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The number of actual discharges documented during the July and August inspections included: How to get more wattage from several solar panels? Evenwhenthe signal of may modem bandwidth isgood.
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The four grants awarded to Oakland projects include: Trash types from recreational land use, transport from upstream locations, homeless encampments, and illegal dumping. My friend's laptops have no problem with my wifi router. One plus one mobile price in india and features Poor Wifi Connectivity 83 Please help International West Street Oakland Ave.
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The illicit discharges that were reported and resolved in a timely manner listed above do not include Hazardous Materials response and cleanup actions over 90 cases conducted by the Oakland Fire Department OFD Hazardous Materials HazMat Response Teams.
Additionally, the illicit discharges reported, responded to, and resolved, does not include all Sanitary Sewer Overflow SSO responses. The OFD-HazMat operates under a standard of protocol SOP that indicates that staff responds to reported discharges within hours from the time the incident is reported.
In addition to the prevalent types of discharges and complaints listed above, the City experiences numerous complaint calls regarding illegal dumping of hazardous materials commonly discarded left over paint and automotive fluids.
Complaint calls for illegal dumping of hazardous materials are fielded and handled by the Oakland Fire Department OFD and through a hazardous materials disposal Contractor.
Most of these cases involving illegal dumping of hazardous materials result in the pickup and disposal of contained hazardous materials. On occasion, these containers are turned over and spilled into the street gutter and storm drains.
OFD HazMat respond to these illicit discharges and abate the situation by applying absorbent to the spilled material. Capital Improvement Projects for the City of Oakland are inspected on a regular basis by staff.
These daily or periodic inspections also include observations related to storm water runoff issues, as appropriate. Percentage calculated as number of violations in each category divided by total number of violations in all six categories.
Number Number of illicit discharges, actual and those inferred through evidence C. Number Violations fully corrected within 10 business days after violations are discovered or otherwise considered corrected in a timely period C.
City Construction Manager's work closely with the Contractor on public construction projects, and visits the project site on a daily basis. Inspections are continually occurring, and if an issue arises, the Contractor has a contractual obligation to resolve issues within a given timeframe.
Agencies should list the specific enforcement actions as defined in their ERPs. Calculated as number of violations fully corrected in a timely period after the violations are discovered divided by the total number of violations for the reporting year.
It does not equal the total number of enforcement actions because one violation issued at a site may have a second enforcement action for the same violation at the next inspection if it is not corrected.
Describe your evaluation of the tracking data and data summaries and provide information on the evaluation results e. The City of Oakland inspections for capital, public projects cover a full range of quality control and site management, including storm water related issues.
The noted violations are typically not a result of the initial setup controls, but of changing construction operations and conditions at a project site. Describe what appear to be your program's strengths and weaknesses, and identify needed improvements, including education and outreach.
The collection of data for storm water related information i. In addition, design specifications and plans will be reviewed to strengthen and clarify storm water BMP's and permitting requirements.
Number of illicit discharges, actual and those inferred through evidence C. Staff has reprogrammed the database, and added specific codes for stormwater violations so that they can be readily queried.
Information is entered into the PTS, and data can be pulled on a real-time basis. Typical BMP performance issues, as observed by inspectors in the field, include the complete failure to implement BMPs at construction sites due to not having the required BMP available at the site.
Calculated as number of violations not fully corrected within 30 days after the violations are discovered divided by the total number of violations for the reporting year. One trend that has been observed and noted during construction site inspections is the increasing number of foreclosure properties due to the downturn in the economy.
The City has improved its construction inspection program effectiveness over FY by developing tools to assist in streamlining the inspection process and by upgrading the process of scheduling inspections.
These are punch cards for projects that require that a specific task be completed prior to conducting an inspection for future tasks. Additionally, the City Construction Inspection Unit has developed a method of automatically generating inspection appointments for routine inspection in the City's Permit Tracking System.
This allows the inspector to automatically have the inspection scheduled on their personal schedules on a routine basis rather than manually scheduling their appointments based on a file review.
Attendees included a wide range of staff involved with the construction of projects including inspectors, project managers, engineers, and managers. Include details such as messages, creative developed, and outreach media used.
The detailed advertising report may be included as an attachment. If advertising is being done by participation in a countywide or regional program, refer to the separate countywide or regional Annual Report.
A summary of activities is provided in Section C. For the Annual Report following the precampaign survey Summarize survey information such as sample size, type of survey telephone survey, interviews etc.
Attach a survey report that includes the following information. If survey was done regionally, refer to a regional submittal that contains the following information: Summary of how the survey was implemented.
Analysis of the survey results. Discussion of the outreach strategies based on the survey results. Place an X in the appropriate box below: Summarize the media relations effort. Summary of any changes made during FY Local Stormwater Point of Contact is: The website was updated this year with a number of new improvements including a more prominent link to the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program website.
The new web address is oaklandcreeks. The URL is stamped into the sidewalk at various locations throughout the City as part of a watershed marker public art project that was installed in the Spring Describe general approach to event selection.
Provide a list of outreach materials and giveaways distributed. Primarily Oakland residents Outreach Message: Describe the level of effort and support given e. State efforts undertaken and the results of these efforts.
If this activity is done regionally refer to a regional report. Evaluate effectiveness by describing the following:. Local Watershed Stewardship Collaborative Efforts: Each marker resembles a stepping stone in a creek surrounded by water and creek wildlife such as Rainbow Trout, Pacific Chorus tree frogs, and dragonflies.
Project raises awareness about citywide creek and stormwater system. Markers will be installed in other locations throughout the city as additional funding becomes available. More information on the project can be found at oaklandcreeks.
Funded through an American Reinvestment and Recovery Act ARRA grant, the City has subsidized the sale of 1, rain barrels to residents, resulting in the detention of over 90, gallons of stormwater runoff.
List the types of events conducted e. Use the following table for reporting and evaluating citizen involvement events. The four grants awarded to Oakland projects include: The events were attended by a total of 12, participants.
Summarize school-age children outreach programs implemented. A detailed report may be included as an attachment. Use the following table for reporting school-age children outreach efforts.
Program Details Provide the following information: Evaluation of Effectiveness Provide agency staff feedback. Report any other evaluation methods used quiz, teacher feedback etc. Attach evaluation summary if applicable.
State below if information is reported in a separate regional report. Municipalities can also describe below any Water Quality Monitoring activities in which they participate directly, e.
Attach a copy of your individual IPM ordinance or policy. Water Board staff requested resubmittal for FY If Not attached, explain: A City Ordinance was passed by City Council in February See Attachment 5 adopting policies regarding the use of chemical pesticides by City departments including implementation of Integrated Pest Management IPM techniques and methods as standard operating procedures.
The City passed two subsequent amendments in December See Attachment 6 and January See Attachment 7 that listed a number of exemptions to the initial Ordinance allowing a limited use of pesticides.
As a result of the December and January amendments to the February Ordinance, City staff in the Office of Park and Building Maintenance in the Public Works Agency has been tasked to oversee the application of pesticides.
Responsibilities include implementation of the above Ordinances, the development of Standards of Protocol, tracking and monitoring applications of pesticides including usage and application locations, interfacing with County Agricultural inspectors, and ensuring that staff are trained and certified.
X Attached Not attached, explain below. Report implementation of IPM BMPs by showing trends in quantities and types of pesticides used, and suggest reasons for increases in use of pesticides that threaten water quality, specifically organophosphates, pyrethroids, carbaryl, and fipronil.
A separate report can be attached as evidence of your implementation. Includes all municipal structural and landscape pesticide usage by employees and contractors. Weight or volume of the product or preferably its active ingredient, using same units for the product each year.
Enter the number of employees that applied or used pesticides including herbicides within the scope of their duties this reporting year. Enter the number of these employees who received training on your IPM policy and IPM standard operating procedures within the last 3 years.
Enter the percentage of municipal employees who apply pesticides who have received training in the IPM policy and IPM standard operating procedures within the last three years. Did your municipality contract with any pesticide service provider in the reporting year?
If yes, attach one of the following: Summarize participation efforts, information submitted, and how regulatory actions were affected OR reference a regional report that summarizes regional participation efforts, information submitted, and how regulatory actions were affected.
Did your municipal staff observe any improper pesticide usage or evidence of improper usage e. If yes, provide a summary of improper pesticide usage reported to the County Agricultural Commissioner and follow-up actions taken to correct any violations.
A separate report can be attached as your summary. City of Oakland pesticide application staff and application protocols are inspected by County Agricultural Commissioners at a minimum of one inspection per year.
An inspection was conducted on May 26, No spills or improper pesticide applications were reported during FY Provide a summary of public outreach at point of purchase, and any measurable awareness and behavior changes resulting from outreach here or in a separate report ; OR reference a report of a regional effort for public outreach in which your agency participates.
See the Section C. Staff distributed materials developed by the Program including: City staff also engaged the public with questions regarding less-toxic pesticide use, requested attendees to sign pledge boards attesting that they would agree to try a less-toxic pest control recipe, reduce their use of pesticides, and plant the seeds to attract beneficial insects.
Provide a summary of public outreach to pest control operators and landscapers and reduced pesticide use here or in a separate report ; OR reference a report of a regional effort for outreach to pest control operators and landscapers in which your agency participates.
Currently, three CDS units are in the design stage for implementation, and will treat an additional acres of commercial, industrial, and residential areas that flow into the Oakland Estuary See Section C.
Large illegally dumped items such as mattresses, box springs, tires, etc. Small items such as aluminum cans, plastic wrappers, and etc. Trash Sources where possible Trash sources include recreational land use, upstream transport, adjacent homeless encampments, and illegal dumping.
Illegal Dumping, and trash transported by wind and runoff from nearby commercial corridors and high traffic areas. Large illegally dumped items such as mattresses, appliances, tires, shopping carts.
Small items such as plastic bags, aluminum cans, bottles, plastic wrappers, clothing, and etc. Illegally dumped materials on-site and in upstream locations, homeless encampments, trash from events held at the Alameda County-Oakland Coliseum, nearby commercial and industrial businesses, nearby high traffic areas, and material transported by the tides and runoff from upstream locations.
Illegally dumped materials on-site and in upstream locations, homeless encampments, trash from events held at the Alameda County-Oakland. Coliseum, nearby commercial and industrial businesses, nearby high traffic areas, and material transported by the tides and runoff from upstream locations.
Trash sources include the Oakland Swap Meet, heavy traffic corridors, homeless encampments, and flows from commercial and industrial upstream locations. Trash transported by wind, creek channel flow, and tides from nearby.
Per the City's request, the Coliseum staff conduct routine cleanup of the property and nearby creek areas after events. The City of Oakland is currently doing a wetland creation and channel restoration project at the 12th street crossing at the channel.
As part of the construction project, a long-standing homeless encampment. Trash common to parks, high density residential and commercial areas, homeless encampments and plastic bags.
Trash common to parks, high density residential and commercial area such as food wrappers, plastic bags, aluminum cans, bottles, clothing, and etc. Trash sources include trash generated within the Lake Merritt Watershed and transported through the City storm drain infrastructure.
Merritt Watershed and transported through the City storm drain infrastructure. Dominant trash types include small items such as plastic bags, clothing, and food wrappers. Large illegally dumped items such as construction materials, mattresses, appliances, tires, shopping carts.
Trash sources include recreational land use, transport from upstream locations, homeless encampments, and illegal dumping. Trash sources include transport for upstream and illegal dumping.
Trash sources include homeless encampments, upstream transport, illegal dumping, and high traffic. Provide summary of new trash load reduction actions or increased levels of implementation of existing actions that were implemented after adoption of the MRP control measures and best management practices including the types of actions and levels of implementation, and the total trash loads and dominant types of trash removed from each type of action.
Dominant Types of Trash Removed by Action. Floatable Trash including food containers and plastics, and sediments from the storm drain lines. Summer 4 days per week summer youth employment program and youth conduct litter abatement at various targeted locations around the City.
Large items such as mattresses and shopping carts. Mattresses 22 ; Appliances 32 , tires 42 , electronic waste Bulky Waste Pick-up Program provide bulky waste pickup to every resident residing in a single family home and occupants of unit buildings and an optional second appointment for the first callers.
The Bulky Waste Pick-up Program also provides bulky waste pick-ups to unit buildings to the. Year-round August 25, and February 6, Weekly Twice yearly at designated locations The City of Oakland passed an ordinance to reduce the use of disposable food service ware and trash loads by initiating increased use of re-usable, compostable, or biodegradable service ware.
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Has anyone ever met the late author Sidney Sheldon? So if the connection is rather slow then a Sky WiFi Booster would boost the range but you would still have a rather slow connection. If you did want to watch Sky in your caravan, you can do this through Sky Go - http: Well lo matesSuddently my iphone 3gs startet having very poor wifi range i have 2 be around meter from my accespoint or my wireless router, And trough a wall forget it: Anyone tried something similar tried searching the forums but without any luckThanks in AdvanceFromranders.
If you're still experiencing the issue after completing these steps, post the template with your answers here and I'll have a member of the team get back to you ASAP. Hello Everyone, I jsut bought an ipad mini this past week and I have not been abe to successfully Facetime with anyone over wifi.
Anyone i facetime tells me that they see me for a moment then the screen freezes and then blacks out. Meanwhile I can see them with no probelm and hear them as well. I thought it could be a poor signal issue with my wifi connection but I have facetimed before on myphone and can ichat perfectly fine on the macbook pro.
What seems to be the issue here please help. Hi, i bought five WNRPT, to extend my wifi, but two of those don't take the wifi signal very well, so:. Hi, just recvd installed SS to solve poor reception in large house with stone walls, seems to be working fine if phone used close to SS which is installed in home office where reception was fine B4 but where previously poor or no signal problem persists.
Your help desk suggested set phone to wcdma only but why?? Either this product works or it doesn't. You claim range of up to 30 meters but I cannot use it within 10 meters. Is this product oversold?
Why doesn't it connect to my WiFi? You can certainly use Wi-Fi extenders with a Sure Signal, there have been posts from other community members to say that they work well for them. As this is a public forum, we can only answer non account specific queries.
If you see a helpful post, please click the 'Thanks' button to let the author know. This helps others find helpful answers in the community too. If you try changing the wireless channel as this has been known to improve your broadband wireless connection.
You can do this here. Ever since my High speed internet was installed, I have noticed thet I only have wifi in the room the modem is in. I live in a 2 bedroom condo, and can't use my laptop if I am more than 10 feet from modem.
Is this the standard with comcast modems? Do I need a signal booster? Same problem, we just moved last week, had tech reconnect us on We'd. Had no problem at the old house my office was upstairs.
In the new place I have no connection upstairs and downstairs it keeps disconnecting. The router antenna is broken, but tech said that wouldn't matter. The wi-fi light constantly blinks, should it be constant?
When will the WiFi adapter support I am using windows 7 bit os in my toshiba c laptop. It shows low wifi signal strength when it is around 5m and Full signal strength placed near to router.
My friend's laptops have no problem with my wifi router. My laptop always run on ac adapter. I like Toshiba, using one right now in fact, however the reviews for your model are not exciting to say the least.
The conclusion seems to be it is an entry level laptop in every sense. You need to add another Apple router to the D-Link device if you want the Time Capsule to extend a network using wireless only.
I have a Portege which I use with a full-size monitor. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing? It should be possible to use wifi along with an external monitor and not have to keep the laptop open too.
Thanks - yes I did check the power management. It is not the problem. The more I think about this the weirder I think it is. Anyway, I have a workaround - I keep the laptop open and use the external monitor anyway.
Seems a waste, but it works. I got an official Sky Wifi connector a few days ago. It can connect to the router but it drops the signal and recordings frequently. But it cannot connect to the Wifi Extender at all.
The Network info always says Fail and Fail for the first 2 boxes onscreen. The password for both router and extender is the same and the extender is working with all other wifi appliances. I just upgraded my KW from Windows 8 to Win 8.
Poor connectivity or lost signal. I did an inplace upgrade to Win 8. Then I found the broadcom driver package sp After windows update everything runs just fine! I am going to have to try this.
My problem with the Broadcom at this point after Windows 8. You almost have to run the tablet with no sleep which really kills the battery. But it makes sense there would be a Broadcom driver for a Lenovo tablet on an HP site.
Is there a problem or a setting that can be changed to improve the reception range? The only thing I can compare to is that I had a several year old Dell Latitude lap top before and it could receive the same WiFi signals at much greater distance than this new XPS.
I know some laptops have 2 antennas, some have ones that actually go around the display, and others are just little stubs under the palmrests about 15mm or less long Message Edited by DeathRider on Comparing it to the other 2 older iPhone 4s, ipad and macs at the same location and time, only my iPhone 4 has the problem.
Should i get it checked out? What can i do to fix it? Hello, I am now using my lenovo laptop for a while, very happy with it. The only thing is that my wifi connection is always very poor.
Not nice, but I could live with it. Now, after moving in a new student flat, with an other router I cannot do anything online anymore unless I'm right on top of the router. I already saw online it could be anything to do with my atheros ar network card.
More people have some issues with that. Who can help me with this?? Sorry, my OS is Windows 7. I tried both already. As wel the original driver from lenovo which is already a few years dated?!
And the modded driver from the other site, both no difference! I installed windows 7 ultimate on my laptop and the laptop receives poor wifi levels even when i'm really close to the router, i have many other devices that use wifi from this router but has full signal strength except for this laptop.
I updated my router but found out its not the problem of the router since i use many other devices that uses the wifi from this router and work fine but my laptop shows poor signal strength even when im really close to the router, please help.
Hello there Apple community, i would like to ask about one major problem. This is happen after i upgrade into IOS 6. Can anyone help me with this? This is killing me since i always connected to wifi to do my work.
Thank you very much. I have very poor signal in my home and CS suggested Tu Go as there are no plans to upgrade signal coverage in my area, even though I am in central london! Without having to switch my phone to air plane mode etc etc We've all been waiting and hoping for far too long for things to improve.
Having to switch your phone into airplane mode is as daft as me having to turn off my screensaver in order to get this thing working. Both my wife and I are having trouble with the 4G signal in the Akron, Ohio area.
Our phones won't even connect to the network in our house unless on WiFi. We never had trouble before. Zip code is Thanks so much for trying that. Since you reached out tous, I do have an additional report of signal issues in the Akron area.
My concern is that it just recently happened so I would love to get additional details for further investigation. Please look out for a direct message from me. Sorry for my late reply. Sadly it did not help but my laptop is going for warranty so they will have a look at it.
My wi fi signal is very poor, and if i go out of room where router is I lose signal altogether The Wi fi on all other things in the house are fine, i. Many thanks for the help,.
I am connected to my home wifi network with excellent signal strength 65 Mbps, yet can't make calls. I have extremely poor cell reception, and the phone seems to be bouncing to that, and giving me the 'no signal' message.
Nothing has changed with my phone or service, and this hasn't been an issue in the past. I can get online with the phone, but phone calls will not connect. However, I just get poor wi-fi signal I'm eating up all of my data allowance each month because I can't connect to the wifi unless i'm in my bedroom.
Can the airport express extend an existing wifi network? I am looking for a portable wifi router that I can use while traveling. I would like to be able to provide acces for my IPad to wired networks and extend a wireless network in the event of a poor hotel signal.
I have found many travel routers with these capabilities but most cannot be configured using only an iPad! Hello and thank you for posting on the HP support forums.
So that I am able to help you out with your WIFI connection issue, could you please post back with some more key information. Please include your full Model number and Product number as well as the Operating system and any service packs you have installed.
When you post back also include any steps that you have taken to resolve the issue. This will help in pinning down what may be causing this. Router and Toshiba Laptop are in the same 1st floor office.
Does it make sense that 1 there is a router issue; 2 a poor DSL signal or 3 something else. I recently got Thinkpad x with windows 7 64bit. The problem is that my wireless internet connection signal is very low and is therefore very slow.
Even a same sized laptop that is 5 years old works much better as far as wifi internet goes It seems like there is a problem with the antenna because the signal bar reaches percent when I place the laptop right next to the router.
However, if I'm a little away from it, I get poor reception. And the reception would usually alternate between 3bars to 1bars, sometimes completely loosing connection even if I'm at working at one location.
I thought there might be problem with the adapter or software, but when I work right next to the router, the signal bar is at it's full gauge and is very stable too. So now I think it is the antenna that is weak or bad.
Does anybody have same problem? Do I need to change my Adapter? As far as I know the antenna goes all the way upto the lcd screen Hi, I know that it's been a lot of time since you had this problem, but I'm having exactly the same problem now and I would like to know what was the solution you used to solve it, if there was any.
Hope you still remember, Thank you! BTW, I tried all of the previous recommendations and none of them worked. I also read a lot about bad hardware - should I have to change my K1?
I have a K1 with 3. K1 Hardware Maintenance ManualUse at your own risk! Hi My local town of Highworth is in the process of enabling wifi for the whole community, with this in mind have just installed one of the pci wifi cards above.
I cannot locate any other wifi modems in the area with this card. My daughter has two fairly old laptop computers and both of them pick up a minimum of 5 other devices locally.
My next door neighbour has an old usb wifi adapter and he can locate at teast 8 other devices. This item is advertised as having an extended range!! Have I purchased the wrong item? I have tried the card with both Windows XP and Windows 7 with the correct drivers.
Any help or suggestions are more than welcome!! WMPN is a wireless adapter and it's only a receiver The signal stength lots depends upon the wireless router and it's settings which broadcasting the signal.
Might be it's a G-Series router or the network Mode is not "Mixed" So the type and the settings of the router does matter as well. I've tried changing channels but nothing seems to help.
It's ok with one or two devices connected but any more and the signal just seems to disappear.. Unfortunately the more devices you have connected to your broadband connection means the less bandwidth available to use hence why you are having problems.
The following troubleshooting steps may help as these ensure you are doing everything possible to get the best out of your connection. I live in an area with very poor signal reception none existent and I need to be able to receive calls.
Is it possible to connect to wifi and receive calls? When I bought it the chap at the shop implied it was the phone and not orange that was the determinent.
I think I am going to be disappointed with my new purchase. Your phone probably used [UMA http: Other than a few carriers, who thought they could use that as a quick-and-dirty way to increase their coverage, the idea hasn't really caught on.
Evidenced by the lack of UMA compatible handsets. So the chap at the shop was partially correct. But incorrect in that the carrier also has to support it. Folks need some help for a luddite, my wifi signal is very poor on my z which is two weeks old, has been poor since I got it just finally fed up.
Locations in house where my old toshiba picked up a strong signal are now unusable please can anyone help. Hi ski64Contact Tech Support, your Z may be having an hardware issue. Poor Wifi Signal With Windows 7 Professional ap I'm only referring to my WiFi card as I don't know anything about yours but I have found that the updated driver [from WinUpdate, Dell or Broadcom] reduced my signal strength so then had to "roll back" the driver in Control panel, Device manager to the default Win7 driver [i.
You might get better info from other threads in this forum or the Dell forums Best of luck, Read All 5 Posts. Read All 3 Posts. Poor Wiifi Signal dc What if you boot onsafe mode. Wifi Signal pj Ive recently moved house and the signal for both my wifi amd phone are very poor at best.
Wifi Signal pj Hi seahawk, I have just enabled private messages on your profile. Read All 6 Posts. Her laptop is also consistently dropping off the network having to re-connect and she is unable to connect to the wireless network at her univeristy depending on where she is in the building she will have weak to no signal where as her class mates will have a full signal sitting right next to her she has a HP pavilion nca running windows 8.
Read All 8 Posts. Read All 2 Posts. Wifi Antenna Booster - Best Buy: Unboxed 73 Is the Internet your Internet? Wifi To 2nd Imac Gets Poor Internet Signal az Here's how you can fix that, go into your router utility and change the channel from automatic to any other channel, what's going on is that almost all routers are set to use channel 1 and your router is receiving interference from other routers around you, give it a try it work for me on multiple times.
Poor Signal 3k has anybody had problems tonite with no digital tv? Poor Signal 3k Check here for transmitter issues. I have installed newest software, and nothing is changed. Nokia E71 Wifi Problem dz seegath wrote: Hadimassa, thank you very much for qiuick reply.
I did as you suggested but no improvement? Poor Signal jx I have a verizon wifi hot spot device, signal at our home is poor, takes a long time to load etc. Poor Signal jx Hello, Your home is causing some kind of interference.
Read All 4 Posts. George eForum Team Yes, it has happened before. Any help would be gratefully received! Very Poor Wifi Reception sk [quote]Hi quttrojames Thank you for your post, unfortunately this sounds as though you may have a seperate issue, please could you take a look at our Network Issues Thread and post your results back here.
Incidentally, I'm on OS 7. Read All 7 Posts. What Are My Options? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Now, power cycle the router and check.. Poor Wifi Service And Poor Customer Service 31 I have wasted 4 hours today, 2 of it on hold and 1 hour going to a service center that I was told to do and still have not had a 20 min issue resolved.
Poor Wifi Service And Poor Customer Service 31 I asume your using one of there gateway devices the modem router combos comcast leases out are very poor performers at best. Poor Network Connection With Wifi ja ipad 2 wifi very slow.
Reset performed, updated software, Read All 1 Posts. Yes, the WLAN button is on. It says the driver is up to date. Device Manager Network Adapter Broadcom Regards Read All 4 Posts.
I realy appreciate any recommendation or solution to fix this problem. These are the other two options to upgrade: Read All 1 Posts. Windows 7 Wireless Signal And Dropout 8m i have excellent signal and no loss of internet on 2x 5 yr old laptops running XP, however with my new windows 7 laptop the wireless is poor and i ocassionally lose the internet altogether??
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Name of the Responsible Authority: Refer to Section C. If not applicable, type NA in the box. If one or more of these BMPs were not adequately implemented during the reporting fiscal year then indicate so and provide explanation in the comments section below: X X X Control of debris and waste materials during road and parking lot installation, repaving or repair maintenance activities from polluting stormwater Control of concrete slurry and wastewater, asphalt, pavement cutting, and other street and road maintenance materials and wastewater from discharging to storm drains from work sites.
Left over debris is swept up and discarded of appropriately. This function is performed by a minimum of a two person crew. One person operates the saw while the other person is right behind them vacuuming to remove the sediment.
City of Oakland C. If one or more of these BMPs were not adequately implemented during the reporting fiscal year then indicate so and explain in the comments section below: X X Control of wash water from pavement washing, mobile cleaning, pressure wash operations at parking lots, garages, trash areas, gas station fueling areas, and sidewalk and plaza cleaning activities from polluting stormwater Implementation of the BASMAA Mobile Surface Cleaner Program BMPs.
Bi-weekly safety meetings are also conducted with staff. These tailgate meetings may include discussion regarding stormwater issues that may arise on the job or from complaints.
See Comment 1 X X X X X Control of discharges from bridge and structural maintenance activities directly over water or into storm drains Control of discharges from graffiti removal activities Proper disposal for wastes generated from bridge and structure maintenance and graffiti removal activities Implementation of the BASMAA Mobile Surface Cleaner Program BMPs for graffiti removal Employee training on proper capture and disposal methods for wastes generated from bridge and structural maintenance and graffiti removal activities.
Contract specifications requiring proper capture and disposal methods for wastes generated from bridge and structural maintenance and graffiti removal activities. Bridge work is limited to graffiti removal activities only.
Paint over spray on or roll over 2. Chemical removal of graffiti wipe on If needed, power washing using a pressure washer is used to remove graffiti from structures. Additionally, many structures such as electrical boxes and signs and bridge structures located within the Oakland boundaries may not be City jurisdiction.
These cases are referred by City staff to the responsible agency for response. Does your municipality own stormwater pump stations: If your answer is No then skip to C. Complete the following table for dry weather DO monitoring and inspection data for pump stations1 add more rows for additional pump stations: Attach inspection records of additional DO monitoring for corrective actions: As stated in Section C.
Pump stations that pump stormwater into stormwater collection systems or infiltrate into a dry creek immediately downstream are exempt from DO monitoring. Complete the following table for wet weather inspection data for pump stations add more rows for additional pump stations: The City conducts inspections of the three stormwater pump stations listed above on a Bi-weekly schedule.
Rural Public Works Construction and Maintenance. If one or more of the BMPs were not adequately implemented during the reporting fiscal year then indicate so and explain in the comments section below: Rural means any watershed or portion thereof that is developed with large lot home-sites, such as one acre or larger, or with primarily agricultural, grazing or open space uses.
Place an X in the boxes below that apply to your corporations yard s: We do not have a corporation yard. X X X X Control of pollutant discharges to storm drains such as wash waters from cleaning vehicles and equipment Routine inspection prior to the rainy seasons of corporation yard s to ensure non-stormwater discharges have not entered the storm drain system Containment of all vehicle and equipment wash areas through plumbing to sanitary or another collection method Use of dry cleanup methods when cleaning debris and spills from corporation yard s or collection of all wash water and disposing of wash water to sanitary or other location where it does not impact surface or groundwater when wet cleanup methods are used.
The City continues to implement Best Management Practices BMPs such as routine monitoring and maintenance of the area in an effort to prevent stormwater impacts. Housekeeping sweeping, litter dumpster maintenance are common issues at the Corporation Yard.
No issues reported Conduct storm drain maintenance, yard sweeping, and installation of filter fabric in necessary storm drains. Conduct yard sweeping and close dumpsters when they are not in use.
Section 3 - Provision C. The City's Stormwater Ordinance Chapter When a project is approved, the City applies the Standard Conditions of Approval. During environmental review the City identifies whether the project is subject to Provision C.
City staff also attends trainings sponsored by the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program and other agencies. For City staff involved in the review of C. Green Streets Status Report.
On an annual basis if applicable, report on the status of any pilot green street projects within your jurisdiction. For each completed project, report the capital costs, operation and maintenance costs, legal and procedural arrangements in place to address operation and maintenance and its associated costs, and the sustainable landscape measures incorporated in the project including, if relevant, the score from the BayFriendly Landscape Scorecard.
There is no specific permitee reporting requirements for this section. The City of Oakland, as a member of the Countywide Program, participated in these countywide and regional efforts.
This discussion should include a general comparison to the inspection findings from the previous year. All inspections are conducted by City staff. Aside from one inspection where the inspector observed and removed one piece of trash from a treatment system, all of the inspected treatment measures appeared to be in proper condition.
No inspection follow-up activities or corrections were required. The results from this past year were the same as from the previous year i. Total Site Area Acres 7. Project Name Project No.
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 2. Master Plan for long-term redevelopment of medical campus Redevelopment: Construction of 28 affordable residential units Redevelopment: Reconstruction of a shopping center Redevelopment: Construction of two new and story office towers New Development: Include cross streets If a project is being constructed in phases, indicate the phase number and use a separate row entry for each phase.
Example descriptions of development are: Also state the downstream watershed s. See comment 1 below. Under one acre; decrease in impervious surface; discharges to underground culverts;. For private projects, state project application deemed complete date and final discretionary approval date.
List source control measures approved for the project. Enter the corresponding provision number of the appropriate criterion i. Decrease in impervious surface; discharges to underground culverts Not required.
Decrease in impervious surface; discharges to underground culverts Required. Parking garage discharge treated; rooftop equipment covered Rooftop equipment covered; marked inlets; roofed trash enclosure.
In such cases, the design criterion is determined during the construction permitting phase of project review when the applicant submits detailed engineering information with the project's construction drawings.
During the planning phase of project review the City reviews the conceptual type, size, and location of proposed stormwater treatment systems and determines whether there generally is adequate site area designated for stormwater treatment.
Fill in table below or attach your own table including the same information. Kaiser Medical Office Building 3. Tassafaronga Village Habitat for Humanity 5. State the responsible operator for installed stormwater treatment systems and HM controls.
State the type of inspection e. FY Annual Report C. Provide background information, highlights, trends, etc. During the FY reporting period the City conducted stormwater inspections. An additional stormwater inspections were conducted right after the reporting period July and August in response to conducting a low number of inspections and not meeting the City's goal of performing 1, stormwater inspections during FY In addition to the stormwater inspections conducted in July and August, the City plans to conduct 1, annual inspections from September through June during FY However illegal car painting and car washing operations are on the rise in the City, and are difficult to regulate.
These operations contribute significantly to stormwater pollution. The standard procedures followed by the City staff for performing industrial and commercial facility stormwater inspections includes the following: Review and compare stormwater monitoring results to stormwater thresholds and limits set forth in the SWPPP - If applicable 3.
List below or attach your list of industrial and commercial facilities in your Inspection Plan to inspect that could reasonably be considered to cause or contribute to pollution of stormwater runoff.
See Attachment 1 for Potential Facilities List. The City has provided an updated list of facilities to account for facilities that have opened or closed during the reporting period. List below or attach your list of facilities scheduled for inspection during the current fiscal year.
Fill out the following table or attach a summary of the following information. Indicate your violation reporting methodology below. X Permittee reports multiple discrete violations on a site as one violation.
Permittee reports the total number of discrete violations on each site. Stormwater inspections are performed at industrial and commercial business facilities in the City of Oakland in conjunction with CUPA Inspections.
Violations observed are recorded on an inspection form, and multiple violations observed at a given industrial and commercial facility is recorded on the inspection form and is reported as one violation.
The City of Oakland did not meet its inspection goal of conducting 1, inspections at commercial and industrial facilities during FY In response to not meeting the above goal, City staff conducted additional stormwater inspections of commercial and industrial facilities in July and August During the FY reporting period the City conducted a total of inspections including 11 re-inspections at facilities.
Of the 61 facilities in violation, there were 23 written enforcement actions and 38 verbal warnings issued. A summary of the violation documented during an inspection conducted in FY that was not resolved within 10 working days or in a longer but still timely matter is summarize below: During the inspection of facility, water quality sample results provided in the facility Annual Report displayed results significantly over the thresholds for all parameters.
Re-inspection is to be conducted, but new water quality sample results have not been obtained. During July and August, the City conducted an additional total of inspections including 70 re-inspections at facilities.
Of the 33 facilities in violation, there were 10 written enforcement actions and 23 verbal warnings issued. A summary of the violations documented during inspections conducted in July and August that were not resolved within 10 working days or in a longer but still timely matter is summarize below: Observations made included an abandoned chemical container containing a corrosive chemical and improper e-waste storage outside and uncovered.
Inspector has contacted property owner, and is attempting to locate RP through property owner. As viewed from the surrounding, adjacent, and accessible areas, potential non-stormwater discharges of automotive fluids and general housekeeping appeared to be issues at the facility.
Outdoor auto dismantling was also reportedly occurring at the site. The inspector continues to attempt to contact a RP or the Property Owner without success. Cumulatively, between FY and July and August, the City conducted a total of 1, inspections including 81 re-inspections at 1, facilities.
Of the 94 facilities in violation, there were 33 written enforcement action s and 61 verbal warnings issued. As stated above, additional inspections were conducted in July and August Additionally, the City staff conducting industrial and commercial stormwater inspections at business facilities considers multiple violations at one site as one violation.
The data for inspections that occurred in July and Augusgt included: Agencies to list specific enforcement actions as defined in their ERPs. Percentage calculated as number of each type of enforcement action divided by the total number of enforcement actions.
The number of actual discharges documented during the July and August inspections included: List below or attach a list of the facilities required to have coverage under the Industrial General Permit but have not filed for coverage: Illicit Discharge staff performs inspections and enforcement for incidents identified by complaints and field identified issues.
Resources such as aerial maps, sewer sheets, and Geospatial Information System GIS are readily available, and enable staff to quickly and accurately locate the source of the illicit discharge.
In addition, refer to Section C. List below or attach your complaint and spill response phone number and spill contact list. Describe implementation of minimum standards and BMPs for mobile businesses and your enforcement strategy.
The City has a number of tools and approaches when conducting enforcement for mobile businesses. Enforcement is typically conducted against the property owner where the mobile business is working, and enforcement actions are directed to the property owner which is commonly passed on to the Contractor.
Additionally, the City has the authority to issue enforcement actions against mobile businesses and may work with the County District Attorney's Office, the City Attorney's Office or the City's Business Tax department to obtain compliance.
Stormwater violations that are observed during inspections caused by mobile business are immediately addressed with the Contractor. Developed methods and protocols included working in conjunction with the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health ACDEH, who has jurisdiction over mobile food vendors in Alameda County, to obtain stormwater compliance.
As part of the mobile food vendor permitting with the ACDEH, mobile food vendors receive BMPs and information on stormwater regulations, and agree to comply with local, state, and federal stormwater regulations in their acquiring their permit to operate from the ACDEH.
The City has not historically utilized mobile businesses or mobile surface cleaning companies in its operations, but in FY the Oakland Police Department OPD requested the use of a mobile vehicle washing Contractor as a cost savings measure.
Additionally, the OPD included language in the contract with the Contractor requiring compliance with all local, state, and federal stormwater regulations. Since the procurement of the OPD contract other City departments have inquired about the use of an outside Contractor to conduct vehicle washing on various vehicles and equipment.
Additionally, see Section C. Provide a summary or attach a summary of your collection screening program, a summary of problems found during collection system screening and any changes to the screening program this FY.
City of Oakland has implemented and installed a variety of stormwater infrastructure that is serviced on a routine basis including weirs, storm drain inlets, manholes of various sizes and types of material.
These various types of infrastructure devices are designed to collect debris prior to entering the stormwater system. I checked my gpu its fan was working fine.? My Thoroughbred mare has a cracked hoof and has a matted coat.
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You almost have to run the tablet with no sleep which really kills the battery. But it makes sense there would be a Broadcom driver for a Lenovo tablet on an HP site.
Is there a problem or a setting that can be changed to improve the reception range? The only thing I can compare to is that I had a several year old Dell Latitude lap top before and it could receive the same WiFi signals at much greater distance than this new XPS.
I know some laptops have 2 antennas, some have ones that actually go around the display, and others are just little stubs under the palmrests about 15mm or less long Message Edited by DeathRider on Comparing it to the other 2 older iPhone 4s, ipad and macs at the same location and time, only my iPhone 4 has the problem.
Should i get it checked out? What can i do to fix it? Hello, I am now using my lenovo laptop for a while, very happy with it. The only thing is that my wifi connection is always very poor.
Not nice, but I could live with it. Now, after moving in a new student flat, with an other router I cannot do anything online anymore unless I'm right on top of the router.
I already saw online it could be anything to do with my atheros ar network card. More people have some issues with that. Who can help me with this?? Sorry, my OS is Windows 7.
I tried both already. As wel the original driver from lenovo which is already a few years dated?! And the modded driver from the other site, both no difference!
I installed windows 7 ultimate on my laptop and the laptop receives poor wifi levels even when i'm really close to the router, i have many other devices that use wifi from this router but has full signal strength except for this laptop.
I updated my router but found out its not the problem of the router since i use many other devices that uses the wifi from this router and work fine but my laptop shows poor signal strength even when im really close to the router, please help.
Hello there Apple community, i would like to ask about one major problem. This is happen after i upgrade into IOS 6. Can anyone help me with this? This is killing me since i always connected to wifi to do my work.
Thank you very much. I have very poor signal in my home and CS suggested Tu Go as there are no plans to upgrade signal coverage in my area, even though I am in central london! Without having to switch my phone to air plane mode etc etc We've all been waiting and hoping for far too long for things to improve.
Having to switch your phone into airplane mode is as daft as me having to turn off my screensaver in order to get this thing working. Both my wife and I are having trouble with the 4G signal in the Akron, Ohio area.
Our phones won't even connect to the network in our house unless on WiFi. We never had trouble before. Zip code is Thanks so much for trying that. Since you reached out tous, I do have an additional report of signal issues in the Akron area.
My concern is that it just recently happened so I would love to get additional details for further investigation. Please look out for a direct message from me. Sorry for my late reply. Sadly it did not help but my laptop is going for warranty so they will have a look at it.
My wi fi signal is very poor, and if i go out of room where router is I lose signal altogether The Wi fi on all other things in the house are fine, i. Many thanks for the help,.
I am connected to my home wifi network with excellent signal strength 65 Mbps, yet can't make calls. I have extremely poor cell reception, and the phone seems to be bouncing to that, and giving me the 'no signal' message.
Nothing has changed with my phone or service, and this hasn't been an issue in the past. I can get online with the phone, but phone calls will not connect. However, I just get poor wi-fi signal I'm eating up all of my data allowance each month because I can't connect to the wifi unless i'm in my bedroom.
Can the airport express extend an existing wifi network? I am looking for a portable wifi router that I can use while traveling. I would like to be able to provide acces for my IPad to wired networks and extend a wireless network in the event of a poor hotel signal.
I have found many travel routers with these capabilities but most cannot be configured using only an iPad! Hello and thank you for posting on the HP support forums.
So that I am able to help you out with your WIFI connection issue, could you please post back with some more key information. Please include your full Model number and Product number as well as the Operating system and any service packs you have installed.
When you post back also include any steps that you have taken to resolve the issue. This will help in pinning down what may be causing this. Router and Toshiba Laptop are in the same 1st floor office.
Does it make sense that 1 there is a router issue; 2 a poor DSL signal or 3 something else. I recently got Thinkpad x with windows 7 64bit. The problem is that my wireless internet connection signal is very low and is therefore very slow.
Even a same sized laptop that is 5 years old works much better as far as wifi internet goes It seems like there is a problem with the antenna because the signal bar reaches percent when I place the laptop right next to the router.
However, if I'm a little away from it, I get poor reception. And the reception would usually alternate between 3bars to 1bars, sometimes completely loosing connection even if I'm at working at one location.
I thought there might be problem with the adapter or software, but when I work right next to the router, the signal bar is at it's full gauge and is very stable too. So now I think it is the antenna that is weak or bad.
Does anybody have same problem? Do I need to change my Adapter? As far as I know the antenna goes all the way upto the lcd screen Hi, I know that it's been a lot of time since you had this problem, but I'm having exactly the same problem now and I would like to know what was the solution you used to solve it, if there was any.
Hope you still remember, Thank you! BTW, I tried all of the previous recommendations and none of them worked. I also read a lot about bad hardware - should I have to change my K1?
I have a K1 with 3. K1 Hardware Maintenance ManualUse at your own risk! Hi My local town of Highworth is in the process of enabling wifi for the whole community, with this in mind have just installed one of the pci wifi cards above.
I cannot locate any other wifi modems in the area with this card. My daughter has two fairly old laptop computers and both of them pick up a minimum of 5 other devices locally.
My next door neighbour has an old usb wifi adapter and he can locate at teast 8 other devices. This item is advertised as having an extended range!! Have I purchased the wrong item?
I have tried the card with both Windows XP and Windows 7 with the correct drivers. Any help or suggestions are more than welcome!! WMPN is a wireless adapter and it's only a receiver The signal stength lots depends upon the wireless router and it's settings which broadcasting the signal.
Might be it's a G-Series router or the network Mode is not "Mixed" So the type and the settings of the router does matter as well. I've tried changing channels but nothing seems to help.
It's ok with one or two devices connected but any more and the signal just seems to disappear.. Unfortunately the more devices you have connected to your broadband connection means the less bandwidth available to use hence why you are having problems.
The following troubleshooting steps may help as these ensure you are doing everything possible to get the best out of your connection. I live in an area with very poor signal reception none existent and I need to be able to receive calls.
Is it possible to connect to wifi and receive calls? When I bought it the chap at the shop implied it was the phone and not orange that was the determinent. I think I am going to be disappointed with my new purchase.
Your phone probably used [UMA http: Other than a few carriers, who thought they could use that as a quick-and-dirty way to increase their coverage, the idea hasn't really caught on.
Evidenced by the lack of UMA compatible handsets. So the chap at the shop was partially correct. But incorrect in that the carrier also has to support it.
Folks need some help for a luddite, my wifi signal is very poor on my z which is two weeks old, has been poor since I got it just finally fed up. Locations in house where my old toshiba picked up a strong signal are now unusable please can anyone help.
Hi ski64Contact Tech Support, your Z may be having an hardware issue. Poor Wifi Signal With Windows 7 Professional ap I'm only referring to my WiFi card as I don't know anything about yours but I have found that the updated driver [from WinUpdate, Dell or Broadcom] reduced my signal strength so then had to "roll back" the driver in Control panel, Device manager to the default Win7 driver [i.
You might get better info from other threads in this forum or the Dell forums Best of luck, Read All 5 Posts. Read All 3 Posts. Poor Wiifi Signal dc What if you boot onsafe mode. Wifi Signal pj Ive recently moved house and the signal for both my wifi amd phone are very poor at best.
Wifi Signal pj Hi seahawk, I have just enabled private messages on your profile. Read All 6 Posts. Her laptop is also consistently dropping off the network having to re-connect and she is unable to connect to the wireless network at her univeristy depending on where she is in the building she will have weak to no signal where as her class mates will have a full signal sitting right next to her she has a HP pavilion nca running windows 8.
Read All 8 Posts. Read All 2 Posts. Wifi Antenna Booster - Best Buy: Unboxed 73 Is the Internet your Internet? Wifi To 2nd Imac Gets Poor Internet Signal az Here's how you can fix that, go into your router utility and change the channel from automatic to any other channel, what's going on is that almost all routers are set to use channel 1 and your router is receiving interference from other routers around you, give it a try it work for me on multiple times.
Poor Signal 3k has anybody had problems tonite with no digital tv? Poor Signal 3k Check here for transmitter issues. I have installed newest software, and nothing is changed.
Nokia E71 Wifi Problem dz seegath wrote: Hadimassa, thank you very much for qiuick reply. I did as you suggested but no improvement? Poor Signal jx I have a verizon wifi hot spot device, signal at our home is poor, takes a long time to load etc.
Poor Signal jx Hello, Your home is causing some kind of interference. Read All 4 Posts. George eForum Team Yes, it has happened before. Any help would be gratefully received!
Very Poor Wifi Reception sk [quote]Hi quttrojames Thank you for your post, unfortunately this sounds as though you may have a seperate issue, please could you take a look at our Network Issues Thread and post your results back here.
Incidentally, I'm on OS 7. Read All 7 Posts. What Are My Options? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Now, power cycle the router and check.. Poor Wifi Service And Poor Customer Service 31 I have wasted 4 hours today, 2 of it on hold and 1 hour going to a service center that I was told to do and still have not had a 20 min issue resolved.
Poor Wifi Service And Poor Customer Service 31 I asume your using one of there gateway devices the modem router combos comcast leases out are very poor performers at best.
Poor Network Connection With Wifi ja ipad 2 wifi very slow. Reset performed, updated software, Read All 1 Posts. Yes, the WLAN button is on. It says the driver is up to date.
Device Manager Network Adapter Broadcom Regards Read All 4 Posts. I realy appreciate any recommendation or solution to fix this problem. These are the other two options to upgrade: Read All 1 Posts.
Windows 7 Wireless Signal And Dropout 8m i have excellent signal and no loss of internet on 2x 5 yr old laptops running XP, however with my new windows 7 laptop the wireless is poor and i ocassionally lose the internet altogether??
Poor Wifi Connectivity 83 Please help Common Problems with Cheers, Dave Read All 3 Posts. K - personal info removed. Kansas City Metro Has Real Poor Service cz sprint likes to throttle kc or somethin i just got service it was all good 1.
Wifi Signal 38 Hi Jhall1, Thanks for taking the time to post and welcome. Unfortunately this is something we do not support. We are unable to assist you with this.
I am sorry i could not be more helpful. Need Help Windows 7 - Wireless Network Connection Crop Internet Connection With Very Low Signal And ff Hi all i have bought my dell laptop two weeks ago, and i have wireless network connection problem, thesinal is very very poor and it's drops, i sent the laptop to dell laboratory and they replace me the networkcard and the antenna, but i sill have the problem, the wirless is very poor, in the other side all my friend have the same network cared that i have intel N, and they have full signal in the same place, also depite i have the latest driver update, that is soo annoying and i can't have internet connection at the university, because windows 7 drops my wifi,!!!
There may be wireless interference that could be preventing the internet connection: Take a look at step 6 in this article which give more details on this: Poor Indoor Signal z7 why can i no longer get signal boost through my wifi on my nokia E5.
Poor Indoor Signal z7 A little more information would be useful. Error in Provisiong a user to AD11g db: Servicio windoes Oracle db: Wifi Connection Signal Fluctuates.
Experiencing weird problem with wifi. Poor Wifi Signal 1a Anyone else experiencing poor wifi reception? Poor Wifi Signal 1a Instead of giving those textbook answers, the Sony people who are watching this forum should take a Dash home with them.
Read All 10 Posts. Wifi Icon Works Intermittantly. Wifi Connection Works Fine. How Does A Microwave Oven Interfere With Wifi Signal fj this is caused by the fact that both a microwave oven and most wifi routers operate at a frequency of 2.
For further assistance, I will need to know: Weak Wifi Signal jj I just bought hpd29tu laptop with windows 8. Weak Wifi Signal jj Hi bilal93, When you are getting a weak wireless connection, I would suggest first running the Windows 8 diagnostic and troubleshooting tools.
I have problem trying to get the E75 to detect any Wifi Access point. No Wifi Signal With Iphone 1p Hi Mcritchie, Thanks for taking the time to get in touch, The wireless booster is currently out of stock due to high demand, but it does sound like you require one, it would be a case of waiting until they become available again im afraid, Give me a shout if there is anything else we could help you with, regards, Natalie Community Coordinator Read All 4 Posts.
Read All 13 Posts. K1 Can't Connect To My Wireless Network zz That tells me that could be the wireless router or router configuration incompatibility perhaps. After Upgrading To Ios6 Wifi Works Poorly md After upgrading to iOS6 wifi has poor signal even 6 feet from router, apps hard to close, seems like overall performance worse after update.
RapidBerry Read All 7 Posts. Very Poor Wifi Signal 1z In addition to JamesR's good advice you could also try changing the wireless channel that the router operates on to a different one. Any advice will be gratefully received: As soon as this information is available we will post this on the forum.
Poor Signal 9k HiReally frustrated with vodaphone signal, I can only get reception on en suite window sill, I stupidly left O2 7 months ago who now have an app for wifi calls, any sign of vodaphone doing the same???
Iphone 5 And Wifi Issues 9j If you are having WiFi problems it is necessary to isolate whether the problem is with your network or your iPhone. Iphone 3gs Poor Signal fj Could anyone help with my weak network and wifi signal on my iphone 3gs..
Sorry I could not have been of more help. A Wifi Poor Signal Strength z3 If you can, try connecting to another hotspot or network and see how good or bad your signal is.
Iphone 5 Wifi 1p I have serious issues with my iphone5 wifi, the signal is poor and gets disconnected other times doesnt even find a network whereas other smartphones get connected with full strength signals.
Iphone 5 Wifi 1p Your iPhone 5 is still under warranty. Windows 7 Home Premiumbit Service pack 1 I've recently bought a Pavilion dvc60us Entretainment PC with a Intel Centrino Wireless-N network adapter installed and for the first few days i've been experiencing difficulties reciving my home wifi.
It will work just fine within a meter or two of the modem reciving 'five bar' reception. Intel Centrino Wireless-N Poor Wifi Reception f7 Purchased a Pavilion dmus last week and having wifi problems, slow performance, session drops intermittently.
Read All 5 Posts. Thanks, Wayne Read All 3 Posts. Thank you-ill Read All 1 Posts. Sorry for my poor english: Poor Signal Strength pz Hi, just recvd installed SS to solve poor reception in large house with stone walls, seems to be working fine if phone used close to SS which is installed in home office where reception was fine B4 but where previously poor or no signal problem persists.
Your IP address is on our whitelist, so no problems there either. The thicker the stone walls in a property, the less chance a signal will have to pass through. Let me know how you go on. Poor Wifi Signal fx how can i improve my wifi signal strength.
Poor Wifi Signal fx Good afternoon rich, Thanks for your post. Regards, Read All 2 Posts. Poor Wifi cf Ever since my High speed internet was installed, I have noticed thet I only have wifi in the room the modem is in.
Poor Wifi cf Same problem, we just moved last week, had tech reconnect us on We'd. Low Wifi Signal Strength kc I am using windows 7 bit os in my toshiba c laptop.
No sir...