Se avete altre idee dite pure. Grazie in anticipo e complimenti per il vostro blog.
Ciao Giuseppe, grazie per i complimenti! Ti va di iscriverti al canale YouTube? Siamo anche su Telegram segnaliamo le migliori offerte hi-tech https: Ciao Valter, si tratta di uno smartphone interessantissimo sulla carta: Purtroppo non ha avuto una grande diffusione presso gli store da cui ci riforniamo.
Quindi mi rivolgo a chi ne sa di piu: Sapreste dirmi di piu? Grazie ancora di tutto……. Ovviamente siamo anche su YouTube per le videoprove e su Telegram: Salve, vorrei avere un consiglio in quanto volevo acquistare uno Smartphone e girando ho trovato un ottimo elephone M3, mi ha colpito molto, anche per la sua fotocamera di 21megapixel sony e buon audio, android versione 6.
In quanto sono cliente Wind posso avere problemi? Vorrei sapere se esiste una versione italiana? Ciao Phonesick, presto lo inseriremo anche in questa guida.
Vorrei acquistare a breve un Elephone Vowney. Ciao Dalia, ti stai orientando su uno smartphone interessantissimo sulla carta: Alla fine ho acquistato un lenovo vibe shot!
Grazie ancora, siete gentilissimi! Ottimo smartphone il Vibe Shot: Salve curiosando sulla ricerca dei migliori smartphone android europeo e cinesi sn capitato sul vostro blog…molto interessante e dettagliato!
Ciao Gaetano, grazie del supporto! Altrimenti, dovendo comprare ora, potresti valutare OnePlus 2 e Meizu Pro 5 la versione successiva credo costi ancora parecchio, ma sarebbe da preferire.
Grazie e continuo a seguirvi!! A new comment was posted on Tecnologici. Vi faccio i miei complimenti …. Salve, ho trovato il vostro articolo molto interessante. Che ne pensate del Cubot X17? Ero intenzionato a comprarlo.
Oppure mi consigliate di meglio, sempre su quella fascia di prezzo? Ti linko la recensione: Altrimenti ti consigliavamo anche Vernee Thor: Dato che alla mia girl interessa in particolare l la fotocamera sia buona, su quale potrei virare?
Salve, vorrei uno smartphone da euro con molto spazio interno per tutte le mie app, i giochi e i vari social compreso you tube, secondo te Ulefone Paris fa al caso mio?
Solo io mi sono accorto che nella pagina dei difetti di xiaomi mi5 avete sbagliato e avete scritto 2 volte meizu mi5 invece che xiaomi? Ciao Lorenzo, ti posso dire che di recente sia Meizu che Xiaomi hanno dimostrato di poter produrre smartphone molto interessanti in quella fascia di prezzo, con una buona resa del comparto fotografico.
Sto osservando elephone S3 che deve uscire ora ad aprile ma ha una batteria di solamente mAh. Puoi valutare anche Ulefone Be Touch 2 http: Meno recente e da valutare il Lenovo Vibe X2.
Ciao Roby, hai provato a valutare Ulefone Power? Se hai provato quelli, allora puoi valutare anche Xiaomi Mi Note o anche la versione Pro che hanno radio, porta infrarossi, sono spintissimi come hardware, batteria da mAh, gli manca il vetro 2.
Ciao Claudia, abbiamo avuto modo di provare questo smartphone velocemente non le due settimane che reputiamo minime per una recensione completa. Se cerchi un battery phone magari guarda anche Ulefone Power: Ciao Davide, benvenuto qui su tecnologici!
Direi che hai identificato assolutamente degli ottimi prodotti, anche se essendo nella fascia dei sei pollici la scelta si restringe molto. Avete il mio pieno supporto.
Cosa ne pensate di un mx5 intorno ai euro versione asiatica da 16gb? Considera che se non ha installato la versione del firmware internazionale, potresti avere qualche problema in fase di aggiornamento.
Ti cito la risposta di Meizu Italia in questo senso: Ciao Maurizio, scusaci il refuso. Comunque abbiamo corretto, eventualmente puoi leggere la nostra recensione completa qui: Buongiorno Paolo, si tratta di uno smartphone che conosciamo e che abbiamo testato molto rapidamente per questo non trovi una rece completa come avvenuto con il P, ad esempio.
Al momento non riteniamo di doverlo inserire in questa guida ai migliori smartphone cinesi. Un touch buono per non incazzarmi ogni volta quando invio messaggi. Raramente gioco e comunque a giochini leggeri.
MI consigliereste un chinaphone che stia nel budget e con caratteristiche buone? Altri che avrei visto sono a cifre tra i e i sono: Puoi trovare a questo link la nostra guida sui migliori cinesi economici: In media li trovi, anche a buon prezzo, sui 5.
Puoi rinunciare a una delle due caratteristiche? Facci sapere che ne pensi! Ciao Sandro, oltre alle dimensioni dello schermo hai qualche esigenza particolare? Sicuramente in questa fascia di prezzo ti consiglieremmo Motorola Moto G e Zenfone2.
Sono entrambi ottimi dispositivi, che regalano buone prestazioni per la fascia media a cui appartengono. Ciao Susi, benvenuta qui da noi. Facci sapere, a presto! Vorrei un prodotto Cinese.
In pratica potresti trovare uno smartphone cinese come OnePlus Two, ma dovresti usare uno dei tanti pennini capacitivi che puoi trovare online, senza funzioni aggiuntive. Voi cosa mi consigliate rispetto a questi modelli che ho citato o anche altri di vostra competenza???
Si tratta in tutti i casi di dispositivi soddisfacenti per la fascia a cui appartengono. Per quanto riguarda Honor 4c e Lenovo Vibe Z2, il mancato aggiornamento a Lollipop che speriamo arrivi presto costituisce sicuramente una nota di demerito, aggiornamento che invece si ritrova in Sony Xperia M4 Aqua Dual.
Ti va di supportarci con un like sulla nostra pagina Facebook? Prova il jiayu s3 advanced ha 3 Gb di ram processore octacore mtk migliore del nuovo mtk sia per potenza che per gpu display full hd da 5.
Ciao Massimo, quali sono le caratteristiche che vorresti avesse il tuo nuovo smartphone? Grazie per le informazioni, comunque lo preso da amazon e mi arriva giovedi o venerdi o lunedi perche purtroppo con amazon prime non mi acquistare.
Molto meglio l honor 6, un giga in piu e una durata della batteria mostruosa …nn meno di 6 ore di schermo acceso! Ciao Clara, benvenuta qui su Tecnologici. Mi sapete dire quali sono i difetti di questi tre?
Vorrei comprare un smartphone cinese.. Potete aiutarmi con qualche consiglio su questo ssmartphone. Facci sapere cosa ne pensi! Ti va di supportarci con un like su Facebook? Salve, vorrei comprare un buon smartphone di produzione cinese, ma non sono esperto del campo.
Ciao a tutti, qualcuno sa se il Meizu MX4 Pro esiste nella versione dual sim anche come modello cinese? In che senso qualcosa di strano? Ciao, ho visto su internet il lenovo k3 note che sulla carta promette bene sotto ogni punto di vista!
Preferibilmente con 32 GB di memoria interna! Grazie attendo vostre risposte. Ti va di premiarci con un like su Facebook? Il mio budget si aggira intorno ai i Euro. Mi piacerebbe un 5. Stavo pensando inizialmente ad un LG G3, ma poi ho letto che la batteria non ha una grande autonomia.
In alternativa pensavo al One plus one o al Sony Xperia Z3 ma accetto volentieri suggerimenti data la mia scarsa esperienza. Aggiungo solamente che vivo in una zona non raggiunta da Adsl. Ciao mi serve una mano, io vorrei un cellulare con almeno mah 16 gb rom almeno 2 di ram e almeno 1.
Intanto, per farti una prima idea, puoi consultare la nostra guida: O si spendono max oppure ci si arrangia con Iphone4s o 5s, altrimenti si salta il guado con gli apple e la si fa finita.
Eventualmente puoi darci indicazioni sul budget? Altri smartphone con pennino simile??? Salve, vorrei cambiare il mio ormai obsoletissimo s2. Ciao Marco, hai anche un qualche vincolo di budget?
Ciao Christian, tieni conto che gli smartphone che hai nominato in molti casi superano il budget che hai previsto. Quindi hai deciso di andare sui 5. Non ho capito bene. Stiamo parlando di due ottimi dispositivi, entrambi con dei punti di forza notevoli.
ZTE Nubia Z9 Max ha il vantaggio di avere nativamente Android Lollipop e, come dicevi tu, materiali di fabbricazione veramente notevoli. Avrei bisogno di un consiglio, dato che non mi riesco a orientare avendo particolare esigenze… Avrei bisogno di un telefono da lavoro, dual sim, possibilmente full active.
Il display dovrebbe rientrare nella categoria dei phablet, ho bisogno che sia uno smartphone che mi permetta di gestire appuntamenti, prendere nota ecc. Grazie mille per gli eventuali consigli.
Facci sapere e continua a seguirci! Grazie mille per la risposta celere! Faccio un giro volentieri nelle vostre pagine e mi guardo le recensioni dei device sopra menzionati. Ciao Michele, quelli che ci hai citato sono sicuramente tutti smartphone affidabili e di fascia medio-alta.
In generale, le specifiche tecniche sono comparabili, ma, per esempio, dovendo scegliere tra i quattro, saremmo propensi a consigliarti un focus sui dispositivi con 3 GB di RAM. Tieni conto che a livello di dimensioni sono smartphone differenti: Honor 6 ha uno stile simile a quello di iPhone5, per cui potrebbe non soddisfare il tuo gusto.
Ciao Andrea, in Italia ci sono i classici rivenditori come topresellerstore, grossoshop, meizu. Salve, scusate il disturbp. Il mio budjet si aggira intorno ai Ciao a tutti, anche io avrei bisogno di un vostro prezioso consiglio per acquisto di un cinafonino DUAL SIM che sia un top di gamma, ora ho un komu k5T; ho un budget tra e e.
Vorrei prendere un 5. In quanto al sito su cui acquistarlo, nel caso di dispositivi Zopo puoi passare per zopomobile. Mi interessa che abbia una bella fotocamera tipo samsung s5 con belle lenti e bei colori che abbia una ram di almeno 2 giga e possibilmente che sia in alluminio o metallo non in plastica.
E il budget che vorresti rispettare? Ti va di aiutarci con un like su Facebook? Ciao, molto probabilmente questo weekend comprero un lenovo note Grazie mille per il consiglio..
Se trovo il Lenovo Golden Warrior A8 sicuramente lo prendero. Ciao, scrivo per avere info. Ora io non sono molto ferrata in questo campo, sapresti darmi piu notizie in merito? Quali modelli ti interessano?
Ciao Andrea, sicuramente se vuoi puntare su un chinaphonino puoi puntare su Xiaomi MI4, che si trova online ad un prezzo coerente con il tuo budget, nella versione da 16 GB di memoria interna. Hai delle esigenze particolari?
Ti va di supportarti con un like su Facebook? Salve, articolo molto utile e interessante! Volevo chiederle un consiglio, devo acquistare uno smartphone e ho un budget abbastanza limitato, euro circa proprio per questo ho puntato sui chinephones, cosa mi consiglia?
Avrei bisogno del vostro aiuto per un acquisto. Considerando che per lavoro e per svago di app ne uso davvero una marea, vorrei acquistare un telefono che sia estremamente veloce che non si blocchi non appena tengo due o tre app aperte o se ho notifiche attivate per intenderci.
Salve, sono in ricerca di consigli e aiuto per acquistare un smartphone. Vi ringrazio in anticipo e vi sarei grato per vostro aiuto. Attendendo una vostra risposta, ringrazio in anticipo e spero pubblichiate altri articoli come questo.
Sei per caso interessata a qualche modello particolare? Ciao Claudio, sapresti darci indicazioni sul budget? Che tipo di budget hai? Potresti aiutarci a raggiungere i 5k Mi piace!
Ciao Alberto, come ti dicevamo, a questo prezzo e con queste caratteristiche ti consigliamo Doogee DG, che ha uno schermo da 5 pollici. Se cerchi display di ancora maggiori dimensioni, orientati invece sui 5.
Il mio interesse sarebbe un telefono con una buona durata lo uso molto poco e vorrei che durasse almeno due giorni e uno schermo abbastanza definito, ma non superiore ai 5 pollici: Grazie in anticipo, Gianni.
Quanto al modello che ti consigliamo, THL potrebbe rispettare le esigenze che ci hai elencato, con una potente batteria da mAh. Ti linkiamo qui la nostra recensione completa: THL non ci ha soddisfatti molto a livello di fotocamera durante la nostra prova: In generale, ti consigliamo di orientarti su Doogee Dg che fa un ottimo lavoro in molti ambiti.
Ti inviamo qui il link della sua scheda: Salve, io ho acquistato il thl, ma ho notato che non corrisponde alle caratteristiche descritte, ad esempio ho misurato con il calibro e risultano: Ti segnalo la nostra recensione, qualora volessi approfondire: Quindi non bado a spese.
Della lista sopramenzionata ma anche fuori lista cosa mi consigliate?? Se puoi aiutaci a raggiungere i 5. Ciao, per le caratteristiche che ci hai presentato, fotocamera e batteria, ti consigliamo di orientarti su Meizu MX4 Pro, che ha veramente delle punte di eccellenza in questi ambiti, essendo dotato, ad esempio, di un comparto fotografico con sensori Sony.
Gli smartphone che sicuramente ti garantiscono delle ottime prestazioni in questo senso sono, ovviamente, gli smartphone Sony, in particolar modo Z3, ma se pensi di volerti orientare su un chinaphonino puoi ottenere comunque ottimi risultati con Meizu MX4.
Grazie della pronta risposta. Tutti e 3 i modelli prevederanno il passaggio a Lollipop? Sarebbe davvero un salto nel… Buio? Ti invitiamo a leggere la nostra recensione di Z3 a questo link: Grazie x il dettaglio della risposta.
Se invece volessi provare wp8 quindi parlo di lumia a livello complessivo e in dettaglio sulla fotocamera chi si comporta meglio tra questo e il Sony Z3? In questo caso, Lumia ha un leggero vantaggio su Z3.
Grazie ma sinceramente ancora non ho deciso quale! Sicuramente lo abbiamo apprezzato accuratamente e puoi leggere anche la nostra recensione con video qui: In questo caso, senza nulla togliere agli smartphone cinesi che molto apprezziamo, forse andremmo su LG G2.
Ad ogni modo, puoi consultare la nostra recensione di Huawei Honor 6, per avere una visione complessiva ed un giudizio dettagliato delle sue caratteristiche: Non rimarrai deluso da questo smartphone.
Caratteristiche fondamentali del mio prossimo smartphone: Ciao Fabio, in particolare cosa cerchi? Corro a lanciarvi il mio mi piace su facebook. Buona sera avevo intenzione di acquistare uno smartphone e avevo visto questi tre modelli cubo x9 - lenovo st - elephone p Cosa mi consigliereste in base a questi modelli che vi ho scritto..
Elephone P ha sicuramente delle buone caratteristiche, simili a quelle di Xiaomi Hongmi Note 4G, di cui puoi trovare la descrizione in questa guida: Salve e grazie per la riposta..
Si diceva che Elephone P avrebbe supportato nativamente Lollipop, ma ci sono voci sul web che hanno smentito queste notizie. Non ci sono notizie certe sugli smartphone che ti abbiamo consigliato.
Grazie ancora delle pronte risposte.. Trovi qui la sua scheda: Trovi la sua scheda a questo link: Mi permetto di fare una correzione: Possessore di meizu mx4. E a quale smartphone nostrano lo paragonereste?
Ciao e grazie per quello che fate. Gli smartphone di ultima generazione stanno ottimizzando le prestazioni anche in fatto di autonomia, soprattutto nella fascia medio-alta, con programmi di risparmio energetico ben pensati e funzionanti.
Ripeto comunicare in italiano. Ciao Ragazzi, vi volevo chiedere, voi che telefono mi consigliereste non devo superare i? In alternativa, puoi valutare LG G3S, che abbiamo recensito da poco e che si presenta come un ottimo dispositivo!
Salve, vorrei acquistare uno smartphone cinese e sono indeciso tra meizu mx4, xiaomi mi4 la versione LTE che dovrebbe uscire a breve e oneplus one. Sapete per caso se case come miezu, zopo o xiaomi hanno la certificazione C E?
Komu energy, pessimo dual sim, funzionamento a tentennamenti, batteria da mah che dura mezza giornata, mentre quella da solo un gg. Non spendete euro ……non li vale mezzi. Oneplus one Meizu mx4- mx4 pro Huawei honor 6 Non so proprio quale scegliere, oppo costa troppo e xiaomi anche ma di questi 3 i primi 2 mi piacciono molto, Di solito uso il telefono per messagiare, ascoltare molta musica, giocarci qualche volta, navigare molto il web, chiamare e mi piace modificare quello che posso, per esempio tastiera, walpaper e sblocchi, in pratica quasi tutto e inoltre vorrei che abbia una diagonale sui 4.
Ciao Davide, per il budget che hai, se cerchi un cinafonino sicuramente hai indicato i migliori. Ho visto il cubot zorro che mi sembra molto competitivo ma lascio a voi il consiglio.
Grazie per quanto mi direte. Hai un budget specifico? Ciao a tutti di Tecnologici. Vorrei chiedervi che cosa ne pensate dello Xiaomi MI4. Vedo molte recensioni che ne parlano benissimo addirittura al pari di molti top di gamma.
Leggendo questa guida come sempre completa e utile! Solitamente scriviamo recensioni solo dei modelli che abbiamo modo di provare per un periodo pari ad almeno un paio di settimane, questo per avere il tempo di raccogliere osservazioni derivanti da un reale utilizzo giornaliero.
In alternativa, se cerchi un cinese octa-core economico, considera Jiayu g4s, che potrebbe rispondere alle tue esigenze. Consulta anche la nostra guida: Con un budget massimo di euro sono parecchio tentato dallo zopo zp Ciao Luigi, sicuramente Zopo Zp ha buone caratteristiche e si presta ad essere un dispositivo affidabile.
Quali sono le caratteristiche principali che ricerchi in uno smartphone? Grazie del tuo contributo! Ne cerco uno abbastanza performante e possibilmente con un display sul limite phablet tra i 5 e i 5,5 pollici.
Vorrei sperimentare un cinafonino e sono abbastanza incuriosito da tutti i vari octacore, in particolare dai due che ho citato prima, ma sicuramente ce ne sono molti altri di altrettanto validi che non ho tenuto in considerazione o notato… Spero tu possa aiutarmi xD ps: Meglio uno jiayu G4S o un galaxy s3 neo?
Come caratteristiche tecniche, il Jiayu G4S. Il alternativa con un budget di euro puoi puntare al nuovo Motorola Moto G, che attualmente occupa la prima posizione nella guide dei migliori smartphone sotto i euro.
Salve e complimenti per l ottimo servizio! Ti limiteresti quindi ai modelli con schermo da max 5 pollici? Complimenti per il blog. Lo carico 3 volte al giorno. Budget intorno ai euro.
Oramai la mi vita si intreccia a cavi sub in auto, pc, e batterie supplementari. Grazie per un vostro prezioso consiglio. Innanzitutto complimenti per il sito e le belle recensioni vi ho messo anche il like sulla pagina fb.
In generale tendiamo a sconsigliare modelli cinesi di produttori sconosciuti. Mi chiedevo se con tutti questi nuovi octacore che stanno uscendo sia possibile farlo, e soprattutto, come?? Ti consigliamo di leggerti qualche guida su miracast e sul DLNA.
Trovi delle guide anche sul nostro sito. I'm interested in this phone — does the phone gearbest ship come without pre-installed malware? Are there any other sellers people can recommend for this phone, preferably those that ship the phone with a malware-free ROM.
Quick question for those that have a M or M — just wondering if this non connection to bluetooth — is this occurring in a lot of M and M phones or was timhn unlucky with that one. Use translator in chrome.
I try pair again to the car stereo again and got it working. Make me realise it could be some sort interferences when last time I tried — there were 3 phones in the car with bt on that time that could cause the problem with pairing.
Have had it on order for about 8 weeks. Sweet that's good news. It has been running great, no dramas at all. Hi complete newbie here, I have a Lenovo a which I like very much, however it won't pair with my new car due to it's out dated android version.
I would like a phone that has either a update able android or b android 5. It has to run on Telstra networks, nothing to big as I have little girlie hands lol and all the usual playstore, facebook etc.
There was an update that broke bluetooth but I heard it has been pulled so you won't have any issues with that. I know it comes with Marshmallow but not sure if it is on 5. My lenovo does everything I need well, unfortunately I can't upgrade it.
I don't think that will fit the bill, I was looking for something with similar specs or better than what I already have. I wouldn't know where to start with flashing and rooting and custom roms.
I did try asking at a few phone places if they could root my phone and they looked at me like I had pooed on their counter: More than happy to have it done if someone can point me in the right direction.
ZTE Axon 7 looks promising. Saw this last night. Very tempting with that price and specs. Hopefully the camera is up to scratch. Of course, I say that not having actually had a 6" phone yet, but my Oneplus One does feel a little small these days.
Yeah, as someone who's been holding out for the OnePlus 3, now that specs and features are firmed up, I'm a bit 'meh' about it. Then sure enough, last night I found the Axon 7 popping up on several news sites.
This was my fav to date in that someone has their hands on one - http: They're reserving judgement so far on stuff like battery life and a detailed review of the camera, but they're talking about the difference between 'very good' and 'excellent' as it's already clearing the full day of intensive use threshold.
You can get a G5 for that and be guaranteed of having the best camera on the market. It's in a different league to OnePlus and Asus. And yes, I have been looking at the Xiaomi Mi Max.
Just waiting for the 4gb ram one, and not metallic pink rose gold coloured. Just not sure about all these Chinese manufacturers pushing expensive flagships.. Presents a compelling case if you don't invest a lot of value in your phone's camera or 'good enough' will do.
Just want to warn anybody who's contemplating an Elephone P I bought one about a month back and returned it inside of 2wks. It was built well physically, but everytime i used i noticed something else that wasn't working.
I was desperately hanging out for a software update so that the camera was actually useable, really — it was that bad. Once it came it wiped out cellular data access. Nothing at all, all gone.
Don't even get me started about battery life Elephone were exactly zero help. Antelife where i got it from are incompetent and rarely respond to emails, and if they do it's somebody different from the previous response.
Paypal have surprisingly been no help whatsoever so i'll likely be out of pocket. A phone that you might like to look into is the Umi Super. It has very decent specs and comes with stock Marshmallow.
It's the only Umi phone I've seen that supports both 3G and I'm done experimenting with other Chinese brands. I've used Xiaomi before and that'll do me fine for a secondary device.
Huawei i'd be content if price wise they didn't miss the mark. Actually, the Umi Iron and Touch have received a lot of negative feedback online. Scratch my excitement for the Super. Looks like a nice upgrade on the Touch which is still to hit distribution, so would be somewhat surprised if this makes its launch target.
The original Nexus 5. It's not the best at anything, except just being awesome. It's probably the first device i can think of for a very long time i hadn't wanted to get rid of for one reason or another.
There are phones with better cameras, better batteries, better displays even, but it's better than the sum of it's parts and that's why i've had it for so long. I had considered the Umi Touch orginally, but figured if that was an option then the RN3 was the safer bet.
These lesser chinese brands seem content with churning out device after device. They should make half the product perhaps and spend three times as much time on software. I got a OnePlus One in October.
It's the only smartphone I've ever had, but holy damn am I impressed with how well it performs for such a small price. Listening to music doesn't drain the battery nearly as much as my old iPod R. I went from a HTC oneX to the Xiaomi Mi3 am 2 weeks off using it for 2 years, would really like an Mi4s but can't seem to want to relegate it it to the cupboard yet.
Why don't they spend zero on software just put on stock Android and spend a little more on the hardware product. It's not that simple. Umi does that with its phones and there are bugs that need to be fixed.
Every phone has different hardware which requires different drivers and optimisations. Could I get some thoughts on the Blackview bv http: Will it work with Telstra and Vodafone? Will I be able to have play store on it.
Recommendations of where to purchase would also be greatfully received. Finally heard from Antelife. Response was "yeah, we can't fix this But Vodafone is dropping 3G so 3G which is used regional will be used in suburbia as well I beleive this to be right.
The fun thing is, for 4G the mhz numbers aren't the whole story. For example, the oneplus one supports a certain type of mhz, but not the mhz used by telstra and optus which is Band 28 http: So I have decided to take the plunge on the Blackview bv, can anyone more experienced recommend some trustworthy sites to buy from.
I note that chinavision. Just responding to previous posts THL are another hassle-free Chinese brand. I've had two, and another three friends have had no problems with their models either oh hang on, the THL had a power button problem eventually?
Had it about 2 months now, no probs to speak of, nice fast good-looking phone, and 4G rocks. Calling it a 5. Full HD screen is nice though as is the bluelight filter — I use the phone outdoors at night a lot and it stops me searing my retinas.
And did I mention how fast 4G is? First thing I did was flash it with Marshmallow, root it and remove some of the bloat. Popped an Aldi sim in it and so far it's been performing brilliantly.
Stays on 4G all the time. Mate im waiting in mine, could you please list the steps or point to a website for downloads and instructions? Some steps are in http: Just use SUTL to flash it to your phone.
The zip has a beta SuperSU included. Extract it and put it on a microSD and put that in your phone before flashing. Install it from TWRP. We will see how that goes when it arrives.
Well, my Zopo speed 8 is on the way. Looking forward to it. Don't s'pose anyone on here has theirs already. The umi super, or the zopo speed 8? Or am I missing one completely? I ordered it a couple of months ago on preorder for a lower price.
I expect it here on Tuesday. I have to plug the phone to a notebook and use adb to boot to recovery. Took me a while to switch English. All good so far with Marshmallow.
Zopo Speed 8 has just arrived. About 15mm taller than my Zopo but very nice so far. Just have to do an update. It installed everything from my automatically. Had the AliExpress order refused, waiting on Alipay to rview my appeal after submitting required docs.
I have literally just got mine and the seal was broken on the box. The seal on mine was also broken. I also assumed it was because they put in a power adapter for AUS.
When do they expect it to ship? I bought it from www. Yeah I couldn't use AliExpress either so went with www. Be careful with these guys — absolute crooks. Currently "dealing' with them now to get my money back on an Elephone P Sheez that is just so bleeding old for a new release tablet.
Slightly confused, have flashed many a file before but most of the translations are hard to follow. Do i have to flash TWRP before i flash a rom? Looks like it but where do i get it from? The xda links above links to another forum in italian?
I've been hanging out ever since my Nexus S to be able to pay for stuff with my phone. I'm not about to give up now that android pay is imminent in Australia. My bank is one of the few that doesn't have its own tap n pay app St George and when I tried Optus Pay my phone wasn't compatible it had a very short compatibility list.
Thanks mate, got the marshmallow downloaded just didnt know it had twrp there as well. Tried this but it shows an error, no idea why, installed all the required drivers as well.
I haven't been on the Forum for a while, so don't know whether the new start up Company Vernee and it's first phone the Vernee Thor has been discussed. I had one of these phones sent the next day after ordering.
So, the Vernee Thor is a 5" model, with Android 6 straight out of the box, a fingerprint scanner, gorilla glass screen with anti fingerprint coating, an excellent 13MP Samsung back camera — and just about every latest thing you could wish for.
Pity it doesn't have a notification LED, but most of us can live with that. For instance you could install a missed call and notification app that will provide a notification ring or sound.
This tiny Korean designed phone gets a Vodafone signal, even deep inside supermarkets or Malls Sydney. It never fails to send or receive voice or texts and runs on the GMS G2 networks. Note Telstra is closing their G2 at the end of the year.
Optus and Vodafone have made no similar claims. The received voice is loud and clear, and th microphone can even pick up a TV in the background. Neither party would feel this was other than a normal size phone.
The YouTube videos are all in Russian, sadly. It takes a few minutes to charge, and weighs only 35 grams, and has a 2 colour Oled screen, and has many of the functions an android phone has.
You may think your phone is dead when it arrives, — there are no instructions. But underneath in the second hole — to the right of the charger hole is a one time use master power switch not obvious and the purpose of the enclosed seem card tray pin there is no sim card tray is to activate that hidden switch.
The usual power switch is on the keyboard. It claims to be dual SIM. The left receptacle is for a TF memory card. The language on the screen is English. Even plays an opening and closing theme song.
The keyboard has back lighting. One think I've been very impressed with is the GPS. Surprisingly fast to lock with good accuracy. The only negative I have is that the camera photo quality is average, however this might be fixed with a different ROM.
Just came across a violent testing video for the Vernee Thor, and it seems indestructible, being dropped numerous times, cracking open walnuts and being run over by a car. I'm aware I may need to downclock the CPU a little to keep temps good.
I hear the x runs cool but so we'll see I noticed there are a few ROMs out for it which is good! Is this the one dude? Everytime I look, I always go back to the redmi note 3 pro 3gb.
For the money it looks fantastic along with the battery. The only negative is the kinda subpar camera. Maybe it's because I have a note 5 who knows. But anyway, anyone got anymore suggestions before I pull the trigger?
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm considering the Elephone P, but for that price I'd really prefer at least 64GB of internal storage. J B L writes Has anyone considered the LeEco Le2? If you manage to find the Indian version, you get the Snapdragon instead of the Helio X The camera appears to be an improvement on the one included with the previous model.
I've got a P, and after the two latest updates, the phone is fantastic. My friend has P and the camera shutter is really slow. Shutter speed is OK. Not slow but not the fastest I've used either.
Photos are detailed, but a little under exposed. Only downside with the phone is it's loudspeaker. It's loud, but very tinny. That wouldn't bother me, as long as voice audio ie, listening to a caller on hands-free isn't going to be too nerve shattering 'tinny'.
Anything in particular about the P that impresses you or you feel they could have done better? I looked at the p and it's fairly impressive. You're all going to roll your eyes, but I keep going back to the redmi note 3 pro!
The reason is the battery. We're travelling nz at the moment and we went for a 1. Both of us didn't use GPS or hardly used our phones. We both are using local sim cards so no roaming.
Either my phones needs a reset or I dont know. I have a note 5. If the camera or flashing ROMs are important to you, give it a miss. I originally had the Redmi Note 3 MediaTek and the camera was acceptable.
More recently, I had the Pro Snapdragon and despite it having more MPs, the camera was terrible for me. I think it's a good phone if you like MIUI and don't plan to use the camera.
If you can wait until August, you'll be able to grab the Asus ZenFone 3, which has a Snapdragon processor, beautiful build quality and band 28 MHz support. I've been looking at 5.
The Umi Super looked great until I visited the forums and found that the camera is appalling and people are experiencing GPS issues. It's so had to find something that ticks all the boxes.
The P is impressive simply because of its feature list. Only issues I have with the phone now is camera under exposes and the speaker is tinny. But it's loud and perfectly fine for loud speaker conversations.
Actual ear piece quality is great. If you can wait until August, you'll be able to grab the Asus ZenFone 3. When you run a Speedtest, what speeds are you getting with the new phone? Haven't got the phone yet lad so I dunno!
I'm the same but, as long as I can get enough to browse web pages, load fb etc i'm happy. From memory the Mhz 4G band is only for deep wall penetration assistance anyway.
That's the one brother! Will be keen to see what you think of it when you get it man. How are Bangood for delivery etc to Australia? The Vivo X7 is looking interesting with a Snapdragon However, it's been pointed out to me that all Vivo phones are ridiculously priced.
I thought it was only their flagships, but the X6 with an old MediaTek processor stills costs too much. For example in US dollars: Agree those Vivo prices appear crazy.. If it's not signiicantly cheaper than oneplus3 I can't see it selling.
What I would love is a 5. Aside from the expensive OnePlus 3 and reasonably priced ZenFone 3 , there are very few options. I'm not responsible for any of your purchases, please confirm specifications with seller etc etc that was just the first link that came up on ebay search.
Asus Zenfone 2 Not a bad find — albeit nearing 12 mths old, with a weird Intel chip and a reportedly bad camera Also the old Huawei Honor6. Xiaomi Mi 5 fits the bill: Sorry, but that's the best I could find.
I am waiting for RedMi Note3 to restock. It has been quite some time since it runs out of stocks. Just noticed this 5. Man I'm so much more excited to receive this phone now knowing that there is a super stable brand of custom CM being made for it.
Good old Snapdragon making it easy for developers: I've never ordered from them before but they seem okay so far. Order was shipped within 24 hours but I got typical Chinese store shipping service that says days and they provided a shipping number that doesn't work so you have to email them to get your shipping updates lol.
We both must say, it is the thinnest phone we have seen. Thinner seemingly than a Galaxy 7 and it looks great, more so than videos indicate. It is also very light, but the battery is amazingly long lasting.
It is very quick in everything it does, and has been playing complex games via WiFi without the WiFi dropping out, and it did not at any time heat up. The phone didn't miss a beat on the most complex of games.
There are screenfulls of ring tones, most I had never come across on any of the Chinese phones I have had. Nice and comfortable to hold, the gorilla glass screen has a protective coating designed to resist fingerprint smears.
As you know it has an excellent 13MP camera which takes great photos and videos, with stabilisation, — but isn't good for night photography. The fingerprint scanner hasn't been set up yet, but we expect it will be efficient, as entries will be made for "three persons" using the same finger, rolled around not just dabbed as on videos.
That is how I improved the performance of my Doogee F5. The only shortcomings of this phone, is, no notification LED, and a speaker which though loud, is not bassy, but otherwise quite OK.
Is the HTC 10 one of my only options at the moment? I was running Exodus on my Oneplus One for a while. Was pretty good, so you should be happy with it. I switched to Sultan's CM for it's promised better battery life, which never originated although maybe the battery is wearing out at the same rate the rom changes gave me better efficiency Well i had it, sold it within 2 days, still keep going back to the LG G2, best phone you can buy for the money and awesome rom support!
This article about cheap phones is interesting. It probably makes sense to stick with last year's flagships. The THL's didn't have 4G at the time, nearly 12 months ago.
These have been fantastic, and never missed a beat. We really put them through their paces. We are with Boost, but looking to going to Aldi. Worst phones we've ever had.
I guess with the Chinese phones, you get to own a phone that works great for basic everyday tasks and most have dual SIM ability as well. The more expensive ones tend to have better after sales support, software updates, and better camera.
Even though the price is usually 5 or more times more expensive then cheapo Chinese Not including Huawei Oppo etc expensive Chinese, you still can't get the things mentioned even if you buy 5 cheapos.
Plus the Chinese phones can never have full support for the networks here excluding Taiwanese owned brands like Infocus. Which is why I'll continue using an expensive phone as my main phone, with a cheapo phone as backup.
I was looking at this UMI Super 5. I wouldn't find no AU plug a problem, is delivery the standard free one or are you spending more for expediated shipping. Visit the Umi forum first.
The camera is appalling and there are GPS issues. Then you're left with an expensive paper weight. Damn shame as it otherwise looked like a great phone ex NFC. Poor GPS is back to Mediatek dark old days.
That's got better specs and it having the Snapdragon processor means it'll likely have custom ROMs available. The hardware is good on their phones but the interface is terrible.
Unlike with Xiaomi phones, you'll have no issue with unlocking the bootloader. Umi is excellent with its online marketing, however it has a shocking reputation.
It really looked like a great midrange offering on paper. I'm started to lean towards the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro. It's a great phone, apart from the camera. The camera is very poor.
Also, MIUI is an acquired taste. However, it is fast, has an excellent screen, and the battery is amazing. Yeah, I had the Le 1. The build quality was amazing. I really didn't like the interface and the camera produced washed out pics.
I think the camera is better on other models though. Cool, I'm confused as to size on the Pro. I did some extensive browsing before buying my new Chinadroid and decided to go with this.
There are a plethora of Custom ROMs available. Nexus ports, CM This is the phone to get at the moment guys. My Xiaomi Mi5 arrived last night ordered on Tuesday. Can't believe how fast it is was previously using an iphone 6.
Everything is just quick and the build quality is great as is MiUI. Really surprised that no one is mentioning the Elephone P It has NFC Wireless and quick charge, small bezels, fantastic display and battery life.
Initial issues with WiFi and camera have been ironed out through constant updates I actually sold my S7 Edge and use the Elephone as my daily. The S7 was nice don't get me wrong, but the P does the job very well.
Don't have any issues using it day to day. GPS works great as well. Worst case scenario just install Google Now launcher and you've got yourself a pure Android device.
Never had an issue with them and the postage is a bit faster. Just need a cheap backup 'phone', mainly for internet browsing, music gym, and to pop a local SIM card into when traveling overseas.
Another good shop is Tomtop. Choose DHL shipping they ship really quick. Ordered from Hong Kong Dreami on Aliexpress. Risked Aliexpress as cashrewards has 7. Phone works perfectly and is stupidly fast.
Came with the global dev rom installed and all Google apps. There is a reason the Mi5 is the most popular phone in China so it cant be all bad in fact so far it is by far the best phone I have owned.
I'm glad things are improving with your P I'd be happier going with a MediaTek processor if it was at least the X20, but it's a massive bonus that it comes with stock Android.
The P10 is surprisingly quick. I don't feel any noticeable performance difference between the P and say the Snapdragon Feels faster than the There has been another update released that I haven't installed yet, not sure if that's improved it more.
Zuk Z2 and Zuk Z2 Pro added to etotalk. Descriptions appear the same despite the large price difference. How long does it normally take Bang Good to dispatch an order?
Do they use DHL? I need a seller that ships promptly if I'm going to continue experimenting with cheap phones. I've only ever bought cheap stuff with free shipping from them.
I like banggood's honesty. The One-Armed Man writes My Cubot Nore S arrived yesterday after ordering a month ago from Everbuying. So far an excellent phone with great screen.
Nice clear soft plastic phone case came with the phone also. Have bought a number of things and generally get deliries within the week of purchasing them, when shipping with DHL.
Doesn't get any better than that from China. As I liked the Vernee Thor's thinness, and the comfort of it in the hand, and that it is virtually indestructible, I bought another, for myself.
I could easily have bought a UMI Touch etc, but did not want the weight of a brick in my shirt pocket. All the medium price range phones, especially those of 5. My recently bought Doogee F5 weighs grams, and to me seems heavy, and at 5.
Now some of the recent phones weigh grams. Such weight takes the pleasure out of using a phone. In this case from Gearbest again. Ive used quite a few Chinese android phones so far and ive had no problems in terms of cellular connectivity.
That being said you need to be informed and do your own research when it comes to these phone as the Frequency bands are not consistent on them. I decided to get it to use as a backup phone, until I decide on a more expensive workhorse phone.
However the OP3 is quite expensive in relation to most other Chinese smartphones. So what you guys think between my choices? One must be conscious that when you pre-order a new release phone, — it is likely the phone will be released without some of the promised features, e.
Also some phone reviews suggest that some phones operating on Android 5. But it might not happen. So, be careful before committing your dollars to a phone without there being some reviews of it on YouTube and noting it does have the features you want.
Have you considered the Le 1 Pro? The default interface is pretty poor. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find reputable sites that review either versions including the camera. I bought an Lenovo KT from China.
More trouble than the saving was worth. But all of them gold or some other fancy finish. I just want the grey. But I suspect they don't make it in the 4gb version? Happy to only have 64gb storage.
Ordered an Android Box on Friday afternoon - arrived Monday morning! I can also vouch for Hong Kong Dreami on Aliexpress. Ordered on Tuesday last week and phone delivered on Thursday.
Good seller and communication. I may be incorrect about this, but I think 4gb ram is only available on the top priced gb sd version and 64gb versions only have 3gb ram. Grey in all versions seems to be out of stock everywhere at present.
Hi all, I bought a new Mi4 from a local place here in Adelaide last week but have since received another phone from work so I'm wanting to sell the Mi4. I have a question though, the phone has Google Play store installed so I believe the place that sold it to me made changes to the phone and did this themselves.
I'm fine with this as I would've tried to do it anyway, but now I'm wondering if I factory reset the phone in order to sell it, will it revert back to the Chinese 'version' of the phone and lose Google play etc?
It might revert back to Chinese as the default language but that's the first option to set on a new phone, so shouldn't be too hard to navigate. Google Play is installed at a system level which is untouchable by Factory Reset, so it wont lose that.
The LeEco Le2 has been available for a little while. The X20 is very powerful. Interestingly, the Le2 appears to produce superior photos to the Le2 Pro. It would be interesting to know how it compares with the camera on the Le1 Pro.
Rose gold, which is slightly less painful than gold. When I had a silver le1, the front top and bottom were white for the antennas, and it looked terrible.
At least they give you gold plastic on the rose gold models. If this website is to be believed. Looks like it is only 2G on sim 2 http: If I had that kind of money to spend on a phone, I would be looking for top models of Samsung, LG or Xperia, as the latest models of these phones are superior to Chinese phones.
How many have 4 XHD and only about 1 or 2 have laser focusing cameras, but are producing under exposed photos. My Doogee F5 bought in the last quarter of last year now has a fingerprint scanner that doesn't work, and won't register new prints.
It never was very reliable right from the start. I hope the Vernee Thor fingerprint is better. Ordered on Saturday from Gearbest, it is already on it's way. I would suggest canceling the order and looking elsewhere.
Vickmall has a reputation for prompt delivery using free shipping — maybe only two weeks can take longer though if you wished to wait. Phones with some global roms may have it. Some phones are bastardised original roms and can cause havic as in Mi3.
And if you can't change to a genuine MIUI rom it's likely a fake. Resetting it may remove Gapps but are you aware there are 2 partions and there may be a second rom in there. If the phone had the original Chinese non global rom google will most likely go.
Weirdest China phone ive seen so far Isn't that going to be so annoying, holding the phone upto your eye to unlock? Fingerprint is perfect already Touch Screen Phone Brand: Deca-core, bit CPU Models: I wouldn't worry about the no Paypal thing.
Credit card companies and banks offer better protection these days than Paypal. I tried to get my money back through Paypal on an Elephone P and they basically said 'not my problem, it's a warranty issue' and closed the claim, despite the seller not responding to emails or the manufacturer claiming it wasn't their problem either.
So yeah, no Paypal no problem. It's true that PayPal can't help in every case. However, the Refunded Returns Service is very useful if a defective item needs to be sent back to China or other places.
That's the only thing they did to help — meanwhile i'm still out of pocket for the Elephone, and had to buy something else in the meantime. Iris scanning for unlock?.. Great 4G frequency specs — good for US.
Old USb connector and no fingerprint scanner is a surprise. I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience you've had. I don't know which seller you used, but some are definitely to be avoided.
Currently dealing with Gearbest after-sales support. Something very obvious, but did you check whether the battery contacts are covered with sellotape? Blackview BV looks pretty nice, but 4.
Nope, I didn't check that. Wasn't going to use it as a "phone" until I traveled, so didn't need to remove the back. The black view phone above is one of the few Chinese android waterproof phones that run android 6.
I am very impressed with the sensitivity of the fingerprint scanner. I made 2 entries for the same finger, which makes it more effective. Like the Doogee, after the first daily reboot, it seems to want you to use the keypad numeric backup, but after that it is virtually instant, and requires no pressure.
The audio is fine, and can go quite loud without distortion, and the screen resolution seems just as good FHD. For such an inexpensive phone, we are very impressed, as are the GearBest buyers, who rated it with all 5's for every category of satisfaction.
I have no idea what Telstra's frequencies are. I have had the good fortune of never having been on Telstra. It's similar to I have never owned a Holden. If you search Vernee Thor, you will no doubt find out exactly what frequencies the phone covers.
Then search Telstra frequencies to compare. My THL t6s is beginning to do a few strange things so I am after a new phone. Netwok compatibility for any phone can be checked on http: MIUI is fine really, even more so if you swap the launcher.
Some sellers are known to install their own variant of the software which is hard to get rid of so it's good to know this store is doing the right thing. The Infocus M has been discussed previosly in this thread and has been reported as having lte band 28 can check this on willmyphonework.
Thanks okisan and kusala. Great advice there and much appreciated. The link provided by okisan to aliexpress showed the Note 3 was available from them with the Global ROM installed.
Kusala, I had come across the M in my investigation as well. If 'cost' was the top and major consideration I would have gone down the M track. I have now had a couple of lower end cost phones and had some hassles with space on both of them.
No Paypal at Aliexpress is a bit of a bummer but I do have a card I use expressly for online purchases. Has better graphics chip Only a little bit more otherwise appear near identical.
Edit — does appear antutu scores are higher 42k v 35k www. I'm using the Redmi Note 3 Pro so can vouch for that. The thing is with cheap Chinese android phones most of the time you get what you pay for.
The Xiaomi devices do tend to be head and shoulders above everyone else in regards to quality. They're still ridiculously cheap by comparison so I don't bother looking elsewhere when in need of a cheap device.
It becomes a bit confusing with so many variants of the Redmi 3. However, as you say, the S has a more powerful gpu — on AliExpress, it is usd 20 more than the Pro. If you have Antutu installed on your phone, there are some interesting stats to see in the bottom info link — best performing chipsets, best selling phones in different countries etc.
Xiaomi does very well in Asia. I would doubt that he really is an Authorised store, and the fact store is only a month old would be cautious and go with established stores with long term asscociation with Xiaomi.
Has anyone bought a phone from this online store and if so what was your experience like with them? It's guess work with most sellers, but at least they've actually made a point of explaining the difference between the ROMs that get provided, and allowed you the choice up front.
There aren't many that will do this and even less that will follow through. That said I've never used them, but I'd have no reservations in doing so. Vernee Thor owners — There was a second wireless system update, that addressed about 6 issues to do with the proximity sensor in daylight, and WiFi connection, etc.
Hadn't noticed any problem whatsoever, but nice to know Vernee are continuing to improve the software. I noticed this phone does not have "double" tap to awaken it, — though I don't know if that is a marshmallow thing.
But, so quick to press the light press power button to awaken it. Discovered it has a fast boot option, and bootup is almost instant. And when booting up, the power button only needs a quick press, unlike some phones which needs a long press to get the screen to light up.
Of all the Chinese phones I have had starting with a THL which was all the talk on this forum years ago, this is the one I like the best. It is just a delight!
Are you with Optus or Vodafone? But of all the Chinese phones I have had, I never worried much about frequencies. If their specs showed a good range of frequencies, that was good enough for me.
Every phone worked well on Optus, but apparently as you state, the frequency for Telstra is not present on some phones. Worth mentioning also that there are quite a few decent ROMs out for it too.
Cuoco92 supports it, unofficial CM Reviews are all around 8. Mine will be here in a few days if you'd like to PM me a reminder and I'll give you a few first impressions.
Thanks rpalmer, I saw the message before I saw your post and followed the link to the site above. I got heaps of 'watch out be careful' from my web browser when I checked the Kimovil website.
But I see they do Paypal so that certainly does ensure some covering of the my lower back! GizChina is always releasing sponsored posts written by Umi, and even they were critical of its yellow display and its significant weight.
A better option with similar specs might be http: But double the storage but minus the finger reader. Wonder how the camera and battery life compares though. Have had my Cubot Note S for a few days now.
My first ever Chinese phone. First impressions — really quite pleased. Build quality superior to what I imagined. Nice solid feel, slim considering the huge battery, no loose buttons volume rocker as I've seen on some YT reviews of cheaper phones.
Came fitted with a screen protector and in a case too — nice bonus. Close to stock Android 5. Wifi performance is superior to my Motorola G3, which has had some problems Instagram in my house.
Battery claims to be a whopping mAh, but my Motorola wins in this department. I can't seen to change the lock-screen image though, even after Googling for solutions!! Try doing it from the default launcher.
So exit Nova and do it from Cubot's launcher. Then go back to Nova — that should work. Had the same issue on an Elephone. You'll be fine using Kimovil bro. They aren't the ones selling it, they just index all the sites and prices and shit and provide a product page with links to where to buy it: All of the sites they link are trusted sellers and buying sites.
I've used most of them. Married to Christ writes The camera actually has top notch reviews. It looks to be right up there with some of the best stock phone cameras. However after lodging a ticket yesterday I am advised: Dear Compfused, We wish to take this opportunity to apologize for inconvenience that has been caused.
About your order, I am sorry to tell you that as the phone is a hot sale product and for the large quantity, the manufacturer does not supply on time, then the shipment for it is delayed. We are extremely sorry that we can't confirm the product arrival date, but we will urge the supplier to send them to us as soon as possible.
Hope you can understand. In this case, we can offer you 3 options: If there is any price difference with the original item, we will either refund it to you on your gearbest Wallet or send you an invoice to pay for it.
However after lodging a ticket yesterday I am advised Did you order the 4gb gb version? This appears to be out of stock everywhere. Gearbest has a mixed reputation — quick delivery with using expedited shipping, but also takes orders for out of stock items without informing customers.
With some sellers it is useful to double check that an item is in stock before purchasing. If wish decide to cancel your Gearbest order, a couple of good options for the 3gb 64 gb version are.
I refer to the audio of the Vernee Thor. In one YouTube review, it was stated and shown in a music video, that a bass guitar could not be heard. The conclusion was, the speaker could not produce bass.
Today, I tested YouTube videos of double basses and electric bass guitars, and the Thor plays them just fine, and doesn't even distort at full volume. There are many good phones in that price range — though hardly any with nfc and cameras are good-okay, but less so in low light conditions.
Gearbest has a mixed reputation And thanks for the links. Not sure if I'll call for a refund or wait a bit longer.
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Mi piacerebbe un 5. Stavo pensando inizialmente ad un LG G3, ma poi ho letto che la batteria non ha una grande autonomia. In alternativa pensavo al One plus one o al Sony Xperia Z3 ma accetto volentieri suggerimenti data la mia scarsa esperienza.
Aggiungo solamente che vivo in una zona non raggiunta da Adsl. Ciao mi serve una mano, io vorrei un cellulare con almeno mah 16 gb rom almeno 2 di ram e almeno 1. Intanto, per farti una prima idea, puoi consultare la nostra guida: O si spendono max oppure ci si arrangia con Iphone4s o 5s, altrimenti si salta il guado con gli apple e la si fa finita.
Eventualmente puoi darci indicazioni sul budget? Altri smartphone con pennino simile??? Salve, vorrei cambiare il mio ormai obsoletissimo s2. Ciao Marco, hai anche un qualche vincolo di budget?
Ciao Christian, tieni conto che gli smartphone che hai nominato in molti casi superano il budget che hai previsto. Quindi hai deciso di andare sui 5. Non ho capito bene. Stiamo parlando di due ottimi dispositivi, entrambi con dei punti di forza notevoli.
ZTE Nubia Z9 Max ha il vantaggio di avere nativamente Android Lollipop e, come dicevi tu, materiali di fabbricazione veramente notevoli. Avrei bisogno di un consiglio, dato che non mi riesco a orientare avendo particolare esigenze… Avrei bisogno di un telefono da lavoro, dual sim, possibilmente full active.
Il display dovrebbe rientrare nella categoria dei phablet, ho bisogno che sia uno smartphone che mi permetta di gestire appuntamenti, prendere nota ecc. Grazie mille per gli eventuali consigli. Facci sapere e continua a seguirci!
Grazie mille per la risposta celere! Faccio un giro volentieri nelle vostre pagine e mi guardo le recensioni dei device sopra menzionati. Ciao Michele, quelli che ci hai citato sono sicuramente tutti smartphone affidabili e di fascia medio-alta.
In generale, le specifiche tecniche sono comparabili, ma, per esempio, dovendo scegliere tra i quattro, saremmo propensi a consigliarti un focus sui dispositivi con 3 GB di RAM. Tieni conto che a livello di dimensioni sono smartphone differenti: Honor 6 ha uno stile simile a quello di iPhone5, per cui potrebbe non soddisfare il tuo gusto.
Ciao Andrea, in Italia ci sono i classici rivenditori come topresellerstore, grossoshop, meizu. Salve, scusate il disturbp. Il mio budjet si aggira intorno ai Ciao a tutti, anche io avrei bisogno di un vostro prezioso consiglio per acquisto di un cinafonino DUAL SIM che sia un top di gamma, ora ho un komu k5T; ho un budget tra e e.
Vorrei prendere un 5. In quanto al sito su cui acquistarlo, nel caso di dispositivi Zopo puoi passare per zopomobile. Mi interessa che abbia una bella fotocamera tipo samsung s5 con belle lenti e bei colori che abbia una ram di almeno 2 giga e possibilmente che sia in alluminio o metallo non in plastica.
E il budget che vorresti rispettare? Ti va di aiutarci con un like su Facebook? Ciao, molto probabilmente questo weekend comprero un lenovo note Grazie mille per il consiglio..
Se trovo il Lenovo Golden Warrior A8 sicuramente lo prendero. Ciao, scrivo per avere info. Ora io non sono molto ferrata in questo campo, sapresti darmi piu notizie in merito?
Quali modelli ti interessano? Ciao Andrea, sicuramente se vuoi puntare su un chinaphonino puoi puntare su Xiaomi MI4, che si trova online ad un prezzo coerente con il tuo budget, nella versione da 16 GB di memoria interna.
Hai delle esigenze particolari? Ti va di supportarti con un like su Facebook? Salve, articolo molto utile e interessante! Volevo chiederle un consiglio, devo acquistare uno smartphone e ho un budget abbastanza limitato, euro circa proprio per questo ho puntato sui chinephones, cosa mi consiglia?
Avrei bisogno del vostro aiuto per un acquisto. Considerando che per lavoro e per svago di app ne uso davvero una marea, vorrei acquistare un telefono che sia estremamente veloce che non si blocchi non appena tengo due o tre app aperte o se ho notifiche attivate per intenderci.
Salve, sono in ricerca di consigli e aiuto per acquistare un smartphone. Vi ringrazio in anticipo e vi sarei grato per vostro aiuto. Attendendo una vostra risposta, ringrazio in anticipo e spero pubblichiate altri articoli come questo.
Sei per caso interessata a qualche modello particolare? Ciao Claudio, sapresti darci indicazioni sul budget? Che tipo di budget hai? Potresti aiutarci a raggiungere i 5k Mi piace! Ciao Alberto, come ti dicevamo, a questo prezzo e con queste caratteristiche ti consigliamo Doogee DG, che ha uno schermo da 5 pollici.
Se cerchi display di ancora maggiori dimensioni, orientati invece sui 5. Il mio interesse sarebbe un telefono con una buona durata lo uso molto poco e vorrei che durasse almeno due giorni e uno schermo abbastanza definito, ma non superiore ai 5 pollici: Grazie in anticipo, Gianni.
Quanto al modello che ti consigliamo, THL potrebbe rispettare le esigenze che ci hai elencato, con una potente batteria da mAh. Ti linkiamo qui la nostra recensione completa: THL non ci ha soddisfatti molto a livello di fotocamera durante la nostra prova: In generale, ti consigliamo di orientarti su Doogee Dg che fa un ottimo lavoro in molti ambiti.
Ti inviamo qui il link della sua scheda: Salve, io ho acquistato il thl, ma ho notato che non corrisponde alle caratteristiche descritte, ad esempio ho misurato con il calibro e risultano: Ti segnalo la nostra recensione, qualora volessi approfondire: Quindi non bado a spese.
Della lista sopramenzionata ma anche fuori lista cosa mi consigliate?? Se puoi aiutaci a raggiungere i 5. Ciao, per le caratteristiche che ci hai presentato, fotocamera e batteria, ti consigliamo di orientarti su Meizu MX4 Pro, che ha veramente delle punte di eccellenza in questi ambiti, essendo dotato, ad esempio, di un comparto fotografico con sensori Sony.
Gli smartphone che sicuramente ti garantiscono delle ottime prestazioni in questo senso sono, ovviamente, gli smartphone Sony, in particolar modo Z3, ma se pensi di volerti orientare su un chinaphonino puoi ottenere comunque ottimi risultati con Meizu MX4.
Grazie della pronta risposta. Tutti e 3 i modelli prevederanno il passaggio a Lollipop? Sarebbe davvero un salto nel… Buio? Ti invitiamo a leggere la nostra recensione di Z3 a questo link: Grazie x il dettaglio della risposta.
Se invece volessi provare wp8 quindi parlo di lumia a livello complessivo e in dettaglio sulla fotocamera chi si comporta meglio tra questo e il Sony Z3? In questo caso, Lumia ha un leggero vantaggio su Z3.
Grazie ma sinceramente ancora non ho deciso quale! Sicuramente lo abbiamo apprezzato accuratamente e puoi leggere anche la nostra recensione con video qui: In questo caso, senza nulla togliere agli smartphone cinesi che molto apprezziamo, forse andremmo su LG G2.
Ad ogni modo, puoi consultare la nostra recensione di Huawei Honor 6, per avere una visione complessiva ed un giudizio dettagliato delle sue caratteristiche: Non rimarrai deluso da questo smartphone.
Caratteristiche fondamentali del mio prossimo smartphone: Ciao Fabio, in particolare cosa cerchi? Corro a lanciarvi il mio mi piace su facebook. Buona sera avevo intenzione di acquistare uno smartphone e avevo visto questi tre modelli cubo x9 - lenovo st - elephone p Cosa mi consigliereste in base a questi modelli che vi ho scritto..
Elephone P ha sicuramente delle buone caratteristiche, simili a quelle di Xiaomi Hongmi Note 4G, di cui puoi trovare la descrizione in questa guida: Salve e grazie per la riposta..
Si diceva che Elephone P avrebbe supportato nativamente Lollipop, ma ci sono voci sul web che hanno smentito queste notizie. Non ci sono notizie certe sugli smartphone che ti abbiamo consigliato. Grazie ancora delle pronte risposte..
Trovi qui la sua scheda: Trovi la sua scheda a questo link: Mi permetto di fare una correzione: Possessore di meizu mx4. E a quale smartphone nostrano lo paragonereste?
Ciao e grazie per quello che fate. Gli smartphone di ultima generazione stanno ottimizzando le prestazioni anche in fatto di autonomia, soprattutto nella fascia medio-alta, con programmi di risparmio energetico ben pensati e funzionanti.
Ripeto comunicare in italiano. Ciao Ragazzi, vi volevo chiedere, voi che telefono mi consigliereste non devo superare i? In alternativa, puoi valutare LG G3S, che abbiamo recensito da poco e che si presenta come un ottimo dispositivo!
Salve, vorrei acquistare uno smartphone cinese e sono indeciso tra meizu mx4, xiaomi mi4 la versione LTE che dovrebbe uscire a breve e oneplus one. Sapete per caso se case come miezu, zopo o xiaomi hanno la certificazione C E?
Komu energy, pessimo dual sim, funzionamento a tentennamenti, batteria da mah che dura mezza giornata, mentre quella da solo un gg. Non spendete euro ……non li vale mezzi. Oneplus one Meizu mx4- mx4 pro Huawei honor 6 Non so proprio quale scegliere, oppo costa troppo e xiaomi anche ma di questi 3 i primi 2 mi piacciono molto, Di solito uso il telefono per messagiare, ascoltare molta musica, giocarci qualche volta, navigare molto il web, chiamare e mi piace modificare quello che posso, per esempio tastiera, walpaper e sblocchi, in pratica quasi tutto e inoltre vorrei che abbia una diagonale sui 4.
Ciao Davide, per il budget che hai, se cerchi un cinafonino sicuramente hai indicato i migliori. Ho visto il cubot zorro che mi sembra molto competitivo ma lascio a voi il consiglio.
Grazie per quanto mi direte. Hai un budget specifico? Ciao a tutti di Tecnologici. Vorrei chiedervi che cosa ne pensate dello Xiaomi MI4. Vedo molte recensioni che ne parlano benissimo addirittura al pari di molti top di gamma.
Leggendo questa guida come sempre completa e utile! Solitamente scriviamo recensioni solo dei modelli che abbiamo modo di provare per un periodo pari ad almeno un paio di settimane, questo per avere il tempo di raccogliere osservazioni derivanti da un reale utilizzo giornaliero.
In alternativa, se cerchi un cinese octa-core economico, considera Jiayu g4s, che potrebbe rispondere alle tue esigenze. Consulta anche la nostra guida: Con un budget massimo di euro sono parecchio tentato dallo zopo zp Ciao Luigi, sicuramente Zopo Zp ha buone caratteristiche e si presta ad essere un dispositivo affidabile.
Quali sono le caratteristiche principali che ricerchi in uno smartphone? Grazie del tuo contributo! Ne cerco uno abbastanza performante e possibilmente con un display sul limite phablet tra i 5 e i 5,5 pollici.
Vorrei sperimentare un cinafonino e sono abbastanza incuriosito da tutti i vari octacore, in particolare dai due che ho citato prima, ma sicuramente ce ne sono molti altri di altrettanto validi che non ho tenuto in considerazione o notato… Spero tu possa aiutarmi xD ps: Meglio uno jiayu G4S o un galaxy s3 neo?
Come caratteristiche tecniche, il Jiayu G4S. Il alternativa con un budget di euro puoi puntare al nuovo Motorola Moto G, che attualmente occupa la prima posizione nella guide dei migliori smartphone sotto i euro.
Salve e complimenti per l ottimo servizio! Ti limiteresti quindi ai modelli con schermo da max 5 pollici? Complimenti per il blog. Lo carico 3 volte al giorno. Budget intorno ai euro. Oramai la mi vita si intreccia a cavi sub in auto, pc, e batterie supplementari.
Grazie per un vostro prezioso consiglio. Innanzitutto complimenti per il sito e le belle recensioni vi ho messo anche il like sulla pagina fb. In generale tendiamo a sconsigliare modelli cinesi di produttori sconosciuti.
Mi chiedevo se con tutti questi nuovi octacore che stanno uscendo sia possibile farlo, e soprattutto, come?? Ti consigliamo di leggerti qualche guida su miracast e sul DLNA. Trovi delle guide anche sul nostro sito.
Lui ora ha un samsung duos. Gli smartphone non essendo dotati di porta microHDMI a differenza di molti tablet non basta un singolo cavo, a meno che non supporti lo standard MHL, come molti dispositivi Samsung.
Salve redazione, dopo aver navigato e visto numerosi smartphone, sono ancora indeciso: Ho un budget da a euro e vorrei prendere il massimo ottenibile con questa spesa. Ultimamente sono molti i produttori che si stanno adoperando nel dotare i loro modelli del supporto alle reti 4G anche nella fascia medio-bassa vedi Wiko, produttore francese.
FHD o di alzare al budget e puntare al Huawei Ascend P7 che ha tutto quello che cerchi, compreso garanzia e assistenza in Italia fattori critici in dispositivi cinesi. Salve vorrei un consiglio.
Dipende da caso a caso. Vorrei, ora, sostituirlo con un cinaphonino con le stesse caratteristiche dimensionali, ma migliori performance tecniche. Naturalmente vorrei mantenermi su una fascia media di prezzo!
Presto scriveremo una guida completa agli smartwatch e ti sapremo dare informazioni complete a riguardo. Sapevo, ad esempio, che il Gear della Samsung supporta solo i Galaxy: Ci sono modelli cinesi, riferendomi sempre agli smartband, che equivalgono dal punto di vista tecnologico a quelli dei grossi marchi, ma che costano molto meno?
Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda sullo smartband: Salve, sono giorni che sto facendo ricerche su ricerche su qualche cinafonino ma sono veramente in crisi. Spero mi possiate aiutare, a presto!
Grazie per il consiglio! Da una rapida lettura delle specs: A quale prezzo riusciresti ad acquistarlo? Ciao, per prima cosa complimenti per la bella e utile guida!
Vi seguo da tempo e grazie a voi ho acquistato uno Zopo C2 con il quale mi trovo benissimo! I modelli che occupano i primi posti adottano gli ultimi processori Snapdragon, alla base delle loro eccellenti prestazioni, superiori a gran parte dei modelli cinesi che optano per una tradizionale soluzione Mediatek.
Ad esempio chi ha qualche nozione sulle macchine fotografiche digitali non considera certamente i megapixel dichiarati una caratteristica rilevante per effettuare una scelta!
Diciamo che la scelta deve prendere obbligatoriamente in considerazione quanto si ritiene importante: Tra i migliori in termini di design e materiali costruttivi.
Buon pomeriggio ragazzi, Vi ringrazio di tutte queste informazioni sempre aggiornata. Volevo cambiare telefono, attualmente ho un LG P, ma volevo passare ad un telefono migliore.
Potreste consigliermi uno smartphone con prestazioni diciamo elevate in tempi di risposta sia fotografica che non? Allora a me non interessa che sia per forza un cinafonino. Grazie per le informazioni.
Hai eventuali altri consigli su prodotti migliori a prezzo simile o comunque sotto i euro? Mi assicura tutto come buy o eventulamente dovrei mettermi in contatto con il rivenditore?
Lo smartphone andrebbe poi spedito la? Ed eventualmente, se si dovesse rompere, come posso fare per aggiustarlo? Inizialmente avevo pensato al Wiko Highway 4g pensato, poi ho notato il Lenovo a, che ne dite, potrebbe essere una buona opzione?
Ciao, avete informazioni su xiaomi mi 4 16 gb? Possiamo chiederti le dimensioni dello schermo che preferisci? Grazie a te che ci segui! E supportaci con un like alla pagina di FB se ti va.
Vorrei acquistare un cellulare dal sito myefox sempre se sia affidabile. Budget max euro grazie mille in anticipo.. Finora non avevamo mai avuto feedback negativi sullo store in questione.
Si, in questo ultimo periodo ne ho visti molti di commenti negativi, anche sulla pagina face. Oltre al fatto che i primi di ottobre ci sono stati giorni di festa in cui tutto era bloccato….
Grazie mille per la risposta molto esauriente. Bazzicavo tra le vostre pagine alla ricerca di un nuovo cellulare. Arrivo da un iphone 5 e devo dire che affacciarmi al mondo android mi lascia spaesato.
Immagino con batteria sostituibile. Riuscite a consigliarmi qualcosa? Diciamo che negli ultimi tempi gli smartphone cinesi hanno perso molti dei loro vantaggi competitivi. Come ho detto non ho un budget fisso di riferimento.
A breve dovrebbe uscire il Nexus 6, che potrebbe posizionarsi nella fascia di prezzo inferiore a euro, ma considera che ha uno schermo da 6 pollici. Per rispondere alla tua domanda, puoi optare per il Motorola Moto G Io ho sempre posseduto iphone 3GS, 4, 5 ma ho deciso di provare android con uno Xiaomi Mi4.
OnePlus One e un WindowsPhone non sono direttamente confrontabili, trattandosi di dispositivi completamente diversi. Il primo fa delle numerose opzioni di personalizzazione di un s.
Vi elenco le caratteristiche che ricerco con un budget di circa euro: Sopra i nexus 5 o lg g2, o samsung note 3 neo…tutti stesso prezzo a circa e ottimi terminali anche se un po differenti per pollici, in base a come lo vuoi.
La scelta tra Android e iOS dipende dalle tue preferenze personali e dal possesso o meno di altri dispositivi con lo stesso SO. Se non puoi superare i euro di budget, la scelta ricade su Oppo Find 7a di cui puoi leggere la nostra recensione completa o il Nexus 5, con cui puoi avere la sicurezza degli aggiornamenti futuri.
Purtroppo non abbiamo mai avuto modo di provare dispositivi Doogee. Di cloni ne abbiamo provati tanti ma raramente sono riusciti a soddisfare le aspettative iniziali.
Il modello che hai citato in particolare non abbiamo avuto modo di provarlo, se devi optare per un octa-core cinese in quella fascia di prezzo possiamo consigliarti il ThL WS.
Puoi leggere la recensione completa tra le nostre pagine! Con un budget di circa, quali sono le migliori alternative? In rete ho trovato questo video, http: Ciao Cianocentauro, riguardo alle emissioni SAR emesse dagli smartphone cinesi sicuramente bisogna tenere conto di moltissimi fattori.
Abbiamo scritto una guida a riguardo che ti linko qui di seguito: Attendo speranzoso ogni vostro gradito suggerimento ed opinione. Tra quelli che hai elencato abbiamo avuto modo di provare il OnePlus One e siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti, come puoi leggere nella recensione completa pubblicata sul nostro sito.
Ora siamo in attesa di provare anche il Mi4 anche se non abbiamo idea di quando riusciremo a testarlo. Aspettiamo quindi di provarlo per fare eventuali confronti con i modelli che hai citato Mi4 in primis.
Ad essere sinceri se dovessi prendere un dispositivo cinese TOP, anche non dual-SIM e con un budget fino a euro, punteremmo esclusivamente ad un modello: Puoi leggere la recensione completa sul nostro sito.
Grazie per la risposta ragazzi. Una cosa che ho dimenticato di dirvi e che desidererei avere un dual sim. Un ottimo compromesso tra dimensioni dello schermo, prestazioni e autonomia. Ciao dragonalfa volevo farti sapere che secondo me puoi provare a dare un occhiata allo zte nubia z7 mini snapp e caratteristiche top al prezzo di su top reseller.
CIAO cortesemente ma la batteria del oneplus on come si conporta? Hai adocchiato qualche alternativa al One Plus? Purtroppo ho scoperto solo adesso questa discussione, infatti proprio ieri ho ordinato un chinafablet.
Solitamente non consigliamo dispositivi che non abbiamo avuto modo di provare con mano e che non fanno parte di quella stretta cerchia di brand oggettivamente apprezzati. Sia octacore che snap dr.
Di miglioramenti ce ne sono stati molti ultimamente, ma resta ancora un gran divario con i dispositivi di alta fascia di brand tradizionali. Grazie per la risposta tempestiva molto piu della mia: Ciao Francesco, tieni solo conto che in generale il problema di alcuni brand rispetto a Meizu, Oppo, Xiaomi, ecc riguarda il supporto software e gli eventuali aggiornamenti software.
Ciao Simon, ci dispiace che reputi inutile la nostra guida. Buongiorno, sono molto indeciso tra zopo zp e Thl T, lo zopo ha il vantaggio di essere aggiornato ad android 4.
Buongiorno, complimenti per le recensioni ed il servizio che offrite. Sono pochi i modelli dual-SIM che supportano le reti 4G. Potreste gentilmente darmi un suggerimento? Ciao Ambra, che intendi per aggiornamenti automatici?
Del sistema operativo o delle applicazioni? Se hai qualche dubbio chiedi pure, puoi supportarci sui social? Scusate per il doppio disturbo. Buongiorno a tutti, avrei bisogno di un aiuto: Io provengo da un Samsung S3 ma vorrei cambiare e soprattutto vedere di avere un buon telefono ad un prezzo migliore..
Ciao Guido, In questo caso la tua domanda ha una risposta abbastanza semplice: JiaYu G4S che ha un display da 4. Grazie per la risposta immediata.. Non mi dispiacciono, anche per estetica, i telefoni Huawei: Diciamo che i Huawei con processore octa-core che trovi qui in Italia costicchiano sopra ai per cui vanno esclusi.
Grazie mille e scusate il disturbo. Ultima domanda su Cubot X6: So I'm looking to buy a Xiaomi mi5 this week. Just wondering which site is recommended in terms of quick shipping and decent warranty service?
ADSL User writes You may be interested in this deal for the Redmi Note Prime: I loved my Mi4c, but once I dropped it and cracked the screen I've had nothing but trouble.
Two replacement screens later and I still can't get it going. In a broader sense, I see this as a major problem with Chinadroids Inability of the local market to fix them. I notice they have also poached some Samsung execs to exapand into Nth America.
LeEco Le Max 2 5. LeEco Le 2 Pro 5. LeEco Le 2 5. LeEco formely LeTv seems to of announced 3 new cheapish well specced phones Hopefully they have improved the camera and software since the 1s. Yeah, I've never really seen or used one previously.
I remember you telling me about some of the camera issues with the previous model s. They are using the IMX 21Mp sensor like most others, but of course the ISP image signal processor and software also plays a part of the quality of images, and and that is generally where the Chinese manufactures haven't caught up to the Samsungs and Apples of the world.
I would of also changed the name of the company to something more globally popular LeTv and LeEco are still very Chinese, and they likely won't set the world on fire with that name change.
But I'm all for well specced phones at a decent price, although I noticed they've removed the IR for TV remote, which their previous models had dagnabbit. I have tiny hands and really wish they would release those spec'ed phones with 5" or lower screen: There are no major issues with rooting, but I don't think the custom ROM situation is good.
Getting a OnePlus One or Two would be better, but those two have poor cameras too. I was a little surprise that the base model wasn't a 5" version Not sure they needed two 5.
But have heard a few people mention the same thing. I use a Sony Bluetooth adapter with standard 3. I think Apple have been rumoured to be removing the 3. If true it could mean a slew of compatible Type-C iPhone headsets will be compatible in the future.
Getting harder to find the singular Chinese branded phones that are popular enough world wide to get ROM support. So many are coming out with good specs, that the userbase is being divided amongst them all.
The Mi5 will likely be popular that way, but between the price, availability and locked bootloader even that is not without issues. I couldn't agree more. The Redmi Note 3 was perfect for me hardware wise, apart from the capacitive buttons being the wrong way around, which I find annoying.
The thing that often ruins it with these Chindaroids is the UI or issues with apps. Thinking of the InFocus M for my dad. Doesn't need anything special and barely uses his phone so the battery is not a huge deal.
I think i read on a different article they come with usb-c to 3. But i might be misremembering. With the number of people who go jogging with phones etc, I can only imagine a lot of heartache with usb-c connections jiggling loose.
Maybe but wireless is generally a lot more expensive and then you've got another device with a battery. On some sites in the specs it says it has a removable battery, although it doesn't seem to be the case I haven't tried unscrewing them How do I tell?
Sorry, I'm not sure how to tell if it supports Band The battery life is good for my purposes, but I'm a very light user. I don't know how long it would last under heavy use. I keep it fully charged.
I looked at the specs on Vickmall. This is where I looked. Xiaomi mi max to be unveiled May But the Lenovo K3 was spoilt for choice, but finding others with that same large userbase is trickier now.
Looks like a good phone.. Not sure why its predecessor the Z1 wasn't very popular. For me it was simply the price of the Zuk Z1, the prices were around that of the Leather wrapped LG G4 with Headphones, only importing and support was less.
For a phone without a real warranty, no mhz and little 3rd party support, It is likely a bridge too far for me. I'm on the lookout for a new phone for my wife. Her Nexus 4 is having touchscreen issues parts of the screen unresponsive to touch, so I'm looking to replace it with a cheap and cheerful Chinese solution.
The only thing is, there is so many options and it's getting really confusing. For example, Xiaomi have quite a lot of different models. The Mi4 seems to be good with decent specs, but then there's the Note models which seems less well specced but cost more for some reason?
Then there's the issue of which phones work on which bands which is alos confusing she's currently with Telechoice, runs Telstra network but no 4G and throttled NextG. All she really needs is something with decent battery life, not too big, solid performance in the Nexus 4 ballpark would be good, Play store access and reliability to run apps.
If I need to do some tweaking to get things up and running like install a ROM or something, I can, but it would be good if there was a minimal of stuffing around and things just worked.
Is there one model that is a clear choice for the above requirements? Has 12 months Aussie warranty. I've had it for about 1 month so far and I'm very happy with it so far.
I have unlocked the bootloader but there are a few ROM's that don't need an unlocked bootloader and have root enabled. Id recommend the Xiaomi Mi4S or Mi5 if you can afford just that little bit more.
They look nice, but probably a bit more than I was willing to spend. The Mi4 looks OK, and decently specced. Again it gets confusing with the Mi4, 4i, 4c and 4s. The extra money for the 4s doesn't seemed justified by the relatively minor spec bump.
The Redmi is an interesting one. I think it'd suit her better given it's smaller size, but it seems a waste because it's lower specced for similar money. M8,just got the Umi Rome on Friday. Looks a lot like a Galaxy with great internals for the price.
But be careful as I didn't check frequency band and now have to change to Optus network. Previously with Telstra network. Luckily no biggy for me but so far a great phone.
I have had one of these for just over a week inFocus M It really is an amazing device for the dollars. Loaded with software and used constantly for a mix of browsing, watching youTube and playing HD videos it gives a life of between 6 and 8 hours!
Minuses The inFocus V5 launcher is absolute crap! Nova Launcher is a good choice to resurrect the lost usability. Both sim slots are 4G capable but NOT simultaneously! If you are using 4G for your data on one sim the other operates at 2G.
This is a serious bummer that is documented in the on-line brochure. You can switch the 4G radio to the other sim without opening the sim slot, however. For those looking to root the phone and install a custom ROM, just forget it!
The ROM is totally locked down. I have tried everything to root this thing. The external micro SD can be configured as the default write device so your camera and most other apps will put their content there.
In spite of the limitations I am seriously considering buying another for my partner. Truly an amazing device for the dollars! I have seen some russians and Taiwanese have rooted this phone.
Apparently there was even a marshmallow dev ROM from Infocus. Can someone recommend me a Chinese phone with THE best camera for the money you can get? I'm actually willing to sell my note 5 as I believe the functionality you can run with on other androids.
But I'm not willing to downgrade on cameras that much. I treasure being able to grab my phone and take a quick pic of my boys and have great quality pics. It doesn't support U for Telstra.
It's annoying how companies such as Zopo, Umi and Ulefone fail to include this band, as it immediately rules the phone out for Telstra customers. It's annoying how companies such as Zopo, Umi and Ulefone fail to include this band,.
Maybe because they are producing these phones for the China market and those bands aren't used. I know, but Xiaomi, OnePlus, LeEco and Lenovo among others include that band, and it doesn't cost them any more money.
I'm thinking the Mi4 looks the best choice for the price. Sure, it doesn't have latest Android, but it well specced for little money. I didn't realise that any Xiaomi phones had official CM support.
The Mi4 certainly does. Or does it still have to be done manually like a normal custom ROM? You just go into About Phone and set it to check manually or automatically and if automatically, you can choose how often you want to be notified of updates.
Since they're usually nightlies, I just check manually on my OnePlus One. It downloads the ROM in the background and then asks you to agree to apply the update. I am running it on my Mi3 which was also on the list for the first phones to get Android 6 my version number is 6.
So I assume it maintains apps, settings and data like a regular Android update? If so that's hella cool. However, that's just because I prefer supersu to superuser that CM includes by default in the developer menu, and because I have a custom DPI.
I just received the Infocus M yesterday. I am not sure of the difference but it looks as though it has multiple names for the same phone. The build quality is amazing for the price and the screen pops.
I purchased mine from gearbest and paid a few extra dollars for faster shipping. Took 5 business days to arrive which was pretty good. However according to the box and from what I have read around the M actually supports the following:.
This is really a jack of almost all signals phone. For the price and quality, there isn't too many other phones close. This is Gearbest's product comparison page for the M and M I picked up the mi5 from honorbuy.
Shipped in about 4 days. Works fine on Telstra and Optus dual sim but better on Telstra. Just out of curiosity because i have never used Android. Would this make the phone still useable in a couple of years if stuck on 5.
Or do apps require the latest version eventually? Eventually yes, but the couple of year time frame you are referring to will probably see you out. Minimum android versions required is highly subjective and is basically up to the developer of the app and the app requirements but as a rule anything from say android 4 or 4.
I honestly don't think there'll be any app issues, a lot of phones only ever see slight updates and rarely upgrades unless it is a flagship. The Google Play store recognises what android version you are on and will only show you the apps compatible with it.
Main concern to me would be a key-logger, as nothing else on the phone is sensitive, but key logging my Password Safe would be a real problem. I think the Mi Max gonna sell like hotcakes. Xiaomi spec it right and price it right.
One thing I found problem with this phone is that it couldn't pair Bluetooth with any of other devices. Car stereo, speakers, etc. I don't use bt much so it doesn't bother me.
What's best place to get a mi4s? I'm using the redmi note 3 mtk version ATM good phone looking for something abit newer: I'm interested in this phone — does the phone gearbest ship come without pre-installed malware?
Are there any other sellers people can recommend for this phone, preferably those that ship the phone with a malware-free ROM. Quick question for those that have a M or M — just wondering if this non connection to bluetooth — is this occurring in a lot of M and M phones or was timhn unlucky with that one.
Use translator in chrome. I try pair again to the car stereo again and got it working. Make me realise it could be some sort interferences when last time I tried — there were 3 phones in the car with bt on that time that could cause the problem with pairing.
Have had it on order for about 8 weeks. Sweet that's good news. It has been running great, no dramas at all. Hi complete newbie here, I have a Lenovo a which I like very much, however it won't pair with my new car due to it's out dated android version.
I would like a phone that has either a update able android or b android 5. It has to run on Telstra networks, nothing to big as I have little girlie hands lol and all the usual playstore, facebook etc.
There was an update that broke bluetooth but I heard it has been pulled so you won't have any issues with that. I know it comes with Marshmallow but not sure if it is on 5. My lenovo does everything I need well, unfortunately I can't upgrade it.
I don't think that will fit the bill, I was looking for something with similar specs or better than what I already have. I wouldn't know where to start with flashing and rooting and custom roms.
I did try asking at a few phone places if they could root my phone and they looked at me like I had pooed on their counter: More than happy to have it done if someone can point me in the right direction.
ZTE Axon 7 looks promising. Saw this last night. Very tempting with that price and specs. Hopefully the camera is up to scratch. Of course, I say that not having actually had a 6" phone yet, but my Oneplus One does feel a little small these days.
Yeah, as someone who's been holding out for the OnePlus 3, now that specs and features are firmed up, I'm a bit 'meh' about it. Then sure enough, last night I found the Axon 7 popping up on several news sites.
This was my fav to date in that someone has their hands on one - http: They're reserving judgement so far on stuff like battery life and a detailed review of the camera, but they're talking about the difference between 'very good' and 'excellent' as it's already clearing the full day of intensive use threshold.
You can get a G5 for that and be guaranteed of having the best camera on the market. It's in a different league to OnePlus and Asus. And yes, I have been looking at the Xiaomi Mi Max.
Just waiting for the 4gb ram one, and not metallic pink rose gold coloured. Just not sure about all these Chinese manufacturers pushing expensive flagships.. Presents a compelling case if you don't invest a lot of value in your phone's camera or 'good enough' will do.
Just want to warn anybody who's contemplating an Elephone P I bought one about a month back and returned it inside of 2wks. It was built well physically, but everytime i used i noticed something else that wasn't working.
I was desperately hanging out for a software update so that the camera was actually useable, really — it was that bad. Once it came it wiped out cellular data access. Nothing at all, all gone.
Don't even get me started about battery life Elephone were exactly zero help. Antelife where i got it from are incompetent and rarely respond to emails, and if they do it's somebody different from the previous response.
Paypal have surprisingly been no help whatsoever so i'll likely be out of pocket. A phone that you might like to look into is the Umi Super. It has very decent specs and comes with stock Marshmallow.
It's the only Umi phone I've seen that supports both 3G and I'm done experimenting with other Chinese brands. I've used Xiaomi before and that'll do me fine for a secondary device.
Huawei i'd be content if price wise they didn't miss the mark. Actually, the Umi Iron and Touch have received a lot of negative feedback online. Scratch my excitement for the Super.
Looks like a nice upgrade on the Touch which is still to hit distribution, so would be somewhat surprised if this makes its launch target. The original Nexus 5. It's not the best at anything, except just being awesome.
It's probably the first device i can think of for a very long time i hadn't wanted to get rid of for one reason or another. There are phones with better cameras, better batteries, better displays even, but it's better than the sum of it's parts and that's why i've had it for so long.
I had considered the Umi Touch orginally, but figured if that was an option then the RN3 was the safer bet. These lesser chinese brands seem content with churning out device after device. They should make half the product perhaps and spend three times as much time on software.
I got a OnePlus One in October. It's the only smartphone I've ever had, but holy damn am I impressed with how well it performs for such a small price. Listening to music doesn't drain the battery nearly as much as my old iPod R.
I went from a HTC oneX to the Xiaomi Mi3 am 2 weeks off using it for 2 years, would really like an Mi4s but can't seem to want to relegate it it to the cupboard yet. Why don't they spend zero on software just put on stock Android and spend a little more on the hardware product.
It's not that simple. Umi does that with its phones and there are bugs that need to be fixed. Every phone has different hardware which requires different drivers and optimisations. Could I get some thoughts on the Blackview bv http: Will it work with Telstra and Vodafone?
Will I be able to have play store on it. Recommendations of where to purchase would also be greatfully received. Finally heard from Antelife. Response was "yeah, we can't fix this But Vodafone is dropping 3G so 3G which is used regional will be used in suburbia as well I beleive this to be right.
The fun thing is, for 4G the mhz numbers aren't the whole story. For example, the oneplus one supports a certain type of mhz, but not the mhz used by telstra and optus which is Band 28 http: So I have decided to take the plunge on the Blackview bv, can anyone more experienced recommend some trustworthy sites to buy from.
I note that chinavision. Just responding to previous posts THL are another hassle-free Chinese brand. I've had two, and another three friends have had no problems with their models either oh hang on, the THL had a power button problem eventually?
Had it about 2 months now, no probs to speak of, nice fast good-looking phone, and 4G rocks. Calling it a 5. Full HD screen is nice though as is the bluelight filter — I use the phone outdoors at night a lot and it stops me searing my retinas.
And did I mention how fast 4G is? First thing I did was flash it with Marshmallow, root it and remove some of the bloat. Popped an Aldi sim in it and so far it's been performing brilliantly. Stays on 4G all the time.
Mate im waiting in mine, could you please list the steps or point to a website for downloads and instructions? Some steps are in http: Just use SUTL to flash it to your phone.
The zip has a beta SuperSU included. Extract it and put it on a microSD and put that in your phone before flashing. Install it from TWRP. We will see how that goes when it arrives.
Well, my Zopo speed 8 is on the way. Looking forward to it. Don't s'pose anyone on here has theirs already. The umi super, or the zopo speed 8? Or am I missing one completely?
I ordered it a couple of months ago on preorder for a lower price. I expect it here on Tuesday. I have to plug the phone to a notebook and use adb to boot to recovery. Took me a while to switch English.
All good so far with Marshmallow. Zopo Speed 8 has just arrived. About 15mm taller than my Zopo but very nice so far. Just have to do an update. It installed everything from my automatically.
Had the AliExpress order refused, waiting on Alipay to rview my appeal after submitting required docs. I have literally just got mine and the seal was broken on the box. The seal on mine was also broken.
I also assumed it was because they put in a power adapter for AUS. When do they expect it to ship? I bought it from www. Yeah I couldn't use AliExpress either so went with www.
Be careful with these guys — absolute crooks. Currently "dealing' with them now to get my money back on an Elephone P Sheez that is just so bleeding old for a new release tablet. Slightly confused, have flashed many a file before but most of the translations are hard to follow.
Do i have to flash TWRP before i flash a rom? Looks like it but where do i get it from? The xda links above links to another forum in italian? I've been hanging out ever since my Nexus S to be able to pay for stuff with my phone.
I'm not about to give up now that android pay is imminent in Australia. My bank is one of the few that doesn't have its own tap n pay app St George and when I tried Optus Pay my phone wasn't compatible it had a very short compatibility list.
Thanks mate, got the marshmallow downloaded just didnt know it had twrp there as well. Tried this but it shows an error, no idea why, installed all the required drivers as well.
I haven't been on the Forum for a while, so don't know whether the new start up Company Vernee and it's first phone the Vernee Thor has been discussed. I had one of these phones sent the next day after ordering.
So, the Vernee Thor is a 5" model, with Android 6 straight out of the box, a fingerprint scanner, gorilla glass screen with anti fingerprint coating, an excellent 13MP Samsung back camera — and just about every latest thing you could wish for.
Pity it doesn't have a notification LED, but most of us can live with that. For instance you could install a missed call and notification app that will provide a notification ring or sound.
This tiny Korean designed phone gets a Vodafone signal, even deep inside supermarkets or Malls Sydney. It never fails to send or receive voice or texts and runs on the GMS G2 networks. Note Telstra is closing their G2 at the end of the year.
Optus and Vodafone have made no similar claims. The received voice is loud and clear, and th microphone can even pick up a TV in the background. Neither party would feel this was other than a normal size phone.
The YouTube videos are all in Russian, sadly. It takes a few minutes to charge, and weighs only 35 grams, and has a 2 colour Oled screen, and has many of the functions an android phone has. You may think your phone is dead when it arrives, — there are no instructions.
But underneath in the second hole — to the right of the charger hole is a one time use master power switch not obvious and the purpose of the enclosed seem card tray pin there is no sim card tray is to activate that hidden switch.
The usual power switch is on the keyboard. It claims to be dual SIM. The left receptacle is for a TF memory card. The language on the screen is English. Even plays an opening and closing theme song.
The keyboard has back lighting. One think I've been very impressed with is the GPS. Surprisingly fast to lock with good accuracy. The only negative I have is that the camera photo quality is average, however this might be fixed with a different ROM.
Just came across a violent testing video for the Vernee Thor, and it seems indestructible, being dropped numerous times, cracking open walnuts and being run over by a car.
I'm aware I may need to downclock the CPU a little to keep temps good. I hear the x runs cool but so we'll see I noticed there are a few ROMs out for it which is good!
Is this the one dude? Everytime I look, I always go back to the redmi note 3 pro 3gb. For the money it looks fantastic along with the battery. The only negative is the kinda subpar camera.
Maybe it's because I have a note 5 who knows. But anyway, anyone got anymore suggestions before I pull the trigger? I'm in the same boat as you. I'm considering the Elephone P, but for that price I'd really prefer at least 64GB of internal storage.
J B L writes Has anyone considered the LeEco Le2? If you manage to find the Indian version, you get the Snapdragon instead of the Helio X The camera appears to be an improvement on the one included with the previous model.
I've got a P, and after the two latest updates, the phone is fantastic. My friend has P and the camera shutter is really slow. Shutter speed is OK. Not slow but not the fastest I've used either.
Photos are detailed, but a little under exposed. Only downside with the phone is it's loudspeaker. It's loud, but very tinny. That wouldn't bother me, as long as voice audio ie, listening to a caller on hands-free isn't going to be too nerve shattering 'tinny'.
Anything in particular about the P that impresses you or you feel they could have done better? I looked at the p and it's fairly impressive. You're all going to roll your eyes, but I keep going back to the redmi note 3 pro!
The reason is the battery. We're travelling nz at the moment and we went for a 1. Both of us didn't use GPS or hardly used our phones. We both are using local sim cards so no roaming. Either my phones needs a reset or I dont know.
I have a note 5. If the camera or flashing ROMs are important to you, give it a miss. I originally had the Redmi Note 3 MediaTek and the camera was acceptable. More recently, I had the Pro Snapdragon and despite it having more MPs, the camera was terrible for me.
I think it's a good phone if you like MIUI and don't plan to use the camera. If you can wait until August, you'll be able to grab the Asus ZenFone 3, which has a Snapdragon processor, beautiful build quality and band 28 MHz support.
I've been looking at 5. The Umi Super looked great until I visited the forums and found that the camera is appalling and people are experiencing GPS issues. It's so had to find something that ticks all the boxes.
The P is impressive simply because of its feature list. Only issues I have with the phone now is camera under exposes and the speaker is tinny. But it's loud and perfectly fine for loud speaker conversations.
Actual ear piece quality is great. If you can wait until August, you'll be able to grab the Asus ZenFone 3. When you run a Speedtest, what speeds are you getting with the new phone?
Haven't got the phone yet lad so I dunno! I'm the same but, as long as I can get enough to browse web pages, load fb etc i'm happy. From memory the Mhz 4G band is only for deep wall penetration assistance anyway.
That's the one brother! Will be keen to see what you think of it when you get it man. How are Bangood for delivery etc to Australia? The Vivo X7 is looking interesting with a Snapdragon However, it's been pointed out to me that all Vivo phones are ridiculously priced.
I thought it was only their flagships, but the X6 with an old MediaTek processor stills costs too much. For example in US dollars: Agree those Vivo prices appear crazy..
If it's not signiicantly cheaper than oneplus3 I can't see it selling. What I would love is a 5. Aside from the expensive OnePlus 3 and reasonably priced ZenFone 3 , there are very few options.
I'm not responsible for any of your purchases, please confirm specifications with seller etc etc that was just the first link that came up on ebay search.
Asus Zenfone 2 Not a bad find — albeit nearing 12 mths old, with a weird Intel chip and a reportedly bad camera Also the old Huawei Honor6. Xiaomi Mi 5 fits the bill: Sorry, but that's the best I could find.
I am waiting for RedMi Note3 to restock. It has been quite some time since it runs out of stocks. Just noticed this 5. Man I'm so much more excited to receive this phone now knowing that there is a super stable brand of custom CM being made for it.
Good old Snapdragon making it easy for developers: I've never ordered from them before but they seem okay so far. Order was shipped within 24 hours but I got typical Chinese store shipping service that says days and they provided a shipping number that doesn't work so you have to email them to get your shipping updates lol.
We both must say, it is the thinnest phone we have seen. Thinner seemingly than a Galaxy 7 and it looks great, more so than videos indicate. It is also very light, but the battery is amazingly long lasting.
It is very quick in everything it does, and has been playing complex games via WiFi without the WiFi dropping out, and it did not at any time heat up. The phone didn't miss a beat on the most complex of games.
There are screenfulls of ring tones, most I had never come across on any of the Chinese phones I have had. Nice and comfortable to hold, the gorilla glass screen has a protective coating designed to resist fingerprint smears.
As you know it has an excellent 13MP camera which takes great photos and videos, with stabilisation, — but isn't good for night photography. The fingerprint scanner hasn't been set up yet, but we expect it will be efficient, as entries will be made for "three persons" using the same finger, rolled around not just dabbed as on videos.
That is how I improved the performance of my Doogee F5. The only shortcomings of this phone, is, no notification LED, and a speaker which though loud, is not bassy, but otherwise quite OK.
Is the HTC 10 one of my only options at the moment? I was running Exodus on my Oneplus One for a while. Was pretty good, so you should be happy with it. I switched to Sultan's CM for it's promised better battery life, which never originated although maybe the battery is wearing out at the same rate the rom changes gave me better efficiency Well i had it, sold it within 2 days, still keep going back to the LG G2, best phone you can buy for the money and awesome rom support!
This article about cheap phones is interesting. It probably makes sense to stick with last year's flagships. The THL's didn't have 4G at the time, nearly 12 months ago. These have been fantastic, and never missed a beat.
We really put them through their paces. We are with Boost, but looking to going to Aldi. Worst phones we've ever had. I guess with the Chinese phones, you get to own a phone that works great for basic everyday tasks and most have dual SIM ability as well.
The more expensive ones tend to have better after sales support, software updates, and better camera. Even though the price is usually 5 or more times more expensive then cheapo Chinese Not including Huawei Oppo etc expensive Chinese, you still can't get the things mentioned even if you buy 5 cheapos.
Plus the Chinese phones can never have full support for the networks here excluding Taiwanese owned brands like Infocus. Which is why I'll continue using an expensive phone as my main phone, with a cheapo phone as backup.
I was looking at this UMI Super 5. I wouldn't find no AU plug a problem, is delivery the standard free one or are you spending more for expediated shipping. Visit the Umi forum first.
The camera is appalling and there are GPS issues. Then you're left with an expensive paper weight. Damn shame as it otherwise looked like a great phone ex NFC. Poor GPS is back to Mediatek dark old days.
That's got better specs and it having the Snapdragon processor means it'll likely have custom ROMs available. The hardware is good on their phones but the interface is terrible.
Unlike with Xiaomi phones, you'll have no issue with unlocking the bootloader. Umi is excellent with its online marketing, however it has a shocking reputation.
It really looked like a great midrange offering on paper. I'm started to lean towards the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro. It's a great phone, apart from the camera. The camera is very poor. Also, MIUI is an acquired taste.
However, it is fast, has an excellent screen, and the battery is amazing. Yeah, I had the Le 1. The build quality was amazing. I really didn't like the interface and the camera produced washed out pics.
I think the camera is better on other models though. Cool, I'm confused as to size on the Pro. I did some extensive browsing before buying my new Chinadroid and decided to go with this.
There are a plethora of Custom ROMs available. Nexus ports, CM This is the phone to get at the moment guys. My Xiaomi Mi5 arrived last night ordered on Tuesday. Can't believe how fast it is was previously using an iphone 6.
Everything is just quick and the build quality is great as is MiUI. Really surprised that no one is mentioning the Elephone P It has NFC Wireless and quick charge, small bezels, fantastic display and battery life.
Initial issues with WiFi and camera have been ironed out through constant updates I actually sold my S7 Edge and use the Elephone as my daily. The S7 was nice don't get me wrong, but the P does the job very well.
Don't have any issues using it day to day. GPS works great as well. Worst case scenario just install Google Now launcher and you've got yourself a pure Android device. Never had an issue with them and the postage is a bit faster.
Just need a cheap backup 'phone', mainly for internet browsing, music gym, and to pop a local SIM card into when traveling overseas. Another good shop is Tomtop. Choose DHL shipping they ship really quick.
Ordered from Hong Kong Dreami on Aliexpress. Risked Aliexpress as cashrewards has 7. Phone works perfectly and is stupidly fast. Came with the global dev rom installed and all Google apps.
There is a reason the Mi5 is the most popular phone in China so it cant be all bad in fact so far it is by far the best phone I have owned. I'm glad things are improving with your P I'd be happier going with a MediaTek processor if it was at least the X20, but it's a massive bonus that it comes with stock Android.
The P10 is surprisingly quick. I don't feel any noticeable performance difference between the P and say the Snapdragon Feels faster than the There has been another update released that I haven't installed yet, not sure if that's improved it more.
Zuk Z2 and Zuk Z2 Pro added to etotalk. Descriptions appear the same despite the large price difference. How long does it normally take Bang Good to dispatch an order? Do they use DHL? I need a seller that ships promptly if I'm going to continue experimenting with cheap phones.
I've only ever bought cheap stuff with free shipping from them. I like banggood's honesty. The One-Armed Man writes My Cubot Nore S arrived yesterday after ordering a month ago from Everbuying.
So far an excellent phone with great screen. Nice clear soft plastic phone case came with the phone also. Have bought a number of things and generally get deliries within the week of purchasing them, when shipping with DHL.
Doesn't get any better than that from China. As I liked the Vernee Thor's thinness, and the comfort of it in the hand, and that it is virtually indestructible, I bought another, for myself. I could easily have bought a UMI Touch etc, but did not want the weight of a brick in my shirt pocket.
All the medium price range phones, especially those of 5. My recently bought Doogee F5 weighs grams, and to me seems heavy, and at 5. Now some of the recent phones weigh grams.
Such weight takes the pleasure out of using a phone. In this case from Gearbest again. Ive used quite a few Chinese android phones so far and ive had no problems in terms of cellular connectivity.
That being said you need to be informed and do your own research when it comes to these phone as the Frequency bands are not consistent on them. I decided to get it to use as a backup phone, until I decide on a more expensive workhorse phone.
However the OP3 is quite expensive in relation to most other Chinese smartphones. So what you guys think between my choices? One must be conscious that when you pre-order a new release phone, — it is likely the phone will be released without some of the promised features, e.
Also some phone reviews suggest that some phones operating on Android 5. But it might not happen. So, be careful before committing your dollars to a phone without there being some reviews of it on YouTube and noting it does have the features you want.
Have you considered the Le 1 Pro? The default interface is pretty poor. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find reputable sites that review either versions including the camera.
I bought an Lenovo KT from China. More trouble than the saving was worth. But all of them gold or some other fancy finish. I just want the grey. But I suspect they don't make it in the 4gb version?
Happy to only have 64gb storage. Ordered an Android Box on Friday afternoon - arrived Monday morning! I can also vouch for Hong Kong Dreami on Aliexpress. Ordered on Tuesday last week and phone delivered on Thursday.
Good seller and communication. I may be incorrect about this, but I think 4gb ram is only available on the top priced gb sd version and 64gb versions only have 3gb ram. Grey in all versions seems to be out of stock everywhere at present.
Hi all, I bought a new Mi4 from a local place here in Adelaide last week but have since received another phone from work so I'm wanting to sell the Mi4. I have a question though, the phone has Google Play store installed so I believe the place that sold it to me made changes to the phone and did this themselves.
I'm fine with this as I would've tried to do it anyway, but now I'm wondering if I factory reset the phone in order to sell it, will it revert back to the Chinese 'version' of the phone and lose Google play etc?
It might revert back to Chinese as the default language but that's the first option to set on a new phone, so shouldn't be too hard to navigate. Google Play is installed at a system level which is untouchable by Factory Reset, so it wont lose that.
The LeEco Le2 has been available for a little while. The X20 is very powerful.
14.02.2018 Meztimi :
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