YAESU FT-270R Operating Manual 10
Madeleine is usually just described as the SBF banjo specialist alpha chapter. But ZenPhone 3 only supports dual standby.
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For other Android questions or problems, please check Android page. I have considered the structure of all volant animals, and find the folding continuity of the bat's wings most easily accommodated to the human form. Most of the other names are boring, though. One plus one mobile price in india and features Entertainment Television a cable networkwas renewed for a second season to air in early This isn't as rotten as it sounds. Hope it happens soonHope you are doing well.
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Any idea what it can do? There are never enough different cases, so the dative case is usually used in a variety of ways. Anyway, when Zenfone2 was released, voLTE was disabled. For other Android questions or problems, please check Android page. There's a link from UBserved by someone at Buff' State it's intentionally made confusing for out-of-towners. His wings, which were of no use in the air, sustained him in the water, and the prince drew him to land, half dead with terrour and vexation. DB Degree of Branching.
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08.02.2018 - This is a choice of implementation to guarantee the voice quality. Mark also has a last name, but I tend not to give those in this glossary. The misheard lyrics at the beginning of this entry are examples of mondegreens. What about the Samsung galaxy a8 ? This is the best explanation I have seen on the web yet so thank you. Except that it's practically a baby-C-like calculator programming language.
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24.03.2018 - This is the best explanation I have seen on the web yet so thank you. This - manie word was apparently constructed on the pattern of the earlier potichomanie borrowed as potichomaniaq. Implanted in your chest, typically, with wires running subcutaneously along the side of the neck and up to the brain. But you knew that.
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LG v30 should be better based on rumors. But very likely, there is no wireless charging as well because of its metal back. Anyway, there are no perfect phones. If you need it now, get what you can get now.
There will be always a better one once you get one. I have a LG G3 dual sim with sim 2 card for gsm only. The google contacts can be linked to either of the sim cards. This allows me to use the work sim for work contacts.
Do you know if this function can be transferred to other dual sim phones or do I have to wait for a new LG dual sim phone with 3G at least on sim 2? Does such a phone exist?
Google contacts are always available for both SIM cards. Actually, it is the dialer app Phone and SMS messages app access contacts. SIM card itself is not involved directly.
Simon, that was actually still is an amazing article! Thank you for all this information and the kindness to answer every single question. I have been researching for dual active — dual 4G technology for days and my conclusion is that only Asus ZenFone some of them are suitable for real dual active 4G.
But it seems to be only dual stand by but both slots are for 4G cards. If someone needs a smartphone to put a sim with unlimited data and another sim for call and text, then this would be the most suitable choice in the market.
It is difficult to find something more about Huawei Mate Series there are no dual models in Greece and about Huawei Honor 6 or 7. If someone knows, I would appreciate any info. The 2G modem is cheaper with lower licensing fees.
Although the price difference is less than a few dollars, all vendors choose 2G modem for the second SIM slot. But it seems there are no technical issues now. Unfortunately, dual active dual SIM Android phones are almost extinguished.
ASUS Zenfone2 has several variations. It is hard to say about Huawei phones because they have so many variants of the same model in different regions. And even some of their distributors are not fully aware of the details.
Anyway, the best choice value for money is probably the dual standby and dual 4G phones. Most of these phones allow you to set both SIM cards reachable at all times through call forwarding and call waiting as explained in this page.
It definitely was active dual. That was the main reason I bought it. I have an old Samsung gt-s I believe that it is dual sim active, not passive, and I have recieved calls on one line, whilst talking on the other.
In almost all regions, Galaxy S Duo is dual standby only, not dual active. If this is on, call diverting and call waiting will be enabled automatically. You cannot disable it.
Thanks for the excellent article. My Zenfone 2 recently packed in so I was in the market for a new active dual sim phone. I saw mixed reports that the Huawei Mate 8 had active dual sim.
I can confirm that the phone is in fact active dual sim as I can receive calls from both cards at the same time. Not sure if this functionality is limited to just the Chinese model or not.
But the only difference on paper between this and the international variant is the RAM and storage options. Yes, some Mate 8 phones are dual active but not all.
But Mate 9 is almost all dual standby only. Huawei often uses different configurations in different regions. Sometimes, even some distributors are not aware of the actual configuration. This is why we cannot recommend it.
My situation is that I redirect internet landline number to European mobile number and I text back from the European mobile number. I use iPhone as I am used to it. Therefore, U can even not call back.
I would redirect European internet landline directly to local SEA mobile number, European mobile number redirect permanently to European internet number as long as I am in SEA, I assume this would be the cheapest option.
The European mobile number would not receive any calls but receive and send text messages and I would also use WhatsApp from that number using WiFi mobile data roaming switched off. In your opinion, does that make sense and if yes, which handset to you recommend.
If not, do you have a better solution? When you set up redirecting, you can set redirect unconditionally without waiting for unreachable or unanswered response to. This is the only part under your control.
I am not sure what internet landline you are referring to. You can forward multiple numbers to your SEA number. Some carriers may only work with one-step call forwarding.
Most VoIP providers cannot pass you the original number when forwarding calls because the call is actually relayed to you. The number you see in the phone is the last point number usually local number to save cost and improve call quality.
This is different from roaming. Hi Simon, correct me if I am wrong but oneplus 5 should be dual active Android phone, at least phone specifications are claiming that, am I I right?
There are no flagship phones in e. All are dual standby only if they support 2 SIM cards. Each SIM card uses its own receiver? Is this a Dual Sim Dual Active smartphone? I think the support probably is not aware of the difference between dual active and dual standby.
Hello Simon Great article, good job. Where is 2G network not available anymore? I live in UK and would like to use main sim card from English carrier and second sim card from other EU country.
Of course would like to have dual sim active at all time. Is there is Volte available at the O2 network in UK? In UK, only Three does not offer 2G. O2 and EE both offer 2G in most regions.
Vodafone also has an extensive 2G network. You need to check with individual carrier you want to use. Overall, Europe is very slow in phasing out 2G. Hello Simon Thanks for your excellent job.
Phone cameras are very important for me. I found that the best camera is in iphone X and second is Galaxy note 8. Which BT dual sim are more stable and reliable?
There are two different things. External dual sim adapter through Bluetooth, or lightning port actually is a separate standalone phone with its own modem usually cheap one. Then pairing to iPhone or other phones so that you handle all calls and messages through your iPhone.
In iOS, the protection for such interference is slightly better. Anyway, I would not recommend any external SIM adapter because it depends on the apps you are using and many other factors.
Dual SIM in Note 8 will not suffer from such issues. But it is not a dual active phone. All dual SIM Android phones released in last 2 years from major vendors are dual standby only.
In the above link, there is a note saying: The other SIM card will have to connect to 2G network. We will correct this page. If you look at this link: Hi Simon, brilliant article and incredibly informative.
I was wondering, however, if there is any information on the technicalities of dual SIM active phones such as the software modifications and how Android OS deals with both SIMs being active?
There are no modifications in Android for dual SIM phones. Before that, yes, the vendor has modify the code. Android is a multitasking OS actually using Linux kernel. Two modems as in dual active phones can be handled independently.
There are just two components for Android. You can imagine one is the touchpad and the other is mouse in your notebook. Of course, in the real implementation, some coordination is added.
Also some software stacks may only allow one instance. How about the Ulefone Armour? I understand it is dual sim; does anyone here have any experience with that phone?
Huawei just launched a new model Mate 10 recently. There is a function switch on Dual 4G mode. Any idea what it can do? In some regions, 2G network has been phased out.
So a lot of new dual SIM phones are dual 4G already. So is the mate 10 dual active or standby? LG is not popular here. Anyway, this depends on your region and carrier.
It is still the non-exhaustive list. Thanks for great article. For example, can I use phone book from account conected to sim card 1 with viber account on sim 2? First, only some Samsung phones allow you to have two copies of the apps therefore two accounts for WhatsApp or Viber using secure folder.
There is only one contacts app on one phone. All contacts can be accessed there. Most other phones only allow one copy of an app. Anyway, accessing contacts is not an issue.
But you need to run two copies of the app. Current only Samsung offers this in some of their phones. You may check secure folder guide here http: Hi I am looking at the galaxy note 8 duos.
Do you know if it works under the following scenario,. So, dual standby Android phones may work like dual active phones when you are engaged a voice call through voLTE. You can enable dual sim always on.
Please refer to this guide http: I did not encounter any problems with i. The second issue is that second sim works only as 2G. Yes, it is probably dual active for the Chinese market.
But for models in the international market, it is dual standby only, as I know. It is a bad idea to use Chinese models in other regions. We do not talk much about Huaiwei because it is hard to track their products.
For example, for P9 plus, the phone released in China is substantially different from that released in other markets in hardware components and firmware we are not talking about software because Google is blocked in China.
Even in US market and UK market, they are different. Those differences have nothing to do with regulatory requirements and bands and frequencies which are addressed in software.
Even in the same market, different batches may use some different components. For Huaiwei phones some are pretty good, anything not mentioned can vary in different markets and different batches.
Thank you for this article.. My question is what aboutnow by December,,, are there any new released reliable dual active smart phones with good quality? No, the trend is dual standby because major chip makers now offer this feature in most of their chips.
There is no incentive for manufacturers to add dual active. Hi, hopefully you can help. My US card worked ok with e-mail, texting but the phone calls kept on dropping or having a lousy recption.
At the TIM store they told me that it was the phone. My personal situation is that I have two phones with one sim card in each of them. Thank you very much in advance. There are NO good dual active Android phones any more.
All usable dual active Android phones were released a few years ago. With dual standby phones, you can also make both SIM cards available as explained in this page https: Anyway, dual standby phones use one modem only.
You will notice the limitations when you are engaged in a call. I have a business phone and a personal phone. I have tried at least 4 different dual phones and always returned them because my goal was to use both lines to make and receive calls and most importantly send and receive text messages on both lines.
Is it even possible? The main problem for dual standby phones is that you may miss the calls for the other sim when you are talking on one SIM. If both sim cards are from local carriers, you can enable call forwarding and call waiting to make sure you will not miss any calls.
For this, you may refer to this guide https: Anyway, for business users, I would still recommands two phones if your must make sure are ready for any calls. Hi, thanks for the info. I need a dual call phone for work.
Can you tell mefor sure if they are dual call? It depends on the regions. In most regions, they are dual standby and your can use two sim cards. In a few regions, they only have one sim card slot. You need too check it with local dealer.
Do u know if they are active Sim or not. European network non carrier phone is what im after. What about the Samsung galaxy a8 ? I read somewhere that it has an active dual sim.
Dual SIM dual active has been a dream for the past 3 years for me. The new qualicom, mediatec etc chips technically can all support dual active, but for one reason or another the manufacturers dont make phones that way.
To me it seams only logical that two Sims would have the same capability. This is the best explanation I have seen on the web yet so thank you. You may have to try some dual SIM dual standby phones.
You can make both SIM cards available as explained in this guide. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of new posts by email. Thank you for the info. We will correct the page. No, they are all dual active only for the dual sim versions.
The Mate 8 is dual Sim active, the Mate 9 is standby. But as I know, both Mate 9 and Mate 8 only use one modem. So check the phone specs. And SMS usually is not an issue.
Yes, it will be 4G. If 4G is not available, it will fail over to 3G. Mark refreshed my memory: I'd like to hear their funky heavy metal sound. I had also misremembered the ad catch-phrase.
But those were my big-hair days, a dab wouldn't've done me, and I wouldn't've wanted what it would've done me. Just one other comment: The place where most laboratory ultra-high pressure work is done.
Two diamond faces separated by a thin gasket in the shape of an annulus. The item to be pressurized is in fluid in the cell. When the diamond faces are pressed together, the gasket is deformed outward somewhat.
The radial force on the gasket is only the cell pressure times the area of its vertical inner surface, whereas the normal force is the same pressure exerted by a diamond face times its surface area.
In other words, the gasket holds so long as the diamond-metal coefficient of friction is about greater than the ratio of the gasket's thickness to its width difference of inner and outer radii -- easily done.
DAC's are used mostly in spectroscopic studies: Electronic transport studies, on the other hand, are rare or unknown, because of the difficulty in putting leads through the gasket.
Network switching equipment for T1 lines and their subchannels. Dachshund A badger hound. Here's what I thought was a nonstandard mnemonic: Still, it's probably not the best way to learn.
Here's an attractive one-webpage introduction to dactylic hexameter. I've seen this used apparently unselfconsciously. Dad Informal or familiar expression for father. Craning my neck constantly was too tiring, so mainly I watched what passed my father at knee level.
One time I noticed that he was not wearing his usual shoes with laces, but something entirely different, smooth shoes with no laces. His spats, which he always wore, were gone, too.
My father was walking a dozen steps behind. This must have been an unusually unpleasant experience, for me to remember it so well. I imagine this sort of thing must happen a lot, particularly to men.
Men's clothing doesn't exhibit much variation at knee level. Many times, standing in a store aisle, I've felt the hand of a small stranger grab a piece of my pants leg. Off Grape Road there's a guitar store called Hoosierdad's.
But puns don't really age so well. I haven't used it, but it's evidently a spreadsheet program with Matlab functionality. This might be attractive even, or perhaps especially, if you despise Matlab.
A tree-structured machine intended for rule-based intelligent programs written in Parallel Lisp, say. Much-faster-than-real-time speech recognition a target application.
Seems like a half-hearted XARA. A former policy of the US military. The military's policy on homosexuality used to be that homosexual activity was forbidden. Daedalus The first artificer or inventor, a sculptor of Greek mythology.
Imprisoned on the island of King Minos, he made wings so he and his son Icarus could escape. Icky didn't make it: But you knew that. D also killed a nephew who was apprenticed to him tricked him into diving off a cliff out of jealousy of the boy's inventiveness.
The boy invented the comb, or saw, or the compass [the drafting tool] or whatever. There are multiple versions of all the stories -- like Hollywood remakes. But I can't recall anyone ever getting credit for inventing the bag.
If I were a young male relative of Daedalus, I think I would have a very rational fear of heights. Maybe they should have called him Deadalus. The title of a journal published by the AAAS, but you knew that too.
The family name of the hero of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, a Bildungsroman that James Joyce published when he was a little past Stephen Dedalus oh yeah, it's a different spelling is the artist, Simon is his dad.
On June 16, , Stephen finds a surrogate father figure in Leopold Bloom, but that's another story Ulysses, published in Of course, you knew all that as well. Let's face it, you're an irritating know-it-all and nobody likes you.
But since this glossary is one-way, meaning I don't have to read your definitions, I have the patience of a saint, so I'm going to go on and tie all these loose threads together. A young man wants to escape Consider Rasselas, a novel by Samuel Johnson and name of the novel's principal character.
The Prince of Abissinia. The novel is a Bildungsroman after the fashion of Voltaire's Candide. Rasselas is the fourth son of the king of what we now spell Abyssinia and call Ethiopia.
He's twenty-six years old and dissatisfied with life in Happy Valley, where he and the other royal children are imprisoned but live in material luxury. When this glossary has a Pleasant Valley entry, you'll be the first to know, I promise.
Rasselas escapes and seeks the secret of happiness. Where Candide eventually concludes that one must become a gardener, Rasselas eventually realizes that one Look, this is rough, okay? I'm just putting this stuff in as context for a little excerpt.
Quotation style, spelling, etc. Paragraph breaks are also as in the original, with the following exception: This has been done to confuse and irritate you personally. Also, I've reduced the font size of one slower-moving bit, so it'll be harder to read and you'll have to spend extra time reading it.
Chapter VI A dissertation on the art of flying. Among the artists that had been allured into the happy valley, to labour for the accommodation and pleasure of its inhabitants, was a man eminent for his knowledge of the mechanick powers, who had contrived many engines both of use and recreation.
By a wheel, which the stream turned, he [ Yadda, yadda, yadda. He invented indoor plumbing, evaporative cooling, and a sound system powered by renewable energy. He erected a pavillion in the garden, around which he kept the air always cool by artificial showers.
One of the groves, appropriated to the ladies, was ventilated by fans, to which the rivulet that run through it gave a constant motion; and instruments of soft musick were placed at proper distances, of which some played by the impulse of the wind, and some by the power of the stream.
This artist was sometimes visited by Rasselas, who was pleased with every kind of knowledge, imagining that the time would come when all his acquisitions should be of use to him in the open world.
He came one day to amuse himself in his usual manner, and found the master busy in building a sailing chariot: The workman was pleased to find himself so much regarded by the prince, and resolved to gain yet higher honours.
I have been long of opinion, that, instead of the tardy conveyance of ships and chariots, man might use the swifter migration of wings; that the fields of air are open to knowledge, and that only ignorance and idleness need crawl upon the ground.
Every animal has his element assigned him; the birds have the air, and man and beasts the earth. He that can swim needs not despair to fly: We are only to proportion our power of resistance to the different density of the matter through which we are to pass.
You will be necessarily upborn by the air, if you can renew any impulse upon it, faster than the air can recede from the pressure. Very yrast, no doubt. How must it amuse the pendent spectator to see the moving scene of land and ocean, cities and desarts!
Can you believe that this same Samuel Johnson was the author of a famous dictionary? How easily shall we then trace the Nile through all his passage; pass over to distant regions, and examine the face of nature from one extremity of the earth to the other!
I have been told, that respiration is difficult upon lofty mountains, yet from these precipices, though so high as to produce great tenuity of the air, it is very easy to fall: I have considered the structure of all volant animals, and find the folding continuity of the bat's wings most easily accommodated to the human form.
Upon this model I shall begin my task to morrow, and in a year expect to tower into the air beyond the malice or pursuit of man. But I will work only on this condition, that the art shall not be divulged, and that you shall not require me to make wings for any but ourselves.
All skill ought to be exerted for universal good; every man has owed much to others, and ought to repay the kindness that he has received. But what would be the security of the good, if the bad could at pleasure invade them from the sky?
Against an army sailing through the clouds neither walls, nor mountains, nor seas, could afford any security. A flight of northern savages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irresistible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that was rolling under them.
Even this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happiness, might be violated by the sudden descent of some of the naked nations that swarm on the coast of the southern sea.
He visited the work from time to time, observed its progress, and remarked the ingenious contrivances to facilitate motion, and unite levity with strength.
The artist was every day more certain that he should leave vultures and eagles behind him, and the contagion of his confidence seized upon the prince. In a year the wings were finished, and, on a morning appointed, the maker appeared furnished for flight on a little promontory: His wings, which were of no use in the air, sustained him in the water, and the prince drew him to land, half dead with terrour and vexation.
Rasselas doesn't get out until chapter His favorite sister, Princess Nekayah, comes along. They spend 33 chapters searching for the secret of happiness. The princess thought, that of all sublunary things, knowledge was the best: She desired first to learn all sciences, and then purposed to found a college of learned women, in which she would preside, that, by conversing with the old, and educating the young, she might divide her time between the acquisition and communication of wisdom, and raise up for the next age models of prudence, and patterns of piety.
The prince desired a little kingdom, in which he might administer justice in his own person, and see all the parts of government with his own eyes; but he could never fix the limits of his dominion, and was always adding to the number of his subjects.
DaF Deutsch a ls F remdesprache. German salaried-staff union, with thousand members in thousand female. The second-largest union outside the DGB, q. Sometimes whole villages were leveled, sometimes all adult males were murdered, etc.
In the village of Distomo in Boeotia in June, civilian inhabitants, including women and children, were murdered. Since WWII there have been a number of conventions and treaties to settle German reparations for wartime murders, thefts, enslavement, etc.
One that eventually covered the massacre at Distomo delayed settlement until the then apparently distant time when Germany was reunited. That's according to one interpretation of the relevant treaties; the German government has a different interpretation, and believes that the Distomo claims were ettled by another, omnibus agreement.
Germany was reunited the year after the Berlin Wall fell, in September About relatives of the Distomo massacre victims subsequently brought a civil suit against the Federal Republic for punitive damages.
The Greek government did not participate in the action, and was evidently chagrined about its effect on relations with the most powerful fellow member of the EU.
The suit in the German court was dismissed, and the plaintiffs brought their grievance to a Greek trial court, which found for them in The decision was appealed, but upheld by Greece's Supreme Court in April Three German assets in Athens were targeted: The latter two buildings were impounded in September, just before I wrote this entry, to be auctioned later in the month.
At the time, I wrote that I'd try to remember to get back to this entry after September 19, when there would be new developments. I guess I must have been distracted by other news.
Anyway, before the auction could take place it was ruled that an auction of foreign assets would require Foreign Ministry approval, which the FM did not give and apparently could not be compelled to give.
The dispute has dragged on in subsequent years, mostly in Greek courts, with new suits continuing to be filed by survivors from other villages where atrocities were committed. There's a DAI in Rome as well: You know, under previous Argentine constitutions, the president had to be Roman Catholic see article 74 of the constitution.
The Jewish population is still in estimated at a quarter million. The population of Argentina is about 38 million, of whom about 14 million live in the province of Buenos Aires, where most of Jewish population is concentrated.
This was attributed in large part to loyalty of Italian immigrants to their country of origin, and there was indeed a change in sympathies when Italy surrendered and became a partly German-occupied battleground.
At one point during the war, my father worked as a radioman on a merchant ship that was going between the port of Buenos Aires and South Africa. Instead of heading directly out into the Atlantic after leaving the Plata, they hugged the coast northward for a while.
The motive was to not leave territorial waters too close to where Axis-sympathizing ham radio operators might report their departure to German naval vessels. After Adolf Eichmann was abducted by the Israeli Mossad in, it was revealed that he had lived in Argentina under the false name of Ricardo Klement.
Ricardo Klenent had at one time been a laborer in a factory where my father was a manager. That had little directly to do with my family's decision to emigrate to the US, which we did early in Joe Shuster, the original illustrator, recalled this in an interview with the Toronto Star for the newspaper's centenary in We needed a name, and I spontaneously remembered the Toronto Star.
So that's the way I lettered it. I decided to do it that way on the spur of the moment, because The Star was such a great influence on my life. Shuster's dad used to read him the comics in the Star when he was a little boy, and at age 9 Joe sold the Star on the streets of downtown Toronto.
The family moved to Cleveland when he was No, they didn't leave him behind. The Superman strip debuted in Until that point, in other words, they were using the real name of a real newspaper.
The strip was quickly in national syndication, and in some editor in New York demanded a name change from Star, and that's when it became The Daily Planet. In the books, the name was used from Action Comics 4 onwards.
Dockland Arrivals Information SYstem. Real-time train information for Docklands Light Railway, Ltd. Look, it's very simple: Similarly, someone from Dalmatia is Dalmatian.
Same thing with spotted dogs. In fact, someone from Dalmatia is also Croatian because Dalmatia is the coastal region of Croatia. But remember the take-home: Dalmatians are a dog breed that takes its name from Dalmatia and not from some bogus Latin dalmatio, - ionis.
Get it right or I'm going to have to start shooting down a hundred and one movie marquees. Dementites, on the other hand, I'm not sure I can believe. Of course, what's really hard to believe is that the show is still on the air and on satellite radio, etc.
By now Demento must be a geriatric pediatrician. Dalmatians are Croatians the same way Texans are Americans -- legally the same nationality, but with an identifiable regional identity. I've got before me a book by Robert St.
It's about Yugoslavia shortly after WWII, and it makes the break-up of Yugoslavia seem less surprising, if you were surprised. Then again, if you were surprised then lack of information might not be your problem.
It's off to the left. The mouse is on the right, etc. The reason it's intriguing is It's intriguing because of the coincidence of Silent and Johnston.
William Johnston wrote a book entitled Silent Music: The Science of Meditation New York: My impression is that this term is popular primarily among by biochemists and polymer chemists, so atomic masses given in daltons are usually 10 5 and up.
These critters use DRAM memory chips for digitized voice storage. Because a small amount of error is acceptable and probably imperceptible to the human ear, defective DRAM chips can be used in this application.
The title is either a lot cleverer than that, or stupid. I guess the latter, so I'm happy to report that sales have been disappointing. How could I have been so ignorant!?
Normally this would be a limited release. And if you think three so far is the record for most self-titled albums, you don't know Diddley. Countability is a grammatical distinction, and is to some degree arbitrary.
The assessment is carried out by an external Certification Body which will check that each member of [a dental laboratory's] staff complies with process checks throughout the manufacturing procedure.
All DAMAS laboratories institute a quality policy, undertaking management reviews and internal audits to verify that the systems in place are working correctly. A pun is possible if jugar is part of the object: Originally a North American Standard, is probably still the most widely implemented cell phone standard in the world.
We don't have a very thorough coverage of Colombian governmental organizations acronyms, but I figured this one merited inclusion. A disciple of Virgilio. Spit when you say that!
The genus includes among its species the Spurge Laurel. In classical mythology, Daphne was the name of a nymph who was metamorphosed into a Bay tree. The Bay tree, or Bay laurel Laurus nobilis used to be the main plant referred to by the word laurel, but over time the word's meaning was extended to include many plants that happen to have similar leaves.
Let this be a lesson to you: This is odd, since failure is an orphan. I guess the mother died. But it's not over. Here we give you more. In that way I suppose they were purists, sort of like civil-war reenactors.
Nowadays they're responsible citizens with well-paying Wall Street jobs that don't require them to know the stuff they didn't learn in high school. When they were young hoodlums, though, the local police tried to make them go straight by having them join the junior police.
I guess that would be sort of like police acolytes or novices, I don't know. They got kicked off for being drunk on duty. Even though they weren't that interested in being junior cops, they resented the injustice that the junior police who were stoned on pot weren't kicked off.
When I was in elementary school, Lieutenant Catalon would come around to our school every semester or so and scold us about traffic safety, teaching us to ride legally on the right side of the road so we couldn't see who was going to hit us.
Later on I learned that many years before, he and a couple of other officers got caught doing something bad-coppish, or maybe they just came under strong suspicion, and they ended up on permanent traffic duty with no chance of promotion.
How many people go into police work so they can spend their days talking to fifth-graders? That was The Plainfield Courier in my day. That doesn't make any sense. Granted the population is growing, still, 26 million?
That's the trouble with public-issue statistics: I'll get back to this after I visit an almanac. An independent OXR not associated with a particular service branch. The name of a software product developed at Miami University of Ohio [which maintains a mailing list DARS-L ] and now licensed for use in over a hundred other schools, incl.
In college I had a next-door-neighbor named Daras. She was studying to be a pharmacist, but she never brought us any free samples of recreational chemistry. I guess you didn't really need to know that.
I apologize for wasting valuable time that you could be spending on a talk. See this DART entry for others. RT is a common productive affix. Two researchers there, John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, used it to develop a programming language appropriate for the average undergraduate.
Kemeny and Kurtz made a number of tries, with names such as these: I figured you might enjoy trying to guess what these stood for. The expansions are at the links. Who am I kidding?
I only set it up this way to inflate my headword count. What a bunch of captious glossary readers! None of these languages became a widespread success or frankly even a narrowspread success, but they provided excellent preparation for the main event: Here's a specialized glossary for DART meetings.
The web enables people all over the world to study that document, although their chances of actually attending one of the meetings are generally not high. The designation of a Canadian military unit.
Traditionally, a military unit's disaster assistance role is making it happen for the enemy. Fancy name for hard drive on larger IBM computers, but used more generally. They're in the actuators, robotics, and image processing businesses.
The acronym DAST is much more frequently used for the di ethyl solvent. At the grave of Willy Loman pun and salesman of the title, his friend Charley explains to Willy's son Biff, or scolds him: Nobody dast blame this man.
Willy was a salesman. And for a salesman, there is no rock bottom to the life. He don't put a bolt to a nut, he don't tell you the law or give you medicine. He's a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine.
And when they start not smiling back--that's an earthquake. And then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you're finished. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory.
The word dast certainly raises the register of his speech; if one doesn't feel that takes it too much over the top, that it's a bit out of Charley's character, then one may say that it works.
The word sounds like an archaism, but its a neologism. There doesn't seem to be any evidence of the word's ever having been used before Miller put it in his play.
It doesn't even look like third-person singular form, since it's missing the final ess; it looks like a thou conjugation. The champion creator of faux anachronisms must be Thomas Hardy, many of whose neologisms have come to be recorded in dictionaries solely on the evidence of his novels, but I'm not aware of any that came into common use as a result.
Also expanded Dental Aptitude Test, which may at one time have been the official expansion. The test is now offered in a computerized format, and includes a writing sample.
The English plural of anecdote, normally construed singular. There are still a few people who get their panties in a knot over the fact that data is not used as a plural in English, as it is in Latin.
It's not as bad as countable singular use of media, which also raises hackles, and agenda, which doesn't. Discussion of the latter is buried somewhere in the chai entry.
I don't doubt that the author, Jon Birger, is right in arguing that young college-educated women who live and work in New York City have trouble finding and keeping romantically speaking male peers because the men are outnumbered and elsewhere in various ways.
But Birger seems to be statistically challenged nevertheless. He gathers a lot of statistics that don't show what he thinks they do, or at least don't prove the points he thinks they do. If the window runs, say from on, then year designations 70, 71, This disambiguates dates, but requires slightly nontrivial ordering functions.
It led to collation problems in CREN archives using the option of yy as opposed to yyyy filenames. The indirect object is typically glossed as the object to or for which the action of the verb is performed.
For example, if I write you an entry, I write the entry for you. So the entry is the direct object of my writing, and you are the possibly unwilling indirect object. There are never enough different cases, so the dative case is usually used in a variety of ways.
German, for example, has only four cases nominative, genitive, accusative, and dative, and the objects of prepositions and postpositions are in either the accusative or dative case.
The prepositions aus, bei, mit, nach, von, zu, seit all take the dative, as do the postpositions nach and weder. Many prepositions take either the accusative or dative depending on whether the sense is, roughly, ablative or locative, respectively.
That is, a covalent bond in which both bonding electrons are donated by one of the atoms. Probably the standard example is the Lewis acid-base pair of boron trichloride Lewis acid -- electron-pair acceptor and ammonia Lewis base -- electron-pair donor.
The formation of the dative bond is the reaction H N: In this case it occupies an sp 3 orbital of nitrogen. To confirm this, I just on data updated to October 22, did simple searches on SCI for a few alternative terms.
The total number of documents searched was 23,,; I'm glad I didn't have to do this by hand. But probably it's going out of use. Dividing the 30 complete years of data into three decades, one finds: Only the last digit in each line is not significant, by the standard rules.
I also found no accusative, ablative, allative, genitive, inessive, instructive, locative, nominative, partitive, or vocative bond. In Basque, cases are indicated by suffixes. The suffix goes on the noun if there's no adjective.
Adjectives follow the noun, and the ending goes on the last adjective. The precise form of the suffix depends on a kind of gender: There is also a male-female distinction in second-person familiar verb forms.
Another matter determining the suffix form is whether or not a specific entity is meant i. Furthermore, in the definite declension the suffix indicates number though the form of a suffix may depend on whether the verb is transitive.
In the indefinite declension, there is no distinction between singular and plural nouns or adjectives. Not having to choose a grammatical number when one speaks in generalities could be a convenient thing in science.
But Basque is not a major world language of science, unless you count the science of not getting your head knocked off in jai alai. Anyway, just to keep things complicated on the indefinite side in the absence of grammatical number, the indefinite-declension suffixes depend on whether the root noun ends in a consonant or not.
Interestingly, given names are declined like indefinite nouns. Also, you can use the separate indefinite article bat following the noun, and this, alas, has plural forms batzu, batzuk.
In jai alai, one doesn't use a bat but a wicker basket called a cesta. It's strapped to the wrist and it's not big enough to cover your head, so you have to use it to catch and launch the projectile.
That should be enough general context, so finally we come to the terminal case, which Basque indicates with suffixes that end in - aino. I'd be curious to know about haunted houses.
I have no idea how significant any of this is. A lot of the indefinite inanimate plural suffixes are constructed by slapping an - eta - on the front of the corresponding singular form.
I'm trying to save you some memorization here! The plural form is - etarako. This allative-plus-locative analysis doesn't work in the indefinite declension, and is of course impossible for animate gender.
The dative -- it's like coming home! Screw the animates and indefinites and let's have a beer. Oh yeah -- exceptions to natural gender: Great for seances in a haunted house etxe mamuztatu.
Let's dance the mamushka! On the other hand, body parts are inanimate. Physician's notation on a prescription, instructing pharmacist not to substitute generic brand of drug.
This entry is itself an example of typing while ability impaired, I believe. I probably meant DWAI. Dax A Star Trek character, female, with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema. Okay, here's some higher-quality information on Dax from Mark.
Mark is a real person. He's really an alien too, except when he's in Canada. You know, Shatner was that way too, although there's this: The Voyage Home,'' there's a scene with Kirk in a restaurant with the marine biologist.
The Captain is telling her about his work. So you're telling me you're from outer space? No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space. Deep Space Nine ST: DS9 -- is or was, or will possibly have been a composite of two intelligent beings: The humanoid depicted is named Jadzia; the symbiont is named Dax.
It is the custom for the host's original surname to be replaced by the symbiont's name when they are joined, so her whole name is Jadzia Dax. Mark also has a last name, but I tend not to give those in this glossary.
At least he gets his first name. Madeleine is usually just described as the SBF banjo specialist alpha chapter. Anyway, Jadzia was murdered at the end of the season. The symbiont survived the attack and was joined to a new host, Ezri its ninth or thereabouts -- symbionts are long-lived.
Whereas Jadzia Dax looked like the human Terry Farrell with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema, Ezri Dax looks like the human Nicole deBoer with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema. It's on the to-do list.
DAX Deutsche Aktieninde x. There's a link from UB, served by someone at Buff' State it's intentionally made confusing for out-of-towners. Here's another unofficial homepage for DAYS, with links to yet more.
It ends with a lone electric guitar slowly beginning the first eight notes of Day Tripper. Brian Greenaway, who had recently joined the band, explains the origin of the meshed licks in an interview with Classic Rock Revisited: The dueling guitar part was just one of many tricks the band used.
I brought it from there. It has consumed my life and is draining me of all energy. Tonight am going to try to get to bed earlier and therefore sleep more when the body understands that it is night time.
At least you had the balls to go thru with it - I didnt and really annoyed the hospital staff for wasting their time! I meanwhile was trembling like a leaf, totally freaked out.
Went to a supermarket with friend. He parked up and I went inside. When I came out I could not find the car - there are 3 car parks and entrances and I ended up wandering for ages until I found the car and him waiting for me.
Shows how totally distressed I was by the thought of the MRI How are you now - has it subsided? Please let me know how you are getting along now if I am not being too intrusive, hope not.
AntonR, Oct 26, AntonR I underwent the similar experience as described by you on the MRI, My MRI with contrast was done on Friday evening, the tinitus noise in my left ear was moderate and remained so till the process got over, the noise level inside the MRI machine was loud but not painfully loud, they had provided with ear muffs as a standard equipment, I had placed cotton on my both ears as extra protection, I slept very well on Friday night at woke up at 5 wit much milder hiss than what I went to bed with, could go back to sleep and woke up at 8 with the most quiet morning I ever had since my tinnitus got aggravated about a year back.
Great day, noise remained low to moderate till late evening, I could go to sleep without any issues, this was Saturday night I woke up on Sunday morning with the high tinnitus noise never experienced like before, heavy buzzing and sizzling, the heavy noise has continued for the full day on Sunday.
On search I could find your post with similerexperience, It was a mistake to undertake MRI test at the first step and that too without appropriate ear protection as described by you.
I am now praying God that my tinnitus goes back to pre - MRI levels. I am now so much scared and worried that I will not be cope with this high level and new tone of tinnitus noise.
I have unilateral tinntus in my left ear since December, this has been continuously worsening, more so over last12 months I am keen to know How many days it took yours to normalise after your tinnitus spiked after MRI was done.
Please help and guide,. Maheshrb59 , Jul 19, Evian, Jul 19, Evian Thanks for your reply, today is second day my tinnitus is at its worst after MRI, can you please advise what I should do now, I am so worried and scared with this high level of non stop buzzing going on in my left ear.
Maheshrb59 , Jul 20, Evian, Jul 20, You are right, I will need to wait for it to calm down. Hope it happens soon, Hope you are doing well. Probably sound, though never proven.
But Anton, did you get a result from the MRI? PaulBe, Jul 21, Sorry think this is posted in the wrong thread. Had an MRI scan 8 months ago and was as noisy as hell.
Doesn't look like going away any time soon. I also have perfect hearing in both ears so am a bit of a freak. Earforartsache, Nov 25, My tinnitus started the week after I'd taken naproxen tablets, that's 16 months ago now and is now starting to get to me, I'm not a fan of anti depressants or sleeping tabs all of which have been prescribed.
I am new to this forum and very interesting reading through how others are coping with this hell. July 21st with short phases before Cause of Tinnitus: Kieran D, Dec 7, The next morning my wife was emptying the dishwasher and then I noticed how senstive my ears were to the sound.
This was new to me. It took me ages to put the experience behind me. All we can do is take one day at a time and evetually put the bad experiences behind us.
My hyperacusis is so much better overall these days. I dont think the MRI had too much impact on my tinnitus at the time.
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The difference between dual standby and dual active phones is significant when one of the SIM card is engaged in a call or data connection through 2G network. View and Download YAESU FTR operating manual online. VHF FM TRANSCEIVER. FTR Transceiver pdf manual download. Get the latest news and analysis in the stock market today, including national and world stock market news, business news, financial news and more.
This is a choice of implementation to guarantee the voice quality. Only data traffic is frozen. Hello simon superb information. Presrntly am using asus zen n its dual active in india. However fedup with tge phobe as it gives frequent headaches like phone hungs, voice not clear, last two days microphone not working and need to send for servicing fortunately under warranty n just 6 montgs old.
There are no better dual SIM dual active Android phones in the market based on my experience, although some Huawei phones may be dual active based on some feedback from users. But we cannot confirm them because what we got are dual standby only.
It is really sad that Android manufacturers ignored the demands of dual active phones. If you need a dual SIM phone with reasonable performance, you may have to consider dual standby Android phones.
There are many high-end dual standby phones now. And as explained in this page, you can configure them to make both of them available at all times enable call forwarding and call waiting.
If I purchase a dual standby high end phone will the second SIM be affected during texting or sending emails or is it just during voice use that calls to the second SIM become a problem?
It only affects when you are on voice calls. For most dual standby phones, you can make both SIMs available at all times as explained in this guide. Hey Simon, i love the detailed research on this page so thanx for that.
I seriously hate not finding a dsda phone more easily. I was wondering if you could explain the difference between the Zenfone 2 deluxe special edition and LG v20 and list some significant factors to consider in both phones?
Any idea where I can buy and brand new one? Thank you for all your time and effort. Severely good article you wrote on dsda phones. The difference between Zenfone 2 deluxe special edition and LG V Zenfone 2 is dual sim dual active.
The second SIM card can only use 2G network and is for voice only. If 2G network in your region has been phased out, you can then only use one SIM card. Check before you buy. ZenFone 2 is outdated already about 2 years old.
It was superseded by ZenFone 3. But ZenPhone 3 only supports dual standby. LG v20 is still considered as current phone. It is less than one year old with Android Nougat.
Very likely, it will get Android O update as well. LG v20 should be more powerful than ZenPhone 2 for almost all tasks. LG V20 has better screen with higher resolution x ZenPhone 2 is only full HD x Of course, if you definitely need a dual active phone, then ZenPhone 2 is still the best choice.
Hello and thanks a lot about the fruitful information. I am going to university this year and since my contract with the provider has ended last month I was thinking of placing a new device in the contract and paying it for it monthly.
And Moreover, if am using a 4G service from one card and someone calls me in the other my phone would appear to them as switched off? The choice for dual active Android phones is very, very limited.
The solution to make two SIM card reachable is using call forwarding. But this can be expansive if two cards belong to carriers in different countries. You may ask yourself whether you really need to be reachable for two SIM cards at all times.
If not, you can just enable voicemail and direct unreachable calls to voicemail. Are there any dual sim 4G phones with automatic failover from one 4G network to another if one of the 4G sims has a poor connection?
Or is there any dual sim smartphone which can support dual 4G data at the same time from the 2 different 4G sims, allowing the phone to combine data usage across two networks together resulting in a more stable or faster connection.
No smartphones can do this right now. It simply divide large files into chunks and let WiFi and mobile data to download them individually for different parts, then combine them into a single file.
And it depends on whether the server which hosts the file supports multiple stream downloading. Hey Simon, loved this article! I read it with great attention as I recently bought an LG V20 after having a really disappointing experience with the Samsung A5 The dual sim capability was kind of a second thought for me as I didnt see much use having not had one in the past.
I do remember having a case back in the day with an old Nokia that allowed a physical switch on the back to move over to the second sim. Sounds like possibly quite similar to a standby second sim?
I guess this doesnt change anything about my interface, the look etc, accounts I access, emails etc, but will allow me to access different contacts on different sims? Second question, sorry if its dumb, but presumably these different sims can connect to different carriers?
Thanks and im intrigued by the V30…. I wonder how much awesome this phone could get, the wide angle camera is insane! I guess the straightforward spec update? The switch sim option is for calls and messages only.
It had nothing to do with contact. In Android, you should save contacts to your Google account so that you can sync contacts on all phones automatically. By default, all contacts in Google account, and SIM cards, are displayed.
Of course, you can filter them when you save contacts to sim card, only name and one number can be saved, nothing else. Also you SIM card has very limited storage.
Yes, the two sim cards can be from two different carriers and the phone connect to two different networks. Simon, Thank you very much for the superb article loaded with loads of useful info in very simple words.
I am also interested in buying an active dual sim phone but looks like my best bet would be to settle for a dual standby phone as I want real high specs like more than 5. Do you think if I wait until end September, , such a phone would be available or there is any such model already available?
LG v20 is thprobably the only high-end phone with dual sim and dedicated sd card slot. LG v30 should be better based on rumors. But very likely, there is no wireless charging as well because of its metal back.
Anyway, there are no perfect phones. If you need it now, get what you can get now. There will be always a better one once you get one. I have a LG G3 dual sim with sim 2 card for gsm only.
The google contacts can be linked to either of the sim cards. This allows me to use the work sim for work contacts. Do you know if this function can be transferred to other dual sim phones or do I have to wait for a new LG dual sim phone with 3G at least on sim 2?
Does such a phone exist? Google contacts are always available for both SIM cards. Actually, it is the dialer app Phone and SMS messages app access contacts. SIM card itself is not involved directly.
Simon, that was actually still is an amazing article! Thank you for all this information and the kindness to answer every single question. I have been researching for dual active — dual 4G technology for days and my conclusion is that only Asus ZenFone some of them are suitable for real dual active 4G.
But it seems to be only dual stand by but both slots are for 4G cards. If someone needs a smartphone to put a sim with unlimited data and another sim for call and text, then this would be the most suitable choice in the market.
It is difficult to find something more about Huawei Mate Series there are no dual models in Greece and about Huawei Honor 6 or 7. If someone knows, I would appreciate any info.
The 2G modem is cheaper with lower licensing fees. Although the price difference is less than a few dollars, all vendors choose 2G modem for the second SIM slot. But it seems there are no technical issues now.
Unfortunately, dual active dual SIM Android phones are almost extinguished. ASUS Zenfone2 has several variations. It is hard to say about Huawei phones because they have so many variants of the same model in different regions.
And even some of their distributors are not fully aware of the details. Anyway, the best choice value for money is probably the dual standby and dual 4G phones. Most of these phones allow you to set both SIM cards reachable at all times through call forwarding and call waiting as explained in this page.
It definitely was active dual. That was the main reason I bought it. I have an old Samsung gt-s I believe that it is dual sim active, not passive, and I have recieved calls on one line, whilst talking on the other.
In almost all regions, Galaxy S Duo is dual standby only, not dual active. If this is on, call diverting and call waiting will be enabled automatically. You cannot disable it. Thanks for the excellent article.
My Zenfone 2 recently packed in so I was in the market for a new active dual sim phone. I saw mixed reports that the Huawei Mate 8 had active dual sim. I can confirm that the phone is in fact active dual sim as I can receive calls from both cards at the same time.
Not sure if this functionality is limited to just the Chinese model or not. But the only difference on paper between this and the international variant is the RAM and storage options.
Yes, some Mate 8 phones are dual active but not all. But Mate 9 is almost all dual standby only. Huawei often uses different configurations in different regions. Sometimes, even some distributors are not aware of the actual configuration.
This is why we cannot recommend it. My situation is that I redirect internet landline number to European mobile number and I text back from the European mobile number. I use iPhone as I am used to it.
Therefore, U can even not call back. I would redirect European internet landline directly to local SEA mobile number, European mobile number redirect permanently to European internet number as long as I am in SEA, I assume this would be the cheapest option.
The European mobile number would not receive any calls but receive and send text messages and I would also use WhatsApp from that number using WiFi mobile data roaming switched off. In your opinion, does that make sense and if yes, which handset to you recommend.
If not, do you have a better solution? When you set up redirecting, you can set redirect unconditionally without waiting for unreachable or unanswered response to. This is the only part under your control.
I am not sure what internet landline you are referring to. You can forward multiple numbers to your SEA number. Some carriers may only work with one-step call forwarding. Most VoIP providers cannot pass you the original number when forwarding calls because the call is actually relayed to you.
The number you see in the phone is the last point number usually local number to save cost and improve call quality. This is different from roaming. Hi Simon, correct me if I am wrong but oneplus 5 should be dual active Android phone, at least phone specifications are claiming that, am I I right?
There are no flagship phones in e. All are dual standby only if they support 2 SIM cards. Each SIM card uses its own receiver? Is this a Dual Sim Dual Active smartphone? I think the support probably is not aware of the difference between dual active and dual standby.
Hello Simon Great article, good job. Where is 2G network not available anymore? I live in UK and would like to use main sim card from English carrier and second sim card from other EU country.
Of course would like to have dual sim active at all time. Is there is Volte available at the O2 network in UK? In UK, only Three does not offer 2G. O2 and EE both offer 2G in most regions.
Vodafone also has an extensive 2G network. You need to check with individual carrier you want to use. Overall, Europe is very slow in phasing out 2G. Hello Simon Thanks for your excellent job. Phone cameras are very important for me.
I found that the best camera is in iphone X and second is Galaxy note 8. Which BT dual sim are more stable and reliable? There are two different things. External dual sim adapter through Bluetooth, or lightning port actually is a separate standalone phone with its own modem usually cheap one.
Then pairing to iPhone or other phones so that you handle all calls and messages through your iPhone. In iOS, the protection for such interference is slightly better. Anyway, I would not recommend any external SIM adapter because it depends on the apps you are using and many other factors.
Dual SIM in Note 8 will not suffer from such issues. But it is not a dual active phone. All dual SIM Android phones released in last 2 years from major vendors are dual standby only.
In the above link, there is a note saying: The other SIM card will have to connect to 2G network. We will correct this page. If you look at this link: Hi Simon, brilliant article and incredibly informative.
I was wondering, however, if there is any information on the technicalities of dual SIM active phones such as the software modifications and how Android OS deals with both SIMs being active? There are no modifications in Android for dual SIM phones.
Before that, yes, the vendor has modify the code. Android is a multitasking OS actually using Linux kernel. Two modems as in dual active phones can be handled independently.
There are just two components for Android. You can imagine one is the touchpad and the other is mouse in your notebook. Of course, in the real implementation, some coordination is added. Also some software stacks may only allow one instance.
How about the Ulefone Armour? I understand it is dual sim; does anyone here have any experience with that phone? Huawei just launched a new model Mate 10 recently. There is a function switch on Dual 4G mode.
Any idea what it can do? In some regions, 2G network has been phased out. So a lot of new dual SIM phones are dual 4G already. So is the mate 10 dual active or standby? LG is not popular here.
Anyway, this depends on your region and carrier. It is still the non-exhaustive list. Thanks for great article. For example, can I use phone book from account conected to sim card 1 with viber account on sim 2?
First, only some Samsung phones allow you to have two copies of the apps therefore two accounts for WhatsApp or Viber using secure folder. There is only one contacts app on one phone.
All contacts can be accessed there. Most other phones only allow one copy of an app. Let's dance the mamushka! On the other hand, body parts are inanimate. Physician's notation on a prescription, instructing pharmacist not to substitute generic brand of drug.
This entry is itself an example of typing while ability impaired, I believe. I probably meant DWAI. Dax A Star Trek character, female, with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema.
Okay, here's some higher-quality information on Dax from Mark. Mark is a real person. He's really an alien too, except when he's in Canada. You know, Shatner was that way too, although there's this: The Voyage Home,'' there's a scene with Kirk in a restaurant with the marine biologist.
The Captain is telling her about his work. So you're telling me you're from outer space? No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space. Deep Space Nine ST: DS9 -- is or was, or will possibly have been a composite of two intelligent beings: The humanoid depicted is named Jadzia; the symbiont is named Dax.
It is the custom for the host's original surname to be replaced by the symbiont's name when they are joined, so her whole name is Jadzia Dax. Mark also has a last name, but I tend not to give those in this glossary.
At least he gets his first name. Madeleine is usually just described as the SBF banjo specialist alpha chapter. Anyway, Jadzia was murdered at the end of the season.
The symbiont survived the attack and was joined to a new host, Ezri its ninth or thereabouts -- symbionts are long-lived. Whereas Jadzia Dax looked like the human Terry Farrell with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema, Ezri Dax looks like the human Nicole deBoer with a bad peripheral case of alien eczema.
It's on the to-do list. DAX Deutsche Aktieninde x. There's a link from UB, served by someone at Buff' State it's intentionally made confusing for out-of-towners. Here's another unofficial homepage for DAYS, with links to yet more.
It ends with a lone electric guitar slowly beginning the first eight notes of Day Tripper. Brian Greenaway, who had recently joined the band, explains the origin of the meshed licks in an interview with Classic Rock Revisited: The dueling guitar part was just one of many tricks the band used.
I brought it from there. How we started doing it in April Wine I forget but it must have been Gary and myself doing it as joke in rehearsal for the album. Is this really the twenty-first century?
Slang among bouncers in the South Bend area, beginning to be used by others. To judge by a web search in May, the usage is not widespread. A book in which daily transactions are recorded, or a diary.
A lot of dictionaries that don't mention really common meanings of DB like Defensive Back do mention daybook. Ten times the common logarithm of a power ratio or twenty times the logarithm of a voltage ratio.
Pronunciation Sidebar Note that most unit abbreviations are expanded in speech. Significantly, a milliliter is a fluid measure exactly equal in volume to a cubic centimeter.
A dimensional resonance effect in phonological linguistics? The study of this and similar important issues in connection with unit names constructed by shortening the name of a hemieponymous honoree amp from Ampere, torr from Torricelli, volt from Volta, etc.
Modern audio hardware typically references volume levels to a maximum, so most audio API's represent volume by a nonpositive number: In the DirectSound, for example, volume ranges from to 0, in units of a hundredth of a decibel.
I guess that ought to be millibels mB. Note that when sound is digitized in 16 bits, the ratio of highest to lowest amplitude is A declining-balance card is like a company-town debit card without the checks.
A position in American football. The term is also used generically for the whole secondary. I'll write more when I figure out what that means. Strength is more important in defensive linemen than in other defensive positions; speed is more important in DB's, DE's, and safeties than in DL's.
The nonfootball stat that is the significant figure of merit for DL's is time in the yard dash. No one is interested in their meter or marathon times. Those sorts of facts were called immediately to mind by football news reported by the AP for Thursday, April 3, Police said he led them on a quarter-mile foot race, but no precise times were reported.
And if he didn't have possession maybe he was going for it, so you could say he was intercepted. He was held in the Pearland City Jail that night on various misdemeanor charges, pending a bond hearing Friday.
Wright attended Northwestern State in Louisiana. He graduated magna cum laude He went to the Minnesota Vikings in the fourth round of the draft. The nine-year veteran has also played for Houston, Jacksonville, and Washington.
He has seven career interceptions of his own. He had a disappointing season in, and he was released by the Browns in July DB Degree of Branching. Term typically used in discussion of organic polymers.
They were renowned in the 's and 's for their unusual but aerodynamically small bodies and for their small engines under one liter. Phone instrument from the steam age.
The dielectric in question is usually functioning principally as an insulator, with the value of its dielectric constant a secondary consideration. Therefore, change of n is not the issue in DB, it's the occurrence of conductivity.
Those Normans may have been effective conquerors, but they couldn't spell. Learn more at its entry in WebElements and its entry at Chemicool. A doctor who administers the business instead of the medicine.
Also the degree qualifying a person to do such a thing. Not to be confused with the traditional business-related DBA Arizona professional baseball team.
The diamondback is a desert snake. Old name of the German. Sorry, I don't know the new name. Announced by Marc A. Ilyin, and Andrej Sali in Bioinformatics, vol. Maybe there's a URL, but I don't know.
I only saw the abstract while searching for papers on guitar acoustics. Oh look -- from that page there are links to various bioinformatics resources of the Sali lab, including one to DBAli.
As you will have noticed, this glossary is so up-to-the-CPU-cycle that you see the new entries in the jumbled form they take as the news is breaking. You also see the old entries that way. We strive for the genuine appearance of authenticity.
I can remember when those heavy oversize citation and periodical indices would lie heavy in my lap, as I used pencil-and-paper technology to record which articles I needed while my legs fell asleep on the library carpeting.
So I don't complain about a few inappropriate extra hits on my search beta error. Not too long after I learn what it is, we'll have an entry for the guitar nebula, too. DBB Deutscher Beamten b und.
German Public Servants' Union, with 1. The largest union outside the DGB, q. A term used for various pre-Unicode character encodings that used two-byte encodings only for some characters albeit for most of them, in fact and single-byte encodings for others.
Sector formatting for optical disc memory. At some point, the organization evidently came to feel that the term was too narrow. The first compound noun in the name is Berufsverband.
For more of this, but without the trees, see the bra size mathematics entry. It rhymes -- and it means something. Atlanta University was the institutional home of W.
DuBois for many years, and from Atlanta University was a major venue for research and conferences on the condition of blacks in the US. Like, removing bottle-necks, I think. See this used in sentence by FFC at this page.
Human flesh is a very co - polymer which mostly uses water as a plasticizer. Made by finite periodic structures that have a stop band SB optical speak for band gap in wavelength range of interest.
A therapeutic procedure for Parkinson's disease, approved in the US in or so. An electrode is implanted in the brain usually in either the thalamus, the globus pallidus internus, or the subthalamic nucleus [ STN ].
Brief electric pulses usually in a rectangular pulse pattern delivered by the electrode can control tremors in many patients. Failing that, they may at least reduce the amount of medication patients have to take.
Parkinson's has a broad menu of symptoms which manifest in various combinations and degrees. DBS has been been proposed and tried for a variety of other ailments, including depression, OCD, and Tourette's syndrome.
In each case, a different set of brain regions is targeted. Implanted in your chest, typically, with wires running subcutaneously along the side of the neck and up to the brain.
Nowadays these batteries are usually rechargeable, so surgery to replace them is infrequent. There are many different designs and implementations. Some alternative approaches involve an external battery driving a radio transmitter, and a receiving-antenna coil over the site of the brain implant.
When an implanted power supply is used, however, there may be antennas also: Pulse generation also has to be turned on. The surgery to implant the electrodes may provide about a month's worth of stimulation; normally, pulse generation isn't turned on until that initial stimulatory effect has worn off.
This typically requires " dishes. Record below 0 to avoid distortion and conversely. Don't twist your tongue. One good thing about the DBT initialism is that it helps you avoid accidentally calling it diabolical behavior therapy.
When dB are used to indicate power through voltage in that way, regardless of impedance, this unit is used. Actual usage gets even stranger. A Gannett-chain newspaper in Rochester, N.
It's an old gnu utility. Actually, it's an old Unix utility, but that doesn't make much of a pun, does it? Originally, bc was a preprocessor for dc. But we haven't figured out what bc stands for, so we can't tell you anything about it.
Except that it's practically a baby-C-like calculator programming language. Maybe it stands for Big Honkin' Calculator? Nope -- no aitch. DC Dietitians of Canada.
Wait a second -- that's the same abbreviation as in English. I'm going to have to rest a while and try to figure out how this could have happened. I really don't think we need to explain that here.
A curette is a spoon-shaped scraper. The forms with periods are old and out of fashion. In the better electronics books that were published before television and widespread illiteracy in the professional classes, you would see a consistent distinction between D.
This is discussed further in the attributive noun entry. Similar remarks apply to the use of A. The fact is that nowadays, dc, DC, etc. If you want to know something, uh, substantive about direct current in electronics, you should see the Alternating Current entry.
USPS abbreviation always omits periods. The federal district for the US capital. Once upon a time, however, Washington was the name for only one section of the district.
A nonprofit group that helps people climb out of holes. Being deep in debt is not fun. It's scary and frightening but you can survive. The panic attacks, waking up in the middle of the night, and constant stress will begin to vanish once you take a positive step towards getting out of debt.
There is hope, we can help. Chiropractic is a noun as well as an adjective. Originally, chiropractic was based on an acupuncture-like theory of disease and made outlandish claims about the possibility of curing a range of ailments by manipulation of the spine.
The Latin root man - for hand appears in the word manipulate for more see the mano a mano entry ; the Greek root for hand, chiro - , was used in constructing chiropractic. Since its establishment, chiropractic has tried and succeeded somewhat in cleaning up its act -- toning down its more preposterous claims, scrounging up some scientifically sound clinical research support for its claims of efficacy.
A couple of people I know regularly visit chiropractors. Chiropractic is a lot like a major religion: As Augustine the Saint wrote, he believed because it was absurd. Once it had a number of regular communicants, it amended the message.
If people were rational, the jettison of initially central claims might lead them to question the epistemic basis of the remaining rationalizations. People are not rational, and they go on believing.
By the way, you shouldn't take this the wrong way: Your religion is very reasonable. Bare integrated circuit chip is placed directly on printed wiring board PWB. That's pretty sad, because the APh itself is pretty far behind.
However, the DCB webpages are never updated, so the situation may be a little better than advertised on the web. Man, you'd be surprised at all the resentment seething under the calm urbane surface of your ordinary classicist.
It comes equipped with its own retrieval software for both Windows and Macintosh platforms, with user-selectable English or French interfaces. Classicists lean disproportionately toward Macs rather than Windows machines though I don't think Classics is majority-Mac any more.
The DCB test is widely used to characterize the mode-I delamination and bridging behavior of laminated continuous-fiber composite materials. Less ambiguous and less common than the abbreviation DCV.
Funny how things turn out. The editor in chief is Vickie A. Check with Power Convertibles Corp. Most often, this refers to the data circuit-terminating equipment e.
Official French generic drug name. Very similar to NMOS logic with depletion-mode active loads. Requires more accurate threshold-voltage tuning than pure d-mode FET logics. Highly photorefractive material, for holography.
Can function as a velocity-modulated transistor. Head of the CIA. A cable TV channel available starting in in Canada. A cable TV channel, US version. System control language for Digital Equipment Corporation mainframe.
The masochist's ideal bathroom reader. A GSM - compliant standard first implemented as a pan-European standard, starting in, to replace the panoply of existing national and regional standards that were implemented in the 80's.
It's experienced phenomenal growth. Following a more systematic naming pattern, it's also called DSX. A producing division of the DCPA. Live theater for the Washington, D. A lens with two inward-curving faces and a negative focal length, used to form a reduced image or to spread a light beam.
That's the deposition of dielectric films, not deposition by dielectric, particularly. A lens with two outward-curving faces and a positive focal length, used to magnify an image or as a condensing lens i.
A science contest for students in grades 5 through 8. Top prizes are scholarships, and there are large numbers of smaller prizes like tee shirts. DD is part of the Unix children's alphabet poem alternate locations: E is for Emacs, which rebinds your keys, and F is for Fsck, which rebuilds your trees.
Sad, but not so sad. DD Doctor of Divinity. In fall, the dean of Harvard Divinity School was forced to resign after thousands of pornographic images were found on his Harvard-owned personal computer.
This was only revealed the following May; so he could find another job, maybe? The pornographic material was found on the office computer at his Harvard-owned residence at Jewett House.
The discovery was made after Thiemann requested more disk space for one of his Harvard-owned machines, which was full, according to university sources. He actually asked the computer department to transfer the pornographic files to the new disk drive, according to sources that should probably be admired for not breaking up laughing.
This isn't as rotten as it sounds. Next brassiere cup size after D. Normally, when a head term has two or more entries, I try to order the entries by alphabetical order of definitions or expansions, but not this time.
I mean really, if you know the where to look for the definition, you probably already know the definition anyway, and you're just reading this glossary for your own perverted purposes, like sordid entertainment, and slowing down the server for people who need it for serious research.
DD Double Density floppy disk. Double-Sided DD because the first ones were one-sided. At some point, after two-sided disks became available, someone realized that the cheaper one-sideds could be recorded on both sides -- it was cheaper to manufacture just one type.
If you have an old computer that expects DD, you can still insert HD diskettes and they should work. DD diskettes are recognizable from the single notch on extreme left corner of illustration at right with a sliding cover open or missing cover for write protection, closed to enable writing; if you lost the slide, cover with opaque tape.
If you have a drive that recognizes HD diskettes, but have written at DD on another machine, or want to write in DD format to be read by another machine, then cover the extra hole no sliding cover on the other side.
Highly involved role-playing games RPG 's, popular among college students. Rules and roles made up and sometimes stated by a dungeon master DM. Hence, for example, the mark-up for this entry reads: A service of routers available in Cisco IOS used for two purposes: Dial backup or dial back-up: Use of the dial backup techniques to add bandwidth as needed.
Need is usually determined by simple algorithm: This Dee Dee was a sort of department-store Bee Bee, the way French fashions in those days were quickly copied, with adjustments for a more modest style, in cheaper materials for the American mass market.
In a series of romantic comedy trifles in the fifties and sixties, she was often cast with a central-casting prune as a best friend, to establish contrast. It's been pointed out that in her films that she never had trouble finding a parking space, but is that so odd?
If a character in a movie is going to have difficulty finding a parking space, it has to be written into the screenplay, and it ought to advance the story. Well, the action began at H - Hour It is more straightforwardly hierarchical than the LC system the LCC, and tends to be more popular for smaller collections.
It seems to be pretty standard for public-school libraries and for the public libraries of smaller cities. The original Dewey system, promulgated in, was developed by an American librarian named Melvil Dewey Dec.
Now you know why. If there are two then one is for American and one for other English-language prose fiction; I'll look into it. If you look in a library that uses the Dewey system, you won't find many books there, even though or rather because very roughly half of the books in a public library are prose fiction.
Computerization of library catalogs has obviously facilitated this, and mobility has probably also reduced the tolerance of library patrons for idiosyncratic local systems.
The change-over can be a problem, however. When I used the Princeton University libraries in the 's and 's, many books were still catalogued using the local Richardson Classification scheme.
For most major subject categories in the Fine Hall Library Physics and Math, there were newer books under LC numbers and older books under the Richardson numbers. Perhaps the most widely used decimal scheme on a global basis is the UDC, q.
Edition 22 of the Dewey system was rolled out in mid on a gurney. Well, it was stretched out, anyway. Four volumes; I hope they're shelved together. By the way, new editions don't just add more digits and subcategories, you know -- they sometimes reshelve books to different parts of the library.
Materials on household management in the hospitality industry, bed and breakfast establishments, hostels, hotels, inns, motels, resorts will remain at Other relocations include interdisciplinary and descriptive works on resorts relocated to Interdisciplinary works on the hospitality industry have been relocated to Facilities for travelers and lodging for travelers including hotels, motels, etc.
Stay tuned for further exciting developments. This is the first catalogue of its kind, one which discusses all the gods and demons whose names are found in the Bible.
Complementing the usual surveys and histories of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Ugaritic, Syro-Palestinian, Persian, Greek, and Roman religion, DDD assesses the impact of contemporary religions on Israel and the Early Church by focusing on those gods that actually left traces in the Bible.
Gods mentioned by name as gods. In some instances the names are found only in the Septuagint and not in the corresponding section of the Masoretic text. Anyone could valuate it.
Gods whose names are etymons of theophoric anthroponyms and toponyms that's personal and place names, okay? It is conscientiously animadverted that the people of Anathoth cannot be assumed to worship Anat, and that Tychicus may not worship Tyche, etc.
An interesting though trivial example: I'll spare you their extenuation for including notice of these words. They're being thorough, and I approve that. One may wonder, in cases like Yarikh, whether what is found is not a reversion to or a continuation of a nonreligious tradition.
That is, that the originally nonmythological moon's name, for example, was drafted into mythological service. The goddess of the dawn is Eos in Greek and Aurora in Latin. It is clear that these are not separate developments from a common goddess name, but separate uses of different word for dawn for a goddess.
Surely the same can happen even when the nonmythological names have a common etymology, and sometimes it must happen in only some of the languages with shared etymology.
In fact, the authors of this work are not foolish about this. Here is the first part of the entry for mouth: The etymological equivalent in Hebrew peh does not seem to have enjoyed a comparable divine status.
Some of this comes from altering lexical material absent in the original texts. Word spacing was absent in the original Greek; vowels, indicated by pointing in the Masoretic text, were not indicated in the original Hebrew.
Some comes from changing similar-sounding or similar-appearing letters that might have been incorrectly transmitted. Example of the former reinterpretation: Some of these questionable gods are imaginary in multiple ways.
This consists of the completest canon of the Septuagint including all of what some traditions call the Apocrypha, even to 3 and 4 Maccabees, plus the Greek New Testament.
The Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible is used as a parallel source. The successive letters indicate whether analog or digital equipment was used in the respective stages of production: One size larger than double-dee DD.
A product of DDT breakdown; binds to testosterone receptors. Even today, this seems to be causing Florida Everglades toads to leave their girlfriends cold on Saturday night. It's getting harder and harder to be green.
The abbreviation is also used for a couple of dichlorodiphenyl dichloroeth e nes. Some people insist on capitalizing the word to emphasize the separate-culture aspects of the situation or Whatever.
Used in logic design. D erechos H umanos. A fancy kind of DDA: Initialism used by the Iraqi government and by the US-led coalition in Iraq. As tribal groups started flipping in and either fighting AQI or cooperating in the fight against AQI, the government side has tried to set up DDR programs, looking to the long term.
Standard incantation to the Hayes modem s, whose language became the official standard back in the early eighties. Sounds like your buddies helping you get rid of a hot potato. Sounds like the sucker your buddies found for you to get rid of the hot potato.
Clock time advanced by two hours relative to standard time. DDST makes the greatest sense at high latitudes, where Summer dusks are very late and where Winter dawns which play a part in determining local standard times are also late.
Otherwise, during the war, it was on single-hour DST. Newfoundland 's independence was recognized by the UK in the Statute of Westminster, but two years later it went broke and resumed the status of a colony until There were the usual drawbacks, and coordination problems with the rest of Canada were, oh, I'd say about twice as bad as with regular DST.
No, a factor of 2 doesn't make sense when you think about it. So don't think about it. Hence, there was not an effective majority for DDST. Similar issues arise in elections with three or more candidates.
The following January, legislation was passed that established year-round one-hour DST for the duration [more precisely, until six months after the cessation of hostilities], and gave the president no discretion in the matter.
At the end of the war, further legislation rescinded federally-mandated DST earlier than the date originally set, and War Time ended on Sunday, September DDT An unbelievably effective insecticide.
After it was first tested, all subsequently tested formulas were also found to be fabulously effective, until it was realized that the effect was due to DDT residue in the test chamber.
DDT has been widely banned for its side-effects on beneficial insects and on other animals. The decision comes only decades too late for millions of dead. Developed by Paul H.
You could look it up. A generic term, because the defensive line typically has two ends RE and LE. It ain't topology, you know. It's a USPS abbreviation. Actually, it's a USPS symbol for the state.
It's written without the period that normally follows an abbreviation, but the symbol happens to be formed from a subset of the letters that spell the state name, so it's an abbreviated form of the state name, so we're gonna let it slide.
The term is general across GUI 's, but I think the term comes up more in Linux because of the broad selection, and the tendency of Linux users to sample and experiment with different distros. Germany has the greatest variety of etymologically unrelated names among European countries.
Italy uses versions of at least three: Alemani, Germania, Tedesco. For crying out loud, as recently as it had two official names in German and capitals, etc.
The Saxony entry at SN explains a couple of the names of Germany, but remember that etymology is not an exact science. Here's some general information online from the Chemistry Department at the Free University of Berlin.
Marcus Berndt serves a page of German press links. There's a German FAQ. The international telephone calling code for all of Germany is Some German search engines: We have a bit more information at FRG.
Let's say, N, N-diethylaniline, just to be specific. They break down your door and make sure that you obeyed your doctor's prescription. Something like that, anyway. Lind article in Angew. Spanish is perhaps more in-their-faces about this: The second term is less common, but there are regional variations e.
The design of the system interprets release of the handle or lever as inattention, incapacity or absence of a live operator, so release triggers safety action such as shut-off moving equipment, braking of the vehicle, purging of chemical vapors vel sim.
A typical old implementation of a dead man's handle in railed vehicles is a brake bar that applies the brakes when released. In the electric trams in San Francisco, the main brake is set up this way.
A driver there once explained to me how he used the brake bar to steer switch tracks as well. I don't know if this was a design feature, but I imagine you're bound to come up with this sort of trick anyway if you stand for hours all day doing mostly nothing but handling the brake see manual transmission.
Please let me know how you are getting along now if I am not being too intrusive, hope not. AntonR, Oct 26, AntonR I underwent the similar experience as described by you on the MRI, My MRI with contrast was done on Friday evening, the tinitus noise in my left ear was moderate and remained so till the process got over, the noise level inside the MRI machine was loud but not painfully loud, they had provided with ear muffs as a standard equipment, I had placed cotton on my both ears as extra protection, I slept very well on Friday night at woke up at 5 wit much milder hiss than what I went to bed with, could go back to sleep and woke up at 8 with the most quiet morning I ever had since my tinnitus got aggravated about a year back.
Great day, noise remained low to moderate till late evening, I could go to sleep without any issues, this was Saturday night I woke up on Sunday morning with the high tinnitus noise never experienced like before, heavy buzzing and sizzling, the heavy noise has continued for the full day on Sunday.
On search I could find your post with similerexperience, It was a mistake to undertake MRI test at the first step and that too without appropriate ear protection as described by you.
I am now praying God that my tinnitus goes back to pre - MRI levels. I am now so much scared and worried that I will not be cope with this high level and new tone of tinnitus noise. I have unilateral tinntus in my left ear since December, this has been continuously worsening, more so over last12 months I am keen to know How many days it took yours to normalise after your tinnitus spiked after MRI was done.
Please help and guide,. Maheshrb59 , Jul 19, Evian, Jul 19, Evian Thanks for your reply, today is second day my tinnitus is at its worst after MRI, can you please advise what I should do now, I am so worried and scared with this high level of non stop buzzing going on in my left ear.
Maheshrb59 , Jul 20, Evian, Jul 20, You are right, I will need to wait for it to calm down. Hope it happens soon, Hope you are doing well. Probably sound, though never proven.
But Anton, did you get a result from the MRI? PaulBe, Jul 21, Sorry think this is posted in the wrong thread. Had an MRI scan 8 months ago and was as noisy as hell. Doesn't look like going away any time soon.
I also have perfect hearing in both ears so am a bit of a freak. Earforartsache, Nov 25, My tinnitus started the week after I'd taken naproxen tablets, that's 16 months ago now and is now starting to get to me, I'm not a fan of anti depressants or sleeping tabs all of which have been prescribed.
I am new to this forum and very interesting reading through how others are coping with this hell. July 21st with short phases before Cause of Tinnitus: Kieran D, Dec 7, The next morning my wife was emptying the dishwasher and then I noticed how senstive my ears were to the sound.
This was new to me. It took me ages to put the experience behind me. All we can do is take one day at a time and evetually put the bad experiences behind us. My hyperacusis is so much better overall these days.
I dont think the MRI had too much impact on my tinnitus at the time. I dont think I would go through with another MRI unless it was absolutely essential. Tweaker, Dec 7, You must log in or sign up to reply here.
Dginobile Jan 27, Dubbyaman, Mar 23, at 2: PaulBe Mar 24, at 6: Greg Sacramento Mar 26, at 8: Jazzer Mar 20, at 9: Your name or email address:
No sir...