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one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer

one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer

one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer

I discovered that Western Digital hard drives have a similar issue, but WD provides a fix [ Overall, it is longer lasting than its predecessor. I, too, had this problem, and I may have the answer you are looking for.

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It seems this is a bug of Adobe flash player update. This even occurs when taking a Snip of the desktop. Otherwise it attracts fingerprints like cancer. One plus one mobile price in india and features I don't own any fix the Microsoft problem software that I know of. I thought it was my computer, I see others having same problem.

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Basically have to kill the citrix session each time, or close IE to get the copy past working again. Anyway, I've seen mentions of IE involvement in Explorer issues.

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Insert product link Paste the product's web address below: Only happened if IE 9 open. Thanks, Bahram Bahram I have the same problem with Windows 8. Created a GB disc image in about 45 min. Saturday, March 31,

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26.03.2018 - There was a problem filtering reviews right now. The quality is good, more than good enough for selfies. I then turned the Print Spooler service back on and the problem immediately came back. If there's one thing I find handy on an iPhone, it's the ability to switch from ringtone to silent mode with the easily distinguishable side buttons.

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04.02.2018 - Thanks, Spent hours trying to fix problem, this fixed instantly, livesaver. Copy and paste suddenly stopped working last night on all applications including Notepad, Firefox, Word and command prompt. Avast reported no virus. I blamed it on windows 8, but have today found that the problem can be fixed by reverting to an earlier version of Libre Office, which is what I use to open spreadsheets. I'm writing this for one reason This is kind of like the experience I had with an old MG I worked on a few years back where you had to turn on the wipers so the heat would go on.

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24.01.2018 - Thursday, December 15, 4: Stopping "MS BS at startup and never once considering what was stopped might have been exceedingly important? Unlike Google, which puts an empty space under the screen of its Pixel phones, OnePlus takes advantage of the space to house its fingerprint reader. Wednesday, April 09, 4: No windows updates were recently applied. Saturday, August 10, 6: Audible Download Audio Books.

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Im on windows 8 and am having that same problem as all of you are having on your win7. And before my copy and paste stopped working I was and am still having issues with double and triple clicking.

I will click once onto something but it does a double or triple click. Like the other day I went to open my browser and oh my god it went crazy. I must of had 20 browsers opened by the time I could get it to stop opening them.

It was so bad 1 day i had to hit the power button to shut it down to make it stop. I have ran windows defender and some other scans and nothing shows up as any viruses, but my computer acts very strange at times and now this new issue with the copy and paste is the newest weird thing it just stated doing.

Been thinking about calling up dell tech but I can barely understand them people. This great product allows you to run multiple IE versions on the same computer. I caused the corruption by attempting an install in Win XP compatibility mode and thereby enable IE8.

No fault with their product, just a dumb experiment. This is a netspy client issue when running under Microsoft windows vista as well as windows 7. Home land security may perhaps be the issue, they have been known to use Microsoft updates program as a way to implement their own malicious network spy programs into your operating systems.

Turning separate folder off in the Explorer registry key instead caused the folder to not open at all. The above problems were in a direct relationship to a corrupt IE installation caused by running the install in Win XP Compatibility mode.

Seemed registry and component related. Due to a lack of restore points I ultimately chose to:. Make sure you have another browser installed on your system. This can be Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

Whatever you prefer, but at least one. So on whatever platform, you are looking for the history of windows updates rather the the installed programs history. If IE8 is installed and it might apply in your case.

I did in order to catch any possible problems in IE8. My corrupt install targeted IE8. Additionally, the IE Launch button was broken. I have IE8 cross-browser testing on a web page so plan to run IE8 for a week.

Anyway, I've seen mentions of IE involvement in Explorer issues. If you have bizarre Explore behavior or can't repair IE, you can try uninstalling your most recent IE version or two.

Particularly if you made any browser related updates or have experienced failed updates, it might be worth a try. First they alter Your browser to redirect to ads and competitive sites by keywords, now they do start to copy, to alter or deny Your input and output from the keyboard.

I do work on Desktops, Servers and Laptops. They can not program a decent and stable OS. I am tired to be slave of a computer which is controled by nasty and dirtry tricks by corporates to manipulate and control my behavior.

Here is a tutorial I made that rounds up all the fixes I have found reported to have worked for others. Chances are, at least one of them will work for you.

Clearing the clipboard through command prompt was the only fix that worked for me! This also removes the option of copying and pasting I also had the same problem but when i remove keylogger it simply worker for me This might be option of not working While RDCMan is active not even ctrl-c ctrl-v in notepad works.

I have Webroot SecureAnywhere installed on my computer and while reading your post it came to me to try disabling Webroot and try pasting, It worked. I've been having this issue for several days, just wish I knew it was a simple fix sooner.

Hope this helps or opens your eyes to a fix. Please let me know one way or the other if this helped you. This is not some sort of a virus, the issue comes from the amount of memory the PC has.

If for example you are running a number of applications that demand a lot of memory they the space require to copy something such as text from a word document is impossible. The buffer for the memory can only handle so much at any one time.

Someone's solution was to reboot and it works ok then is simply shutting down applications and services that have been started earlier and may have been closed but are still holding space in the ram.

I recently bought a notebook with windows 8, and immediately had a problem with copying links from a spreadsheet into seamonkey composer. I blamed it on windows 8, but have today found that the problem can be fixed by reverting to an earlier version of Libre Office, which is what I use to open spreadsheets.

I seem to have this problem copying a url from the top of IE or Firefox and pasting into Outlook. I haven't done any remote desktop stuff, have any 3rd part memory managers or anything else that would seem to be a factor that has been listed.

I know I have more than enough memory on my system for a small string of characters as it happens even if I only have a browser with a few tabs and Outlook up.

Usually the 2nd or 3rd time works fine. I had the same problem with Webroot SecureAnywhere, but the support people there helped me figure out how to fix it. Open Webroot and in the right hand column there will be an entry for "Identity Protection".

To the right of that is an gear wheel icon. Click left click on that icon, and in the window which opens, click the Application Protection tab. In that tab you will probably see whatever browsers you are using, and they should be set to "protect.

But you may also see as I did the programs into which you are having problems pasting, set to "deny. It was driving me completely batty until I read this thread, and tried disabling Webroot as you did, and found that was the problem.

And then Webroot support helped me find this solution. My problem is a bit different. It will paste, but the copied text does not appear until I click again in the ocument that I copied it to.

At any rate I too am using Citrix and found that there are essentially 2 clipboards, one for ctirix and one for windows. Closing IE windows, any memory leaks, and citrix and relaunching again resolved my issue as well.

Transfer between clipboards is congruent. I have looked high and low for an answer to this question thinking it was a Microsoft problem but it was just Webroot looking out for me.

Holy Cow - after searching for days with no resolution this tip is what worked for me. What seems to fix this is after I copy and before I paste onto a new page, I first hold down my mouse and make a tiny grey mark over the cursor.

I don't have a bad attitude. I don't own any fix the Microsoft problem software that I know of. I am running windows 7 ultimate home edition 64 bit with service pack 1.

I have a Dell desktop. Copy and paste does not work between word and word and word and gmail. But it does work between notepad and notepad. Also my desktop does not automatically refresh and neither does word when I create a new folder.

I see that these problems are reported by lots of people. I think your attitude is bad. I am not a guru, just a user and Microsoft should be more supportive of their software and more understanding, iterested in and caring about problems experienced by those who pay money for their products.

I just wanted to say that I have this exact same problem on a clean OS install with the addition of Office Professional. No third-party apps for those always saying it's not Microsoft.

I also disabled RDP and tried some of the other fixes with no success. I decided to make it a mission to find out what could be a common cause for this given very few people have the exact same software loads.

The copy will act like it's working and even allow you to save to a file, but the file never shows up. This even occurs when taking a Snip of the desktop. If pasting into a program it just blinks and does nothing.

If you try a couple of times it WILL eventually work, but that is beyond annoying for people who like to get things done quickly. I had no success until I got to Print Spooler. I then turned the Print Spooler service back on and the problem immediately came back.

I tried this about a half dozen times and every time I just stopped the print spooler service the problem went away, only to come back immediately after restarting the service.

I have left Print Spooler off for a full day with no re-occurrence and before leaving I turned it back on and the problem immediately comes back. As I work with a team of people and IT had 'refreshed' our PC's multiple times trying to fix this with no success, I immediately started testing on teammates machines.

Even with full loadouts of software from IT AV, Security, Syncing, etc and third-party apps, every time I stopped the Print Spooler service the problem immediately went away. I know the Spooler loads things into memory, and it could be an issue with the way it is handled, but as suggested above this is not an available memory issue.

I have no doubt in my mind that the Print Spooler is a part of the problem, but I simply cannot tell you if it's a victim and stopping it just releases the system from a bad state, or if the Print Spooler is a direct cause.

I also do not know the configuration options for that service at this time so I cannot offer a permanent fix. My hope is someone more familiar with the service can help here as the common responses were only fix some of the people likely with slightly different issues.

I will research it myself, but putting this out here just in case someone else can figure it out more quickly. My advice for now, simply 'Stop' the 'Print Spooler' service and see if the problem disappears.

It's a very easy test. I need your help. I followed the instructions and ended the process rdpclip. What did I do wrong? Will this cause future problems if I no longer have rdpclip?

Microsoft is conducting an online survey to understand your opinion of the Technet Web site. If you choose to participate, the online survey will be presented to you when you leave the Technet Web site.

The survey will appear here when you've completed your visit, so please do not close this window. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads.

By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Remove From My Forums. Windows 7 IT Pro. Sign in to vote. Wednesday, June 09, 5: Marked as answer by Linda Yan Thursday, June 17, 1: Thursday, June 10, 6: Tuesday, July 06, 3: Thursday, August 05, 1: If I reboot, the problem will go away until next time.

Edited by Bahram Saghari Wednesday, November 24, Wednesday, November 24, I'm having the same problem running Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit. It's intermittent and goes away after reboot.

My XP never had this problem. Friday, December 10, I ask this because my machine does this on occasion when memory avaibalility is low. Tuesday, January 04, 6: Proposed as answer by Andrew S.

Thursday, February 17, 7: EXE and restarting it worked for me. Proposed as answer by Pravin29 Sunday, January 22, 4: Tuesday, February 22, 2: Hopefully they have finally tackled it in SP1.

Saturday, February 26, 8: The clipboard stops working in ALL applications. This is all over the internet, but alas no solution to be found, except closing all work and restarting.

There is no help on Microsoft, Photoshop, OpenOffice, etc. Proposed as answer by mike Sunday, February 27, 3: Sunday, February 27, Sunday, February 27, 3: I'm having the exact same problem. My system is windows 7 Pro 64bit, but I'm using citrix.

Basically have to kill the citrix session each time, or close IE to get the copy past working again. Proposed as answer by ArchieSea Saturday, February 28, 3: Monday, February 28, Here is a link to a thread in about this issue.

Proposed as answer by Pravin29 Tuesday, January 24, 3: This issue came up on my Win7 32bit professional recently. Thursday, December 15, Proposed as answer by Sherson Friday, January 25, Win7Tester, what junkware is the common thread that all these people have run?

Remote desktop is when I have the problem. Usually on the remote machine, but sometimes on the local one too. Edited by mike Friday, December 23, 2: Thursday, December 15, 2: You might have not noticed, my post was directed to a specific individual.

Thursday, December 15, 3: RDPClip does work across the remote and local desktop when It works. It even works across the internet when it works. If you never expect it to work from box to box you probably will not experience the issue.

When the RDP redirect occurs, if configured to do so and I am on a home network so there are no security issues of consequence for me the hard drives and printers are also shared, and therefore available on both boxes while the RDP connection is in use.

I don't as a rule disconnect or log off, I simply connect from another location, or when trouble occurs I restart. The only server software I am running is Server 08 in a VM to become familiar with it.

One of the XP boxes is joined to a domain, and I don't ever remember having the issue on that box since it joined the domain. I have no doubt that corporate policy for your enterprise prevents the issue from occurring.

Thursday, December 15, 4: I'll post back if I learn anything new. Thursday, December 15, 6: Friday, December 16, 1: In all the years I've been dealing with this problem I'm not absolutely sure of a common thread.

Often I will get a 'cannot empty clipboard' error from within Excel. I have 3 versions of office, XP, , and One box has a couple of PATA's in it. I do have a bad habit of leaving 4 RDP sessions open most of the time.

Friday, December 16, Edited by frednet Friday, December 23, 1: Friday, December 23, 1: Clipboard stopped working mysteriously a month ago and nothing seems to fix it.

I've done everything I can think of and everything that anyone else can think of with this problem just to be dissapointed again and again. Just recently formated my C: No help even there so I'm pretty much going to give up with this and maybe buy a new computer.

The only thing that I do know about this problem is that something somehow keeps copying empty information to the clipboard several times in a second. Don't know what does it or why. I'm pretty sure that I've tried all the solutions out there but please do suggest new ones, since I'm kinda desperate with this thing.

Friday, December 23, 6: Sometimes it's the ESC key that is stuck due to that spilled coffee a few months ago Thursday, January 05, 6: Thursday, January 05, 9: Edited by itsagiftim Friday, January 06, 6: Friday, January 06, 5: This solved the problem for me.

Saturday, January 07, 8: Thank you very much! Monday, January 09, 7: Monday, January 16, 7: Tuesday, January 17, 3: Tuesday, January 17, 7: I am having the same exact issue!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2: Sunday, January 22, 4: Tuesday, January 24, 3: Thursday, January 26, Saturday, January 28, 3: Ruraltownsisp, I am having the same problem.

I would paste the link, but I can't! Edited by bjj Monday, January 30, 3: Monday, January 30, 1: Thanks, Spent hours trying to fix problem, this fixed instantly, livesaver.

Tuesday, January 31, 1: You ripper, fixed my problems, thank you. Sunday, February 05, Thank You for pointing out that the simplest solution is usually the best. Saturday, February 11, 9: Does your computer have Advanced SystemCare?

If it does, check the settings in the "SmartRAM" feature. If the "Clean Clipboard" setting is checked, uncheck it right away. Monday, February 13, 3: Tuesday, February 14, 9: You just saved my day.

Have been suffeing from this issue for the past 6 months Sunday, February 19, 2: Solution in Win 7: After trying everything on this forum and many other things I eventually found a solution.

Start --Run--Regedit Drill down to the following registry key! Open registry with regedit and search the following line: It seems this is a bug of Adobe flash player update.

Right click and delete it. All the keys on the right will also be deleted. Fixes copy paste and many other Active X issues like the inability to display services using services. Monday, February 20, 6: Same Here -- Problem Solved.

Wednesday, February 22, 8: Great response, thanks for the info. I had the same problem and you helped me fix it. Friday, March 02, 3: I am also running Advanced SystemCare5 and using the memory management option.

After a few weeks of running all kinds of test and kept coming up blank. Tuesday, March 13, 3: Edited by Giltec2k Thursday, March 22, 7: Thursday, March 22, 7: Proposed as answer by mben Friday, March 30, 9: Friday, March 23, 7: Proposed as answer by Sanjaykhandelwal Friday, March 23, 7: I too am having the problem described.

Found that closing I. Have now disabled Skype add-in and will see whether that resolves the issue permanently. Sunday, March 25, Skype was the issue. Monday, March 26, 1: How do you tell it to ignore the clipboard cache when it does its memory management tasks?

I can't figure it out. Tuesday, March 27, 1: Friday, March 30, 9: I guess it is a good lesson Friday, March 30, Saturday, March 31, At last, someone with a solution and logic aside from stuff copied from the standard MS BS.

Worked like a charm, thank you very much. You walk on water. Proposed as answer by brulemonster Tuesday, April 03, Tuesday, April 03, Tuesday, April 03, 4: Wednesday, April 04, Why not just do this: Open Word, go to Backstage view File Menu.

Select Options near the end just below Help, then Add-ins on the left-hand side. Untick Send to Bluetooth. Follow the same procedure for each application. Tuesday, April 10, 5: Thursday, April 12, 1: Sanjaykhandelwal, Thanks a lot.

Your solution also worked out in my case Win 7 bit, Office Skype Click to Call component was the issue - no component, no problem any more. So there's no aftermarket crap that MS is trying to beat up as the bad guys.

Saturday, April 14, 4: For any one else who clicks this forum query. I to am using Win7 64 Ultimate. Click on the Tools tab. If it's not shown press Alt first 3. Select the advanced tab on the Internet Options new window.

Then Close your Explorer Window. Open your 32bit Explorer and now it should work perfectly. Sunday, April 15, 7: Hi This Advance system Cleaner 5 was the problem. Will love to have some experience share on my my directly Monday, April 16, 8: This resolved copy and paste not working randomly on a Win xp IE8 system.

I found whenever IE8 opened copy and paste did not work. Reset IE8 settings and all is well. Thursday, April 19, 6: Thursday, April 19, 1: If you are running any type of performance software try turning it off Saturday, April 28, 1: Well done everyone here.

We are much happier!! Monday, April 30, 2: I solved this problem by doing the following. It requires no third-party software. Tuesday, May 01, 7: Tuesday, May 08, 2: Thanks for this Info.

Saturday, May 12, 2: I love the software too! Wednesday, May 16, 6: Has anyone notified Iobit of this problem? Thursday, May 17, Wednesday, May 23, 6: Sorry for replying on an old thread Sunday, May 27, Hi Man, Thanks a lot for the info!

It solved my problem too! Tuesday, May 29, 1: Monday, June 04, 9: Seems to be a glaring vulnerability to MS-Office products Wednesday, June 06, Had this same problem on a clients Windows 7 x64 Pro terminal running Office with Skype installed: Copy and Paste not working Excel Win 7 I hope this helps someone in a similar situations.

Thursday, June 07, 3: Saturday, June 09, 1: This fixed it for me. Sunday, June 10, Pravin you saved my time. I thought formatting my system. Tuesday, June 12, I hope this helps. Edited by Johnem Moca Saturday, June 16, 2: Saturday, June 16, 2: Tuesday, June 19, Hi, I've encountered this problem on a few machines.

Follow the solution here: Proposed as answer by A. TheOne Monday, June 25, 2: Monday, June 25, 2: Thanks to Linda Yan I lost paste options in Office apart from plain text.

Sunday, July 08, 6: P This is what I had running Thursday, July 26, 8: Solved my problem immediately. I use Skype, but not the IE add-in. Saturday, August 04, Hello Ruraltownsisp; I have had an issue with copy and paste not working for about two weeks.

Tuesday, August 14, 1: Thursday, August 16, Thursday, August 16, 2: Wednesday, September 26, 5: Tuesday, October 02, 8: Wednesday, October 31, 3: I, too, had this problem, and I may have the answer you are looking for.

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You are limited to 10 product links in your review, and your link text may not be longer than characters. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Interesting Finds Updated Daily.

See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List. This page works best with JavaScript. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. You can still see all customer reviews for the product.

A Review for People Who only want the Space. By Michael Wilson on October 10, I understand that there's some back and forth over whether or not this unit is compatible with Windows Backup due to sector sizes and blah, blah, blah.

I don't use Windows Backup and have no intention to do so I like to keep track of my files myself, therefore, I can't comment on the compatibility issue one way or the other. Other reviewers have also commented on the the Seagate Dashboard I haven't used it either.

So, you might be wondering why I'm bothering with this review. I'm writing this for one reason Seagate has been the only brand of External HDD I've ever used, and every drive I've purchased has functioned as intended even my first Seagate External HDD, a gb model that's nearly 10 years old now, still works to this day.

I don't mean to sound like a brainwashed fanboy, but I've never been disappointed with a Seagate drive. I've seen some people mention their HDD not showing up as a single drive enough so that I was worried mine would do the same It's really fast as a USB 3.

Aesthetically, it looks nice. I could have done without the 4 bar "fill" meter on the front and the math needed to determine how 3tb [or rather, 2. My particular unit has been in service since the very beginning of August I've used it every day moving all sorts of files videos, music, games, and I've never had even the slightest hiccup.

I don't know about all of the extra and, in my opinion, useless bells and whistles, but, used purely as storage, this thing has tons of room, and I've been very happy with it.

I recently purchased the 4tb model, and it's doing just fine as well. I've had absolutely zero problem with either drive. No issues or complaints. Koury on June 20, It was easy and worked well. It created a backup of my document directory and gave me the option for having both added or changed files updated at a time of my choosing.

What happened next was more of a Microsoft issue than Seagate. When trying to use Windows 7 backup to create a disc image on the Seagate, it kept failing halfway through giving me error messages. This happened to me before on other large external hard drives over 2TB, so I thought I would fix it by partitioning the drive into a GB and 2.

I then tried to back it up on the GB partition but had the same problem. It took me 2 hours to figure out Windows 7 backup will not work with these hard drive because of the way the sectors are sized.

I did however find a free Seagate program called Seagate Disc Wizard that you can download for free at Seagate's website that will create a disc image backup without this issue.

Pros - Seagate Dashboard is great for backing up and recovering individual user files and Disc Wizard for creating disc images in case of system failure - Its quiet - Its fast. Created a GB disc image in about 45 min.

Not so happy anymore. Just went through hell and back with this hard drive. My Dell laptop internal hard drive crashed. I needed to rely on my mirror image which was created on this Seagate 3T external hard drive.

The hard drive worked but the software neither Seagates Disc Wizard nor Dashboard worked. I will only add that I booted from the Seagate boot disk when reinstalling a disk image, the only way to get the computer to recognize this Seagate external hard drive is with the Seagate or Acronis boot disk, I then ran Windows 7 repair off the Windows boot disc and it said my new hard drive: Partition table is corrupt.

I called Seagate text support and they said my tib file must be corrupt, even though it consistently checked out as valid backup when scanned by Disc Wizard ie, the Seagate tech didnt know what they were talking about as you will see.

After countless hours I realized Seagate licenses a "lite" version of Acronis backup software that they re-title "Disk Wizard" or "Dashboard" that is really not up to the job. The problem was Seagate's version of the software was deleting the partition and, once I bought and created an Acronis boot disc, I used it to undelete the partition and voila, my hard drive had been re-imaged on the new drive all along, Seagates software just couldnt "see" it.

Seagates software was deleting the partition and making it "appear" as though the image hadnt been installed and the partition table was corrupt! And if I listed to the Seagate tech "expert", I would have deleted the tib file and lost most of my programs.

Then I tried to reinstall my user files that were backed up using Dashboard as the tib image was about a month older than my Dashboard user files backup, but Seagates Dashboard didnt recognize the latest backup version of my files, only the version that was 6 months older.

So I had to manually go into the hundreds of backup directories to recover my latest user files which took hours. If your not using it for disk imaging, or not using Dashboard to backup user files, its fine.

Changing this from 4 stars to 3. Top rated Most recent Top rated. All reviewers Verified purchase only All reviewers All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars All formats Size: There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

Please try again later. Was this review helpful to you? Insert product link Paste the product's web address below: Only products offered on Amazon can be linked. What are product links?

To insert a product link, follow these steps:. Please write at least one word. You must be in good standing in the Amazon community to post. Your message will not be posted.

Please see our guidelines regarding objectionable content. You must purchase at least one item from Amazon to post a comment. A problem occurred while submitting your comment.

Guidelines Sign in to comment. There was a problem loading comments right now. By Rocky on June 28, Nerd speak ahead, skip the following paragraph to proceed to rant The drive is formatted in a way that causes the windows backup and restore to fail when creating a system image because it uses a native 4k sector size.

Native 4k drives are not supported by Windows 7 [ Although, it seems as though windows is beginning to support 4k sector drives [ The hot fix previously referenced does not seem to fix the known compatibility issue referenced in the first URL resulting in Error code: I tried everything from reformatting to sharing the drive on another computer and attempting to save the back up through the networked drive.

Now some may blame Microsoft for "Error code: However, Seagate is truly to blame. The writer actually goes through and describes in detail the compatibility issues that exist with the native format of this drive.

However, mentioning the problem once was not sufficient because they proceeded by describing the "obstacles" in another Tech Insights article titled Beyond 2TB on the Desktop [ Let me get this straight.

So what your telling me is you know about the compatibility issues yet you continue to provide this product? Ok, ill let this slide for now. Let's continue onto the Second thing, Seagate could have been proactive about this Advanced Format.

A perfect example of pro-activeness is Western Digital's solution which pretty much requires three steps to fix. Reason number three, and by the way this three is bigger than the big three in Miami, the name.

My thought process after reading the name was something along the lines of, "Well this sure sounds like the perfect hard drive to back up my PC. What a great price! If that's the case, I'll take two kind sir!

Overall, my problem is mainly how Seagate went about it. They knew about the compatibility issues, they weren't and have not been proactive about fixing it as far as I know, and they were extremely misleading with the name.

So this tech in hindsight should probably be called Backup Minus because if Amazon had negative stars Would that be black hole ratings? Then this drive would be getting a whole lot of those!

The manufacturer commented on the review below 1. By Lucas Smith on July 19, I have plenty of USB3 ports on the computer, and this drive runs very quietly and fast while connected to them.

However the drive refuses to recognize on reboot - I have to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect. This is a huge issue for me as I was trying to use this drive with Crashplan backup utility, and only place I have to put the drive is behind my two large monitors so it is a pain to reconnect.

I recognize USB 3 is pretty new, so maybe it is just an issue with that but just be aware you might have the same issues I am expiriencing. I am probably going to get another esata drive for now as I have had much better luck with them with regard to speed and connectivity and I have one more esata port left on my pci-e esata card I added.

The manufacturer commented on this review What's this? We noticed your review and wanted to comment on your experience with your Backup Plus Desktop drive. When the drive is not recognized upon a reboot it usually does indicate a driver issue.

Since the drive works fine with USB 2. We concur with the suggestion that it may help to check for the latest drivers from the motherboard or USB 3. However if you have already tried this with no result, we would be happy to help further.

We have created a case based on the information provided in this review that will show this review and our response. Please use the link below to speak with a support representative directly: Ganz on June 18,

Program will one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer

I cannot connect my one plus two to my computer or laptop. debugging option is saying “Device I am using One plus SGS2 can't connect to PC for USB file. How can I delete Onedrive files from a computer without deleting my files from You can unsync one file or entire so no files show up on your computer. 2k.

26.01.2018 - So on whatever platform, you are looking for the history of windows updates rather the the installed programs history. I know you'll have a ration of excrement for me because I dared point out the obvious, but save yourself the keystrokes, don't bother replying. Lens quality is often prioritized for maximum sharpness in the center of the image area, since most people will ideally photograph their subjects in that space. Ccleaner free download for xp latest version fileh... MS scripts won't allow me to click "propose as answer" within IE. I think your attitude is bad. My advice for now, simply 'Stop' the 'Print Spooler' service and see if the problem disappears.

For bit one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer york.

12.02.2018 - Sure, restarting the clipboard fixes it for now, but it breaks again. Thursday, June 12, Ccleaner free download italiano windows 7 - For an... I was going to get the 3t but have heard the software is glitchy. This is all over the internet, but alas no solution to be found, except closing all work and restarting. It was possibly maleware or some kind of virus.

Online security plugin one plus 3t no system can copy files from computer your eyes.

21.01.2018 - I previously owned a second generation GoFlex Desk STAC which had major heat issues with the drive reaching 69 degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit after moderate to heavy use. They can keep their crapy Windows 7 and 8. As I was transferring photos and videos, I noticed the dialogue box was frozen for a bit. Ccleaner for windows 10 full version - 2016 setup... You said it yourself, "In my case it was I recognize USB 3 is pretty new, so maybe it is just an issue with that but just be aware you might have the same issues I am expiriencing.

One Plus 5, One Plus 3T, How to Recover Lost Data from OnePlus 5/3T/2/X/1 Phone How to Transfer File between Computer and Android Device ;. I find myself in the same situation with the OnePlus 3T today, with one key which can transfer energy and files quickly. There will not be a one plus 4. How to Transfer Data from Samsung to OnePlus 3T With the help of this software you can transfer all files from one device To copy your files from Samsung.

Above, we find the speaker and sensors. On the right side, we find the button to turn the display off and on, and trays for two nano SIM cards. If there's one thing I find handy on an iPhone, it's the ability to switch from ringtone to silent mode with the easily distinguishable side buttons.

Another advantage is the USB 2. With regard to handling, it is a treat. Of course, you must love screens which are a little bit big, and in certain circumstances it is necessary to use two hands.

That being said, it's certainly not too big, as you don't have to worry about it having difficulty sliding into your pocket. If you want a phone with a premium look and feel, you will be well-served by the OnePlus 3T.

The surface and build quality of the 3T is consistent with other metal body phones like the Google Pixel, giving it a truly chic appearance. Once again, OnePlus opted for a 5. This is something that was successful on its predecessor, the OnePlus 3.

The screen is an Optic AMOLED, which according to OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei, is tweaked specifically for the handset, making contrast and color temperature truer to life and viewing better when outdoors.

But the downside is that the definition is not ideal for VR. The screen is 5. Some newer phones have Quad-HD x resolution instead. Nevertheless, the screen is quite good, the colors are vivid, and I have no problems with it.

It is pleasant to use this mode, since it makes it less tiring for the eyes, but the yellow hue may get on your nerves. White on the screen sometimes tends toward yellow or blue hues depending on the angle you hold the device.

I couldn't test it in strong sunlight, since the sun isn't strong in Berlin this time of year. The 3T's night mode adapts the colors of the screen so your eyes don't get tired when reading in low light conditions.

This is one of the more interesting features of the device for me. Here is where I was really disappointed. That being said, they already announced that the 3 and 3T would be able to update to Nougat in December.

In short, the user interface is a lot like stock Android and it isn't built upon the latest version of Android, which is a shame. That said, like with the OnePlus 3, the picture isn't totally black.

Some of the the interface elements have changed, like the quick bar settings which look more like Nougat, and the more intuitive options, in addition to a weather app and voice recorder which also appeared.

On the other hand, there is no bloatware. The software provides some useful functions, like accessibility help for the visually impaired TalkBack, different font sizes, zoom gestures and the App Locker function which locks certain apps with a code through the "Never Settle" banner on the top left of the home screen.

Personally, I don't find this very useful, since I prefer to use Google Now to get weather and news updates, but I'm sure some will like it. If you want to customize your menus, you have two options: Plus, you can set a secondary color, like an all black menu with green text that will really stand out.

It's not necessarily useful, but some will like having the color options. Before we get too far, let's talk about the technical specs of this device. The processor is a 2.

On the 3T, we find UFS 2. In practice, I've found this to be true. For everyday use, the performance is good: I haven't encountered any crashes, slow downs, or bugs. Everything seems to be fluid.

The fingerprint reader can unlock the device and take you to the home screen in 0. As far as benchmarks go, the smartphone scores well, even against the OnePlus 3 which sets the bar. The battery life test was carried out with the screen at maximum brightness, a topic which we will return to in the section on the battery.

If you're a VR aficionado, I have bad news. The max volume is pretty high, but at high volumes, quality is degraded and sounds metallic. Unfortunately, the phone doesn't come with headphones.

This really fixed my problem. I just unchecked the "Clean Clipboard" and it did me right. I just cleared the clipboard check box and my copy and paste issue is no longer.

I came back to post about it and see that you beat me too it! I love ASC also.. I am having the same problem. I edited the settings and unchecked "clipboard" in the scanned files. Is that what you meant?

I re-booted, then tried copy and paste in an excel file. It did allow me to copy and paste. Then I came online and tried to copy and paste my link to a thread I have on this same issue, and it did not allow me to paste.

The paste function is not selectable. Is there an internet cache that I should deselect? If you had any other issues with Adv Care system 5, pls post! You are the best!.

I've struggled with copy paste problems for months, and answers provided didn't work. This one did big time! Unchecking "clean clipboard"in smartRAM solved the issue - it worked like magic.

Mike is right on the mark here. Thank you for for reminding me about this mess. This still exists in the Win7 platforms including R2 and Office I will be happy if Microsoft ever fixes this problem but by then most consumers will be using a Google OS, amirite?

I have more or less the same problem. Paste special only let me paste the copied content as text or unicode text no other options. This goes the same when copying a range of cells from an excell sheet to a word document.

Rebooting don not solve the problem. I am running excell on XP sp3 system. I have a solution - at least for me! Apparently some sort of memory-management issue with Skype, Office and the browsers.

Yup, huge "thank you Sanjay". After a week without problems, Skype click to call was definitely the source of the trouble for me. System seems a lot smoother without it, generally.

Disappointing that such a widely used piece of software as Skype should cause such damaging and far reaching consequences. I wonder how many millions of man-hours have been wasted by people tearing their hair out trying to solve the problem?

However, as it seems that there are numerous ways clipboard functionality can be severly impacted, perhaps MS should look carefully at the internals and whether better protection can be provided from one app.

Skype 'click to call' was the issue. If you use SmartRAM, that may be the source of your problem. Uncheck that and you should be able to use Cut and Paste again.

Happened to me, and that fixed it! I guess some of those solutions appear to work for some, but didn't for me but THIS is what fixed it!! I hope it helps someone as frustrated as I was!!!

The problem I had was the right click in explorer 32bit would show the menu but nothing within the menu would respond. It works a treat in explorer 64bit and in the Inprivate browsing both 32 and 64 bit.

Now the way I fixed mine after several days browsing forums was simple. So simple I was tempted to throw the whole sytem out the window out of spite. At the bottom of the window click on the Reset button in the Reset internet explorer settings.

I then checked the Delete personal settings box. Don't know if it would make any difference. But it does also delete all cookies and a lot more. Press on the Close button. It was possibly maleware or some kind of virus.

It may even be an eccellerator so watch what you reactivate or install. This Advance system Cleaner 5 was the problem. Tks a lot man, whoever discovered this solution.

Tried so many options in the last few days Can share some infos, about how to use this We had 2 different computers suffering the same illness and the ASC fix with un-checking the clean clipboard box in the SmartRam settings fixed them both!!

You will need to include cmd, even if you choose to run this from a command prompt. This is just related to people who use Advanced system care Pro 5 and can no longer copy and paste here is how you fix it.

I got rid of a computer because of this. When it happened to my new computer yesterday, I was ready for another. You saved me the expense. A few of my users encountered what was described by Giltec2k but their problem arise only when IE is opened.

I also just started experiencing this problem. I traced it down to a recent upload of the latest version of Skype. Problem immediately went away I did not have to reboot. Had this same problem on a clients Windows 7 x64 Pro terminal running Office with Skype installed:.

I used the solution here: Copy and Paste not working Excel Win 7. I have experienced the same problem and just solved it by deleting the soft ware which I had installed few days earlier from ETS education testing services as I am about to start prep for the GRE exam and this software is suggested to be downloded in order to assist in the prep process.

The name of the soft ware which appear to interfere with my Word program is named: Your situation could be caused by a different source but in my opinion, it will have something to do with a software you have recently installed.

Certainly, if the problem continue to persist after you uninstall a suspicious program, you can always try to reinstall it back on. Copy and paste suddenly stopped working last night on all applications including Notepad, Firefox, Word and command prompt.

The laptop was not used for rdp sessions. Advanced SystemCare was not installed. There was no IE browser open. Avast reported no virus. No windows updates were recently applied. The root cause of my specific copy and paste issue was due to low Free Physical Memory.

In my case I had about 19MB free. Afterwards copy and paste started working again. I don't know how much free memory is required for copy and paste to work. At MB free it still works.

I lost paste options in Office apart from plain text. Only happened if IE 9 open. The issue probably came on after Java update. This update seemed to produce some other problems. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

So not really happy. I have also had this problem many a time, but usually simply restarting Excel that is where I mostly have the problem fixes it. Today was a different story, once again in Excel I could not paste or clear the clipboard.

Not by clicking on the clipboard buttons, right clicking, Ctrl V. First I had a look at my memory usage because I always have a hundred things running in the foreground.

I could not think that it would be a lack of memory as I have 24GB in my system don't ask: I restarted both instances of Excel several times which did not resolve the issue. Then I decided to see if any of the foreground applications were causing the issue in some way, by closing them one at a time.

Fortunately I didn't have to look far. I closed Outlook, bounced Excel again and everything was back to normal. I have had an issue with copy and paste not working for about two weeks.

I looked everywhere, vistited several forums without success. My Wife God Bless her found your posted resolution. I was getting ready to do a re-install or ISO copy which I did not want to do as you can imagine.

I too use ASC Pro 5. Thank you so much for your input and resolution to the problem. In one case, a user experiencing this problem was using a nice little program called "Advance Care". One of the options within the program were to "Clean the clip board".

This was the culprit for one fellow, and perhaps you are running a program similar to better manage memory. Many thanks for your post! It solved my problem!

It is a Mouse problem, mostley a optical mouse problem. So I sporadically have been having this problem for the past several months. My IT department manages most of the settings and software we can put on our machines, so I'm pretty sure it's not any snake oil junkware.

I ended the remote session and suddenly I am able to copy and paste again on my machine. This is kind of like the experience I had with an old MG I worked on a few years back where you had to turn on the wipers so the heat would go on.

Maybe if MS execs would let the development teams work a little longer to produce a clean finished product instead of trying to rush things out and then go all patch-a-palooza every few weeks fixing all the issues, maybe they would be as well liked as their products are prolific.

I am not an Apple fanboi, so don't start flaming me, but the only reason I use most MS products is because there didn't used to be any alternatives that worked. Well, for most of my personal uses, google's stuff works, so I'm not buying anything MS unless my company buys it for me.

Good job on customer retention MS That is ridiculous DAS. I have this same problem. The "Aftermarket" software that made it worse? Microsoft Office Home and Buisiness Just as the others posted, this is unique to Win7 and simply did not occur in XP.

I think it's the more complex clipboard with all sorts of custom settings. This problem of Win 7 is much worse when using Outlook and Word. There was no solution after adjusting all options in all programs.

Installed M8 Free Clipboard Monitor. Windows behavior somehow back to normal, but I'm still learning to use the additional features of M8. Well I have add a few words to this problem.

I had it occur to me in the last week. When attempting to do the paste it would pause and I would get an error window that gave me the option of killing the program or restarting the program. I have picked up a lot of information this way.

I thought that it went away just about the time that I found this page while attempting to solve the problem. I was reading the material and doing som last minute tests to prove the magnitude of my issue.

It seemed to work just fine all of a sudden. I now know that it is different then all the rest of the web - or most of it anywey. I will have to report the problem to them - and it is a major HW company!

But I still want to know why this is doing this. I just put this system together HW and SW a week ago. I'm not using any of the add-on products talked about here.

Besides talking to that company - I don't know what to do. It is not a permanent fix. Im on windows 8 and am having that same problem as all of you are having on your win7.

And before my copy and paste stopped working I was and am still having issues with double and triple clicking. I will click once onto something but it does a double or triple click.

Like the other day I went to open my browser and oh my god it went crazy. I must of had 20 browsers opened by the time I could get it to stop opening them. It was so bad 1 day i had to hit the power button to shut it down to make it stop.

I have ran windows defender and some other scans and nothing shows up as any viruses, but my computer acts very strange at times and now this new issue with the copy and paste is the newest weird thing it just stated doing.

Been thinking about calling up dell tech but I can barely understand them people. This great product allows you to run multiple IE versions on the same computer.

I caused the corruption by attempting an install in Win XP compatibility mode and thereby enable IE8. No fault with their product, just a dumb experiment. This is a netspy client issue when running under Microsoft windows vista as well as windows 7.

Home land security may perhaps be the issue, they have been known to use Microsoft updates program as a way to implement their own malicious network spy programs into your operating systems.

Turning separate folder off in the Explorer registry key instead caused the folder to not open at all. The above problems were in a direct relationship to a corrupt IE installation caused by running the install in Win XP Compatibility mode.

Seemed registry and component related. Due to a lack of restore points I ultimately chose to:. Make sure you have another browser installed on your system. This can be Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

Whatever you prefer, but at least one. So on whatever platform, you are looking for the history of windows updates rather the the installed programs history. If IE8 is installed and it might apply in your case.

I did in order to catch any possible problems in IE8. My corrupt install targeted IE8. Additionally, the IE Launch button was broken. I have IE8 cross-browser testing on a web page so plan to run IE8 for a week.

Anyway, I've seen mentions of IE involvement in Explorer issues. If you have bizarre Explore behavior or can't repair IE, you can try uninstalling your most recent IE version or two.

Particularly if you made any browser related updates or have experienced failed updates, it might be worth a try. First they alter Your browser to redirect to ads and competitive sites by keywords, now they do start to copy, to alter or deny Your input and output from the keyboard.

I do work on Desktops, Servers and Laptops. They can not program a decent and stable OS. I am tired to be slave of a computer which is controled by nasty and dirtry tricks by corporates to manipulate and control my behavior.

Here is a tutorial I made that rounds up all the fixes I have found reported to have worked for others. Chances are, at least one of them will work for you. Clearing the clipboard through command prompt was the only fix that worked for me!

This also removes the option of copying and pasting I also had the same problem but when i remove keylogger it simply worker for me This might be option of not working While RDCMan is active not even ctrl-c ctrl-v in notepad works.

I have Webroot SecureAnywhere installed on my computer and while reading your post it came to me to try disabling Webroot and try pasting, It worked. I've been having this issue for several days, just wish I knew it was a simple fix sooner.

Hope this helps or opens your eyes to a fix. Please let me know one way or the other if this helped you. This is not some sort of a virus, the issue comes from the amount of memory the PC has.

If for example you are running a number of applications that demand a lot of memory they the space require to copy something such as text from a word document is impossible. The buffer for the memory can only handle so much at any one time.

Someone's solution was to reboot and it works ok then is simply shutting down applications and services that have been started earlier and may have been closed but are still holding space in the ram.

I recently bought a notebook with windows 8, and immediately had a problem with copying links from a spreadsheet into seamonkey composer. I blamed it on windows 8, but have today found that the problem can be fixed by reverting to an earlier version of Libre Office, which is what I use to open spreadsheets.

I seem to have this problem copying a url from the top of IE or Firefox and pasting into Outlook. I haven't done any remote desktop stuff, have any 3rd part memory managers or anything else that would seem to be a factor that has been listed.

I know I have more than enough memory on my system for a small string of characters as it happens even if I only have a browser with a few tabs and Outlook up.

Usually the 2nd or 3rd time works fine. I had the same problem with Webroot SecureAnywhere, but the support people there helped me figure out how to fix it. Open Webroot and in the right hand column there will be an entry for "Identity Protection".

To the right of that is an gear wheel icon. Click left click on that icon, and in the window which opens, click the Application Protection tab. In that tab you will probably see whatever browsers you are using, and they should be set to "protect.

But you may also see as I did the programs into which you are having problems pasting, set to "deny. It was driving me completely batty until I read this thread, and tried disabling Webroot as you did, and found that was the problem.

And then Webroot support helped me find this solution. My problem is a bit different. It will paste, but the copied text does not appear until I click again in the ocument that I copied it to. At any rate I too am using Citrix and found that there are essentially 2 clipboards, one for ctirix and one for windows.

Closing IE windows, any memory leaks, and citrix and relaunching again resolved my issue as well. Transfer between clipboards is congruent. I have looked high and low for an answer to this question thinking it was a Microsoft problem but it was just Webroot looking out for me.

Holy Cow - after searching for days with no resolution this tip is what worked for me. What seems to fix this is after I copy and before I paste onto a new page, I first hold down my mouse and make a tiny grey mark over the cursor.

I don't have a bad attitude. I don't own any fix the Microsoft problem software that I know of. I am running windows 7 ultimate home edition 64 bit with service pack 1. I have a Dell desktop.

Copy and paste does not work between word and word and word and gmail. But it does work between notepad and notepad. Also my desktop does not automatically refresh and neither does word when I create a new folder.

I see that these problems are reported by lots of people. I think your attitude is bad. I am not a guru, just a user and Microsoft should be more supportive of their software and more understanding, iterested in and caring about problems experienced by those who pay money for their products.

I just wanted to say that I have this exact same problem on a clean OS install with the addition of Office Professional. No third-party apps for those always saying it's not Microsoft.

I also disabled RDP and tried some of the other fixes with no success. I decided to make it a mission to find out what could be a common cause for this given very few people have the exact same software loads.

The copy will act like it's working and even allow you to save to a file, but the file never shows up. This even occurs when taking a Snip of the desktop. If pasting into a program it just blinks and does nothing.

If you try a couple of times it WILL eventually work, but that is beyond annoying for people who like to get things done quickly. I had no success until I got to Print Spooler.

I then turned the Print Spooler service back on and the problem immediately came back. I've had absolutely zero problem with either drive. No issues or complaints.

Koury on June 20, It was easy and worked well. It created a backup of my document directory and gave me the option for having both added or changed files updated at a time of my choosing. What happened next was more of a Microsoft issue than Seagate.

When trying to use Windows 7 backup to create a disc image on the Seagate, it kept failing halfway through giving me error messages. This happened to me before on other large external hard drives over 2TB, so I thought I would fix it by partitioning the drive into a GB and 2.

I then tried to back it up on the GB partition but had the same problem. It took me 2 hours to figure out Windows 7 backup will not work with these hard drive because of the way the sectors are sized.

I did however find a free Seagate program called Seagate Disc Wizard that you can download for free at Seagate's website that will create a disc image backup without this issue. Pros - Seagate Dashboard is great for backing up and recovering individual user files and Disc Wizard for creating disc images in case of system failure - Its quiet - Its fast.

Created a GB disc image in about 45 min. Not so happy anymore. Just went through hell and back with this hard drive. My Dell laptop internal hard drive crashed. I needed to rely on my mirror image which was created on this Seagate 3T external hard drive.

The hard drive worked but the software neither Seagates Disc Wizard nor Dashboard worked. I will only add that I booted from the Seagate boot disk when reinstalling a disk image, the only way to get the computer to recognize this Seagate external hard drive is with the Seagate or Acronis boot disk, I then ran Windows 7 repair off the Windows boot disc and it said my new hard drive: Partition table is corrupt.

I called Seagate text support and they said my tib file must be corrupt, even though it consistently checked out as valid backup when scanned by Disc Wizard ie, the Seagate tech didnt know what they were talking about as you will see.

After countless hours I realized Seagate licenses a "lite" version of Acronis backup software that they re-title "Disk Wizard" or "Dashboard" that is really not up to the job. The problem was Seagate's version of the software was deleting the partition and, once I bought and created an Acronis boot disc, I used it to undelete the partition and voila, my hard drive had been re-imaged on the new drive all along, Seagates software just couldnt "see" it.

Seagates software was deleting the partition and making it "appear" as though the image hadnt been installed and the partition table was corrupt! And if I listed to the Seagate tech "expert", I would have deleted the tib file and lost most of my programs.

Then I tried to reinstall my user files that were backed up using Dashboard as the tib image was about a month older than my Dashboard user files backup, but Seagates Dashboard didnt recognize the latest backup version of my files, only the version that was 6 months older.

So I had to manually go into the hundreds of backup directories to recover my latest user files which took hours. If your not using it for disk imaging, or not using Dashboard to backup user files, its fine.

Changing this from 4 stars to 3. Top rated Most recent Top rated. All reviewers Verified purchase only All reviewers All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars All formats Size: There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

Please try again later. Was this review helpful to you? Insert product link Paste the product's web address below: Only products offered on Amazon can be linked. What are product links?

To insert a product link, follow these steps:. Please write at least one word. You must be in good standing in the Amazon community to post. Your message will not be posted.

Please see our guidelines regarding objectionable content. You must purchase at least one item from Amazon to post a comment. A problem occurred while submitting your comment.

Guidelines Sign in to comment. There was a problem loading comments right now. By Rocky on June 28, Nerd speak ahead, skip the following paragraph to proceed to rant The drive is formatted in a way that causes the windows backup and restore to fail when creating a system image because it uses a native 4k sector size.

Native 4k drives are not supported by Windows 7 [ Although, it seems as though windows is beginning to support 4k sector drives [ The hot fix previously referenced does not seem to fix the known compatibility issue referenced in the first URL resulting in Error code: I tried everything from reformatting to sharing the drive on another computer and attempting to save the back up through the networked drive.

Now some may blame Microsoft for "Error code: However, Seagate is truly to blame. The writer actually goes through and describes in detail the compatibility issues that exist with the native format of this drive.

However, mentioning the problem once was not sufficient because they proceeded by describing the "obstacles" in another Tech Insights article titled Beyond 2TB on the Desktop [ Let me get this straight.

So what your telling me is you know about the compatibility issues yet you continue to provide this product? Ok, ill let this slide for now. Let's continue onto the Second thing, Seagate could have been proactive about this Advanced Format.

A perfect example of pro-activeness is Western Digital's solution which pretty much requires three steps to fix. Reason number three, and by the way this three is bigger than the big three in Miami, the name.

My thought process after reading the name was something along the lines of, "Well this sure sounds like the perfect hard drive to back up my PC. What a great price!

If that's the case, I'll take two kind sir! Overall, my problem is mainly how Seagate went about it. They knew about the compatibility issues, they weren't and have not been proactive about fixing it as far as I know, and they were extremely misleading with the name.

So this tech in hindsight should probably be called Backup Minus because if Amazon had negative stars Would that be black hole ratings? Then this drive would be getting a whole lot of those!

The manufacturer commented on the review below 1. By Lucas Smith on July 19, I have plenty of USB3 ports on the computer, and this drive runs very quietly and fast while connected to them.

However the drive refuses to recognize on reboot - I have to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect. This is a huge issue for me as I was trying to use this drive with Crashplan backup utility, and only place I have to put the drive is behind my two large monitors so it is a pain to reconnect.

I recognize USB 3 is pretty new, so maybe it is just an issue with that but just be aware you might have the same issues I am expiriencing. I am probably going to get another esata drive for now as I have had much better luck with them with regard to speed and connectivity and I have one more esata port left on my pci-e esata card I added.


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